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  1. #641
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    Default yaaaaaaa!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by oldskiier View Post
    The Time is now !!!
    here's a big ole woooooooooottt!!! for the rv!!!!

  2. #642
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldskiier View Post
    The Time is now !!!
    I think you are wright! There's to much to come thru. The only thing holding this up is the part behind the scenes that we can not see.

  3. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by snottynose View Post
    here's a big ole woooooooooottt!!! for the rv!!!!

  4. #644
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    Kroger Bush Commissioner started functioning in Iraq

    16:00:00 2007 Friday June 15

    Dr. Osama Mahdi

    Fears of renewed violence in Baghdad when the curfew was lifted tomorrow

    Kroger Bush Commissioner started functioning in Iraq
    Osama Mahdi from London : Al "Ilaf" that Megan Ouselvan Commissioner Delegate to the American President George Bush has started functioning in Baghdad today to oversee the work of the Iraqi government and cooperation with the completion of a number of files political, security and economic imperatives ... While across the Iraqi citizens on fears of renewed sectarian violence in their capital tomorrow, Saturday, at the expiration of the curfew, at the time the American forces that they had killed 11 rebels and arrested members of a cell of bomb-making.

    He knows the Iraqi source in a telephone call from Baghdad, the American delegate Commissioner had arrived in Baghdad last night and started their day to hold meetings with the American ambassador in Baghdad, Ian Crocker and embassy team, The tasks will hold meetings with senior Iraqi officials during the next two days to lay the foundations for cooperation between the two sides to carry out the tasks entrusted to it by President Bush and on the performance of the Iraqi government's willingness to accelerate the completion of 4 heated files relating to the amendment of the constitution and legal uprooting the Baath, oil and gas, and to achieve national reconciliation and the completion of elections of local councils of the governorates, especially as they know the conditions of Iraq through its assistance to the American Civil former Governor of Iraq, Paul Bremer.

    The Ouselvan maintains good relations with most of the current Iraqi politicians through their work to assist Bremer during his administration of Iraq for the period from April 9 (April) in 2003 when it was the toppling of former President Saddam Hussein and even handing over sovereignty to the Iraqis on the 30th of June (June) 2004. He pointed out that these politicians closest to it is the Iraqi Vice President and leader of the Supreme Council of Islamic Iraq Adel Abdul Mahdi accused by one of the most prominent Iraqi capacity to assume the presidency of the government.

    He said that Megan Ouselvan had suffered in October (October) in 2003 to the danger of death when the hotel was inhabited in Baghdad for a missile strike ..

    And when she found the door to her room closed, escaped from the nets cattle on the brink of a narrow and dangerous located on the 10th floor and then took to the street ...

    Officers then moved next to one of the palaces of Saddam.

    Earlier, Bush warmly praised the capabilities Ouselvan which will be charged nicknamed "the presidential," pointing out that it would go to Iraq to work with Ambassador Ryan Krokrali follow steps, implementation and agreed upon by the White House and Congress to be applied in Iraq. And Bush had last week signed the law that looms possible withdrawal of American forces from Iraq if the Iraqi government failed to achieve progress in the area of political and security reforms.

    The price of Iraqi President Bush attended Jalal Talabani during their meeting in the White House last week capabilities Megan Ouselvan that operated by Stephen Hadley his deputy national security adviser, which is becoming an increasing role in the Iraqi issue, but recently resigned from her post in the National Security Council.

    Bush said that Megan Ouselvan will travel there to help the Iraqi Ambassador Ryan Crocker as well as follow up the implementation of the steps agreed to by the White House and Congress to be applied in Iraq ...

    He added : "I pay tribute to the dedicated role played by Megan for the freedom of Iraq."

    Megan will become that have already served in Iraq, in practice, is that personal American fourth there beside each of the General David Berr íos commander of the American forces in Iraq and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Ambassador Timothy Karni charged with the reconstruction of Iraq. These figures are practically controlled by their headquarters in the Green Zone in the vital matters in the country.

    Miss Megan Ouselvan born on the 13th of September (September) 1969 and Original Irish holders of bachelor's from Georgetown University, and recently the MA and Ph.D. from Oxford University. It later became the Brookings Fellow of the Center for Studies under the leadership of Richard Haas, and worked with him at the center of political planning in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the development of smart sanctions against Iraq.

