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  1. #861
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    The issue of federalism resolved between political forces

    Small confirms the completion of most constitutional amendments

    بغداد - الصباح

    Sheikh Jalal Al-Din Saghir deputy coalition common : that the vast majority of the draft constitutional amendments had been completed and that the spirit of the Commission on constitutional amendments is a positive and responsible and airspace largely fraternal.

    The young in a statement issued by the information office received a copy of it yesterday morning : some of the statements aired in the media and contains threats emanating from either views do not know what is going on within the Commission and the current nature of the synergies because it will be empty of content, or to put it simply packing information, Otherwise, the representatives Accord Front practice discussion include professionalism has answered mutual professionalism, adding that the origin of these statements do not serve the national harmony. He continued : "The issue of federalism is not needed in the discussions at all, The discussions focused on the powers won considering that the controversy is the federal had resolved between the political forces long to materialize.

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  2. #862
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    Maliki is a committee to examine the demands of employees of the oil sector in Basra

    Basra morning
    An official source in the Federation of Oil Unions, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki directed the formation of a committee to study the demands of employees of the oil sector in Basra and develop solutions and remedies to their problems fast. He said Russian President Hassan Jumaa

    In a press statement to "Assabah" : The meeting was held between Prime Minister Maliki and the Chairman and members of trade unions in the recent oil-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad and discussed at the meeting, which lasted about two hours, the oil sector items statement, which was distributed widely, which included the demands sector workers. He pointed out that Maliki instructed the formation of a commission in the coming days to meet representatives the oil sector in Basra who threatened to go on strike ended, pointing out that the Committee would be headed by one of the officials in the Prime Minister's Office and the official in the Russian likely to complete its work within one week to submit its recommendations to Maliki. Juma noted that the Union had decided to suspend the strike until after the results of the Committee. Reference the employees of the oil sector in Basra threatened to start open in the absence of response to their demands to reconsider the scale of salaries force and resolving the issue of the province 52 in Shuaiba and distribution for spare land for workers in the oil sector, and restoring what has been deducted from the salaries of workers by 20% of the Iraqi army.

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  3. #863
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    the (morning) in the economy

    Abbas Algalbi
    Not (Sabah) to achieve such presence is notable not for the impact of the media line to the recipient, the extent of their impact and harmony with the signs of different tendencies and inclinations.

    As Raphael (morning) its fifth year, the family economic not far from this tenacity, but continued to keep up the process of economic transformation and changes in the Iraqi scene during the past four years ..
    No Taal very highlight activities, programs and economic actors of government institutions and non-governmental organizations .. At this neutral approach in the presentation of information, analysis and the dismantling of its results, and hit on the other side citizen concerns and problems, which have become the most purely economic ...
    They tried effort possible to disseminate economic culture through the investigation ..
    The article ..
    The presentation .. The poll, the report .. And opened the door wide for economic stakeholders academic writing on the page economic.
    , And balanced in the presentation of topics consistent with the transformation process from the Central Economic totalitarian controlled by the state with all its considerations to the so-called market economy taking into consideration addressing supply and analysis of all the problems and dilemmas that exist in the course of this process of transformation ..
    If there is one thing that must be mentioned, the hard work began this effort colleague Aziz (Yasser ascendant), which deal with the repercussions of this work, including his well-known patience and persistence and diligence .. Also this effort to join effort with all of our colleagues and Emad Hasan Al-Rubaie Principality Heidar spring finally culminate Supplement (Economic morning), who was one of insight (morning) new for this year.

    While celebrate all this effort we are not quite sure we get to our male did not reach the lowest level of ambition that is going on in the hearts so that the coming days Stchdlamahal enormous economic transformation process at all levels and in various economic sectors, it undoubtedly requires an unusual rise to a level reflecting the anticipated the reconstruction and investment and therefore keep that require coherent Mtalubama reality. That did not come only by the multiplier, innovation and Bharvenh deal with the tide ..I believe that the elite working in the (Sabah Economic) capable of creativity and maintenance.

