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  1. #591
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    Default Almchidani receives envoy Turkish government Monday 28-5-2007

    Mr. Speaker of the House when he received the Turkish government envoy : Turkey's important role in the come to the situations in Iraq and the success of the political process and preserve the unity of the Iraqi people ...

    استقبل السيد رئيس مجلس النواب د.
    Mr. met House Speaker d.
    محمود المشهداني في مكتبه مساء اليوم الاحد الموافق 27-5-2007 مبعوث الحكومة التركية السيد اوغوز جليكول.
    Mahmoud Almchidani library in the evening today, Sunday, the government approved 27-5-2007 Turkish envoy Oguz Mr. Gelikul.
    وجرى بحث طبيعة العلاقات بين البلدين وسبل تعزيز التعاون البرلماني بين مجلسي البلدين الجارين.
    It was considered the nature of relations between the two countries and ways of enhancing the parliamentary cooperation between the chambers of the two neighboring countries.
    ونقل السيد جليكول تحيات رئيس المجلس الوطني التركي الكبير وتطلعه الى تطوير العلاقات البرلمانية مع مجلس النواب العراقي وتبادل الخبرات في هذه المجال، ودعوته رئيس البرلمان العراقي لزيارة تركيا في اقرب وقت للتأسيس لعلاقات برلمانية متينة وللتباحث في القضايا التي تهم مستقبل شعبي البلدين.
    The transfer of Mr. Gelikul greetings of the President of the Turkish National Council and the great aspiration to develop parliamentary relations with the Iraqi parliament and the exchange of experiences in this area, and invited the President of the Iraqi Parliament to visit Turkey at the earliest for the establishment of a strong parliamentary relations and discuss the issues that concern the future of the peoples of both countries.
    واعرب السيد جليكول عن رغبة حكومة بلاده بتطوير وتعزيز العلاقات مع العراق في شتى المجالات مشيرا الى التأريخ المشترك الطويل للشعبين الصديقين وعمق الروابط بينهما مما يوفر الارضية المناسبة لتنمية وتطوير مجالات التعاون لاسيما في الميادين الاقتصادية والامنية.
    He Gelikul the desire of his government to develop and strengthen relations with Iraq in various fields, pointing to the long common history of the two peoples and the depth of friendly ties between them, which provides a suitable ground for the development of areas of cooperation, particularly in economic and security fields.
    وبين السيد جليكول طبيعة المشاكل والعقبات التي تحول دون الارتقاء في علاقات البلدين موضحا ضرورة التعاون والعمل المشترك من تجاوزها وايجاد الحلول المناسبة لها.
    And between Mr. Gelikul nature of the problems and obstacles in improving relations between the two countries, explaining the need for cooperation and joint action to overcome them and find appropriate solutions.
    وعبر السيد جليكول عن حزن واسف شعب وحكومة تركيا لما يجري في العراق من احداث دامية يذهب ضحيتها الابرياء، متمنيا زوال هذه الاوضاع الاستثنائية قريبا وان ينعم شعب العراق بالامن والاستقرار، معربا في الوقت ذاته عن استعداد بلاده لتقديم جميع اشكال الدعم والمساعدة للشعب العراقي لتجاوز محنته والمساهمة في برامج اعادة تأهيل وتدريب وتجهيز قوات الجيش والامن العراقية ومشاريع اعمار البلاد.
    Through Mr. Gelikul about grief and unfortunately the people and government of Turkey what is happening in Iraq from the bloody events victimize innocent civilians, wishing the demise of this special situation soon and the Iraqi people enjoy security and stability. at the same time, he expressed his country's willingness to provide all forms of support and assistance to the Iraqi people to overcome the crisis and to contribute to the rehabilitation programs and the training and equipping of the army and the Iraqi security and reconstruction projects country.
    واوضح د.
    He explained.
    المشهداني ان لتركيا دور مهم في استباب الاوضاع في العراق ونجاح العملية السياسية والحفاظ على وحدة الشعب العراقي مضيفا ان العراق لا يسمح لاي جهة باستخدام اراضيه للقيام باعمال عدائية تهدد امن واستقرار ايا من جيرانه، مؤكدا على ان استباب الاوضاع في العراق سيصب في صالح المنطقة برمتها ويعزز امن دولها ورفاهية شعوبها.
    Almchidani that Turkey has come to play an important role in the situation in Iraq and the success of the political process and preserve the unity of the Iraqi people, adding that Iraq would not allow any party to use its territory to carry out hostile acts that threaten the security and stability of any of its neighbors, stressing that come to the situation in Iraq would, in the interest of the entire region and enhance the security and welfare of its people.
    واعرب د.
    He d.
    المشهداني عن شكره على توجيه الدعوة لزيارة تركيا واعدا بتلبيتها حالما تسمح الظروف بذلك.
    Almchidani thanks to extend an invitation to visit Turkey and promising adapted as soon as circumstances permit.
    وحضر اللقاء سفير تركيا لدى العراق السيد دريا قانباي.
    The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of Turkey to Iraq, Mr. Derya Kanbay.
    Translated version of

