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    Talabani is due to Sulaymaniyah from the United States
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007 | - صوت العراق

    Talabani is due to Sulaymaniyah from the United States of America

    Sulaymaniyah - Voices of Iraq

    From Rahman Ghraib

    A source in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan's President Jalal Talabani has returned, Saturday afternoon, to Sulaymaniyah International Airport after a visit to the United States of America two weeks ago for treatment.
    The source, who refused to reveal his name, the Independent News Agency (Voices of Iraq), Saturday, he was met Talabani at the airport, Dr. Barham Ahmed Salih Deputy Secretary-General of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Deputy Prime Minister Omar Fattah, Vice President of the government of the Kurdistan region, and a number of members of the Political Bureau and the leadership of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, party members and government officials.
    The source pointed out that he was accompanied Talabani Kosert Rasul, the Deputy Head of the Kurdistan province.
    He is scheduled to attend the big celebration will Talabani in Sulaymaniyah occasion of the 32 anniversary of the founding of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
    The source did not specify the date of the celebration.
    Recall that President Talabani met President George Bush in Washington last Thursday and discussed with him the developments in the cause of national reconciliation in Iraq and the planned amendments to the law on abolishing the Baath Party.
    The Iraqi president had Gadraleslimanih, on the 20th of last month, heading to the United States of America to conduct medical examinations in the general hospital (Mayo Clinic) in the city (Rochester) American state of Minnesota.
    The news media that Iraqi and foreign Talabani may stay in the United States nearly three months, to reduce weight ... And a share of rest and relaxation, away from the pressures of work and meetings continued.
    It should be noted that Talabani was admitted to the (Hussein Medical City) in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on the 25th of the month of February last year, after a sudden illness.

    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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    02 Jun : 13:26
    Prime Minister end his visit to Kurdistan press conference with Masoud Barzani

    Luna / 6-2 / Kurdistan / terminated Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki today, Saturday, a visit which lasted 3 days to the city of Erbil in Kurdistan where he met with Mr. Massoud Barzani, President of the Territory.
    The Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki held a joint press conference with President Barzani before leaving Arbil International Airport back to Baghdad highlighted on the most important topics that were discussed during the meetings and said the two sides discussed with the political leadership in the territory of Kurdstan security and the issue of supporting the political process in Iraq and ways to strengthen cooperation between Baghdad and Erbil.
    In response to a question about Article 140 Maliki renewed commitment to the implementation of the above-mentioned article in the schedule for the constitutional article that they voted by a majority of the Iraqi people.
    For his part, Mr. Massoud Barzani, President of Kurdstan region that the most important topics discussed during meetings with the Prime Minister the Iraqi security situation and the process of reviewing and amending the constitution, describing the Iraqi Permanent Balenajah meetings.

    And across the territory of Kurdstan President expressed support for the government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki said that the implementation of Article 140 of the most important themes of his meeting with al-Maliki.
    The president revealed that the territory of Kurdstan plotters terrorist operations in Arbil, drunk in the grip of justice, thanking the security services in the territory of Kurdstan for their efforts and Shrem to protect the security and stability of the territory Kurdstan / / completed / p u / u p / Kurdistan.
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  3. #163
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    With estimated a need for $ 120 billion to solve the housing crisis
    Date : Saturday, June 02
    Page name : Sabah Economic
    Economists claim to diversify sources of financing and lending
    Acting Baghdad Yasser Haider spring
    The rise in private housing Iraq's need for 1.5-3 million housing units to solve the housing crisis and the estimated total cost of these units at 120 billion dollars. With economists emphasize the need to diversify the sources of financing and lending to contribute to the solution of the housing crisis and provide a decent citizen .. Some leaks out that there is an intention to merge the housing fund with the Land Bank

