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  1. #171
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    Default Correct. . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky142 View Post
    I always wonder what people have on their mind when they post a date as:
    1/6/2007 or 6/1/2007.

    Don't people know that this could mean January 6, 2007 or a June 2007?

    Is there clouds or is there just a lack of compassion for those who like up to date news and can't tell the difference?

    My best guestimate is this article is related to 1 June 2007

    In the US it is 6/1/07. In other countries and our military it is 1/6/07

  2. #172
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    Thumbs up UN trains nine Iraqi election commissioners

    UN trains nine Iraqi election commissioners

    29 May 2007 The United Nations, which has long supported the convening of democratic elections in Iraq, today kicked off a week-long session to train nine new members of the country’s Independent High Electoral Commission.

    (NOTE: IMPORTANT Benchmark: Regional, local Elections to be administered by this of elections yet to be announced - later this fall?)

    “Electoral assistance continues to be one of the very important ways that the United Nations is contributing in Iraq, helping Iraqis to build a more peaceful and democratic future,” said B. Lynn Pascoe, the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs.

    The session, lasting until 8 June, will be conducted in New Delhi, India, by staff from the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) and the Electoral Assistance Division of the Department for Political Affairs. The invitation to hold the training in India was extended by the country’s Government as well as its Election Commission, whose members will share their experiences with their Iraqi counterparts.

    The aim of the session is to teach the nine Iraqis how to manage the electoral process in a transparent and non-partisan manner.

    It is also hoped that during the week-long process, the commissioners, who were appointed by Iraq’s Council of Representatives after legislation was passed earlier this year, will forge a strong working relationship with each other.

    The UN has a successful track record of supporting Iraq elections, dating back to 2004. The world body’s experts provided assistance that culminated in the election of Governorate Councils and a national Council of Representatives, as well as the adoption of a new constitution. UNAMI has also provided advice on the establishment of permanent independent electoral institutions.

    UN trains nine Iraqi election commissioners=

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    Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