  2. #592
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    I S X, 28th May

    Today's results are out, and the market is down slightly again.
    Anyone's opinion...??

    Last edited by roycepsam; 28-05-2007 at 11:53 AM.

  3. #593
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    Default Monday May 28, 2007

    Number of banks 17 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1259 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 44.205.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 44.205.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ------ -----

    Gooooooooooooooood Morning Rolclub

    "The More They Take, The More We Make"
    "Stay the Course, its the difference between Winners and whiners"

    Three more auctions to go and this month will be over. What is going to happen? I want to tell you that I will be travelling, (on the road) for the next week. I'll be back in the saddle on Tuesday the 5th of June. I won't be able to get to a computer during that time so I'll update all the numbers when I return. Maybe, just maybe, I won't have to!! If it revals in this coming week, I want to thank all the people of RolClub in advance for being so faithful in digging out all the information that has made this experience so interesting. Please save a place for me in the Caymans!! See you in a week. Socata 850

    10.86 Trillion taken out and still the Party has not started

    1. "0" Dinar rate change today, it was 1259, it is now 1259

    2. A (net) worth of dinars, IQD - 55,654,095,000 pulled out of circulation today 5/28/07.

    3. 17 banks participating today

    4. 152nd auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 240 days into the CBI's reval plan. (Eight Months)

    6. 10,864,580,463,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    6A. Conservative ESTIMATE of Dinars still in circulation or controlled by the CBI 6,135,419,537,000

    7. "0" Dinars back into circulation today

    8. 218 dinar change since Oct 1st (baseline was 1477) 14.759% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan (Approximatly Oct 1st).

    9. 0 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1259 at the end of last week, 1259 so far this week.

    10. 10 point drop in the month of May. Ended at 1269 in April, now stands at 1259
    In January we saw a 2.49% drop in the rate.
    In February we saw a .928% drop in the rate.
    In March we saw a .546% drop in the rate.
    In April we saw a .3142% drop in the rate

  4. #594
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    Baghdad - Voices of Iraq

    Sunday , 27 /05 /2007 Time 3:47:02

    By Dergham Mohammed Ali

    Baghdad, May 27, (VOI)- Demand for the dollar soared on Sunday to its highest level in over a month, hitting $104, 845 million compared with $43.535 million on Thursday, due to high bids made by governmental departments in foreign transfers.

    In its daily statement the bank said it had covered all bids, which included $5.825 million in cash and $99.020 million in foreign transfers, at an exchange rate of 1,259 dinars per dollar, unchanged from Thursday.
    None of the 16 banks that participated in Sunday's auction offered to sell dollars.
    Ali al-Yasseri, a trader at the auction, told VOI "the hike in today's demand for the dollar was due to the high bids made by governmental departments in foreign transfers to honor their commitments with foreign companies."
    The Iraqi Central Bank runs a daily auction from Sunday to Thursday.

