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  1. #611
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    Massive participation of the private sector in the International Covenant
    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007
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    Baghdad-file Press

    Representatives of the private sector in addition to the official delegation headed by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the International Conference on Iraq held recently in Sharm el-Sheikh.

    And this initiative represents a positive trend in the private sector hopes to recur to reflect the reality of cohesion between the State and private sector, which approach the methods adopted in the developed countries where the support of businessmen and their participation in official delegations methodology based on the convergence of fixed and overlapping objectives sought by all.

    And may constitute delegation of the private sector portfolios varying from twelve people, of whom a major federal Iraqi businessmen and industries and representatives of the Iraqi Federation of Chambers of Commerce and civil society organizations.

    Met "file Press" with the Chairman of the Federation of Iraqi Industries Hashim Al-Atraqchi Relief for poll position on this participation, as the price of the government's initiative to ensure the economic contribution of representatives of professional organizations, as well as the participation of representatives of the Chamber of Deputies, in particular, there are members of the House were among the composition of the delegation embodiment of the important role of women in society, describing the general as successful, especially in terms of the volume of participation by States and regional and international organizations under the enhanced care by the United Nations represented by its Secretary-General, who guided the International Covenant highly efficient and able to mobilize efforts and convictions representatives who embody their sense of responsibility towards Iraq and its pressing needs.

    Al-Atraqchi, confirmed that the results of the discussions and talks held during working sessions reflected the mutual obligations that should be implemented by Iraq through also enhance security and stability and supporting reconstruction and development efforts and do through an integrated package of economic reforms and effective treatments to the problems and social concerns, especially the face of poverty and deprivation, unemployment and inflation, the fight against financial and administrative corruption and revitalize and strengthen the performance of the government for private sector participation in the march of the country towards a market economy.

    And is noteworthy that the conference resulted in the formation of two international and Iraqi aligned and overlap their efforts to implement and document delivery requirements of the International Covenant Iraq.

    Source : Press file

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  2. #612
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    Head of the public integrity A delegation of the awakening
    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007
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    Head of the public integrity meet the awakening Anbar delegation headed by Mr. Abdul Sattar Abu brushes

    He met Judge Radi Hamza Radi, head of the public integrity office in Baghdad, Mr. Abdul Sattar Abu brushes President of the awakening of Anbar and the delegation accompanying him during the meeting was to review what had been done by clans awakening Anbar encircle and eliminate terrorism in Anbar province are safe and clean from the remnants of terrorism 80% and Mr. Abu brushes readiness and support for the body to maintain integrity in the building through the allocation of the office and provide all support for the fight against corruption in all its forms.
    Maintaining RECOVERY and activity and that most facilities and institutions of the State is functioning normally and sincere support by clans Anbar where schools opened and the university, the courts and citizens exercised his trade in the market safely and stressed the need to expedite the rest of the state to resume its work in maintaining momentum towards reconstruction that take the public integrity contributing role in the eradication of the scourge of administrative and financial corruption which may accompany feed terrorism operations in the Anbar province. The head of the public integrity understanding of what's happening in Anbar, and secure Iraqi tribes in the province of the great achievements in the prevention of the threat of terrorism and open the door for the rule of law and the work of the state and integrity that derives its strength and independence of the Iraqi Constitution.

    Media Bureau

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  3. #613
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    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007

    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007

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  4. #614
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    Alkrkoki : reject any constitutional amendment against federalism
    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007
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    Vice President of the Parliament of Kurdistan : reject any constitutional amendment against federalism and pluralism in Iraq

    Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Kurdistan Monday that the Kurds do not agree with any amendment to the Iraqi constitution is federalism and pluralism in the country, pointing to the formation of committees in Baghdad to follow up on important issues concerning the Territory ... Including oil and Law Article (140) of the Constitution.

    He added Dr. Kamal Alkrkoki today, Monday, "We do not agree with any amendment to the Constitution is exposed to federal and pluralism in Iraq."
    He stated that after the visit of the delegation headed by the Kurdistan Najirfan Barzani prime minister to Baghdad, where he met with members of the Kurdistan Alliance in the House of the Iraqi "agreed to form small committees of coalition members, spe******ts and experts in Kurdistan to follow up on important issues concerning the region, such as the oil and Article (140) The areas affected by the policy change demographic population by the former regime, as well as issues will be discussed in the Commission to amend the Iraqi constitution. "
    The oil and gas law and one of the most contentious issues currently on the Iraqi arena, and there are differences between the political blocs around the law ..By the first wealth in the country, the Sunni Parties had reservations on its present form ...With Kurds objections centered on the relationship between the territorial government and the government center in Baghdad.
    As if made law oil and gas, it gives investors Iraqis and foreigners the right to establish facilities and oil refineries and investing for a period of up to (50 years), to be reverted after that to the Iraqi government.