    The morning I asked a general manager d Housing Fund. Akram Abdel Aziz about the merger said : that the state policy is the foundation of everything, and you ask me my opinion, the invitation came because of the similarity of performance. There is also ambiguity and lack of clarity in the multiple functions of the Fund.
    She stressed that there was a need to amend Ordinance No. 11 of 2004 regarding the establishment of the Fund and important reasons to abolish the ceiling on interest rates and lending, which set maximum interest rate of 6% and maximum ceiling of loan facility will be determined at 18 million dinars and in my opinion this is not accommodated and the reality of the case for a citizen nor with the actual need not even with housing projects.
    She said in the event of ratification of the amendment and leaving the table open to the Governing Council and Board of Trustees, according to the variables of monetary and economic price that will be when the fund's different from what the Land Bank. And on the question whether there is a disjunction between the work of the Land Bank and the Housing Fund, stressed d. Akram agreed that the Land Bank is a pilot and veteran in the field of lending citizens over many years and I am not aware of the number of transactions completed, and currently has been reinvigorated in the time that has arisen Housing Fund have accelerated and security circumstance known.
    She said : the Fund has met some of the needs of citizens and has promising prospects and widespread adoption of the amendments in the event canceled ceiling lending to be financed housing projects, as well as refinance mortgage financing banks approved solely for the purposes of housing and lending to finance housing complexes and lending citizens to buy housing units. It concluded by saying that the idea of the existence of more than one institution provide relevant service is a matter of competition and raise the efficiency of the institution and give some credibility and transparency in light of their service.
    And a document which stated the International Covenant on restructuring the housing fund.
    Akram stressed that what was mentioned in the document the international orientation reflects the international attention the housing sector, pointing out that the restructuring of the Fund means reorganized and expanded functions and trends and new laws enacted to perform multiple functions in addition to the base currency. Remarkably, the document called for the need to support the poor families and set at 10 thousand families this I mean in addition to this tranche lending process covered by the Fund are Shariahta staff and retirees
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  4. #164
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    02 Jun : 19:33
    Sadri movement, announced in the House of Representatives will not participate in voting on new ministerial candidates to parliament

    Luna / 6-2 / BAGHDAD / Fawzi said Akram member of the House Iraqi sternum trend that the voting process on the names of the candidates for the ministries of the six alternative to the current ministers will be in a cage next Tuesday.
    He explained Akram told journalists today, Saturday, that trend deputies sternum in the House of Representatives will vote on the ministers who put Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki names before Parliament during hearings in the House last week.
    He pointed out that he hoped to hold a vote on the names at a meeting on Tuesday but the trend Adar sternum in the parliament will not vote on it because the owners of these nominations-independent.
    He said that trend sternum demanded that the Prime Minister choose ministers independent and qualified technocrats and owners must abide by the request of the trend indicating that the trend sternum believes state institutions based on technocrats and skilled people.
    It is hoped that the House of Representatives held its first meeting this week, next Tuesday to vote on the ministers who submitted their names to the Prime Minister to Parliament, took office in their ministries or to replace them by the results of the vote to be conducted by the parliament.
    The trend sternum decided mid-April last six withdraw his ministers from the government in protest against the non-Malki established a timetable for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and authorized the trend sternum leader Muqtada al-Sadr al-Maliki in the appointment of ministers instead of the six resigned on condition that they are independent and competent and experienced / / completed / p u / u p / of the parliament.
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  5. #165
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    More than one billion dinars for the development of quarries in the veterinary border outlets Date : Saturday, June 02
    Page name : Sabah Economic
    Baghdad-Mustafa Majeed
    Begins Cadres specialized company for Veterinary affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture Development Project in quarries Veterinary twelve border points with neighboring countries at one billion and 375 million dinars and hopefully accomplish its end in 2009

    Official source with the company explained in a statement to Al (morning) that the quarries in the veterinary border outlets suffer from lack of specialized devices that allow tables Veterinarian completing work to the fullest extent of the Missionaries of food during the examination of the red and white meat to make sure that the entry of diseases and epidemics especially bird flu. The source indicated that the perpetrators of Trebil and Walid border with Jordan and Syria suffer from the lack of any medical or veterinary tables because of the security situation in the international road artery it. He pointed out that a specialized agencies in implementing listed on the return of any shipment of Scud meat or any food or agricultural products over the past two months, according to a decision issued by the Council of Ministers. And on the plan to develop quarries in the veterinary border points, he said : that the plan initiated by the company tables at the Faculty of up to one billion and 375 million dinars to complete fully the end of 2009. Include the development of existing buildings and equipping specialized facilitate its work in the coming period, including works on the speed and accuracy of screening for Love received to the country
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  6. #166
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    Finance minister discusses debts with several states
    Date : Saturday, June 02
    Page name : Alsabah Newspaper
    Baghdad, June 2, P3
    Minister of finance has indicated that the committee stemmed from Sharm ash-Shiekj Covenant Conference will discuss the possibility of writing off or decreasing the Iraqi debts with Bulgaria