    “The situation has deteriorated very significantly in the last 18 months for children [in Iraq], and it continues to worsen,” Daniel Toole, Acting Deputy Executive Director and Director of Emergency Programmes for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) told reporters today at a Headquarters press conference.
    An estimated 4 million people –- equalling the population of Ireland -– had been displaced because of violence, half of whom were children, he said.
    UNICEF’s decision to launch its “immediate needs” report for funding this morning in Jordan with Queen Rania, rather than at the press conference, was precipitated in part by the importance UNICEF had placed on engaging the Jordanian royal family and the Government, and on mobilizing the region.
    Recounting successes he witnessed during his recent trip to Irbil, he highlighted the massive door-to-door campaign to immunize children in the city and its surrounding areas against measles, mumps and rubella. The Government, UNICEF and the World Health Organization had, together, immunized 3.6 million children -- a success in any country, but a “tremendous achievement” in a violence-torn country like Iraq. Measles was one of the biggest killers during emergencies, particularly among malnourished children.
    He also was excited about the potential for additional activities in northern Iraq, including strengthening the Government’s capacity to respond to Iraqis who had fled from the South to the North, and providing assistance to those still in the South.
    However, “the vulnerability of children is clearly in evidence,” he cautioned, recounting how bomb attacks in Irbil just days after his visit had destroyed the image of “relative peace” in the North. The spiral of violence was creating chaos for children, and one of UNICEF’s greatest concerns was the lack of access to clean water. Two thirds of Iraqi children lacked access, a situation that increased their risk of diarrhea, dehydration and death. The first cases of cholera also had been recorded, signalling a “gigantic red flag”.
    Furthermore, he said, school attendance had plummeted from 75 per cent two years ago to just 30 per cent today, as parents remained fearful of sending their children to school and teachers remained in extremely short supply. The “brain drain” of qualified people for those positions only worsened the picture.
    UNICEF could not solve such dilemmas alone, he added, highlighting a need for an end to the violence and increased support. Jordan and Syria had done a tremendous job of welcoming Iraqi refugees as guests and agreeing to help with primary school education and health.
    He pointed out to say that UNICEF had maintained its presence in Iraq, and credited its 20 Iraqi staff members, 200 monitors and rapid response system with ensuring consistent services. Last year alone, the Fund spent $57 million transporting water, improving sanitation in schools and providing nutrition supplements and medical supplies.
    Today, UNICEF was requesting $42 million from donors to cover basic requirements for the next six months, as its internal reserves were “totally inadequate to the problems at hand.” That amount was in line with appeals issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and others. UNICEF already had issued almost $3 million in internal reserves to launch its operations in Iraq and would this week release another $7 million. With those funds, UNICEF had rehabilitated water supply networks for 3.4 million people, provided basic goods for 500,000 people various cities and undertaken immunization campaigns, among other initiatives.
    Taking a question on whether Iraqi children were better off today than a few years ago, when UNICEF suggested that 500,000 Iraqi children had died because of international sanctions, he said Iraqi children certainly were not better off today than two years ago, recalling again that large numbers of malnourished, non-vaccinated and uneducated children remained in Iraq. Furthermore, displacement put a huge burden on families, many of which were often headed by women who were trying to hold their families together during an extremely difficult time.
    Asked about whether those issues had been given attention by either the Iraqi or United States Governments, he responded that UNICEF had spoken with both Governments. Additionally, he had recently attended a conference in Geneva that addressed the humanitarian situation in Iraq and met with the Government in Northern Iraq, which was examining how to address the needs of children who had been educated in Arabic in the south, but now lived in an area where school was taught in Kurdish. UNICEF had been in talks with the United States Government about supporting education for Iraqi refugee children in Jordan.
    Asked about people facing problems leaving Iraq and entering surrounding countries, he responded that there had been issues of formality and difficulty, both leaving Iraq and also crossing the borders of neighbouring countries, including in Jordan. UNICEF had conducted long discussions with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Education about providing additional support to the Jordanian Ministry of Education, so that it could respond to the numbers of refugees. Both Syria and Jordan have expressed their need for assistance, and that was the importance of Queen Rania launching the report this morning.
    On how UNICEF’s appeal fit into a broader United Nations context and whether any of the $42 million had been committed, he responded that the Fund had begun conversations with donors to ensure funds arrived quickly, noting that it had conduced more advanced discussions with the United States on support for education in Jordan. Inside Iraq, the United Nations country team had pulled together a strategic plan, including a humanitarian plan. However, it did not yet have everything in place for a “One UN” appeal. UNICEF received all of its support from voluntary donations, and about 30 per cent of its support from the general public. If the United Nations team decided, as a whole team, to announce a consolidated appeal, UNICEF would be part of that appeal.
    On the mechanics of that appeal, he said UNICEF had 37 national committees. People generally responded to UNICEF appeals, he continued, highlighting that two thirds of the funds raised to support victims of the Asian tsunami came from the general public. Taking another question on whether the Government of Iraq contributed to UNICEF finances, he responded that he did not have a breakdown of all finances and would have to check on that. Inside Iraq, he said one issue raised by the Minister of Education was how to deal with the different types of requirements in the country. He also said the Iraqi Red Crescent had been a key partner.
    On the subject of American cooperation and whether UNICEF was trusted, he said, indeed, people knew UNICEF. He had suggested to teams on the ground to use more stickers on medicines supplied in order to increase trust and ensure public understanding that it was, indeed, the United Nations that was providing support. On cooperation with the United States, he said that was primarily logistical.
    As to whether there was evidence of the use of child soldiers in Iraq, he responded that UNICEF did not have hard evidence. There was no system for monitoring that phenomenon in Iraq because, historically, it had not been an issue in the country. However, when children were displaced, they were often approached by others for purposes of labour or use as child soldiers. The fact that the conflict in Iraq had created such dissension in the region meant that it remained a tempting option for children who were angry and who had seen their houses and villages destroyed.
    * *** *
    For information media • not an official record

    READING THIS IS AN indictment of their mis-use of power. Maybe only G-D will be able to forgive them! Hopefully, the Iraqi People will NOT!
    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 02-06-2007 at 10:22 PM.

  4. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredgwest1999 View Post
    Promises of a new Minister of Electricity improved processing power

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007

    Promises of a new Minister of Electricity improved processing power from mid-June

    Baghdad-file Press

    Minister of Electricity promised Iraqi citizens improved processing power, starting from mid-June, at the time still the capital Baghdad and some cities in the center are not processed in power for more than one hour per day during the last 24 hours.