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  4. #864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    I realize it goes to parliament after the cabinet vote....which is where they claim it to be now but it was the comments re: "the Iraqi Cabinet accepted a draft law which states how Iraq's oil profits will be shared" and "the oil sector's profits will be put in a central account and distributed according to population and that the draft law will be put into action by the end of this month." I was referring to. They claim the Kurd's are still arguing this point although the April 30th article states it has already been decided.
    it was decided on ONLY by the cabinet so far. parliament has to vote it through and then the presidential council will enact it. they are in the negotiations stage in front of parliament with it right now and depending on which paper you read, sunni/kurd/shia you will get a different answer on when it will be voted on.

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  5. #865
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    in the government of National Unity

    A package of projects the largest budget in the history of Iraq, despite the poor security conditions.
    Baghdad morning

    Begin government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki tomorrow, its second year after a series of accomplishments achieved over the first year despite the difficult conditions experienced in Iraq.

    The government confirmed in a statement issued by the Information Bureau of the Prime Minister that the security challenges facing the country not dissuaded from continuing the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation, He pointed out that it approved the largest budget in the history of modern Iraq and submitted a draft investment law passed by the House and the draft law on oil, gas and fired draft national housing program, along with dozens of decisions taken to improve the economic situation and raise the standard of living of citizens also stressed that the challenges facing the country, did not prevent the government development of Iraq's external relations. The statement stressed that the government of Maliki is the first elected government in Iraq's modern history, The initiative of reconciliation and national dialogue option Stratejia devote culture of dialogue and tolerance, peaceful coexistence and abandon the policy of marginalization, exclusion and discrimination, including contribute to the promotion of national unity and the establishment of the state of institutions and the imposition of the rule of law and respect for human rights.

    The statement presented to the progress made in the government and armed forces during the past year from the responses to all of the outlaws confirmed its intention to eradicate the scourge of terrorism and the dismantling of its organizations which targeted citizens and destroyed the infrastructure and services sector. The government explained in its statement that the political objective sought by the President of Iraq is to build a sovereign and independent, democratic, unified and federal integrated with the regional and international surroundings, confirming its commitment to the Constitution of Iraq and the Iraqi laws and renounce all forms of violence and support all sincere efforts to defend the human rights of the Iraqi people and resolve the problem of internal displacement. the government promised to provide security for the Iraqis and Crime Prevention have shown a president seeking to build and strengthen the capacity of the Iraqi security forces and strengthen the authority of the State actor and resolve to restore its sovereignty over the security file fully in all governorates of Iraq and the application of security plans progress and regional sites for striking terrorism and crime, pointing to plans to implement a comprehensive national program to solve the militias and end the armed presence outside the law and the fight against economic crime and the financial and administrative corruption.

    The statement pointed to the government's efforts through balanced economic reform to work to address the external debt according to the Paris Club as well as agreements with countries outside the Paris Club and the Gulf states. A special government contracts implemented by the government now are related to dry gas and liquid to provide energy production and distribution of gas liquid Limits three thousand tons per day, leading to reduced import or suspension. Within sectoral integration statement announced that the Ministry of Water Resources will implement 9 large dams work will be completed during the period 2007-2015, at 11.5 trillion Iraqi dinars, as well as 9 small dams at 172 billion dinars would contribute to the the development of projects for the production of electric energy at the same time, the Ministry of Environment will monitor pollution of water and air caused by the activities of the production and consumption of oil and energy and develop solutions to address them.

    To address the reality of public services, who is suffering from a significant decline has revealed ambitious plans for the statement by the ministries concerned to increase the proportion of the net with water and sewage systems, paved streets and deficit reduction in solid waste management, health services and meet the urgent needs of medicines and medical supplies, emergency services and promote and develop centers healthy in all governorates.

    The government reviewed its quest for the advancement of the agricultural sector and ensuring basic agricultural inputs to the production of plant and animal indicating paid great attention in the field of education, technology and knowledge transfer and the general culture as a process of comprehensive national.

    She explained they strive to enable the rights of the Iraqi people from the full and effective enjoyment of civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights without discrimination based on ethnic or sectarian explaining its orientations towards strengthening the independence of the judiciary and the development of youth and sports movement through the implementation of various projects and housing complexes over an area twenty dunums of various governorates and implement 37 small projects for returnees and displaced persons.

    The statement disclosed that the Ministry of Defense has in the last three months of the year 2006, many of the contracts for the purchase of heavy weapons from helicopters of various types and reconnaissance planes, ships and patrol vessels attribution different origins and Madolph and armored vehicles in addition to more than 32 thousand rifles and sophisticated American Another type wheels and trucks.