    Version traduite de la page

    This is from yesturday but I am using it just as an example. The majority of USD out of CBI ($99.020 mil) was in foreign transfer made by Iraqi Government to honor their commitments with foreign companies. I think this is paying bills and therefore no dinar is coming back to the CBI.
    Just some food for thought but I don't think that much of the foreign transfer of USD from each auction equates to Dinar out of circulation. Any thoughts?


  5. #595
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Oil : electricity blackouts and increased demand for oil products and fuel crisis behind ... وذلكBaghdad / justice : in the quest to find a solution to the electricity crisis that seemed intractable approached the Ministry of Electricity and Ministry of Industry to halt laboratories and factories for two months, so
    من .To invest this period for maintenance purposes, With witnessed the central and southern regions Saturday night and yesterday morning Extinguished full power outages. An official source at the Ministry of Electricity, said that the ministry had approached the Ministry of Industry is stopped labs and factories affiliated to it in order to reduce the size of the withdrawal of electricity and reduce loads in the peak period of the year and in July of a father, pointing out that it provides amounts of electrical power produced by power plants and converted into residential areas to reduce the hours of the pieces programmed and alleviate the suffering of citizens in the summer months, according to him. spe******ts said that 90% of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, which requires enormous energies to high electricity stalled by the lack of processing as well as the destruction of such labs because of the looting and destruction that affected after the fall of the regime in addition to cutting hours programmer who arrived early this month to more than (22 hours) per day and going out accompanied by full pan Baghdad governorate over three days during the first week. by another minister said he visited the national control center and began management system directly through contacts with all the control centers in the provinces and managers of production and distribution in the center and south. He stressed the need for communication managers distribution provincial assemblies and clarify the damage to the system by repeated interruptions and the need to overcome the crisis and called for the cooperation of all officials to the need for the completion of the periodic maintenance of all units and operation of the new units during the next month, and officials say at the ministry said that the operation of these units will develop the system The actors contribute to the stability of electricity, which will reflect positively on the blocks. the ministry invited the governorates of Basra and Nasiriyah commitment to the quota allocated to them energy has happened in three after midnight Saturday and yesterday morning Extinguished fully in the central and southern regions, including that of Baghdad. A source in Makhoul ministry : While we reiterate our call on all parties to abide by quotas established in response to orders of the national control center for the maintenance of the components of the network because the recurrence of going out full uncontrolled lead to damage to the network may be difficult to repair some of them, and everybody will be harmed in the event of non-compliance. "it said Assem Jihad, spokesman for the Ministry of Oil, Saturday, The constant interruptions of electrical power and the increased demand for ethylene (gasoline, kerosene) for the operation of generators and behind the huge mobilization stations in Baghdad. He added Jihad in a press statement that at the ongoing power outages and increased demand for ethylene (gasoline, kerosene) for the operation of generators and portable operation especially after the decision based on the identification of Baghdad security plan traffic large vehicles, trucks and tankers carrying oil derivatives of the main causes behind the huge mobilization stations in Baghdad. He explained that the ministry is currently trying to provide larger quantities of oil derivatives to citizens, After I asked the security authorities to allow traffic to facilitate oil tankers supplying fuel stations in Baghdad traffic. He pointed out that the ministry Jihad had recently rehabilitated a number of mobilization stations, fuel was halted on both sides of Karkh and Rasafa in Baghdad and returned to service; in order to absorb the momentum happening in other fuel stations, did not mention Jihad once rehabilitation of a number of mobilization stations, fuel or the names of those stations.

    Here is a good reason for them to get that oil law over and done with!
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I have no clue when this article was written, nor do I recall ever reading it. It is evidently prior to November '06 since it refers to the current rate being 1460. The reason for posting it is because of all the talk of lower coinage. Maybe someone can make sense of it all....