    The Minister of Electricity, Dr. Karim Wahid Hassan, during a press conference, held at the ministry last Thursday and attended "file Press," that Baghdad and other governorates would be improved processing power,

    beginning on June 15, 2007 and climb gradually fact that the annual maintenance of the stations which started since September 15, 2006 last According to the plan, which will expire by the the ministry on June 15, 2007 and will work units and stations that had been suspended due to maintenance, will the lines that were returned to service work.

    Stressing that the work and Serath at this stage "large and cumbersome and now our security and the Ministry of Electricity is not technically operate the climate of security is incorrect and there is no ministry in the world operate in this airspace."

    "The conference began a conversation about the conditions of the electricity system and the suffering, stressing that "there is no control centers at the present time Most devastating, currently under construction and this is no justice in the distribution of electric energy between the provinces there pressure on staff distribution by the provinces, districts and wards, and some citizens concerned For this fall when rumors of energy we have no means of protection now and therefore depends plants Autmatekeya, while going out of the total system "

    Explaining that "going out is the complete destruction of the electric system, we need a week to return to work again. Of this, the last week happened in the system fully extinguish three times because of lack of commitment by the governorates and re-assessed their share of the system and after ten days to work. "

    "He added that the "lack of cooperation from the provincial assemblies and non-cooperation and non-cooperation of the conservatives many quarters with regret though we hand one and one fabric."

    He revealed the return of a number of pipelines to transport the energy that feeds the city of Baghdad, which had been targeted and made during prior periods have been re-maintenance and will return to work in the coming days beginning on June 6.

    He said, "I do not want to state the names and locations of those lines for fear of targeted again if returned these lines will improve the status of the city of Baghdad."

    Pointing out that the city of Baghdad there is no generation stations So it is essentially stalled session Taji carbonated beverages, carbonated and Jerusalem and the three stations stalled because of the lack of fuel that the gas pipeline that feeds the plants destroyed and the problem is not in the Oil Ministry but the problem in the destruction of infrastructure and targeting persistent and the total energy generated by these stations suspended Limits Mika 500 watts and are missing at the present time.

    He added : "Even the fuel is transferred by car peritonitis stopped because targeting these cars constantly The technicians and engineers to move the station across the river by boat because of the severed roads and bridges leading to the station and the rehabilitation of the station delayed five days because of banditry and we daresay time in hours and not days know how suffering citizen. "

    Source : Press file

    Translated version of

    NOTE: Not a new minister has been in place since 2006.
    Iraqi Council of Ministers Presented to the Parliament
    by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki MAY 2006

    1. Dr. Barham Salih, Deputy Prime Minister
    2. Salam al-Zawba'i, Deputy Prime Minister
    3. Nuri al-Maliki, Acting Minister of the Interior
    4. Salam al-Zawba'i, Acting Minister of Defense
    5. Dr. Husayn al-Shahrastani, Minister of Oil
    6. Baqir Jabr al-Zubaydi (a.k.a. Bayan Jabr), Minister of Finance
    7. Hoshayr Zebari, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    8. Hashim al-Shibli, Minister of Justice
    9. Ali Baban, Minister of Planning
    10. Karim Wahid, Minister of Electricity
    11. Dr. Ali al-Shammari, Minister of Health
    12. Dr. Khudayyir al-Khuza’i Minister of Education
    13. Dr. Abd Dhiyab al-Ajili, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific
    14. Dr. Abd-al-Falah al-Sudani, Minister of Trade
    15. Fawzi al-Hariri, Minister of Industry
    16. Dr. Karim Mahdi Salih, Minister of Transportation
    17. Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, Minister of Communications
    18. Mrs. Bayan Daza’i, Minister of Housing and Construction
    19. Riyad Ghurayyib, Minister of Municipalities and Public Works
    20. Dr. Latif Rashid, Minister of Water Resources
    21. Mahmud Muhammad Jawad Al Radi, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
    22. Dr. Ra'id Fahmi Jahid, Minister of Science and Technology
    23. Mrs. Narmin Uthman, Minister of Environment
    24. Jasim Muhammad Ja’far, Minister of Youth and Sports
    25. As’ad Kamal Muhammad Abdallah al-Hashimi, Minister of Culture
    26. Mrs. Wijdan Mikha’il, Minister of Human Rights
    27. Dr. Abd-al-Samad Rahman Sultan, Minister of Immigration and Displaced
    28. Dr. Liwa Sumaysim, Minister of State for Tourism and Antiquities
    29. Dr. Barham Salih, Acting Minister of National Security Affairs
    30. Adil al-Asadi, Minister of Civil Society Affairs
    31. Dr. Rafi Hiyad al-Isawi, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
    32. Dr. Safa al-Safi, Minister of State for the Council of Representatives
    33. Dr. Sa’d Tahir Abd Khalaf al-Hashimi, Minister of State for Governorate Affairs
    34. Mrs. Fatin Abd-al-Rahman Mahmoud, Minister of State for Women’s Affairs
    35. Dr. Akram al-Hakim, Minister of State for the National Dialogue Affairs
    36. Muhammad Abbas al-Uraybi, Minister of State
    37. Ali Muhammad Ahmad, Minister of State
    38. Hassan Radi Kazim al-Sari, Minister of State
    Good point,

