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  1. #831
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Who remembers this? Some of the newbies, may not have seen it.

    Baker Jaber AL Zubaidi: Iraqi Dinar Value should be Raised

    Baker Jaber AL Zubaidi: Iraqi Dinar Value should be Raised Al-Sabah - [29/06/2006]

    The Ministry of Finance together with the Central Bank are studying a proposal to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar in order to return it to previous levels where one Iraqi dinar was valued at 3.33 US dollars. This was pre 1980 before Iraq became involved in three destructive wars that at one time led to the currency's value dropping to a level of 3,000 Iraqi dinars to one US dollar. The proposal has the support and approval of the World Bank.

    A statement by B.J. AL Zubaidi, the Minister of Finance, in which he said that he had suggested to the Chairman of the Central Bank, Dr. Sinan AL Shibibi, that three zeros be taken from the Iraqi Dinar in order to raise its value so that one Dinar be equal to a Dollar. He explained that the financial authorities were set on holding a meeting next month to discuss the matter. The meeting is to be attended by experts and spe******ts from the Ministry of Finance, the Iraqi Central Bank and the Commercial Bank .

    The new Minister confirmed that 2007 would see the preparation of a qualitative budget, the first of its kind in Iraq history, and that the new program would pinpoint economic indicators.


  2. #832
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post

    And it's remarks like the MOF made here that have been splashed in newsprint and on TV as we read also in transcripts that defy slow grow and any other mutated school of thought.

    gosh even the precepts of article IV [IMF] agree. His goal fits into the regional economic model like a glove.

    I say we should believe him.
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  3. #833
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    yeah, yeah they should like that...
    money cant buy happiness, but you can rent it for a few days.

    2 wrongs dont make a right, but 3 rights make a left.

  4. #834
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    HOLD ON TIGHT! we are climbing to a new High Point on the track to the RV. I am getting so dizzy , any Higher than 2.41 and I may passout.

  5. #835
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    Sabah Al-Ahmad : adhere to the constitution ..
    ومقبلون على ثلاث
    And on the verge of three

    (صوت العراق) - 26-04-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 26-04-2007

    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق
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    صباح الأحمد: متمسكون بالدستور..
    Sabah Al-Ahmad : adhere to the constitution ..
    ومقبلون على ثلاث سنوات من الإنجازات ومحاسبة المقصرين
    And then three years of achievements and accounting neglecters

    قال إن ما يثار عن خلافات داخل الأسرة الحاكمة يحصل في كل أسرة
    He said that what is being said about disagreement within the ruling family is happening in every family

    الكويت: «الشرق الأوسط»
    KUWAIT : «Middle East»

    أعرب أمير الكويت، الشيخ صباح الأحمد الصباح، عن تفاؤله بأن تتسيد الإنجازات الحياة السياسية خلال السنوات الثلاث المقبلة في الكويت.
    The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, expressed optimism that the achievements Ttsid political life over the next three years in Kuwait.

    وشدد الأمير في لقائه مع النواب على مأدبة غداء أقامها لهم ظهر أمس الأول في ختام سلسلة لقاءاته مع فعاليات البلاد التي استهلها، الأسبوع الماضي، بلقاء موسع مع أبناء الأسرة الحاكمة، على ضرورة العمل الجاد.
    The Prince in his meeting with the House of Representatives have filed a luncheon yesterday afternoon at the conclusion of the first series of meetings with the events initiated by the country, last week, meeting with members of an extended royal family, the necessity of hard work.
    كما ذكرت مصادر برلمانية أن الأمير قال: «ان العمل الجاد يجب أن تتسم به روحية العمل في الفترة المقبلة، وأننا إذا عملنا بطريقة جيدة فسنحقق الخير لبلدنا وإلا كنا خاسرين».
    As I mentioned to parliamentary sources, the Prince said : «that serious action must be characterized by spiritual work in the coming period, and if we work well we can make it good for our country and we are only losers».
    وأشار صباح الأحمد إلى «أنه يعلم أن البلاد تأخرت عن ركب العديد من الدول المجاورة إلا أن الوقت ما زال سانحاً للنهوض بأوضاعنا».
    He Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah to «he knows that the country is delayed behind many of the neighboring countries, but the time was still opportune for the Advancement of manipulation».
    وقال إن لقاءه بالكتل النيابية خلال هذا الأسبوع زاده تفاؤلاً إزاء المرحلة القادمة.
    He said that his meeting with parliamentary blocs during this week Zadeh optimistic about the next stage.

