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  1. #851
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    Default could this be why he is in Iraq

    'Blair in frame at World Bank'
    Press Association
    Friday May 18, 2007 5:33 AM

    Outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair is a contender for the job of president of the World Bank, according to one of America's most respected economists.
    The news comes after the board of the World Bank announced its president Paul Wolfowitz would resign at the end of next month.
    Mr Wolfowitz had been under pressure to step down since it emerged that he helped to arrange a pay increase and promotion for his partner - who also worked there.

    The World Bank has traditionally been run by an American. The US is the bank's largest shareholder and its biggest financial contributor.

    But Nobel prize-winning economist Joe Stiglitz, a former senior vice president and chief economist at the World Bank, told BBC Radio 5 Live Mr Blair was in the frame for the high-profile role.

    He said: "He is one of the people that is clearly being discussed.

    "I think it would be good for the institution at this juncture if they had somebody who was an economist who really understood what development was entailed and could work closely with the staff that has been very alienated by Paul Wolfowitz over the last two years and bring together the institution.

    "It wouldn't rule him (Blair) out but I would say that if I were going through a first priority list of priorities it would probably would begin with somebody with real experience in development.

    "But Blair has clearly been a political leader that has has the kinds of connections that one needs, that would be useful as head of the institution."

    The World Bank provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world.

  2. #852
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Default sory if posted

    South Africa will cancel 80% of Iraq's debt


    South Africa will cancel 80% of Iraq's debt

    18 / 05 / 2007

    Johannesburg (AFP) - South Africa announced that it would cancel 80% of Iraq's debt to about $ 130 million.
    The statement by the government that about 80% of the total debt of $ 160 million lent to Iraq through the Export Credit Guarantee Agency will be eliminated. ".The statement added that the proportion of the remaining twenty% "will be rescheduled in accordance with the bilateral agreement between the agency and export credit guarantees and Iraq."

    The source added : "This decision falls within the framework of the Paris Club debt relief to the Iraqi government."

    The Paris Club, which was established in 1956, is an informal body of donors includes most industrialized nations.

    And working in Iraq at least two South African PSCs. At the beginning of May States pledged to participate in the international conference on Iraq in Egypt to reduce Iraq's debt at about $ 30 billion.

    .On the sidelines of the conference, which included in particular the G8 countries and the neighboring states of Iraq, the Minister of Finance statement Jabr Iraqi counterpart that its inherited from the regime of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's debts worth 140 billion dollars.

  3. #853
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Maliki implement the demands made by the Federation of Trade Unions of Oil --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Prime Minister promised Nuri al-Maliki implement the demands made by the Federation of Trade Unions of Oil during two press conferences were held in Basra Union headquarters, in which he threatened in the event of non-implementation of the wage strike action.

    .Maliki was promised during a meeting in Baghdad with a team such as the European, praising the role of the oil workers, describing them bread maker Iraq.

    من".For his part, chairman of the union workers drilling wells on the Maliki one of the team members negotiator that "al-Maliki ordered the formation of a committee to study and implement the chairmanship of one of his aides claimed that the Commission will conclude its work within a week."

    .This states that the demands of the European focused on improving working conditions and find a solution to the housing crisis workers and increase their salaries.
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  4. #854
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    The forms of compensation to the families of the Haifa military operations Baghdad / citizen chairman of the local firm Karkh Center Abdel Sattar Al-Rubaie that the council started distributing forms to the owners of the houses, apartments and shops in Haifa Street,

    which suffered the damage and arson by military operations. He added Friday : "The local council is working in collaboration with the Iraqi forces and the multinational force and the Agency for International Development relief and reconstruction and the rehabilitation of those buildings."

    The spring : "The classification of a list of damage to the houses and apartments of those," pointing out that "the process of rehabilitating those buildings are part of the second phase of reconstruction of Haifa Street, which started yesterday." He continued : "

    There are two important project to beautify the banks of the Tigris banks of the Tigris Bridge to Bridge Saraveh Sank

  5. #855
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Head of government territory Kurdstan come to Baghdad to discuss the law on oil Irbil-fraternization Dr. Ashti seminar Minister natural sources in the territory of Kurdstan Najirfan that Mr. Barzani, head of government territory Kurdstan will attend the discussions in Baghdad this week on the points relating to the law of Iraqi oil.