    , Nominated her in the White House for the post of National Security Advisor American future.

    The source explained that Ouselvan enjoyed strong personality and had been working inside the small team near Bush in the White House in the daily follow-up of the situation in Iraq, It will, through its work in Baghdad to send reports directly to the White House about the progress of the reforms that have been agreed upon between Washington and the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is the most important directions of sectarianism in the country where the Bush administration believes now that it is leading to kindle sectarian violence.

    Fears of renewed violence in Baghdad when the curfew was lifted tomorrow, Saturday,

    Across Iraqi citizens in the capital Baghdad, the real fears of renewed sectarian violence in the city tomorrow, Saturday, when the lifting of the curfew imposed since last Wednesday, following the bombing of military Memente tombs of the two Imams in the city of Samarra (125 km north-west of Baghdad).
    He informed citizens "Ilaf" in the phone calls to real cautious and legitimate fears prevail population of the capital of renewed violence tomorrow, especially as armed clashes have occurred in a number of districts in Baghdad immediately after the announcement of the first explosion damaged yesterday. They pointed out that the decision curfew had enabled the authorities to contain these acts of violence and prevent the spread of Atinchert at a time when security forces in the neighborhoods of the capital and location sensitive.

    The number of citizens that they stayed home tomorrow, pending the outcome of the conditions of their city when the curfew was lifted, which led to the delay in final examinations for schools and universities, which had to postpone part to the next week and the other part to the beginning of next month. And although the capital had not witnessed acts of violence following the bombing range twin, but the areas outside in a number of southern provinces witnessed the destruction of a number of Sunni mosques amid calls for religious authorities to exercise restraint and not to resort to revenge attacks.

    At this time, the investigation will continue with the guards and Almerkdin played by the top official format Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki headed by the Chief of Staff of the army and representatives of the security services and the criminal. The authorities arrested all the shrine guards who add them later 14 policemen, including a senior guards amid suspicions of involvement in this crime.

    Security developments

    She said American forces in Iraq, in 4 military data to the "Ilaf", the MND troops launched a successful raid in the early morning in the eastern neighborhood conclusively rational and arrested nine people running for bomb-making cell.

    Has the American soldiers of the first battalion of confidentiality Knights fourth arrest persons without incident, and believed that the people arrested were involved with cell explosive devices and recruitment of the Base has recently launched attacks against the unit in the session.

    His unit, which was planned and led the raid Capt. Jerry Simonsen of the State of Kansas "This was an easy process. This is one of many times where everything to the fullest. "

    The information provided from citizens, soldiers Simonsen to implement raid after midnight.

    In Sadr City, in eastern outskirts of Baghdad, soldiers carried MND with a faction of the Iraqi national police raid was the seizure of a large cache of weapons and arrested six persons.

    The raid carried out by three, when the elements of the second wave of airborne battalion of 325 and a faction of the Iraqi National Police to target location.

    The soldiers found the three mortars integrated 120-mm shells and fired four 120-mm mortar shells and 32-mm mortar rounds and 60 rockets from three 107-mm Periscope Rchahti Kalashnikov rifle, and Sadretin made under this heading and the preparation of a variety of weapons manuals.
    They were arrested six suspects during the raid at the site.

    Ten were also killed by rebel soldiers of the multinational force in Baghdad from the brigade combat Fourth Infantry Brigade in the first six incidents of firing directly to the west of the same categorical.

    The first batch of soldiers from Infantry Battalion 18 "vanguard" and the first batch of 28 Infantry Battalion "Black Black" have fought and killed enemies after a series of ambushes with light weapons and explosive devices.
    He said the public relations officer and spokesman for the brigade combat team fourth leading Kirk to WEDC "believes that the escalation of hostile activity in the neighborhoods of the Shiite majority west rational relationship with the military attack on the shrine in Samarra." The enemy forces also launched a series of shooting attacks in the immediate area during the day, killing one Iraqi citizen in the Saydia neighborhood in Baghdad.

    In the town of Baquba, northeast of Baghdad, the Iraqi army and coalition forces responsible for security in Diyala and Entremhafezh Treuammaliat Diyala clashed, killing and wounding an armed.

    The soldiers attributed to the Second Brigade of the Iraqi Army Task fifth soldiers the first batch of 12 of the cavalry battalion brigade combat team from the Third Task Knights had first noticed people opponent of the Iraqi forces, pointing a rocket RPG status as government clashed with and killed and another wounded.