    Looks like reshuffle is finally in process, and what better place to start than the minister of power given the total failure of former minister to provide the most basic of rights, power to the citizens. Disgraceful to think that all those billions sitting in budget went unspent when people are only getting a couple hours of power a day. Let us hope we hear several more new names slip out in the coming days.

    Good luck and health to all, Mike

  5. #175
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    Iraqi gunmen kill Qaeda's Fallujah leader
    Photo: AFP
    BAGHDAD (AFP) - Unidentified gunmen shot dead a local Al-Qaeda leader in the western Iraqi city of Fallujah on Saturday, police said, as fighting between rival Sunni factions undermined the insurgency.

    The apparent assassination of the militant kingpin came as the US military announced that marines and Iraqi security forces had killed seven Al-Qaeda fighters during an assault on a truck bomb factory.

    Both incidents appeared to be linked to increased cooperation between Sunni factions, once sympathetic to the Iraqi resistance, and the US military, which is encouraging nationalist factions to fight Al-Qaeda.

    Colonel Tareq al-Dulaimi, a senior police intelligence officer with close ties to Anbar Province's pro-US tribal coalition, confirmed reports that Muwaffaq al-Jugheifi had been killed but did not identify the attackers.

    Dulaimi described the slain Al-Qaeda leader as an Iraqi from Fallujah.

    A police captain, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: "Militants riding in two civilian cars opened fire on al-Jugheifi and his group on Saturday morning as they left the Abu Ayyub al-Ansari mosque."


    "I can confirm that we know of Muwaffaq, he is known to be behind numerous crimes, including kidnapping," Major Jeff Pool, spokesman for Fallujah's US marines, told AFP, without confirming his death.

    Fallujah is the focus of a large-scale security operation in which Iraqi police and tribal levies, backed by US forces, are trying to drive out Al-Qaeda Islamist militants.

    Saturday's killing came after the Anbar Salvation Council, the armed wing of the province's tribal coalition, announced that it was sending plainclothes "secret police" to Baghdad to kill Al-Qaeda leaders.

    The council, whose fighters include thousands of former insurgents, has fallen out with Al-Qaeda and thrown its lot in with US forces. It has sent gunmen to join the Iraqi police and pro-US tribal levies.

    Earlier this week, fierce street battles erupted in west Baghdad between nationalist Sunni militants and Al-Qaeda.

    Also on Saturday, Iraqi police and soldiers and US marines killed seven Al-Qaeda militants in the attack on a Fallujah truck bomb factory.

    Acting on a tip-off, they stormed the workshop shortly after sunrise, triggering a two-hour firefight with militants, some wearing suicide bomb vests.

    One of the vests exploded when marines from the 6th Marine Regiment opened fire on five suspected Al-Qaeda members fleeing the scene, the US military in Fallujah said in a statement.

    In all, seven suspects were killed and eight were captured. There were no Iraqi or coalition casualties, and two trucks rigged as suicide bombs were destroyed in controlled explosions, the statement added.

