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  1. #111
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatstuff View Post
    It's a picture (jpg) and not text. Only text is recognizable as such by the computer.
    I'm getting arabic text
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  2. #112
    Investor greatstuff's Avatar
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    I know it looks like text but it's not - it's a picture. Unless you have Arabic character recognition software, you will not be able to make it into text for the translation program.

    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (George Bernard Shaw)

  3. #113
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatstuff View Post
    I know it looks like text but it's not - it's a picture. Unless you have Arabic character recognition software, you will not be able to make it into text for the translation program.
    FOR THIS >>>

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #114
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatstuff View Post
    I know it looks like text but it's not - it's a picture. Unless you have Arabic character recognition software, you will not be able to make it into text for the translation program.
    Ok, thanks, i wasn't sure what you meant, yes, that's what i found weird, normally those links open to articles, this one opened to a copy of a doc it looks like and now i can't translate
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  5. #115
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    President Bush renews his criticism of the Democrats, says that the failure of Congress to support the troops in Iraq will succeed serious consequences agencies : President Bush criticized for linking the Democratic majority in Congress granting additional government financial allocations for Iraq timetable to withdraw those forces. And President Bush said in a press conference at the White House Tuesday : "Democrats leaders in Washington are eager to run political battles over their interest in providing the needs of our armed forces in Iraq. if the Democrats insist on the registration of political positions, they should send me a bill unacceptable, and too Sanger. and the Congress will have time to return and examine the question of supporting the troops without conditions or delay. " Bush added that the failure of Congress to support the troops would leave serious consequences. He said : "In brief, is that the failure of Congress to support our troops means that the families of the soldiers await longer before returning headed from Iraq, and other families will spend less time with the family members who will return to Iraq sooner than had been expected. I do not accept this, and I think that the American people are also not acceptable. " On the subject of the British sailors detained in Iran, Bush stressed the importance of resolving this crisis peacefully. Bush said : "First, the detention of British sailors can not be for Iran to defend him or justified. I support the efforts of the government of Tony Blair to resolve this crisis peacefully. " The American President confirmed that he supports the design Blair not to succumb to any blackmail Iranian. He said : "consult with the British government closely. I support the Prime Minister Tony Blair that there will be no swap in the hostage crisis Britons. " On the other hand, criticized President Bush to visit the Speaker of the House, American Nancy Bilosi to Syria. Bush said Bilosi visit to Syria, which Washington regards as a sponsor of terrorism sent a wrong message to the Syrian regime. Bush added : "Syria's going to send the wrong message in the region and of course to President Assad. And I mean that the photo with President al-Assad to meet with him and encourage the government to believe Assad as part of the moderate middle in the international community. But, in fact, a sponsor of terrorism. They help, or at least not stopped transmission of the gunmen foreigners from Syria to Iraq. " Bush also criticized the government Assad said that they did not show any change or response to the demands of the international community. He said : There were many people who went to meet President Assad, including American, but most European leaders, and senior officials. But we have not seen any movement on the part of Syria. President Assad did not respond. That sending signals does not necessarily mean a person receipt. " For her part, Senator Hillary Clinton commented on the threat of President George Bush to use his constitutional powers to override Congress's decision to link funding American troops in Iraq to set a date for withdrawal, it invites him to reconsider what he said because that would mean veto the will of the people American. Clinton also criticized Vice President Dick Cheney, who drew sharp criticism for Democrats who had threatened to stop financing the American forces in Iraq, unless the administration of President George W. Bush to withdraw the bulk of it within one year, considering these criticisms in the national challenge of Americans who believe that the time has come to get out the sectarian civil war.

  6. #116
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    British companies and the development of the Iraqi oil industry, the contribution of one of the Russian companies in the reconstruction of Iraq, a new Ahli Bank, the Iraqi Business Council
    ياسينPreparation and submission : Nazim Yasin
    - .- These include the new program (economic report) interviews and follow-up on the contribution of foreign companies in the reconstruction of Iraq and the opening of new private bank in Sulaymaniyah and the establishment of the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan

    - British companies and the development of Iraqi oil industry
    Dominic Asquith من .Expected British Ambassador in Iraq Dominique Ascoith Dominic Asquith contribute foreign companies, including British, actively in the development of Iraqi oil industry after the passage of the new oil and gas by the Iraqi Parliament.
    .In the following interview with the correspondent of Radio Free Iraq in Baghdad Leith Ahmad, also talked about the contribution of foreign companies to introduce modern technology necessary for the development of the Iraqi economy, stressing the importance of the stability of the security situation in attracting investments to Iraq.