    He added that no mention of any disagreement between the federal government and the provincial government of Kurdstan, but there are some points that have been agreed upon so far, the participation of the territorial government in the Iraqi oil resources and the mechanism for federal participation, As to the demands of the territorial government lies in the need to deposit the oil resources in one box, and the territory of Kurdstan special account and sponsored by the government of the province, said :

    "The Baghdad screamed (93%) of the oil resources of a private company linked supervised by the Iraqi prime minister, federal We Anaid, but to reduce this percentage to reach 50% only a moderate rate, and the other half run by a private company

  6. #856
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    A press-the Prime Minister's Office (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007 sent this issue to a friend of Prime Minister Nuri Kamel al-Maliki that what happened in Iraq is a major shift after the fall of the dictatorship in the country witnessed a constitutional institutions and the formation of a government of national unity,

    which is and always has been emphasizing the importance of tackling the political and non - self military and security procedures in dealing with public issues in the country.

    This came during his reception of the British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, in Baghdad this morning, and added sovereignty We live today in light of evolving political process and the activity of privileged information and the development in the economic sphere and an improvement in the living standards of citizens, But some biased media highlights only on the killings and destruction carried out by terrorist organizations.

    He praised Mr. Prime Minister, the positive results achieved by the imposition of the law in reducing sectarian killings and dismantle terrorist organizations with the assertion that this confrontation with terrorism will continue, pointing out that the complexity of the security file is in some respects to the intervention of some regional parties and its support for terrorist organizations and armed groups. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- For his part, British Prime Minister welcomed the results achieved by the advanced government of national unity and seeking to activate the initiative of reconciliation and national dialogue, saying that what happened in Iraq is considered significant not only for Iraq but for Egala States and the world, as new Britain's support for the government and people of Iraq in all fields, especially in combating terrorism aimed at state institutions and innocent civilians. ÑÆíÓ ÇáæÒÑÇÁ ÇáÚÑÇÞí äæÑí ÇáãÇáßí