    He explained that what Alkrkoki reached by these committees, to be composed in Kurdistan shortly, resolutions and recommendations "will presidency Territory Process and consideration," stressing that "there is no resolution or draft passes without the approval of the presidency of the region of Kurdistan."
    The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Kurdistan, saying "there are no guarantees initially from Baghdad to apply (Article 140) at the end of 2007." The states (Article 140) of the Iraqi Constitution, the deportees to return to Kirkuk under the former Iraqi regime to their places of origin, and a referendum on the disputed areas by the end of the current (2007).
    The Najirfan Barzani visited Baghdad last week and met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and members of the House on the mass (Kurdistan Alliance) parliamentary, and discussed with them about the bill and the application of oil (Article 140) and the work of the amendment of the Iraqi Constitution.

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  5. #615
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    A special invitation to attend the demonstration-the Iraqi National Accord Movement
    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007
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    A special invitation to attend the demonstration-the Iraqi National Accord Movement

    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007
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    The press release issued by the Information Office of the Iraqi National Accord Movement
    Baghdad on May 28, 2007
    Subject : a special invitation to attend a demonstration in branches Iraqi National Accord Movement

    Event :
    The Iraqi National Accord Movement invites all brothers journalists to attend the demonstration to express the suffering of the Iraqi people from the deteriorating security situation and lack of government in maintaining security and the provision of services (water, Electricity and fuel ....) attended by representatives from the Iraqi National Accord Movement in conjunction with the demonstration of the branches of the movement in Mosul, Basra, Karbala and the same time.

    Time :
    Eleven on Tuesday, 29-5-2007

    All of the invitees and media attendance before ten of the above date to the headquarters of the Iraqi National Accord Movement in Baghdad, Basra, Mosul and Karbala.
    Please confirm your presence told the demonstration.

    With thanks and appreciation

    The Iraqi National Accord Movement

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  6. #616
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    Default Coup Panic


    Thursday, May 24, 2007

    Coup Panic

    Fear from coups and implied threats with coups have been a common feature of the political scene in Iraq.
    After the formation of Maliki's government with all the rifts inside the major political blocs that accompanied that stage, the political map became quite complex that groups within the same bloc were sometimes thought to be conspiring against each other.
    At the center of most coup rumors was almost always the Iraqi List and its leader Ayad Allawi.

    Right now there's a new uproar, a panic attack in Baghdad about an alleged coup plan, again, by Allawi.
    Yesterday al-Sabah gave half of its front page to a story condemning the alleged coup as well as a column by the editor in chief on the same topic.
    The long piece is full of quotes from members of the parliament (4 from the UIA, one Kurd and one from the Accord Front) condemning, mocking, attacking and warning from the consequences of attempting to override the constitutional process but the paper fails to offer the slightest clue as to the nature and seriousness of this great "threat".
    The half-page long story had only these lines about it:

    The lawmakers gave these comments in response to news that alluded to discussions about the possibility of withdrawing trust from the government during a meeting organized by the Iraqi list led by Dr. Iyad Allawi in Amman May 17-19
    As you can see there's no mention whatsoever of a coup or about overriding the constitutional process.
    Requesting a vote on withdrawing trust from the government is not unconstitutional at all, on the contrary it's one of the most important mechanism put in the constitution to protect the country in cases of government failure, treason or massive corruption.
    Since putting this mechanism into action requires approval from the majority in the parliament and since the angry MP's who spoke on al-Sabah think Allawi can't secure this majority I see that their panic is unjustified. Well, unless they know something we don't and they're hiding it from us.

    I have checked out al-Mada and found they ran three updates on the story in 24 hours which is quite rare of an Iraqi paper. The coverage there is basically the same in essence; lots of condemnation, panic and resentment from our MP's except that al-Mada offered a little bit more info about what Allawi and his bloc are doing, not cear enough info though. The paper is just saying that Allawi is trying to attract some individual MP's and groups of MP's from other blocs and get them to join him in forming a new larger bloc. The paper adds that Allawi has been using support from Iraq's Arab neighbors for his project. Excerpt:

    Sources who attended the conference said it wad dedicated to discussing the political situation in Iraq and its ramifications. The prevailing sense was that the situation in Iraq was deterioration and thus requires exceptional measures. The sources relayed that Allawi asserted that his political moves were supported by regional and Arab countries, particularly Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Yemen and Syria.