    Major Pool reported another operation in the northeast of the lawless city, where marines and Iraqi security forces closed off a district, searched for militants and recruited local men into another levy.

    "The operation cleared the section of the city of known insurgents and the combined force installed barriers to limit access," he said.

    "Police recruited from among the community a neighbourhood watch to screen those wanting to enter."

    Three children were also reported killed when a US tank opened fire on men believed to be setting a roadside bomb just south of Fallujah. The men escaped and three children were later found dead at the scene.

    In Baghdad, meanwhile, the western neighbourhood of Amiriyah was relatively quiet for a second day following two days of fierce clashes between Al-Qaeda, rival nationalist insurgent groups, tribal forces, and US troops.

    Residents described Wednesday and Thursday's fighting as an effort to rid the predominantly Sunni neighbourhood of unwelcome Al-Qaeda fighters.

    The fighting mirrored the situation in western Iraq where Sunni armed groups, who formerly largely opposed the US-led occupation, are turning against Al-Qaeda and its pan-Islamist ambitions.

    US forces have recently confirmed that they are actively seeking to work with what they dub "reconcilable" nationalist insurgent movements, which are mostly led by ex-military officers and Baathists.

    Al-Qaeda has issued an Internet statement calling on insurgent groups to cease their internecine clashes and decreeing that "participation in sedition was illegal."

    North of Baghdad, police accused Al-Qaeda of blowing up a key highway bridge on the road to the northern oil hub of Kirkuk.

    "Gunmen bombed this strategic and important bridge and caused a great deal of damage, cutting the road between Kirkuk and Baghdad," said Colonel Abbas Mohammed Amin, chief of police in Tuz Khurmatu.

    The 500-metre (-yard) Sarha bridge crosses the Al-Adham river that flows out of the remote Himreen hills, an insurgent hotbed around 150 kilometres (90 miles) north of Baghdad.

    Four people were also reported killed in attacks around Kirkuk, while seven others were shot dead in separate incidents in Mosul.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
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    Mandarin sends congratulations framed flowers and invitations shower
    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007
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    Mandarin is framed with flowers and congratulations shower invitations to Mam Jalal Talabani

    CAIRO-Iraq voted Bilal-Sharif

    On the occasion of the second anniversary of the founding session and the National Union Puk Professor Hazim al-Yusifi representative of the National Union in Cairo warmest congratulations and blessings to His Excellency the Iraqi president Mam Jalal Talabani and the leadership of the National Union Puk and people Alkordi proud fighter this memorable occasion in and outside Iraq.

    Mandarin also sent bouquets and Rod Athra's political cadre of the Patriotic Union of Puk and wished all continued success and progress in the framework of meaningful and creative work for the good of the territory and achieve the goals of Kurdstan people Alkordi freedom, liberty and prosperity.

    The mandarin that the struggle by the National Union Puk in particular and the rest of the organizations and political actors Alcordstanih in the province through this period that preceded it glorifies case dynamism, and the courage and ability to sacrifice all Ghali Nafis for Neil Alkordih rights and the fight against tyrants age and despite all these sacrifices and fighting all types conventional weapons and chemical But steadfastness National Union Puk Indoctrinate criminals and dictators and various types of lessons in sacrifice, diligence and maintain good soil Territory.

    Also feet (mandarin) warm congratulations to caretaker head of the Republic of Iraq Mam Jalal Talabani on the occasion of his return to Sulaymaniyah International Airport accompanied Mr. Kosert Rasul, the Deputy Head of Kurdstan territory after a visit to the USA, lasted nearly two weeks, during which he met President George Bush and his Excellency wished longevity and success that Shinafiyah and Muwaffaqiyah God.

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    A new mechanism for the disbursement of rewards to those handing in the museum
    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007
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    A new mechanism for the disbursement of rewards to those who turn in the Iraqi National Museum

    Baghdad and agencies

    An official source in the General Organization for Antiquities and Heritage, said that an ad hoc committee was formed to recognize effects returned to the Iraqi National Museum, and added that the committee formed for a long time in the exercise of its duties according to the daily theme for this purpose, He pointed out that the receipt of the citizens of Ayaatariha any impediment, and that the public museums always welcomes all who wish to deliver the Iraqi museum at any time he wishes, Mukda, that is without legal accountability that recognizes our monuments and preserved.