    وتمنى الأمير، حسب مصادر نيابية حضرت اللقاء، على النواب العمل بعيداً عن الخلافات كأسرة واحدة، قائلاً: «إن ما يثار من خلافات في الأسرة الحاكمة يحصل في كل أسرة متمنياً ألا تكون هنالك خلافات بين النواب فهي أمور سلبية يجب أن نتجنبها».
    He wished Prince, according to sources attending the parliamentary meeting, the deputies working away from the disagreements of one family, saying : «The differences arise from the royal family's happening in every family there is only hoping that the differences between the House are negative things must be avoided».
    وأضافت المصادر أنه خاطب النواب بكل صراحة قائلاً إن الاقتراحات النيابية المقدمة بشأن الزيادات المالية تستنزف ميزانية الدولة واستثماراتها، متمنياً ألا يزايد أحد على هذه المواضيع.
    The sources added that addressed the deputies openly saying that the proposals submitted parliamentary increases the financial drain on the state budget and investments, hoping that any speculation on these topics.
    وضرب الأمير مثالاً بمكافأة الطلبة التي أقرها المجلس في وقت سابق، قائلاً إن مكافأة المائة دينار تم منحها لكافة الطلبة، مع العلم أن بعضهم قد لا يكونون بحاجة إليها لافتاً إلى أن هذا قد يساهم في الانحراف لدى الشباب.
    Prince and striking example of rewarding students approved by the Board earlier, saying that the reward cent dinars has been given to all students, knowing that some of them may not be needed, pointing out that this would contribute to the delinquency among youth.
    وأعرب أنه لم يكن يؤيد هذا القانون لكنه صادق عليه رغم ذلك لأنه قرار النواب.
    He expressed that he did not support this law, but nevertheless approved by the House of Representatives that decision.

    ونقلت المصادر عن الأمير أن الحكومة بصدد إطلاق حملات وبرامج إرشادية لمكافحة المخدرات ومعالجة الهدر في الكهرباء والماء، قائلاً «الحكومة أخطأت في مسألة محطات الكهرباء والماء وأنا لا أبرر لهم، لكني أطلب أن تعطوهم فرصة لمدة سنة وبعد ذلك حاسبوا المقصر».
    The sources quoted Prince that the government is about to launch campaigns and outreach programs to combat drug dealing and waste in electricity and water, saying «government erred on the issue of power stations and water and I do not excuse them, but I ask that give them the opportunity for a year and then defaulting Haspwa».
    وأضاف «كل منا معرض للخطأ، وعليكم محاسبة المخطئين، خاصة إن كانوا متعمدين، لكن خلقنا لا يسمح لنا بالتهجم على بعضنا بعضا».
    He added «each exhibition mistake, and you wrongdoers accountable, especially if they are deliberate, but created does not allow us to assaulting each other».
    وخاطب النواب قائلاً «ما فيكم خير إن لم تحاسبوا المقصرين».
    Addressing the deputies, saying «what you did the best that Thassbwa neglecters