    The conference discussed the formation of a new political bloc that would take the burden of dealing with the situation Iraq is going through. The conference discussed the position of the parties that are involved in the formation like the Dialogue Front led by Salih Mutlaq and the Dialogue Council (part of the Accord Front) led by Khalaf Ilayan. There are also indications that an understanding was reached with some members of the Fadheela Party, the Sadr movement and the Islamic Party, as well as Kurdish elements.

    Senior members of the Iraqi list said the main meetings and the talks on the sidelines of the conference revolved around joining efforts and finding a way through which the current political alliances could be broken.
    Not exactly news since we had talked about a similar move a few months ago.

    Here too, in al-Mada's report, there was no mention of any possible use of force by Allawi in his venture so I don't understand the panic especially that Allawi is very unlikely to get the required 51% of MP's around him.

    And it's even stranger that no one in our media bothered to interview Allawi himself and give us a better idea of what his intentions are.

    Giving it a second thought I think insisting on describing Allawi's maneuver as a coup and showing signs of panic is a defensive measure to discredit Allawi's plan, whatever that is. The word "coup" in the minds of Iraqis would be immediately associated with the followers of the former regime and their attempts to undo the change in Iraq that followed toppling the Baath regime and so anything associated with a coup will not be received well by most Iraqis.
    At the same time there's a reason for our parliament and government to be afraid. The government is vulnerable because of all the challenges it facing and the poor performance it has shown so far. The panicking politicians know that America has been paying more attention lately to Iraq's Arab neighbors, the same neighbors that Allawi seems to draw support for his plan from. So perhaps the fear is about the possibility that Allawi and those countries could convince America that a shake up of Iraq's government at the highest level is the only way to have a stable Iraq within an acceptable timeline if the domestic and international pressure on Maliki doesn't succeed in pushing him to show the desired progress.

    Anyway, the ministers from Allawi's list are not leaving the government soon. Al-Mada reported in an update that Adnan Pachachi "who returned to Baghdad yesterday to announce the withdrawal of the Iraqi list from the government has delayed the announcement out of fear that the list's ministers would not answer the demand of the bloc" while al-Sabah had a slightly different account of the delay this morning: "The ministers who belong to the Iraqi list decided to stay in the national unity government even if the head of the list Iyad Allawi decided to withdraw from the cabinet and parliament". Both accounts suggest division inside Allawi's bloc itself.

    Just to be clear, I'm personally neither for, nor against Allawi in what he's planning to do because like I said we still don't know enough about the whole subject. I wrote this just to keep you as informed as possible about Iraq's politics these days.

    On a final though, those who plan for actual coups cannot not hide their intentions and I see quite a difference between Allawi's plan to walk away from the government and those of Sadr. Looks like some of our earlier specualtions were correct.
    Let's take a look at the explicit coup intentions that don't only want to return to the days of dictatorship but want to take us back to the dark ages:

    One of the six Sadr movement officials told AP that "The Sadr movement offered Maliki a historic opportunity but the Prime Minister didn't use it. That's why we are planning to form the new leadership of Iraq" and added that Iraq will be Islamic under the leadership of the Sadr movement.

    Sources close to Moqtada Sadr affirmed that the coming stage in Iraq will witness the control of Sadr's followers over the government through avoiding confronting the American forces and using verbal escalation to demand the departure of foreign troops, improving political gains in Baghdad and the south and strengthening the relations with Iran.

  7. #617
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    Vice President Tariq Hashimi called for weighting interest
    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
    Presidential Office
    Press Office

    News : Vice President Tariq Hashimi called for weighting Iraq's interest above the interests of everyone
    May 28, 2007
    May 28, 2007

    Deputy President Tareq Hashemi, in his office in Baghdad on Sunday, 27-5-2007, the government of Prime Najirfan Barzani's Kurdistan region, and the delegation accompanying him.
    During the meeting, which was attended by Deputy Secretary General of the Iraqi Islamic Party Iyad al-Samarra'i, the representative of the President of the Kurdistan Rose Nouri Shaways, discussed the latest developments on the political arena, in addition to the theme of the upcoming constitutional amendments, and a number of topics of common interest.
    And HE deputy leaders urged the political blocs to show greater flexibility in dealing with common issues, stressing the weighting Iraq's interest above the interests of everyone.
    It was also agreed Vice President of the Republic and President of the Kurdistan region, during the meeting, to continue consultations to discuss issues of concern to both sides.