    The official source said that the law currently in force and Heritage No. 55 of 2002, under the provisions of Article 19 paragraph (III) and Article (49) regulates this matter and refers to the reward given to anyone who turns effects to the original public museums. Regarding the mechanism used in the receipt and disbursement of reward, the source said : The delivery of citizen archaeological remains in his possession Iraqi link to the museum recognizes the effects of official indicating full name, address, number and date of receipt and signed and stamped by the Division recognizes effects, then transferred to the interim storage room for the classification of each article manufactured by the impact and quality mentioned that the crafts and materials sent to the Iraqi National Museum by government agencies or security services Technical Committee examined and then sent to a laboratory in the analysis and sorting and storage as existing controls them.

    Previously, the State Office of the Prime Minister acknowledged that a large quantity of the citizens returned to the office. The Office Sallam Zubai Deputy Prime Minister had delivered to the National Museum of the amount returned, and that the Integrity Commission has (210) archaeological items to the National Museum mostly No. mudslides very important

    Source : Press file

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    Maliki and Barzani reject Turkish threats

    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007

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    Arbil (Iraq) (AFP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Erbil Saturday rejected Turkish threats, stressing the necessity of not turning Iraq into "a platform to attack" neighboring states or "theater of operations".

    Al-Maliki said during a joint press conference with the head of the Kurdistan Massoud Barzani at the end of a three-day visit to Erbil (350 km north of Baghdad) that "the federal government and the government of Kurdistan region of Iraq refused to be a springboard to attack neighboring countries."

    He added that "Iraqi land must be respected and not be allowed to turn into the theater of operations. We do not want to harm neighborhood and the intervention of neighboring countries in the Occupied Iraqi military invaded or addressing any group. "

    He continued : "If there are problems that should not moving towards disarmament and the use of violence and force because this fuels and exacerbates the problems."

    For his part, Barzani Asked about the Turkish threats "Felicoloa whatever they want. I hope that within Bid Interior and only then used the language of threats now and not think about solving problems of war, because the war had never dealt with the problem. "He added : "I like to talk with them a language of friendship ... and the language of threats unacceptable."

    He alluded Turkish Army Commander General Yasar Buyukanit on Thursday that his forces could attack the Kurds in northern Iraq, but the decision in this matter back to the government.

    He explained that "political authorities will determine if the entry (into Iraq) whether the process will be limited to the elements of the Kurdistan Workers Party, or whether something will happen also with Barzani."

    The Turkish army launched operations in several provinces to pursue PKK elements in while helping thaw in the mountains of the region to get to Turkey from their bases in northern Iraq.

    Intensified fighting between the Turkish army and Kurdish rebels in recent weeks.

    Since 1984 separatist rebellion broke date for the PKK in Turkey, the conflict resulted in more than 37 thousand people killed.

    On the other hand, al-Maliki said that the application of the article on the normalization of the situation in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk and controversial "binding".

    Al-Maliki said, "We are obliged to implement Article No. 140 of the same steps that we have it."

    He added, "We understand that there may be difficulties but it does not justify failure to proceed according to the application process entrusted to us."

    He continued : "I do not think that there are different views on this issue among political forces that participated in the drafting of the constitution and added this paragraph."

    For his part, Barzani said, "We agreed to implement them, as the Constitution ... there is no disagreement on that."

    Article 140 of the Constitution to "normalize the situation and conduct a census and referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories to determine what residents want, before December 31, 2007."

    It demands that the Kurds inflict Kurdistan in Kirkuk province, while Turkmen and Arabs opposed it.

    The Supreme Committee on the Application of Article decided late January last need to "re Arabs coming to Kirkuk to their areas of origin in central and southern Iraq and given financial compensation appropriate."

    Officials announced that the number of Arab families wishing to leave the city to their places of origin of more than 12 thousand family about eighty thousand people.

    But he did not specify the original.

    The Revolution Command Council, who was sentenced in the previous adoption of resolution No. 42 of 1986 which provides for the transfer of Arabs Shiite clans in the Middle Euphrates and the south to Kirkuk within the Arabization policy was pursued.