  7. #857
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Blair in his latest visit to Iraq : I do not feel remorse because of the war (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007 sent this issue to a friend ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ BAGHDAD (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Saturday at his last visit to Iraq is to take over the post that he does not feel any remorse for his role in the invasion led by the United States for the country, which led to the overthrow of former President Saddam Hussein. ---------------------------------------- ----------------- On a recent visit to the country might determine future milestones successor after ten years in power, Blair met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, President Jalal Talabani and discussed with them the situation in Iraq, which is Sectarian violence. ---------------------------------------- -------- He said Blair during a joint press conference with al-Maliki and Talabani after their talks on how to achieve political reconciliation better, "I do not feel any remorse about overthrowing Saddam .. not. " ---------------------------------------- -------- He added : "the future of Iraq should be determined by Iraqis in line with their wishes, it is important to realize that all neighboring countries and respected." ---------------------------------------- ----------------- Eyewitnesses said that a missile fell in Murter Green Zone severe immunization at the time in which Blair and spokesperson for Blair said "there is information to suggest that this is different from usual." ---------------------------------------- ----------------- It was Blair's decision to join the American President George Bush and sending British troops to topple Saddam in 2003 despite considerable opposition at home for the moment stanchion wisdom. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In statements to the British Broadcasting Corporation said former American President Jimmy Carter that Blair was possible to exert greater influence on Bush and his government have shown "subordination" to the White House on Iraq and other areas of foreign policy. ---------------------------------------- -------- He said Carter (81 years), "I felt really disappointed because of the obvious subordination of the British government's policies with regard to many costly mistakes in and Washington. "---------------------------------- ___________ forced outraged public opinion and a number of members of the ruling Labor Party to support Bush and Blair's war against Iraq, British Prime Minister eventually agreed to step down before the end of his third mandate. And Blair will leave his post on June 27 June is scheduled to be succeeded by Finance Minister Gordon Brown. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ After four years of facing the invasion by American and British forces daily attacks from gunmen and undermine sectarian violence and recognizes state officials within the Iraqi ruling coalition led by Maliki and beyond that to achieve stability in Iraq "mission impossible T. soon. "---------------------------------- __________________________ However, Blair believed that there was a politically positive and wants to discuss with Maliki coherent plan for faster progress. ---------------------------------------- _________________ He said Blair's official spokesman told reporters : "We need to exploit the potential momentum in Iraqi policy to create the space for long-term security. -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- "That is the key to reconciliation, with emphasis on the development needs of Iraqis from different communities in the account properly and to reach a lasting political settlement between the sects." -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- but the war against Iraq tarnished legacy Blair despite his efforts to bring peace to Northern Ireland and the successful military intervention in Kosovo, Sierra Leone -- ---------------------------------------- _________________ The outstanding point in mind is that Blair led Britain to war because of a lie is the possession of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. The opinion poll conducted by the Observer newspaper this year that 58% of Britons believe that Iraq represents the biggest failure of Blair. -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- It appeared initially that British forces achieved good results in the city of Basra inhabited by the majority Shiites in the south do not suffer from sectarian violence flaring in Baghdad and that foreign troops is not vulnerable to many attacks. -- ---------------------------------------- -------- But security in Basra deteriorated in the last few years at a time of conflict between the rival Shiite militias for control of oil wealth in the richest city in Iraq and the gateway to the Gulf. -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- The increased attacks on British forces and was last April over April 2007 the bloodiest months since the invasion of Iraq. and Britain will reduce its troops in Basra from seven thousand to 5500 and would withdraw most troops to the international airport. by David Clarke

  8. #858
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarDevildog View Post
    Blair in his latest visit to Iraq : I do not feel remorse because of the war (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007 sent this issue to a friend ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ BAGHDAD (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Saturday at his last visit to Iraq is to take over the post that he does not feel any remorse for his role in the invasion led by the United States for the country, which led to the overthrow of former President Saddam Hussein. ---------------------------------------- ----------------- On a recent visit to the country might determine future milestones successor after ten years in power, Blair met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, President Jalal Talabani and discussed with them the situation in Iraq, which is Sectarian violence. ---------------------------------------- -------- He said Blair during a joint press conference with al-Maliki and Talabani after their talks on how to achieve political reconciliation better, "I do not feel any remorse about overthrowing Saddam .. not. " ---------------------------------------- -------- He added : "the future of Iraq should be determined by Iraqis in line with their wishes, it is important to realize that all neighboring countries and respected." ---------------------------------------- ----------------- Eyewitnesses said that a missile fell in Murter Green Zone severe immunization at the time in which Blair and spokesperson for Blair said "there is information to suggest that this is different from usual." ---------------------------------------- ----------------- It was Blair's decision to join the American President George Bush and sending British troops to topple Saddam in 2003 despite considerable opposition at home for the moment stanchion wisdom. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In statements to the British Broadcasting Corporation said former American President Jimmy Carter that Blair was possible to exert greater influence on Bush and his government have shown "subordination" to the White House on Iraq and other areas of foreign policy. ---------------------------------------- -------- He said Carter (81 years), "I felt really disappointed because of the obvious subordination of the British government's policies with regard to many costly mistakes in and Washington. "---------------------------------- ___________ forced outraged public opinion and a number of members of the ruling Labor Party to support Bush and Blair's war against Iraq, British Prime Minister eventually agreed to step down before the end of his third mandate. And Blair will leave his post on June 27 June is scheduled to be succeeded by Finance Minister Gordon Brown. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ After four years of facing the invasion by American and British forces daily attacks from gunmen and undermine sectarian violence and recognizes state officials within the Iraqi ruling coalition led by Maliki and beyond that to achieve stability in Iraq "mission impossible T. soon. "---------------------------------- __________________________ However, Blair believed that there was a politically positive and wants to discuss with Maliki coherent plan for faster progress. ---------------------------------------- _________________ He said Blair's official spokesman told reporters : "We need to exploit the potential momentum in Iraqi policy to create the space for long-term security. -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- "That is the key to reconciliation, with emphasis on the development needs of Iraqis from different communities in the account properly and to reach a lasting political settlement between the sects." -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- but the war against Iraq tarnished legacy Blair despite his efforts to bring peace to Northern Ireland and the successful military intervention in Kosovo, Sierra Leone -- ---------------------------------------- _________________ The outstanding point in mind is that Blair led Britain to war because of a lie is the possession of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. The opinion poll conducted by the Observer newspaper this year that 58% of Britons believe that Iraq represents the biggest failure of Blair. -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- It appeared initially that British forces achieved good results in the city of Basra inhabited by the majority Shiites in the south do not suffer from sectarian violence flaring in Baghdad and that foreign troops is not vulnerable to many attacks. -- ---------------------------------------- -------- But security in Basra deteriorated in the last few years at a time of conflict between the rival Shiite militias for control of oil wealth in the richest city in Iraq and the gateway to the Gulf. -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- The increased attacks on British forces and was last April over April 2007 the bloodiest months since the invasion of Iraq. and Britain will reduce its troops in Basra from seven thousand to 5500 and would withdraw most troops to the international airport. by David Clarke