    The government confirmed that its forces are fully prepared to assume full responsibility for security in the governorates of Iraq after received in each of Muthanna, Dhi Qar, Maysan, Najaf .. At the level of diplomatic activity, the government indicated the Foreign Ministry's implementation of the requirements to open 14 new mission and increase allocations Foreign Service for diplomats and administrators. The statement announced a doubling of the Ministry financial allocations for the social protection network and the establishment of the Ministry of Oil to increase production rates and the conduct of crude oil and the import and consumption of oil products compared with the year 2005 in addition to the Ministry of Higher Education for adjustments to the scientific instructions promotions and is now being recognized.

    The statement also referred to highlight the achievements of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation in the implementation of the investment and prepare studies for Manpower and develop plans for demining in the country, In the area of communications indicated that the Ministry of Communications has expanded and increased the number of exchanges in the country and modernize its network and expand the old international service and improving the work and increasing the capacity of postal communications between governorates. The statement also highlights the activities carried out by the rest of the ministries in the government, explaining their contribution to the work of building and construction and service of the Iraqi citizen .

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  6. #866
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    they failed attempts to sow discord Qaeda sectarianism among Iraqis

    POLITICIANS : government send positive signals to achieve national reconciliation

    Baghdad-up morning

    It seems that the government's efforts to achieve national reconciliation started moving towards achieving its goals, as a matter of indicators reflected positively on the security situation, according to the statements of political decision.

    In Washington stressed Waller Eisan George Bush and Tony Blair on the importance of the Iraqi government's effort to achieve national reconciliation.

    The American President George Bush in a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the White House yesterday, the first important pillars of the Iraqi government to make progress where, including national reconciliation.

    The American president also expressed his hope to reach a settlement in the Congress with respect to the military appropriations bill to fund emergency expenditures American forces in Iraq.

    But at the same time expressed his hope that does not provide any new draft law on the arbitrary withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, saying :

    "Time is important and we must accomplish the law as soon as possible, and the pillars of the Iraqi government are important and will work with members of Congress to approve the budget, both parties could accept that would allow us to accomplish a task."

    For his part, British Prime Minister Tony Blair resigned from the belief that all Iraqi parties wish to live in safety and stability in Iraq, pointing out that in spite of the difficulties and challenges in Iraq, but there are indications of progress, he commented :

    "Majority of the main Iraqi communities, whether Shiite or Sunni or Kurdish wants to live in peace with each other and want the future of their country free of terrorism and sectarianism, which is what we also because it was in the interest of the stability of Iraq and the entire region."

    He warned Blair of the danger of Al Qaeda and elements supported by Iran on the political process in Iraq, saying : What we see in Iraq now is that there is a new attempt to reach national reconciliation between the Sunnis and Shiites, I think there pointed to achieve progress in this area, However, what we see in Iraq is also an attempt by Al Qaeda through its terrorist attacks, and in the south by armor-piercing bombs used by elements supported by Iran, we see an attempt to hinder the prospects of an agreement between Shiites and Sunnis, which wants the Iraqis.

    In the meantime, American Ambassador Ryan Crocker in Iraq, despite the violence in the country, but there are indications that Baghdad government capable of implementing the political objectives

    The necessary to achieve national reconciliation. In reference to the progress made on the three major controversial issues, namely the oil and the law abolishing the Baath and amending the constitution.

    The Ambassador Crocker expressed satisfaction with Iraq does not slide back into sectarian violence which reached record levels last year.
    It called on the Iraqi List, Secretary of the Iraqi Communist Party, Hamid Majid Moussa, to enact laws and legislation in order to activate the dialogue with the government some of the armed factions within the framework of achieving national reconciliation.

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  7. #867
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    Quote Originally Posted by mustang sally View Post
    Please excuse if previously posted

    Action Central Bank economists welcomed convergenceBaghdad-Sabah.

    .Counting economists specializing in finance and monetary procedures Iraqi Central Bank to lower the rate of the dinar against the dollar selling an important step toward controlling the volume of inflation. They emphasized the importance of raising the interest rate up to 12% in achieving the goal of curbing inflation would in the short term to stabilize an acceptable price prevailing in the Iraqi market.