    In other combat operations, clashed attack helicopters armed with missiles brigade combat air 25 and destroyed a car bomb in Khan Bani Saad. Longshoremen clashed secrecy of the first batch poll with 82 offensive elements of the anti-Iraqi forces who were holding explosives in the car were both killed two persons and the destruction of the car mediated missile. The explosion happened as a secondary result of explosives inside the car.

    In the town of Musayyib, south of Baghdad, clashed helicopters of the coalition forces with officials cache of mortars.

    The helicopter OH F-58 fired 50-mm rockets and missiles to destroy the cache.
    The cache contained Spetanti 120-mm mortar shells, a mortar and 100 mm mortar shells 87.

    And Maskaraltagy south of Baghdad near the Iraqi man approached from the point of traffic control and reporting Iraqi army soldiers that it had artillery shells and one mortar shell and one near his home in the Hawr the Bush in Iraq.

    The man reported soldiers of the Third Brigade of the Iraqi 9th Army Division (Mechanism) and that shortly after they wake up the morning went outside the house to find missiles near his home. And he immediately informed the traffic control point for the purpose of the request for assistance to remove missiles from the region.
    Upon investigation found American soldiers from the second wave of cavalry battalion eighth with Iraqi troops fired 155-mm artillery shells and a 120-mm mortar shells. Been securing the region and has been removed for the purpose of the missile destruction. Has the coalition forces to grant the man a reward for doing the news of the missile.

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  5. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluedangle View Post

    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #646
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    Default question

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    parliament meets on tuesday.
    SGS are you saying parliament is not meeting until tuesday? thanks

  7. #647
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    UN Security Council set to end mandates of affiliate bodies June 26

    UN Security Council set to end mandates of affiliate bodies June 26
    UNITED NATIONS, June 15 (KUNA) -- UN Security Council will on June 26 "terminate immediately" the mandates of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Iraq.

    Speaking to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) on Friday, a council diplomat said on that date, UNMOVIC chief Demetrius Perricos is scheduled to orally brief the council on the commission's work and that it found no weapons in Iraq.

    The council will act by voting on a draft resolution that would request the Iraqi government to report to it within one year on progress made in adhering to all applicable non-proliferation treaties and other arrangements.

    The UN secretary-general would be requested to take all "necessary measures" to provide for the appropriate disposition of UNMOVIC's archives and other property under arrangements ensuring that "sensitive proliferation information or information provided in confidence by member states is kept under strict control." Attached to the draft would be a letter by the US and UK, as well as another by the Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari.

    The joint US-UK letter said both governments have been working with the Iraqi cabinet since 2003 "with the objective or locating and securing, removing, disabling, rendering harmless, eliminating, or destroying weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq developed under the regime of Saddam Hussein." "We wish to inform the council that all appropriate steps have been taken" in that regard, the letter noted.

    It called the council's attention to the conclusions of the report issued by the Special Advisor to the US Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq's WMD , known as the Duelfer Report, which concluded in 2004 that no such WMD were found in Iraq.

    Zebari's letter, dated last April, outlined additional actions that Baghdad has taken, and other actions that it intends to take in the near future, to demonstrate and affirm to the international community its belief that it is now in full compliance with its obligations under international law regarding the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

    An UNMOVIC official told KUNA that since the UN experts left Iraq in 2003, the commission spent some USD 50 million in salaries and training sessions.

    There are now roughly USD 60 million in the UN escrow account that have to be returned to the Iraq Development Fund once the commission shuts down.

    The official added that more expenses are expected to be spent to shut down UNMOVIC. "It will not be just switch off the light and leave," he said.

    He explained that UNMOVIC has in its New York office a Scud missile engine, an SA2 missile engine, that have been used in training operations, plus documents and equipment.

    He added that UNMOVIC also has more equipment, such as gas masks and monitoring cameras stored in its office in Cyprus which has to be shut down too.

    Disposing of them costs money also, he said. (end) sj.