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  8. #618
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    Noori Talabani : No to the intervention of the United Nations in Kirkuk

    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007

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    Noori Talabani : No to the intervention of the United Nations in Kirkuk and the postponement of Article 140 over violence

    Irbil (May 28) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-A legal expert Kurd "The call for United Nations intervention in the issue of Kirkuk is unacceptable because there is no legal provision in Article 140 allows the international organization to intervene, and that the United Nations failed to deal with any problem intervened. It is possible that the Organization has a role after the failure of the normalization efforts according to the article or supervising the referendum is expected to determine the fate of the province. " He said Noori Talabani, the prominent legal expert in Iraqi Kurdistan in a special interview with the agency (Lucky) Italian news agency, said he "does not need to postpone the implementation of Article 140, because any delay would aggravate the situation and the escalation of violence in the city, in contrast to the fears propagated by some international and regional parties on this side as a Kirkuk as a powder keg. "
    The KNU, which is a reference to the Kurdish leadership in addressing the problem of Kirkuk, that the "majority of the city's population but remain silent now because waiting for the start of the normalization process according to Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, in the absence of commitment to the process fear that the escalating violence Contrary to the expectations of those international and regional parties." Talabani pointed out that "the security situation in Kirkuk is not so bad, which prevents the application of article in the constitutional timeframe also conceivable some of the Arab media, it is true that the security situation in some areas bad, But in general the situation of Kirkuk is much better than in some other Iraqi cities such as Baghdad, Ramadi, Mosul and Diyala. " His "We believe that the main factor affecting the development of Kirkuk is the escape of terrorists from Baghdad by American military campaigns and Iraqi and resorting to Kirkuk, the parties and their deployment, and those receiving support from the media and some Arab media that inflation poor security situation in Kirkuk." He warned Talabani Kurdish leadership of any compromise on article 140 and said "the Kurdish political leadership is still considerable weight in the political process in Iraq, without the support Kurdish Maliki government would collapse and run Iraq towards an unknown fate, to the Kurdish leadership, invest political weight to the scene to confirm its position before all Iraqi parties and impress that the question of postponement not included in the agenda. " Talabani said that "Article 140 is not confined to the question of Kirkuk, but for many other regions of Iraq that marred the previous dictatorship, geographical features and administrative borders."


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  9. #619
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    Prime Minister receives a delegation of clerics Sunnis and Shiites.

    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007

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    Monday 28/5/2007

    Press statement

    State met Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the entire delegation from the Sunni and Shiite scholars in the office today.He called on the Prime Minister to strengthen the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood among all sects of the Iraqi people, especially the Sunnis and Shiites who have lived unity did not know the band throughout their lives on the land of Iraq. He urged the scientists to play a greater role in society and take the initiative in order to spare the Iraqi people further dissension.
    He said that the Iraqi community and makes this a religious clerics to play a special role. He called for the enhancement of projects and efforts monotheistic. The Dr. Ahmad Abd al-Ghafur al-Samarra'i, who was among the delegation explanation of the circumstances that led him to take some of the negative attitudes of the government and expressed regret for those positions.

    And Mr. Prime Minister readiness to review Kararaghalah Mr. Samurai from his post as Chief of Staff to stay Sunni session to take on the popular and official levels.He pointed to the need to continue to foster a spirit of moderation and the fight against extremism from all sides. He expressed readiness to support all projects support this trend.

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  10. #620
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    Maliki confirms its readiness to review the decision to dismiss Chief of Staff
    (صوت العراق) - 28-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-05-2007
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    Maliki confirms its readiness to review the decision to oust President of the Court of the Sunni stay

    Baghdad-Iraq votes
    The Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Monday, to strengthen the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood among all sects of the Iraqi people, particularly the Sunnis and Shiites, as expressed willingness to review its decision to oust the President of the Court of the Sunni stay.

    Maliki urged upon receiving Monday, a delegation of scientists Sunnis and Shiites clerics "to play a greater role in society and take the initiative in order to spare the Iraqi people further dissension."
    Al-Maliki said in a press statement issued from his office received information Independent News Agency (Voices of Iraq) copy, "that the Iraqi religious community, and makes this the special role of religious scholars."
    The statement added that Dr. Ahmad Abd al-Ghafur al-Samarra'i (Sunni former head of the moratorium, which was part of the delegation "presented an explanation of the circumstances that led him to take some of the negative attitudes of the government, and expressed his sorrow for those positions."
    For his part, Prime Minister readiness "to review Kararaghalah Samurai from his post as Chief of Staff to stay Sunni session to take on the popular and official levels." He pointed to the need to continue to foster a spirit of moderation and the fight against extremism of all stripes Marban readiness to support all projects support this trend.
    O-h m m

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