    ونقلت المصادر عما وصفته بأهم ما طرحه الأمير، حيث وضع النواب في صورة أخرى عن الكويت، طالباً منهم الحكم، إذ قال «لو هبط سعر النفط إلى ما دون 46 دولاراً فسيصبح لدينا عجز بالميزانية»، داعياً النواب للتفكير في المستقبل وعدم التركيز على القضايا التي تهلك الموازنة طالباً أن يكون مجلس الأمة قدوة في البلد.
    The sources quoted what it described as the most raised by the Prince, where the deputies in another picture of Kuwait, asking them to rule, saying «if oil prices fell to below 46 dollars, then we have a deficit budget», calling on deputies to think about the future and lack of focus on budget issues, which lost students to be the nation's example in the country.
    وتحدث الأمير عن تضخم العمالة في وزارات وهيئات الدولة، قائلاً «نعاني تضخما في العمالة، ولدينا مشاكل وروتين».
    The Prince of inflation and employment in ministries and state bodies, saying «suffer inflation in employment, and we have problems and routine».
    وأوضح أنه طلب من رئيس الوزراء العمل على حل مشاكل العمالة المتضخمة والروتين.
    He explained that he had asked the Prime Minister to resolve problems of employment and bloated bureaucracy.
    وتطرق خلال لقائه إلى قضية ديون العراق، فقال «لقد التقيت رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي اليوم (أمس)، وشكر الكويت على مواقفها في المحافل الدولية وجامعة الدول العربية، وقال لي إنه قد أتى الكويت قادماً من السعودية التي أسقطت 80% من ديون العراق.
    He touched during his meeting with the issue of Iraq's debt, said «I met Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki today (yesterday), and thanked Kuwait for positions in international forums and the League of Arab States, and he told me that he had come from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, which dropped to 80% of Iraq's debt.
    وقد أوضحت له أن الكويت دولة مؤسسات، ومسألة الديون يجب أن تمر من خلال مجلس الأمة.
    I explained to him that Kuwait is a state of institutions, the debt issue must pass through the nation.
    وأنا أترك هذا الموضوع لكم لتقدروه كما ترون».
    I leave this subject you to Tekdroh As you can see
    وأضاف أن التعويضات الكويتية لا تسقط لأنها أتت من الأمم المتحدة.
    He added that the Kuwaiti reparations not fall because it came from the United Nations.

    وجدد الأمير الحديث عن تمسكه وإيمانه بالدستور، آملاً من كتاب الصحف عدم المزايدة في هذا المجال والحديث عن حل للمجلس، فهو أمر غير صحيح.
    Prince renewed talk about his faith and his commitment to the Constitution, hoping that the book newspapers that the bidding in this area and talk about a solution to the Council, that is not true.

    وفي ختام حديثه، جدد الأمير تفاؤله بالمرحلة المقبلة من عمل السلطتين، متمنياً على النواب الالتفات للقوانين المهمة، وأن يدعوها تأخذ مجراها.
    In conclusion, he renewed optimism Prince next phase of the work of powers, asking the House to pay attention to the important laws, and to invite them to take their course.
    وخص بالذكر قوانين الضريبة والخصخصة وحقول الشمال، حيث رأى أن قانون حقول الشمال يشكل أمناً للبلد بالإضافة إلى دوره التنموي.
    He singled out the tax laws, privatization and northern oilfields, and thought that the northern oilfields is a safe addition to the country's development cycle.
    وقال مخاطباً النواب «عدلوا وصلحوا القوانين كما تشاءون، لكن دعوها تأخذ مجراها».
    He told deputies «Salehoua and amended laws as you will, but let them take its course».
    وتمنى أن تستمر العلاقات الطيبة بين أعضاء المجلس والسلطة التنفيذية لما له من أثر في مصلحة الكويت.
    He hoped to continue the good relations between members of the Council and the executive authority because of its impact in the interest of Kuwait.

    Translated version of

  6. #836
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob1940 View Post
    HOLD ON TIGHT! we are climbing to a new High Point on the track to the RV. I am getting so dizzy , any Higher than 2.41 and I may passout.

    someone slide a pile of cash under him to break his fall,quick
    money cant buy happiness, but you can rent it for a few days.

    2 wrongs dont make a right, but 3 rights make a left.