    KUNA 160105 Jun 07NNNN

    Kuna site|Story page|UN Security Council set to end mandates of affilia...6/16/2007

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    This may have been posted previously....interesting info regarding the WTO Accession on Page #17

    Iraq Weekly Status Report 13.06.07

  9. #649
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    Adib told «life» : American administration wishes to make adjustments

    (Voice of Iraq) - 16-06-2007

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    Maliki submit to the parliament and provincial laws abolishing the Baath Party and the distribution of oil soon ... Adib told «life» : American administration wishing to conduct constitutional amendments during a specific timeframe
    Baghdad-Salhi leadership life-16/06/07 / /

    Under pressure and the threat of American withdrawal continued political support and security, the Iraqi government has announced the completion of the preparation of the Law on the Election of the provincial assemblies in preparation for presentation to the House next week for a vote, to be followed by Law «accountability and reconciliation», the alternative to abolishing the Baath Party in the next week. followed by the oil and gas mutatis mutandis it.

    With continued parliamentary blocs moves to contain the repercussions of the bombing of Samarra, discussed the presidency of the republic «need to make collective leadership and management of the country by involving all the components of the Iraqi people» in the resolution.

    The MP said the writer, one of the leaders of the Shiite coalition l «life» that «hint American administration to withdraw support from the government is not new», pointing out that the American administration «urging the government to take specific actions within a specific timeframe». He explained that «reconciliation and Accountability Act, which calls the American administration to endorse it needs to be further amendments to be acceptable, particularly as it is in its original version allow the return of the repressive elements that were active during the previous regime to the location, and this is not possible», noting that the government considers that «could open doors for the return of the Baathists who have not committed crimes against the Iraqi people to their previous condition that pledge not to return to the party again», and stressed that the law «will be presented to the House of Representatives within the next two weeks».

    Law and the provincial assemblies and district-associated territory, he went on : «it will be completed next week to the House for a vote», and added that «this law proved powers will be divided equally between the government and the local government for the rehabilitation of these governorates, and prepared for the federal system of hand, and avoid overlapping of powers on the other hand». He concluded the leadership of the Party «invitation» that «spe******ts are working on studying the oil and gas», and stressed that the law «will be subject to amendment and address the objections made by blocs which briefed him earlier to be accepted by all the parties».

    For his part, MP Wael Abdel Latif member list «Iraqi» of «life» that «contacts Palmerjayat and other foreign dignitaries Iraqi resident abroad and have an impact on the trends and forces active in the home resulted in the rapid containment of the crisis that followed the Samarra explosions last», adding that «move now register success for the Iraqi political forces». And on the move within the parliament to change the centers of power, Latif said that «contacts between all parties is essential to exploit the incident Samarra to entrench the concept of national unity and Islamic».

    So, President Jalal Talabani, a meeting of the presidency attended by Vice Adel Abdel Mahdi and Tariq Al-Hashmi to discuss «need to make collective leadership and management of the country by involving all the components of the Iraqi people», The meeting underlined «that activate and energize the public affairs of the state and its institutions, such as the Supreme Council presidency and the prime minister and parliament commensurate with the seriousness of this sensitive stage».

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    Iraqi media figures are pointing resolutions imposing curfews

    (Voice of Iraq) - 16-06-2007

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    Iraqi media figures are pointing resolutions imposing curfews and consider such attempts ignoring facts

    Trends free special -
    He workers stationed in Iraqi newspapers and Arab satellite channels and global operating in Iraq, complained of what they described as attempts by the government of ignoring the facts and obliterate from public opinion, in reference to the government's decision to impose curfew in the capital, Baghdad, following the terrorist bombing that targeted military Menarti Imams (p).
    Foundation and the trends of free information and culture International, received several messages from the Iraqis showed reporters where umbrage at the government's decisions to impose curfews, expressing at the same time expressed understanding of the issue such decisions thus preventing the sedition and bloodshed. They took on the government lack of interest in facilitating the task of journalists and media staff, and launched an appeal that "acts of violence and unrest are facts on the ground, and are not entitled to the government or any other party to lose the voice of truth or change reality, and that such actions could undermine the democratic endeavor, which is seeking a free press and other institutions and national forces to implant in Iraqi society. "
    And added to the free trends "that such decisions are not respected and does not appreciate his media work, contrary to statements by officials in the government and their promises to build a democratic Iraq that respects freedom of opinion, and provides easier for workers in the press and the media to obtain information from sources, in affirming messages "that the decisions without considering curfews and facilitate the work of a journalist seeking to transfer the facts, contradicted with the hopes of the citizens in general and journalists in particular vision of a democratic Iraq sacrificed for the future and voted for the Constitution that he thought were guaranteed such rights."

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