    Planning Minister ad the counselor of the national security which will work towards implementing Sharm ash-Sheik resolutions specialized for decreasing or writing off Iraq's debts
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  7. #167
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    Iraqi territories will not be used to launch attacks on neighbors -- Maliki Politics 6/2/2007 1:50:00 PM

    IRBIL, June 2 (KUNA) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki rejected on Saturday the idea that his country's territories would be used to launch an attack on any neighboring state.
    In a joint press conference with President of Iraq's Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani, Al-Maliki added, "Iraqi territories must be respected, and we will not accept any form of threats." On his talks with Barzani, the Iraqi premier said they focused on the security situation in the country and supporting Iraq's political process, as well as Baghdad-Irbil cooperation.
    As for long-term US army presence in the country, he said this was "an issue for the Iraqi people to decide on ... We have not engaged in talks over building permanent American military bases in Iraq." US President George W. Bush had said a few days back that he predicted a long-term US military presence in Iraq, similar to that in South Korea, maybe exceeding 50 years.
    Asked about article 140 of the Iraqi constitution, which stipulates the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk, Al-Maliki reiterated commitment to implementing this within the specified timeline as it was part of the constitution voted for by the Iraqi majority.
    On his part, Barzani said he discussed with the Iraqi premier the security situation in the country and constitutional amendments, adding that the meeting was "successful." He expressed support for Al-Maliki's government, adding that article 140 was a major issue of discussion between the two officials.
    Commenting on recent Turkish threats, he said, "We seek dialogue, and all threats are rejected." The Iraqi prime minister had began his three-day visit to Irbil on Thursday.
    (end) sbr.ema KUNA 021350 Jun 07NNNN

  8. #168
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    I always wonder what people have on their mind when they post a date as:
    1/6/2007 or 6/1/2007.

    Don't people know that this could mean January 6, 2007 or a June 2007?

    Is there clouds or is there just a lack of compassion for those who like up to date news and can't tell the difference?

    My best guestimate is this article is related to 1 June 2007


  9. #169
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    Question Rasheed Bank facilitates the transfer of pensions


    I think this was covered but, it is posted again and my question in this:
    "Does this tie into the IMF requirement that a currency be covertable internationally?"

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007

    Rasheed Bank easily convert salaries of retirees out of Iraq
    An empowered at the Rasheed Bank, one of major banks owned Allovernmeh Iraq, it has become possible to transform Almottaghaeiden salaries to the States in which they reside.

    He added in the state press reported of the Iraqi media today,

    "Rasheed Bank in the plan to develop its banking works at the monument to modern Internet rather than the old network, which would provide the best banking services to the citizens."

    Explaining that "was received requests for retirees living outside Iraq to convert their pensions to (Amman, Abu Dhabi, Beirut, Bahrain, Syria and Libya) and will be done through the new system which hopefully soon installed instead of the old network,

    اSource : Press file

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  10. #170
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    Default Promises of a new Minister of Electricity improved processing power from mid-June

    Promises of a new Minister of Electricity improved processing power

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007

    Promises of a new Minister of Electricity improved processing power from mid-June

    Baghdad-file Press

    Minister of Electricity promised Iraqi citizens improved processing power, starting from mid-June, at the time still the capital Baghdad and some cities in the center are not processed in power for more than one hour per day during the last 24 hours.

    The Minister of Electricity, Dr. Karim Wahid Hassan, during a press conference, held at the ministry last Thursday and attended "file Press," that Baghdad and other governorates would be improved processing power,

    beginning on June 15, 2007 and climb gradually fact that the annual maintenance of the stations which started since September 15, 2006 last According to the plan, which will expire by the the ministry on June 15, 2007 and will work units and stations that had been suspended due to maintenance, will the lines that were returned to service work.

    Stressing that the work and Serath at this stage "large and cumbersome and now our security and the Ministry of Electricity is not technically operate the climate of security is incorrect and there is no ministry in the world operate in this airspace."