    It is noticeable that depression, and confusion author of this action on the stock sale and purchase rates in most of the stores are banking Baghdad must follow this dangerous turn in the stock market in the Iraqi press statements, a number of different Concerned importance of the matter and the enemy remarkable step towards reducing inflation and raise the value of Iraqi dinar and reduce prices goods and services.
    .In the same context, Ali Ghalib Baban Minister of Planning said that the central bank's decision, which came after extensive study by the stakeholders also aims to encourage holders of capital in addition to citizens in general on saving. Meanwhile, the Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi Center : that the goal of the Central Bank is currently limited to the fight against inflation, which amounted to about 76% and reduce the height by providing better conditions for economic development and improving the performance of the banking sector and providing stability. So Dr. Shabibi governor of the Central Bank of Iraq that one of the reasons inflation is increasing cash in circulation, necessary follow a new monetary policy aimed at improving the dollar's exchange rate towards reducing the price of several points in the auction, organized by the Central Bank every day to sell the dollar in order to withdraw money from circulation.
    With Counsel explained in the Central Bank of Iraq, Dr Mohamed Saleh appearance that is the central body responsible by virtue of Law No. 56 of 2004 to cope with inflation and reduced levels as a basis of this principle adopted by the monetary policy in discharging its duties, On this basis must the Central Bank that sets policy priorities, and here we mean monetary policy to combat inflationary activities using the tools available.
    He adds favor : there before monetary policy variables and intermediate or intermediate objectives reflect on the relationship between the impact of these variables to reduce the general level of prices and contain inflation . Among these variables equilibrium interest rate "long-term" equilibrium exchange rate or inquisitorial, and the levels prevailing exchange, Noting that these variables can control directly unless they are being singled through similar variables and the variables or operational objectives are signals or means Acharateh or information be used to influence stability in the cash market. Among these references technique interest rate, the Central Bank of Iraq, a price indication would be tantamount compass navigation to influence the behavior of interest rates as determined by which the Central Bank lends Why?
    ..What banks deposited in the Central Bank? .. =The control of the volume of cash as it is believed that whatever the confiscation of inflation, in the end, monetary phenomenon, Accordingly, the priorities stability longer required logical to build and stimulate the economy. illustrates the benefit of this trend is that inflation mainly to increase the speed of money circulation and abandon what leads to weak demand cash and the growing demand for goods and services as counterproductive, In order to maintain the cohesion of demand and maximize cash levels in order not to turn into strong spending on goods and services on the Central Bank, the use of tools in raising the interest rate has to motivate the structure of interest rates and maintaining the coherence of savings and maximize their purchasing power helps monetary policy to address the high levels of liquidity and containment in the cash market, "bank" without becoming bloc cash adrift towards goods and services. In light Matekadm highlights many of the questions in the forefront Can a CBE unit of curbing inflation and control the volume of cash and MacDewey raise interest rates at the high prices?
    ا..Economists stressed the importance of the oldest in the Iraqi Central Bank of procedures to control the volume of inflation, which reached high figures exceeded 70% through the reduction of dollar selling prices against the Iraqi dinar and raise interest rates up to 12% from 10%, which generated a remarkable stability in all price Iraqi markets stagnating in the buying and selling of the dollar in the banking most of the stores in Baghdad. The economists also stressed the importance that the Central Bank will continue this approach, which would curb inflation, which now threatens the stability of all the situation in Iraq, including security and social addition to the economic situation. The observers speculate that the lifting of value the Iraqi dinar against the dollar would reduce inflation and revive the economic situation of Iraqi families, which has suffered greatly because of high inflation rates, which was born the burden of large households now borne citizen addition to the deterioration of the level of savings is clearly .. ., Which prompted the Central Bank to take this action, which many observers several step towards a comprehensive reform of the Iraqi economy.
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    prompted the central bank to take this action. sounds past tense doesnt it?

    if there is one single person on the face of the earth that doesnt think iraq is going to revalue their dinar show them this article.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #868
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Voices of Iraq: Baghdad-Press

