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  1. #581
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Iraqi paper work before the Economic and Social Council Arabs

    ((Voice of Iraq) - 25-03-2007
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    شريفRiyadh-Voice of Iraq - Bilal al-Sharif

    نجح ي .Succeeded Iraqi delegation participating in the meeting of the Economic and Social Council at the ministerial level preparatory meeting for the 19th Arab Summit held in the Great Hall Hotel Riyadh Anterkontenthal noon today, Sunday, the 25th of the month of March in March 2007 under the chairmanship of Dr. Abdul farmer Sudanese Minister of Trade, a working paper on the need to develop the Iraqi and support the Iraqi economy. وات .The draft resolution, which was approved by the delegates at the meeting of the Economic and Social Council at the ministerial level on the inclusion of a paragraph in the final statement of the Arab summit by the leaders of the Arab kings and emphasize the condemnation of terrorist acts against the infrastructure of the Iraqi economy to stand against these processes and address all means and possibilities.

    كما.The paper also included a reference to the Iraqi enhance the march of investment in Iraq, especially after the Iraqi investment law promulgated on January 27 in January 2007 and is expected to take the content of the law and its relationship to the support of the Arab Investment and Economic Unity Council of the League of Arab States during the next Arab summit after year.

    .At the beginning of the opening of the first meeting of the Economic and Social Council at the ministerial level were Dr. Tijani Salih Fidail, Minister for International Cooperation, the Sudanese head of the previous session speech in which he pointed to the achievements made during the year in the wake of the Arab summit held in the Sudanese capital Khartoum during the month of March March 2006 .

    ثم .HE Finance Minister Ibrahim Abdul Aziz Al Saudi Al-Assaf speech by the greetings and best wishes of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz and all his compliments to His Excellency Dr. Tijani and to the Secretariat of the League of Arab States, he briefly to the most important achievements and objectives of the Council of his meeting with the current presentation draft resolutions that serve economic and social march in the Arab world.

    .He (Assaf) to the necessity of activating the implementation of these decisions, particularly the area of the Greater Arab Trade and the cancellation of customs duties, taxes and the suspension of the exceptions He emphasized (do not need more decisions, but need to cooperate to eliminate bottlenecks that stand in the way of economic and social reconstruction and the need to overcome the immediate sacrifices to reach the Arab economic integration.

    واختتم.He concluded his speech (Assaf) Turning to the most important paragraphs of the agenda for this meeting, foremost the establishment of the Arab and European Alkamrki executive program prepared by the League of Arab States, the draft Alastiratejeh agricultural project for the advancement of education and the Arab electricity grid.

    ثم .Then the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Amr Moussa start of his speech congratulated and welcomed members of the Economic and Social Council, referring to the current confidence that the Council plays a major role in the advancement of the Arab Economic and Social Council in all seriousness.

    .He (Musa) to the international economic situation, regional and their direct and indirect effects on the Arab economy through high rates of world trade has reached the GDP for the Arab States (1000) one thousand billion dollars in 2005, recording a value of $ 1 trillion and that this growth is due to oil exports by 70% 70th % of Arab exports.

    .He called (Moses) to take further reforms to achieve greater economic and developmental installment in the Arab world, and address the issue of unemployment, which accounted for 14% fourteen%, and this problem should be studied and researched extensively, and perhaps agree to take action to increase investments and provide the level of skill.

    .The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Amr Moussa placed development of education in the Arab world, and suggested that the report of the Arab Economic and Social Council on Education to all Arab governments immediately and requested that the circulation and send comments to the Secretariat of the League of Arab States and the Organization of Education, Culture and Science and a meeting of the Ministers of Education Arab and offer final recommendations to the next summit in 2008 and the need for the participation of experts and senior ministers in charge of the study of this vital subject.

    /2008.Moussa added Alkamrki adoption of the program of the Arabs through STAGES begin Balmerha short two-year term in 2007 / 2008 and 2009 long / 2013 includes the flow of investment and increased rates of national decision-making and to guide economic activity and the start of the European Social Alkamrki Arab in the growth process and the free movement of capital, goods Arabic.