    "The conference began a conversation about the conditions of the electricity system and the suffering, stressing that "there is no control centers at the present time Most devastating, currently under construction and this is no justice in the distribution of electric energy between the provinces there pressure on staff distribution by the provinces, districts and wards, and some citizens concerned For this fall when rumors of energy we have no means of protection now and therefore depends plants Autmatekeya, while going out of the total system "

    Explaining that "going out is the complete destruction of the electric system, we need a week to return to work again. Of this, the last week happened in the system fully extinguish three times because of lack of commitment by the governorates and re-assessed their share of the system and after ten days to work. "

    "He added that the "lack of cooperation from the provincial assemblies and non-cooperation and non-cooperation of the conservatives many quarters with regret though we hand one and one fabric."

    He revealed the return of a number of pipelines to transport the energy that feeds the city of Baghdad, which had been targeted and made during prior periods have been re-maintenance and will return to work in the coming days beginning on June 6.

    He said, "I do not want to state the names and locations of those lines for fear of targeted again if returned these lines will improve the status of the city of Baghdad."

    Pointing out that the city of Baghdad there is no generation stations So it is essentially stalled session Taji carbonated beverages, carbonated and Jerusalem and the three stations stalled because of the lack of fuel that the gas pipeline that feeds the plants destroyed and the problem is not in the Oil Ministry but the problem in the destruction of infrastructure and targeting persistent and the total energy generated by these stations suspended Limits Mika 500 watts and are missing at the present time.

    He added : "Even the fuel is transferred by car peritonitis stopped because targeting these cars constantly The technicians and engineers to move the station across the river by boat because of the severed roads and bridges leading to the station and the rehabilitation of the station delayed five days because of banditry and we daresay time in hours and not days know how suffering citizen. "

    Source : Press file

    Translated version of

    NOTE: Not a new minister has been in place since 2006.
    Iraqi Council of Ministers Presented to the Parliament
    by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki MAY 2006

    1. Dr. Barham Salih, Deputy Prime Minister
    2. Salam al-Zawba'i, Deputy Prime Minister
    3. Nuri al-Maliki, Acting Minister of the Interior
    4. Salam al-Zawba'i, Acting Minister of Defense
    5. Dr. Husayn al-Shahrastani, Minister of Oil
    6. Baqir Jabr al-Zubaydi (a.k.a. Bayan Jabr), Minister of Finance
    7. Hoshayr Zebari, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    8. Hashim al-Shibli, Minister of Justice
    9. Ali Baban, Minister of Planning
    10. Karim Wahid, Minister of Electricity
    11. Dr. Ali al-Shammari, Minister of Health
    12. Dr. Khudayyir al-Khuza’i Minister of Education
    13. Dr. Abd Dhiyab al-Ajili, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific
    14. Dr. Abd-al-Falah al-Sudani, Minister of Trade
    15. Fawzi al-Hariri, Minister of Industry
    16. Dr. Karim Mahdi Salih, Minister of Transportation
    17. Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, Minister of Communications
    18. Mrs. Bayan Daza’i, Minister of Housing and Construction
    19. Riyad Ghurayyib, Minister of Municipalities and Public Works
    20. Dr. Latif Rashid, Minister of Water Resources
    21. Mahmud Muhammad Jawad Al Radi, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
    22. Dr. Ra'id Fahmi Jahid, Minister of Science and Technology
    23. Mrs. Narmin Uthman, Minister of Environment
    24. Jasim Muhammad Ja’far, Minister of Youth and Sports
    25. As’ad Kamal Muhammad Abdallah al-Hashimi, Minister of Culture
    26. Mrs. Wijdan Mikha’il, Minister of Human Rights
    27. Dr. Abd-al-Samad Rahman Sultan, Minister of Immigration and Displaced
    28. Dr. Liwa Sumaysim, Minister of State for Tourism and Antiquities
    29. Dr. Barham Salih, Acting Minister of National Security Affairs
    30. Adil al-Asadi, Minister of Civil Society Affairs
    31. Dr. Rafi Hiyad al-Isawi, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
    32. Dr. Safa al-Safi, Minister of State for the Council of Representatives
    33. Dr. Sa’d Tahir Abd Khalaf al-Hashimi, Minister of State for Governorate Affairs
    34. Mrs. Fatin Abd-al-Rahman Mahmoud, Minister of State for Women’s Affairs
    35. Dr. Akram al-Hakim, Minister of State for the National Dialogue Affairs
    36. Muhammad Abbas al-Uraybi, Minister of State
    37. Ali Muhammad Ahmad, Minister of State
    38. Hassan Radi Kazim al-Sari, Minister of State
    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 02-06-2007 at 09:58 PM.

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