    Is the goal of the minting and circulation of currency mineral?
    Citizens and economists : There is no meaning for the issuance of new currency
    Baghdad / Mousa Kazem

    Over about a year ago to put Coin three categories by the Iraqi Central Bank of circulation to strengthen the role of the national currency (the Iraqi dinar) and the rebirth of cash in small groups daily dealings affected by the rise in prices is largely left these categories of coins influence evident in the movement of dealing daily or not?

    Mr. Director of Research and Statistics in the Iraqi Central Bank says the amount of cash metal coins billion Iraqi dinars were offered for circulation through the branches of the Rafidain Bank as a first phase for the experiment has followed this currency in the event another success meters and the largest quantity along minting other categories of Iraqi currency in circulation This case will depend on a number of factors, including the stability of the exchange rate improves the Iraqi dinar, which seeks an Iraqi Central Bank tirelessly since the bank was able to control the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar since the convergence of the year is a major achievement has confidence in the national currency (Iraqi dinars) at home and abroad after a period long vibration fluctuations via an auction sale of foreign currency, which contributed greatly to the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in sucking cash continuously for the benefit of a reduction in prices in the local market through the allocation of the money supply in circulation.

    The 7 trillion Iraqi dinars, also making way for Iraqi banks for the circulation of foreign currencies and opening accounts and foreign transfers of foreign currency, but inflation prevailing now contributes to the exclusion of dealing in metal they do not meet the payment due to the reality of high prices, but the future will be in the deal in the mineral We must combine several factors for the success of this experiment The turnover in the wheel of the Iraqi economy now stop the reconstruction process considerably as the weak capital investment by foreign and Iraqi security situation as well as the instability of supply and demand in the market and the slowdown in the movement of local production, but the indications are exceeded all kinds of obstacles that limit the movement of the economy Iraqi enjoyed several advantages qualify for the advancement of the activity and to contribute to improve the quality of life along the Iraqi contribute effectively in the global economy and then to deal in small groups cash and coins in current and future by the movement of prices at which positively reflected in the demand for the circulation of those currencies.

    There was no need for the currencies of metal

    Dr. Emad Mohamed Ali Ani, professor of monetary and financial economics in the Faculty of Administration and Economics University of Baghdad, says there is no need realistic imperative minting coins with reality than daily dealings need not merely minting and putting into circulation only since the turn did not leave the circulation billion Iraqi dinars from the currency mineral minimal, in fact improve the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar is not in business since the prevailing prices in local markets depart significantly from dealing with this type of currency exchange on the minting and transfer from Europe to Iraq amounts which could be spent on another futile instead stop wasting money and time in this process unproductive because pumping quantities of coins to Iraqi bank branches may cause confusion and delay in the work of these banks require those groups working for the cash transfer, storage and counting.

    It is possible that the process of minting coins until the exchange rate improves and the Iraqi dinar to reach the barrier of 500 dinars compared to the American dollar, one of the more meaningful process will have to deal with small-scale monetary categories including coins, which would demand strong and then by the reality of prices, which Semmel declining clearly as nothing more than a game played by children with hope in circulation in the near future when the economic situation improves, which is to improve the improved security conditions, which are the foundations of economic activity activity, economic prosperity and stability Walid.

    The non-commercial

    Ms. Hind Numan Al-Qaisi Bank Director economy the main branch in Al-Mansour says :
    Left minting and circulation of foreign currencies in a simple fact high prices and the movement of funds as there is no demand by dealers with our Bank (client) has not entered our Bank "Bank of the economy" "Company eligibility contribution" a specified quantity of this currency, in addition to the lack of state deposit one of these categories of cash As in the case of the replacement of the current Iraqi currency by deleting several zeroes from the reality of it dealing in mineral prosperous largely as it was two decades ago, and this issue may require additional years before embarking implemented either put Coin for circulation at the present time is a kind of commonality with the currencies of other countries as distinguished as containing metal categories.


    Talal witnessed student in the second grade Faculty of Administration and Economics, Department of Economics, University of Baghdad, says : there was no circulation of currency mineral significantly did not notice its presence when fellow students at the university since the cheaper things are sold at a price (250) Dinara Kalajabs and Alenstlah and bottles of carbonated drinks and other items sold in the shop sometimes definitely watching college than among children.