    Thank Triple D! Way to keep us up on the latest.
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  9. #859
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    Mr. Finance Minister .. Efforts to follow up implementation rate in the

    (صوت العراق) - 19-05-2007

    (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007

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    A press


    5/19/ 2007

    ((Mr. Finance Minister .. Efforts to follow up implementation rate in the Iraqi ministries))

    Follow-up daily to Mr. Finance Minister for implementation rate for Iraqi ministries had held Mr. Baqir Jabr al-Zubaydi, Minister of Finance extensive meetings with the honorable ministers ((Labor and Social Affairs and Higher Education and Scientific Research and Construction, housing, electricity, oil and industry, Youth and Sports and chairman of the ownership disputes and representatives from the Ministry of Communications)) over two days continuing ..

    It was during the meetings stand on the details of achievement and diagnose the obstacles that hinder the implementation and development of successful solutions to upgrade projects and services provided to the Iraqi citizen.

    The Minister for the Ministry of Finance to follow closely the implementation of major projects in the provinces which contribute greatly to the improvement of infrastructure and contribute in the reconstruction process in Iraq and called on "to support the factories through rehabilitation and facilitate the provision of loans for the advancement by these plants in order to contribute to bridging the local market need.

    The first meetings with Mr. Radzi Sheikh Mahmoud, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, where they were to discuss projects of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and spe******ts in the ministry to identify projects of the labor and social security, vocational training and social welfare.

    Where Mr. Finance Minister on the importance of benefiting from the experiences of Asian countries in the operation of Iraqi families through the establishment of small-scale projects contribute to the upgrading of their realities living, social and contribute to reducing the number of unemployed and reduce the number covered by social protection.

    Asserting that "the support of the Ministry for these projects was agreed with the Ministry of Labor to prepare a thorough examination of this aspect.

    On the other hand, he, Mr. Minister of Finance, the importance of upgrading at Iraqi universities, which are the cornerstone of building a scientific wholesome contribute to the advancement of the new Iraq.

    Mr. Finance Minister, during his meeting with the Minister of Higher Education on the importance of exchange amounts of universities during the period specified where it will be through June 30, 2007 to withdraw the amounts allocated within the budget 2007 in the case of non-implementation by no less ferocious than 25% and will be published in

    The media at the time called "the need to accelerate the upgrading at Iraqi universities that require a lot of rehabilitation in the field and laboratory buildings to raise the level of higher education in Iraq.

    In the area of Construction and Housing Minister praised the efforts of the ministry, which had ratios good achievement in the field of project completion, where the ministry began implementing a number "significant" projects in Iraq, calling "to accelerate implementation in addition to benefiting from the Japanese and Iranian loan for the rehabilitation of factories and service projects.