    Posted by: nakr2004 on Saturday, May 19, 2007 - 01:07 PM

    Baghdad's press evaluates al-Maliki government's one-year performance
    By Saad Obeid
    Baghdad, May 19, (VOI) – Iraqi newspapers on Saturday focused on evaluating the performance of the current Iraqi government, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and its efforts towards national reconciliation, one year after it came to power.
    The government-funded al-Sabah newspaper wrote,{{{{{{{ "Nouri al-Maliki's government will start its second year tomorrow,}}}}}}} following a series of achievements despite the difficult circumstances that prevailed in Iraq during its first year."
    Marking the government's second year in office, al-Maliki's media office released a statement outlining the Iraqi government's achievements over the past year. {{{{{{{According to the statement, al-Maliki's government proposed a draft law on investment, which was later approved by the parliament, in addition to the draft law on oil and gas, and the national housing program, which the statement said aimed to improve the economic conditions of the Iraqi people.}}}}}}}
    Al-Taakhi newspaper, issued by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by((((((( Iraq's Kurdistan President Massoud al-Barazani, published a lengthy front-page headline that read, 'President of the Federal Republic of Iraq highlights the importance of improving the government's performance and says consultations are underway with political blocs to establish security and stability.'}}}}}}}
    The newspaper quoted Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi as stressing the importance of respecting human rights during arrests and detention conducted by the joint forces under a security crackdown in Baghdad.
    Al-Bayyina newspaper, the mouthpiece of Iraq's Hezbollah movement, quoted the deputy chairman of the Iraqi parliament's economics committee, {{{{{{{Yonadam Kanna, as expressing his concerns about the possibility of putting the new budget into effect in the light of the several obstacles which he said are looming up ahead. }}}}}}}
    Citing "rampant administrative corruption," Kanna explained that many laws are not enforced, which he said has negatively affected the general performance of the government.
    Under a front-page headline reading, 'Gunmen's target was to release al-Tasfeerat prisoners in Mosul,' the independent al-Mada newspaper quoted Ninewa's police chief as saying, "The main target of the attacks carried out by gunmen on al-Tasfeerat prison was to release the prisoners, just like the attack on Badosh prison a few weeks ago. The security forces foiled their attempt."
    Covering the security situation in Nassiriyah, capital city of the southern Thi-Qar province which witnessed violent clashes between fighters from Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army and the Iraqi security forces over the past few days, the newspaper unveiled a ceasefire agreement between the two sides that is aimed to end the bloodshed that left 10 people dead and 60 others injured.
    The London-based al-Zaman newspaper published a front-page headline reading 'Concerns over Turkish invasion of Kurdistan region.' "A number of (Iraqi) parliamentarians and citizens expressed their concerns over military operations that have been conducted by Turkish forces in northern Iraq for a month, which coincided with threats made recently by Turkish officials of a possible (Turkish) military interference in Iraq for chasing fighters from the Kurdistan Labor Party," the newspaper wrote.
    The newspaper also published the following main headlines: ' The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory presses for quashing Interior Ministry's decision to prevent journalists from covering blasts' and 'A secret cell smuggling armor-penetrating ammunition arrested.'
    im trying to read into this that they passed the oil and gas but i think its another mis-translation or improper grammar.

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  9. #869
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    The Amen international intervention credit cards for circulation in Iraqi market
    من لكترونيIncluding «Master Card» and shopping card of the Internet and electronic payment systems

    مرحلة .Iraqi market entered a new stage of commercial and financial transactions, which were absent from the finance and economy in the country for long periods of time because of financial and technical policies advocating the old institutions and the Iraqi state and the private sector previously, when they started the company specialized international safety of all types of financial services Secretary provide services in the Iraqi market in various sectors large (financial, economic, technical and administrative), with the aim of strengthening the capacity of this market is promising to become a technological use in the daily dealings and achieve a quantum leap of the Iraqi economy. .The Director of the company in Iraq and Sam Salahuddin governance, that the procedures will be to put credit cards in the Iraqi market, Scud (credit card and shopping via the Internet) to facilitate the sale and purchase transactions in the markets and trade and financial dealings between traders, investors and ordinary citizens.
    لة.A director of the company for the financial services provided by the company, which is expected to launch card paid for in advance, in addition to the shopping card for the Internet, electronic payment systems, and point-of-sale through ATMs, banks and regulations overall.