    Adnan Husni trader in the market Alshorgh says no dealings categories coins There is no minimum demand has Ashahdha only a few times and this indicates a lack of relevance is clearly not only the minting only cope with the conditions the money other container of this type of currency, the Iraqi Central Bank signed in clear contradiction when humans citizens CREATION metal and currency effects in the market, prices and other such rhetoric at the same time insist increasingly on improving non-Iraqi dinar exchange rate even by (1%) The current exchange rate (1460) dinars to the dollar American sacred figure not to be changed when it happened and clear improvement in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar shortly before the hit rate (1280) dinars to the dollar rushed to the Central Bank exchange rate to the previous price and it is this improvement bubbles work speculators in the market!

    Instead of supporting this improvement, which is in favor of reducing the reality of prices inflammatory and left adverse effects on the majority of Iraqis living below the poverty line either traders generally Vitahamlon foreign currency exchange rate does not let the Iraqi dinar a significant impact on them Goods Asturduha from abroad Abiaha to shopkeepers carried out by the American dollar and the outcome of the profits as well as the currency, and when the proceeds of Iraqi dinars hasten to convert to dollars that practical based primarily on the currency. If the coin Confer is incumbent upon the Iraqi Central Bank to improve the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar significantly, they will remain a currency of the game played out like the rest of children playing games.

    Dia Husseini teacher wrote : I expected better from minting coins but it seems that the reality is stronger than hopes movement towards rising prices left their mark on the most adverse segments of society, especially people with limited income or unemployed to work to make them look at the Coin look savior of the greed and ambition of traders and vendors who raise prices without constantly to turn our attention to the reality of people's circumstances at the time there was no system that determines prices and protects people from the reader if left matters as the strong eat the weak jungle without the intervention of the State under the slogan of globalization and a free economy, market movement, and so the names of saturation Shabaan and become hungry Zaina no longer s valuable work on and I do not know why minting Is it a matter of luxury and kidding and laughter on the poor and showing off in front of people that we have a coin like them? Or it does not know the secret benefits only players money?

    Are we life of a dead body?

    Hisham Ali retired staff member says : incumbent restore life to Coin to achieve the purpose of putting into circulation, and help us in our daily lives Salaries are inconsistent with price and currency akin to the mineral matter drowned expected Enthalh from drowning, but it seems that this currency is not good at this task is not to limit the price rise and there the lowest kind of deal and I think that the bulk anthrax leaked to the dealers in antiques and Althaviat inside and outside Iraq to add to what they have to them and the futility of minting before PRICE HIKES outrageous that toppled currency paper before the coins.

    Abdullah promised the store to sell household items, wrote : accruing to the significant amount of miscellaneous coins by sales of sweets and Alnsatel and gypsum for children not accept this kind of deal only children currency has attempted purchase requirements Dechani be, but others are reluctant to accept due to lack of relevance, as well as a need for counting the time it decided to Allah Tphaz them for the future day may come when re-consideration of currencies metal as daily transaction is widely acceptable by the various segments of society.

    Translated version of


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    Default ISX Opening?

    Has there been any articles lately talking about the ISX opening on the first of June and if not, why? Anyone?

  8. #598
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    Word Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki in the inaugural meeting of the American Iranian

    الرحيمThe name of God the Merciful

    ..I am pleased to welcome you, which is Baghdad, the first meeting between representatives of the American government and the Iranian government for dialogue on the issue of Iraq .. أمننا.I hope that this meeting is a good omen for Iraq and an important step towards security and stability in the region, and I hope that our meeting today opens the gate to a common understanding of other meetings dealing with the outstanding issues among ourselves for our security.
    ..This meeting was the result of the atmosphere positive outcome of the ongoing efforts for the previous period is .. ..Starting from the neighboring countries in Baghdad Conference of Sharm el-Sheikh .. ..We are elated response to the American and Iranian parties to raise the level of communication between them .. نأملي.We hope that the meeting would remain positive, transparency and a sense of responsibility and serious will to reach a joint formula that would support national and regional security.