    ()(Interview with the British ambassador in Iraq)

    - اق..- The contribution of one of the Russian companies in the reconstruction of Iraq ..

    .An official in a Russian company specializing in the engineering and construction sector that Russia continues its economic cooperation with Iraq in spite of the low volume of such cooperation since the war that toppled the former regime four years ago.
    يةIn the following interview conducted by Radio Free Iraq correspondent Mikhail Alandarenko, Chairman of the Council of the Department of the Russian company
    للهندسة (Russian Engineering Company)Engineering (Russian Engineering Company)
    سيرغي إيساكوف Sergei Isakov عن.Sergei Isakov Sergei Isakov of the maintenance and repair work carried out by some electric power stations in Iraq.
    "تعمل .""Our company operating in Iraq during the occupation, as we are working in the country under the former regime. And we are reforming the power stations and factories, oil refineries and work in the area of some deliveries. Our company has signed the Convention on the Iraqi side before the two and a half years on the restoration reactor in the electric station in Basra. Renovation and finished last year We have the reactor into operation. and we will remain in the station until next June to ensure the monitoring and maintenance. The value of this Convention 15 million. We hope to sign the agreement worth $ 100 million for the renovation of other electrical station in Basra together with a Russian company again. in addition, we engaged in talks with the Iraqis on the restoration of a hydroelectric station near Kirkuk. we are in the final stage of talks and I think we begin to work in the summer. "
    وفي ردّه:In response to a question about the possible role of Russian expertise to participate with other international experiences in the process of reconstructing Iraq, the chairman of the company, the Russian Engineering (Sergei Isakov) on the belief that such a process could not take place without the help of Russian companies, he said :
    "أعتقد )."I believe that the reconstruction of Iraq without the participation of Russian companies is impossible. The Americans bear the responsibility for the occupation of the country and ensure security there. I do not think they want to restore life in Iraq to normalcy and resolving some social and economic issues, but they bear the responsibility of the occupation and the suffering of some of the negative aspects of this occupation. Of this, some American experts are vulnerable to such security risks. The Russian companies, they suffer from this situation is also unstable, but found more easily in solving these problems. The desire of Russian companies and the possibility of enormous experience and in cooperation with Iraq, "to quote the words of the chairman of the company, the Russian Engineering (Sergei Isakov).

    - جديدNew-Ahli Bank

    .With the consent of the Central Bank of Iraq and the capital of the 50th billion dinars, opened in Sulaymaniyah Finally Ahli Bank is a new (Assyrian International Bank) with a view to providing banking services and financing small projects in Iraqi Kurdistan.
    .To talk about the contributions that the bank aspires to provide for the development of commercial activities and reconstruction efforts in general, met with Radio Free Iraq correspondent Mustafa Salih Karim Member of the Board of Directors raised the judge and the Director of the bank, Mohammed Amin Abdullah Rauf, who first spoke of the work of private banks in the free economic system.


    - - Iraqi Business Council

    .Finally bases in Jordan (the Iraqi Business Council), which has a membership of about one hundred businessmen and investors to promote the Iraqis bilateral trade, and to contribute to the development of civil society institutions and the development of the Iraqi private sector linkages with his Jordanian counterpart.
    .In the following interview conducted by Radio Free Iraq's correspondent in Amman super Rasul Sarhan, head of (Iraqi Business Council) Knight, reformist end of the foundation and the most important goals to strive towards achieving them.

    Translated version of
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #117
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    'التحرير'The private banking sector has not evolved despite four years of 'liberation'
    نبيةIraq unrest disrupted the entry of foreign banks