    .He Moussa Astiratejeh to achieve sustainable agricultural development as well as the Arab agricultural integration to improve service facilities and the provision of health care and access to a healthy society and stressed the need to take decisions, especially for outstanding business and necessary for the implementation of previous resolutions, with full awareness and responsibility
    Translated version of
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  2. #582
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    Broader investment plan in the history of Iraq together with the imposition of the law
    بغداد - الصباحBaghdad-Sabah
    خصص مجلس الوزراء 11 مليار دولار اي ما يوازي 25% من موازنة عام 2007 لخطة استثمارية غير مسبوقة في العراق.Cabinet allocated 11 billion dollars-the equivalent of 25% of the budget in 2007 to an investment plan is unprecedented in Iraq. ويعد اقتصاديون هذه الخطوة مرادفة لخطة فرض القانون التي تهدف الى تحقيق الاستقرار في العراق بما يسهم في نهضة عمرانية واقتصادية شاملة تعيد العراق الى مصاف الدول المتقدمة.The economists this step synonymous with a plan to impose law aimed at achieving stability in Iraq, including contributing to the renaissance of urban and comprehensive economic restore Iraq to the ranks of the advanced countries.

    ورغم ان مصادر موثوقة اكدت ان عدد المشاريع المخطط لانجازها للعام الحالي تبلغ 1200 مشروع موزع بين كبير ومتوسط وصغير، الا ان المستشار في رئاسة الوزراء للشؤون الاقتصادية عبدالله البندر قال: ان العدد قد يتضاعف عدة مرات عن الرقم المذكور في حال التزمت الجهات المنفذة بالسقف الزمني المحدد لانجازها.Although reliable sources confirmed that the number of projects planned for completion this year of the draft in 1200 divided between large, medium and small, but the advisor of the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdullah Albandar said : that the number has doubled several times on the figure mentioned in the case committed actors ceiling schedule for completion.
    وقال البندر في تصريح خاص بـ”الصباح “: ان رئيس الوزراء السيد نوري المالكي وجه وزارتي المالية والتخطيط بالاهتمام بقطاعي النفط والكهرباء للتخفيف عن كاهل المواطن العراقي، عبر انشاء مصافي النفط ومحطات توليد الطاقة الكهربائية فضلا عن المشاريع الاخرى الخاصة بالبنى التحتية والصرف الصحي وغيرها.Albandar said in a special interview with "morning" : that the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the ministries of Finance and Planning interesting sectors of oil and electricity to ease the burdens on the Iraqi people, through the construction of oil refineries and power plants as well as other projects on infrastructure, sanitation and others.
    ومن المتوقع ان يناقش مجلس النواب خلال الفترة القليلة المقبلة قانون النفط والغاز الذي من شأنه الاسهام بتطوير القطاع النفطي عبر دخول شركات الاستثمار العالمية في هذا المجال مايسهم في تطوير الاقتصاد العراقي.It is expected to discuss the House of Representatives during the next few oil and gas law that would contribute to develop the oil sector through the entry of global investment companies in this area Maishm in the development of the Iraqi economy.
    ويضيف البندر ان السيد المالكي يبذل جهودا حثيثة عاقدا العزم على جعل عام 2007 عاما للبناء وتحقيق الامن، مشيرا الى انه قرر منح فترة 6 اشهر للوزارات والمحافظات لتنفيذ 25% من المشاريع المقرر تنفيذها وفي حال لم يتم ذلك ستنقل المبالغ الى محافظات او وزارات اخرى.He adds that Mr. Albandar Maliki has been making strenuous efforts, determined to make the 2007 years of building and security, he said, pointing out that he had decided to grant a period of six months of ministries and provinces for the implementation of 25% of the projects to be implemented in the event does not happen, then the amounts will be transferred to the provinces or other ministries.
    ويؤكد مستشار رئيس الوزراء ان الخطة الاستثمارية للعام الحالي ستنجح بخفض معدل البطالة البالغة الان 40% من القوى العاملة المهيأة للعمل في حال استثمر مبلغ الـ11 مليار دولار بشكل سريع ودقيق وبعيد عن الروتين، ما يؤدي الى زيادة دخول المواطنين ويفسح المجال لاستثمارات جديدة، مشددا على دعم الحكومة لجميع المشاريع الاستثمارية التي تصب في المصلحة العامة.The Adviser to the Prime Minister that the investment plan for the current year will succeed to reduce the rate of unemployment is now 40% of the labor force prepared to work in the event of invested amount of $ 11 billion quickly and accurately and far from routine, which would lead to increase incomes and opens the door to new investments, the minister said, stressing the government's support for all projects the investment is in the public interest. وعبر البندر عن امله بايجاد ارضية استثمارية وطاقة استيعابية لتنفيذ الموازنة الاستثمارية التي خصص لها 25% من الموازنة العامة للدولة مؤكدا ان الحكومة جادة في ارساء ارضية للامن وهو شرط اساسي لتنشيط الاستثمار.And across Albandar hoped to find a middle ground investment and capacity for the implementation of the investment budget has been allocated 25% of the State's general budget, saying the government is serious in laying the ground for security is a prerequisite for investment promotion. من جهة اخرى تستعد الولايات المتحدة لنشر عشر فرق جديدة في مجال اعادة الاعمار الاسبوع المقبل في بغداد ومحافظتي الانبار وبابل.On the other hand, the United States is preparing to deploy a new ten teams in the field of reconstruction next week in Baghdad, Al Anbar and Babil. حسب ما اعلنته وزارة الخارجية الاميركية واشادت وزيرة الخارجية الاميركية كونداليزا رايس امس الاول بمسؤولي هذه الفرق التي ستتألف كل منها من دبلوماسي وعسكري وخبير من الوكالة الاميركية للمساعدة الدولية يو اس ايد ومترجم.According to the announcement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and praised American and American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday with officials of the teams which will consist each of the diplomatic and military expert from the American Agency for international assistance U. S. supported and an interpreter. وقالت رايس: ليس هناك شيء اهم من الجهود التي نبذلها حاليا لمساعدة العراقيين على توفير الامن لشعبهم.Rice said : There is nothing more important than our current efforts to help the Iraqis to provide security for their people. واضافت، لكن نعلم ان الامن ليس مجرد مسألة شرطة عسكرية بل هو ايضا مسألة تنمية اقتصادية ومسألة حكم.She added, but we know that security is not just a question of military police, but is also the question of economic development and the issue of governance. واوضح المسؤولون عن فرق اعادة الاعمار وكلهم من الدبلوماسيين المحترفين والمتطوعين انهم يريدون اقامة علاقات شخصية مع العراقيين بالرغم من الوضع الامني المأساوي.The teams responsible for the reconstruction and all of the professional diplomats and volunteers they want to establish personal relationships with the Iraqis although security situation tragic.
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  3. #583
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    single budget