    ..We believe that our participation in the meeting will .. ..Participation is not transient, we are not mediators between two estranged but .. ..But we are a party that seeks to guide the dialogue positive direction .. كما..It also seeks to remove obstacles to success .. .To ensure an outcome would drive the political process to the prospects of national cohesion across achieve common goals for all of us and that would preserve Iraq's unity, security and stability.
    ..We pay careful attention to the Iraqi issue is the exclusive subject of this meeting .. .So we feel that the firm will of the parties in reaching a common spaces reflects a common understanding of the relationship between the two with regard to the Iraqi file and its repercussions. .Hoping to support the Iraqi people and assist in parking schemes in terrorism.
    ..We are confident that any progress at this meeting will undoubtedly strengthen the bridges of confidence between the two countries and create favorable positive contribute to addressing many of the other pending files .. وهنا:Here, we would like to emphasize the following principles :
    1- .1-respect for the will of the Iraqi people and their democratic choice as a democratic federal united working on the establishment of civil peace and the establishment of foreign relations on the basis of mutual respect, common interests and non-interference in the affairs of others .. We want a stable Iraq is free of international forces and regional interventions and to Aithol rules to terrorist organizations prejudicial to the security of Iraq and the neighboring countries and we look forward to a similar position by other nations especially neighboring countries and the region. .We emphasize that a strong Iraq, democratic and economy we want a point of convergence of wills in order to ensure regional security and stability.

    2- إن ...2 - The presence of multinational forces in Iraq will depend on the completion of construction and upgrading readiness Iraqi security forces and the need to remain linked to the internal security ... ولن .Iraq will be a springboard to threaten any of our neighboring countries.
    3- .3-Iraq believes that the decisions of the recent Sharm el-Sheikh is a good basis to support Iraq and cooperate with him to implement mutual obligations and commitments, In this regard, we call to support the three commissions and to develop recommendations into practice and we hope that the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran would contribute to the support of Iraqi demands to be put forward in these committees.
    4- منه..4-Iraq announces its desire and readiness to sustain this communication and raise the level of participation by Pmaishem achieving desired goals .. وبما جميعاً.To serve the interests of all parties.
    ..Let me take this opportunity to invite regional States and the Iraqi neighboring states to strengthen this trend and adopt the language of direct dialogue as the only means of understanding and dispel doubts solve crises to serve security, stability and sovereignty and the protection of the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq .. .It Mainaaks positively to regional and global security.
    .In conclusion, I greet you once again and wish to seeing this success.
    م وبركاته.May peace and God's mercy and blessings.
    Translated version of
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  9. #599
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post
    Has there been any articles lately talking about the ISX opening on the first of June and if not, why? Anyone?

    The General Institution of the Iraqi Securities Market re-elected Tabatabai during an extensed meeting of the Institution as Chairman of the Trustees Board and Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam as executive director of the market, with the participation of representatives from the Securities Body and other parties in the market.

    Tabatabai expected that the coming period would witness the completion of a draft capital market bill, allowing stock market investment activity to satisfy a large segment of Iraqi investors.

    He pointed out the most prominent achievements of the bourse since it was reactivated three years ago: opening to investors, obtaining a modern headquarters, completion of preparations for electronic trading, and allowing non-Iraqis to participate.

    He said that it intends to transform the Iraqi securities market into a commercial contributory company and access immigrant Iraqis' capital, indicating an intention to encourage Iraqi mediators to open foreign offices to support investment and bourse activity

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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post
    Has there been any articles lately talking about the ISX opening on the first of June and if not, why? Anyone?
    IMO I dont think the 1st June date is set in stone... I believe it will be the beginning to middle of June when the ISX opens to foreign investors.. come on... you know they cant work to deadlines...unless of course they delay it even further.

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