    يصارThe Iraqi economy under siege

    07 / 04 / 2007 Amman Reuters bankers said that foreign banks waiting to stabilize the security situation in Iraq before entering or expanding their presence in limited.
    واتفق.The Iraqi bankers and American officials in a banking conference on Iraq funded by the United States that four years after the invasion, led by the United States in 2003 not to develop the private banking sector, which comprises 25 banks with work permits.
    وقال.He said Hussein Azri director of the Iraqi bank for trade 'Unfortunately, the foreign banks have yet to commit themselves to Iraq with regard to investments, training and systems development'.
    وفي.In the era of ousted president Saddam Hussein, Iraqi banks were isolated from the outside world and follow the banking system obsolete.
    وبنك .Since 2003 bought some Arab and international banks such as HP. S. Bi. CNN and the National Bank of Kuwait and Capital Bank from Jordan and Qatar National Bank shares in local banks.
    لكن 2005.But David Monroe Foundation official figure in the boom financed by the American Agency for International Development for the promotion of the market economy, which was organized by the banking Iraq said that foreign investment is limited to seven banks did not show Percentage new since 2005.
    .Monroe added that the security situation is the main obstacle even for the banks, which received preliminary approval for licenses such as the Bank Milli Iran, the Commercial Bank of Kuwait and the Arab Bank of Jordan.
    ...The Monroe 'mostly waiting to see the direction of the wind ... ء'.We certainly need some time where achieved relative stability before they begin to come '.
    ومن.It is expected to be opened by the Bank and the return of Basil, Byblos Bank branches in Iraqi Kurdistan in the north of the country where the security situation was better than in Baghdad.
    .He added that in a country does not represent the private lending from the banks, a small family-run only four% of GDP there are tremendous opportunities.
    ...He went on to say 'There is a substantial demand for credit anger in Iraq ... ...When achieved a level of stability I think that there will be a demand for credit and that banks are willing to provide loans ... .Would benefit greatly from entering the market '.
    وتابع .The Charge of the American International Development, one of the main shortcomings is the failure of the banks to work as a financial intermediary to attract deposits and extending loans to companies in a reliable provider. The Monroe to Central Bank statistics, which show that the total assets of private banks rose at an average rate of 254% in the past two years and limited lending private traders without any diversity.
    وذكر .The Monroe Plan of the American Agency to encourage banks to lend to small and medium-sized companies that lack traditional collateral such as real estate through the guarantees provided by the Iraqi company for assurances that the newly formed banks are beginning to have some success.
    وقال .He said officials from the Central Bank to raise the capital of banks and increasing liquidity in the past two years appeared to increase lending.
    .The bankers and officials say that while interest rates range around 20% on deposits in the Central Bank is not surprising that the banks would prefer to deposit their money without any risk.
    .He said the appearance of Muhammad Salah Adviser Central Bank said that private banks' nature conservative in granting credit was reflected in the large liquidity rates, which amounted to 60 per cent on average. .Monetary policy facing this serious challenge to the contribution of the banking system to ensure rational growth of economic activity '.

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #118
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    للاستثمارIraqi Minister of Industry : We received bids from large international companies to invest

    ي الدوليFawzi Hariri : Our investment cooperation based on domestic and international العليBAGHDAD : Ali hailed
    الاما.The Minister of Industry and Minerals Iraqi Fawzi Hariri, the start of the stage concluding agreements with the local companies, according to Arab and international system of a strategic partner with companies that the industry will continue for periods of 10 - to 20 years.
    ».He added in a press conference the day before yesterday :> The ministry raised twelve file special investment industry, cement, iron and steel, petrochemicals and fertilizers with the auto industry, glass and paper for the purposes of rehabilitation in the context of a comprehensive program of work prepared by the ministry for the rehabilitation and modernization of these labs>. .The aim of rehabilitation operations to increase production capacity in these labs, development and the establishment of non-polluting industries of the environment using specialized international companies. .Hariri disclosed that the working group in charge of this task a general conditions of contract, the first priority is to ensure the rights of workers in those labs, improve their living conditions and bringing a number of advantages and incentives to retain all employees and their contribution to the process of rehabilitation and the payment of salaries, allowances and benefits and coverage of any increases, according to the laws and regulations in force in Iraq, to agree to such conditions before signing the contract with the company, which will offer them rehabilitation.

    .Hariri, and reviewed the reality of the situation, a number of industries, including labs for the company's glass industry, which will be presented at an estimated cost of the investment is estimated at about $ 50 million and the General Company for the petrochemical industry, which represents one of the pillars of Iraqi industry and are grouped under the umbrella about 4000 employees, where the need to invest about 100-120 million dollars. .Hariri expected to reach the need to invest in the company of the Iron and Steel 180-$ 220 million to rebuild the structure of the company and furnaces and production of iron needed by Iraq to support the reconstruction process. .In the existing cement plants, Sinjar and Karbala, Muthanna offered for investment, has been estimated need of investment to about $ 360 million.