    The population of Kirkuk, about 1 million people are a mixture of Kurds, Turkmen and Arabs with CldU-Assyrian minority.

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    Last edited by Hkp; 03-06-2007 at 12:06 AM.

  9. #179
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    talks with Barzani that lasted three days

    Malki : "The government is committed to the implementation of

    Article 140

    Counting Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki objective of his visit to Kurdistan to stabilize the political project, and the foundations of political relations among the various tracks of democracy need to review serious and comprehensive, emphasizing at the same time that the survival of multinational forces in Iraq is determined by the Iraqi people and government, pointing to adhere to Article 140 of the Constitution concerning the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk

    Mr. al-Maliki said in a joint press conference yesterday Gomaa President Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan : The visit to the Kurdistan region come to review and discuss some issues with Mr. Barzani and the leadership of the province and the Kurdistan Democratic Party to stabilize the political project, and the foundations of political relations and support the political process Bemsaratha democracy and require a comprehensive review, serious and understanding to support the political process and the political project.

    He refused Maliki told the American Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on the survival of the multinational forces in Iraq for many years, saying : that the statement has no basis because it is the prerogative of the people and government and can talk by one party is not discussed by the government and this issue is for the people and government.

    The Prime Minister, who concluded his visit to Kurdistan yesterday after his talks with Massoud Barzani, head of the province on some constitutional issues outstanding that lasted 3 days, are not allowed to harm or with the neighboring Iraq to be the scene of military operations against neighboring countries also do not accept others harming Iraq. On article 140 of the Constitution concerning the normalization of the situation in the disputed areas, particularly in the city of Kirkuk Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki noted that the article unconstitutional and the government is committed to implement despite the difficulties did not justify not proceed with the process of application.

    Maliki stressed that Christians are part of the Iraqi people and that terrorism does not discriminate between one he sympathized with their plight, stressing agreement with their representatives to a set of steps to alleviate the suffering which moved the security forces and the army of the session in Baghdad to ensure the return of displaced families to and cleared of terrorists. He said Maliki regarding s and the law of oil and gas has reached good results and an agreement in this regard after discussing the matter by the joint committees in Baghdad. He explained that the security file is part of a program agreed upon between the government and the multinational forces according to several levels and a schedule and when we complete the receipt of provincial and command and control there will be a second agreement on the presence of the multinational forces, pointing out that the security forces and within an integrated strategy to attack nests of terrorists have been arrested eight thousand is required and 800 terrorist killed in clashes, stressing the readiness of the government to extend aid to the families stage.

    For his part, President of the Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani, said the talks touched broaden the political base to support the government Hello any hand in support of the government of any agreement within the coalition forces and actors who have a key role in toppling the former regime and the political process now.And between the Kurdish Peshmergas forces and regional recognized their mission to maintain security in the region and Iraq.

    As for the oil has a special committee that it is accomplished correctly affirming that he will be confronting all terrorist hands through stand together to overcome the obstacles indicating that there was no pressure on the Kurds on article 140 as a rule agreed upon. Barzani announced that they arrested the network, which was behind the recent bombings that targeted the city of Arbil and eliminate drunk, and said that the elements of the network, however, justice and the guilty will be punished distribution.

    Maliki's visit comes at a time of Kurdistan said Hoshyar Zebari, the foreign minister that the government of Iraq's Kurdistan region remarks on the obligations of the Iraqi government on the demands of the province, saying in a press statement : the leadership of the province observations on the government's obligations regarding the territorial demands constitutionally and the need to be there understandings about these things and support each other in order to foster unity or government support to overcome the challenges we face. "Between Zebari : discussed a number of issues, including how to activate the role of political forces and blocs to support government programs, as well as to move forward in the direction of national reconciliation, Mahe frameworks such reconciliation. in addition to the article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, which has been confirmed as a constitutional entitlement and must be applied and further steps and procedures agreed upon within contexts time, but through mutual understanding. "
    He also pointed out that the meeting with Barzani Maliki also aim to "strengthen the existing political alliance, especially between the coalition and the Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance and the basic forces participating in the coalition and alliance in the coming period there will be talks and meetings perhaps broader involving other parties of the two blocs to strengthen the alliance and openness to the everyone put others before benefits and participation and their government, constitutional and political.

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