    ا.He stated that the company's activity is concentrated between Europe and America and the Middle East in the field of diverse financial services, stressing that the company possesses a broad base of customers, which is active in most sectors operating in the community and need for financial services and miscellaneous cash in their dealings and activities to increase the level of effectiveness.

    والشمال.He explained that his company governance is the first financial company specializing in Iraq, based its work on the latest technical means, scientific and administrative cadre administered distinct, and has 14 branches throughout the country where all provide specialized financial services at the time and one place. to contribute to the development of the concept (Money shop) in the local market in Iraq, pointing out that it is hoped that the number of company branches to 30 branches end of the current year through the adoption of the concept of restructuring the company's new management to oversee operations in the offices of the center and south and the north.

    .Rashid spoke on the relationship between the company's clients in different sectors, saying «our company and the Iraqi company an international leader in its field, providing service to credit cards segments and different sectors of society such as businessmen, service helps them acquire means universally accepted electronic payment can be settled by languid indicating that service or card, It also strengthens its financial position through the building of a relationship of trust and the definition between businessmen and the company's access to advanced by increasing card balances and overdrafts granted Drag and rapid credit », He emphasized that the company is currently trying to establish a genuine partnership with major institutions and organizations that represent the business sector in Iraq.

    .They also rational relationship to the company with the students and universities through submitting a card (Master Card) for the use of the international information network (the Internet), in order to provide an effective mechanism for the community and university students by giving them security and rapid method for the use of the information network the highest possible interest. Having signed agreements with Iraqi universities to provide services to students, academics and special offers and quick. )».He added «has been the adoption of the principle site service offered to students and professors through the launch of the project (each student card), where the company will seek to provide cards for all categories of students at universities and institutes through the Iraqi special presentations for them through the program (than with safety)».

    .In the Gaza banks Rashid explained that his company is a strategic ally of public and private banks operating in the country to an end either, with those banks granted credit card service to their customers, and provide a service selling points (p.o.s) and service (ATM) ATMs, using money transfer network (Money Gram) as well as servicing of electronic networks and systems banks overall.

    ».Rashid pointed out that the corporate sector is another service that takes space fair amount of work his company and financial services and technical assistance, saying «The financial services offered by the company is primarily supported by the service companies operating in the country and is working to increase its efficiency and facilities offered by these companies to service their clients, whether through credit cards or through the reception of electronic payment systems, which help these companies in attorney fees and update services away from the cash payment and Ashkaliath and difficulties through the development of electronic payment systems with those companies ».

    .Finally, rational talk about his activity touch to the service provided by the company to the business sector through the provision of direct service regulations attorney laundering (p.o.s) and the establishment selling points inside retail stores, restaurants, hotels and offices of tourism and travel exhibitions, and by securing more than (500) selling point in the capital Baghdad alone, and efforts by the company to double the selling points to reach (1000) end point in 2008.
    if this is the case i would say they got the banks electronic and ready to rock as well as the stock exchange. seems as if it is all coming together nicely!!

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hkp View Post
    Interior invites all former employees of the security services to return

    (صوت العراق) - 19-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007

    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق
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    Interior invites all former employees of the security services to return to service

    Adel luxurious
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Major General Abdul Karim Khalaf director of the national command center in the Ministry of Interior that the ministry decided today, Saturday, inviting all associates of the security services in the former regime of audit institutions of the ministry and police stations to consolidate their position and not subjected to the treatment according to the Terrorism Act.

    His successor News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent that the ministry decided to re-associate of the former security apparatus including intelligence, intelligence and public security, and private security service to those who are fit for service, and referral of not fit into retirement, especially those of them exceeded the legal age.

    He explained that members of the security agencies located outside of Iraq to review the representations and consulates in the countries in which they are present during the period of 90 days to stabilize their position, while granting Iraq within 60 days for review, which includes all associated with the security services of Macedonia.

    He pointed out that "it can not be challenged during the specified period beginning today, Saturday, would be involved in hostile acts against the Iraqi people and will be treated according to the Anti-Terrorism Act."
    The Coalition Provisional Authority was headed by civil governor "Paul Bremer," after the fall of the former regime has issued decisions to dissolve all security bodies previous addition to the former Iraqi army and a number of official institutions, including the Ministry of Information Yugoslavia.

    ح م
    H M

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