    وعن .And the consequences of putting these industries for investment, and the Minister of Industry expressed optimism that these industries have a large number of presentations, emphasized that the investment would be open, in front of many other industries in the event of a textile investors have as industries that are currently witnessing significant challenges to prove their worth and that such a lab garments in Najaf, one of configurations task and one of the best labs Middle East garment clothes, which signed a contract for the processing of global institutions Channel. .This is expected to take place staff in companies offered for investment to wages and salaries than their peers in the salaries of public companies, together with a rise in some of those labs raised their production capacities to 120% of their design.

    وعن .And for the investor who will be preferred, it will be the minister of the presentations that serve the interests of the ministry and the associated state and praising the role of governors and provincial assemblies positive support the investment process in Iraq, stressing that the ministry has set the announcement of those bids is 45 days, and that the process of selecting bidders will be within a week or two weeks that followed, and these investments will be open periods ranging from 10-20 years.

    .With regard to the rehabilitation of labs companies, the statement said distributed in three stages giving priority to the implementation of the labs according to a number of criteria, was the availability of raw materials used in production locally and labs experiencing significant demand for their products and reduce the import of materials produced in these labs and stability of the security situation in the governorates where these labs.

    .In response to a question by Al <Middle East> on the policy of the Iraqi government and the preferences of the new investment plan, the Ministry of Industry said that the government's policy is clear on the investment and the shift from the public sector to the private sector or free market, and this will go towards supporting the private sector and the Iraqi industry. .This was announced by Iraqi Prime Minister and all the concerned ministries, the Ministry began actively applying a gradual transition and privatization of state enterprises and support to increase their ability to compete in the market, and we are confident of the potential in view of its experience and the ingredients for success, particularly other market.

    اما عن .As for the formulas of contracts between Hariri that most of the planned contracts will be based on finding a strategic partner, and would be preferred partner capable of providing modern services and technological possibilities known worldwide and also placed on the rehabilitation of cadres and the financing process, and a study is also to create a sort of tacit agreements, which show how the diversity depending on the type of contract and the nature of the institution, saying that there was high demand from many Arab and regional companies to invest because they are sure that the poor security conditions will not last long, some of whom expressed a desire to invest even in volatile regions.

    .And on the salaries of these companies, he explained that in the case of investing, there will be a greater chance for peace increase of four degrees to a 11 degree, in addition to the profit margin achieved because some companies now stalemated because of the need for financing to be provided by the investor, and the investment does not mean abandonment by the state, and they will understand the staff staff receive salaries from the government even in the private system.

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Sgs: My translator says that this article states that the Iraqi Government passed a law that increases salaries for officers in the army and provides them with better benefits.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
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  10. #120
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Crescent Petroleum holds meetings with Iraqi Oil Ministry officials


    United Arab Emirates, 06 April 2007 (AME Info FZ LLC)

    Crescent Petroleum and representatives of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil have held technical coordination meetings in Amman, Jordan, this past week for implementation of their joint study of an exploration area in the region near the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border in Southern Iraq.

    The meetings follow on from a technical cooperation agreement MOU that was signed between the Iraqi Oil Exploration Company and Crescent Petroleum in September 2005.

    Technical experts from Crescent Petroleum, the Iraqi Oil Exploration Company, the Southern Oil Company and the Geophysical Service Centre in Amman held meetings over several days to finalise the technical programme and scope of work. The agreed curriculum of the initial study is to take ten months and will include a re-examination of the methods for seismic measurement presently available in the region and the preparation of geological studies of the current environment and new exploration areas.

    "Crescent Petroleum is the only international oil company that has had a continued presence in Iraq over many years and we have had an ongoing relationship of cooperation with the Ministry," said Abdulla Al Qadi, Director of Upstream Operations for Crescent Petroleum, who led the company delegation for the Amman meetings. "We are proud to work with the Iraqi Oil Ministry in order to enhance the skills being applied to this study to apply new approaches on exploration methods, all of which will ultimately add value to the organization and hopefully benefit the Iraqi petroleum sector as a whole."

    Crescent Petroleum, headquartered in Sharjah in the UAE, has already conducted in-depth studies for other regions in Iraq, including a detailed study and development plan for the Rattawi Field, for which they have been in discussions with the Ministry over several years.

    In addition, the company has carried out training programmes for Ministry employees and its related companies, to foster an environment for the learning and sharing of technical skills while strengthening cooperation between both sides.

    Crescent Petroleum is the Middle East's oldest private oil & gas company and has operated successfully around the region for over thirty-five years, including in the UAE, Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen and other locations.
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