    Hassan Rubaie
    Examinations of the resources of the State budget for the current year 2007 to find that it had adopted a basis on oil imports accounting for the vast majority of revenues and by up to more than 90% feel that the excuse for the authors of the budget at the present time they did not find them in this section not only the resources for agricultural products and industrial exports and Amward tourism and the rules and concepts of development and foreign investment, or any other resources

    .But, we can not feel any excuses future if Maelmena that Iraq is on the verge of new transformations and economic concepts of a market economy and accession to the World Trade Organization, which would require the opening of its wide acceptance and the entry of goods from all different parts of the world without the existence of a right of objection.
    This requires the establishment of the steps are unable to compete in the minimum and would not be master of its economy and its rules shaken and will not be able to withstand those changes, that the seriousness of this matter requires to think concerned economists and politicians reflect the need to create basic industrial structures and agricultural scientific shifts begin on the basic steps manufacturing industries also as heavy industries and activating the upswing in agricultural production for the steadfastness of the goods coming in, which would flood the market and the disruption of production and the loss of its ability to compete simple.
    .We should not overlook the results of foreign investments if they are successful it as Matkon factor for the economic development is a process of absorbing its monetary and material that must always seek to renew funding sources and budget estimate future of the oil resources are depleted.
    . Therefore, the process of anticipating and time to seriously develop rules and plans to save face, the Iraqi economy and getting out of the bottleneck and vulnerability facing the lives of subsequent generations and future. Also, the process of activating a broad revival of industrial and agricultural capable of investing tremendous human resources owned by Iraq, and thus can achieve two goals that one and two away from unilateralism in the economy and achieve a decent living for the people performing components that must be saved.

    Research in Economic News
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    :More economic news in reading :
    The Iraqi dinar rise in the Saudi market

  4. #584
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    Al-carries the responsibility of the Minister of Finance delay in the application of the new retirement law - PENSION LAW WILL APPLY STARTING WITH APRIL!!

    بغداد - الصباحBaghdad-Sabah
    حمل النائب محسن السعدون عن التحالف الكردستاني وزير المالية باقر جبر الزبيدي مسؤولية تأخير البدء بتطبيق قانون التقاعد الجديد.MP Mohsen al-Sadoun of the Kurdistan Alliance and Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi responsibility delay introduction of the new retirement law. وقال السعدون في تصريح صحفي امس السبت: ان مجلس النواب صادق على القانون قبل اكثر من سنة ونصف السنةAl-Sadoun said in a press statement yesterday, Saturday, the House of Representatives : that ratified the law more than a year and a half