  7. #837
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    Adster's post of the old article was the reason for the conservative starter rate of 75% of the official rate. That is where the 2.41 came from, along with rumors from others.

  8. #838
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    Lukoil to develop Iraqi oil fieldMENAFN - 26/04/2007</B>[-] Text [+]
    function doCorpInfoSearch(corpInfoDictStr){corpInfoDictWin='/cm/?corpSelect=cName&searchType=company&corpQuery=' + corpInfoDictStr + '&cHName=' + corpInfoDictStr ,'corpInfoDictWin');corpInfoDictWin.focus(); } (MENAFN) The Chief Executive of Russia-based Lukoil said that the company has obtained the support of the Russian government to become the first major international energy company to expand one of Iraq's oil fields, Iraq Directory reported.

    He also went on to say that the Russian oil company would be able to complete the development of the West Qurna oil field two times faster than any other international company. The company plans to begin operations after the Iraqi parliament approves the hydrocarbon law.

    It is worth mentioning that the oil field of West Qurna has between 11 to 15 billion barrels of extractable oil.

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    S&P Launches Saudi Shariah IndexArab News - 26/04/2007</B>[-] Text [+]
    function doCorpInfoSearch(corpInfoDictStr){corpInfoDictWin='/cm/?corpSelect=cName&searchType=company&corpQuery=' + corpInfoDictStr + '&cHName=' + corpInfoDictStr ,'corpInfoDictWin');corpInfoDictWin.focus(); } (MENAFN - Arab News) JEDDAH, 26 April 2007 � Standard & Poor's, the international rating agency, has launched six Gulf stock indexes including S&P Saudi Shariah Index. The S&P index will carry 62.9 percent of companies listed on the Saudi bourse, informed sources said.

    Mathew McAdam, head of communications at S&P, said the launching of indexes reflected the organization's confidence in Gulf stock markets. "The move will also accelerate influx of foreign investors into the Kingdom," he said.

    Alka Banerjee, vice president of S&P for index services, said her organization recognizes the remarkable progress made by the Gulf stock markets during the past few years, especially in the area of transparency. This market is poised to become a major hub for international investors, she said.

    Banerjee said the Shariah-based investment market has come of age. "We as the world's largest exporter of indexes are ready to meet its requirements," she said.

    A council comprising of experts, including Islamic scholars, will monitor the companies listed on the bourse. It will not accept companies that do not comply with Shariah regulations. "We established Saudi Shariah index with our own efforts without receiving any support from the Saudi Capital Market Authority," she pointed out.

    Saudi Arabia was placed number one in the S&P Islamic Gulf index with the number of Shariah-compliant Saudi companies reaching 62.9 percent by the end of the first quarter of 2007. Kuwait was placed number two with 20.1 percent, according to Al-Eqtisadiah business daily.

    In a related development, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, said it was working with Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) to develop a stock market index including Saudi stocks. The new index will cover IFC's financial markets in 32 countries.

    IFC's Executive Vice President Jannik Lindbaek gave this assurance following a meeting with Finance Minister Dr. Ibrahim Al-Assaf and SAMA Gov. Hamad Al-Sayari in Washington. He said the move would strengthen the Saudi stock market, the largest in the Middle East, with a capital of nearly $450 billion.

    In a statement on the occasion, Al-Assaf emphasized the strength of Saudi economy, with surplus in current account and general budget. "We expect better performance in the years to come as a result of the strong growth of the private sector and scaling down of public debts," the minister said.

    He also spoke about the government's efforts to stabilize Saudi riyal and its exchange rate against leading foreign currencies.

    He said the Kingdom's financial market is poised for an unprecedented growth with the licensing of new banks and financial mediation firms.

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    Adster, I remember, I I can't wait toooooo much longer. I am falling apart at the seams. I need some sleep, but I worry about this so much. So come on RV and I had figured way back when, about $3.45 so I am in the ball park. Or at least I hope so for all of us. Woot ! Woot ! smile.....we are so close now....

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