    During the meeting, Mr. Minister of Finance Dr. Messrs.. Karim Wahid and the Minister of Electricity Dr. Hussein Shahrastani Oil Minister stressed the importance of implementation of electricity projects that have significantly prejudice the lives of people and alleviate the suffering due to scarcity of electricity where Mr. Minister of Electricity to the Ministry ambitious plan for the rehabilitation and development projects of electricity through the use of large sums allocated to this side and called on "the importance of providing security for power lines, which are subjected daily" to the terrorist attacks Memichaelv ministry effort "significant" in the repair and restoration of electricity to the affected areas.

    In the implementation of projects and the Oil Ministry have been extensive discussions in the development of the oil sector.

    As reviewed by the Minister of Oil ministries in the implementation of projects, especially the "building projects for new oil refineries in all governorates of Iraq and the rehabilitation of the oil projects in order to reach full export potential for Iraqi oil to suit with Iraq huge reserve of oil and for the benefit of Iraqis and contribute to rebuilding Iraq and to increase its financial resources.

    During a meeting of the Minister of Finance with Mr. Franco Fawzi Hariri, Minister of Industry and Minerals, Mr. Minister of Finance, the ministry full support of the Ministry of Industry in the field of rehabilitation of factories, especially the "garments factories and cement, fertilizers and reintegration operation and creating global markets for their products so as to achieve new resources to Iraq.

    The Minister during his meeting with Mr. Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, the Minister of Youth and Sports on the need to accelerate the implementation of investment projects of the Ministry and the benefit of the amounts allocated for 2007 and to support the establishment of sports clubs and stadiums, and the development and rehabilitation of sports clubs in all governorates of Iraq in order to create a sports and youth contribute to the opposite picture of the Iraqi Sport and participation in the Arab and international forums, and praised his Minister of Youth and Sports to support the Minister of Finance, presenting "the most important projects that were to direct this year.

    In an another related met Mr. Finance Minister Mr. Ahmed broadly used Brak Kim Authority property disputes was through a review of the activities during the past period.

    The Minister of Finance, Mr. on the need to support the launch and the amounts allocated to them balancing 2007 so that they can function in an integrated manner.

    At the conclusion of these meetings, met with the Minister of Finance representatives from the Ministry of Communications to discuss projects to improve the commercial realities in Iraq and support of the Ministry of Finance actor's cadres of the Ministry of Communications in the implementation of ICT projects that are vital artery between provincial and ministry representatives reviewed a number of projects that have been the direct beneficiaries of this year the amounts allocated to certain loans and the Japanese and Iranian support for the telecommunications sector and the implementation of the draft NGN in ambush ODP sophisticated and secure telephone service distinguished citizen.

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    Interior invites all former employees of the security services to return

    (صوت العراق) - 19-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007

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    Interior invites all former employees of the security services to return to service

    Adel luxurious
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Major General Abdul Karim Khalaf director of the national command center in the Ministry of Interior that the ministry decided today, Saturday, inviting all associates of the security services in the former regime of audit institutions of the ministry and police stations to consolidate their position and not subjected to the treatment according to the Terrorism Act.

    His successor News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent that the ministry decided to re-associate of the former security apparatus including intelligence, intelligence and public security, and private security service to those who are fit for service, and referral of not fit into retirement, especially those of them exceeded the legal age.

    He explained that members of the security agencies located outside of Iraq to review the representations and consulates in the countries in which they are present during the period of 90 days to stabilize their position, while granting Iraq within 60 days for review, which includes all associated with the security services of Macedonia.

    He pointed out that "it can not be challenged during the specified period beginning today, Saturday, would be involved in hostile acts against the Iraqi people and will be treated according to the Anti-Terrorism Act."
    The Coalition Provisional Authority was headed by civil governor "Paul Bremer," after the fall of the former regime has issued decisions to dissolve all security bodies previous addition to the former Iraqi army and a number of official institutions, including the Ministry of Information Yugoslavia.

    ح م
    H M

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