    وصادقت عليه رئاسة الجمهورية، كما وتم نشره في الجريدة الرسمية ايضا., And endorsed by the Presidency of the Republic, was also published in the official gazette also. واضاف السعدون:"ان وزارة المالية لاتزال غير جادة بتطبيق القانون "مطالبا"وزير المالية ووزارته التسريع بتطبيق القانون وبالاخص بعد المصادقة على ميزانية العام2007 . واشار الى:"ان شريحة المتقاعدين مهمة ويجب الاهتمام بها كونها تمثل أكثر من مليوني عراقي ". واوضح السعدون:"ان قانون الموظفين سيبدأ تطبيقه اعتبارا من الشهر الجاري ". وتابع:"ان اللجنة القانونية في مجلس النواب بصدد الانتهاء من مشروع قانون تصفية وتكرير النفط الخام بالاضافة الى بعض القوانين والتشريعات المنصوص عليها في الدستور". وبين السعدون:"ان هناك خطة لتوزيع القوانين البالغ عددها 55 قانونا يراد تشريعها ضمن الدستور على اللجان في مجلس النواب وحسب اختصاص كل لجنةHe added : Sadoon "that the Ministry of Finance is still not serious application of the law" and urged "the Minister of Finance and the EU to accelerate the application of the law, especially after the ratification of the budget year 2007. He pointed out : "The important segment of retirees and attention must represent more than two million Iraqi." Sadoon explained : "The law of the staff will put into effect as of this month." He continued : "The Committee legal in the House of Representatives is about to complete the draft law on the liquidation of refining crude oil in addition to some laws and legislation enshrined in the Constitution. " and between al-Sadoun : "There is a plan for the distribution of the laws of the 55 legally be within its Constitution committees in the House of Representatives, and according to the jurisdiction of each committee
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  5. #585
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    العربيةIraq looks to establish economic relations with Arab countries, sophisticated

    14:45 25 / 03 / 2007 14:45 25 / 03 / 2007

    PUKmedia غداد:PUKmedia Laila al-Shamri / Baghdad :

    أكد .Dr. Abdalvalah Hassan, the Sudanese Minister of Trade that Iraq looks forward to the evolving relationship with the Arab countries in the economic field to interact and achieve Arab economic integration and desired to participate in the free market, which concerns itself with the Arab growth of this economy and the exchange of experiences and information.

    .He added, the Sudanese press statements today, Sunday, in Riyadh that Iraq has taken a series of significant economic measures concerned the adoption of a free economy and openness, controlled and applied by the State as well as the issuance of the most important strategic decisions Investment Law, which was approved by the Parliament and took effect today. مضيفاً.Iraq, adding that the projects to ensure the Arab brothers to denounce the terrorist operations that target Iraqi economy and claim support for Arab support to confront this terrorism, which seeks to destroy the infrastructure of the Iraqi economy, was welcomed by the brothers of this proposal, which would be one of the projects issued by the summit of Arab leaders and the leaders of the Saudi capital.

    وأشار .He pointed out that the Sudanese Riyadh Economic Conference was an opportunity to exchange views with the Ministers of Arabs and clarify the policy in Iraq, economic openness and flexibility to increase the volume of trade with all Arab countries, and to achieve Arab integration, pointing out that paragraphs and recommendations discussed by the Board was concerned with the task of developing the economy Arab and the removal of obstacles relating to the establishment of the Arab free market to support projects related to tourism, transport and the electricity grid and the general structure of the monetary union of the Arab Customs and proactive mechanisms and programs for the application of this structure.

    .The Sudanese that Iraq will new projects for the meetings of the Economic and Social Council after the Arab next to be completed mechanisms for this project, which regards the support of Arab investment in Iraq and ask the Arab governments to urge companies and businessmen and the private sector to invest for various projects in all regions of the country.

    .He stressed that Iraq possesses tremendous economic force capable of bringing to the world economy if the safety factor and provide stability where possesses all the fundamentals of development and stockpiling of oil and therefore would be a milestone in overcoming all the problems of the present stage which superseded his sons, and Iraq will topple all the machinations and conspiracies of the enemies different.

    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #586
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    single budget

    أخرىExaminations of the resources of the State budget for the current year 2007 to find that it had adopted a basis on oil imports accounting for the vast majority of revenues and by up to more than 90% feel that the excuse for the authors of the budget at the present time they did not find them in this section not only the resources for agricultural products and industrial exports and Amward tourism and the rules and concepts of development and foreign investment, or any other resources

    لكن.But, we can not feel any excuses future if Maelmena that Iraq is on the verge of new transformations and economic concepts of a market economy and accession to the World Trade Organization, which would require the opening of its wide acceptance and the entry of goods from all different parts of the world without the existence of a right of objection.
    وذلك.This requires the establishment of the steps are unable to compete in the minimum and would not be master of its economy and its rules shaken and will not be able to withstand those changes, that the seriousness of this matter requires to think concerned economists and politicians reflect the need to create basic industrial structures and agricultural scientific shifts begin on the basic steps manufacturing industries also as heavy industries and activating the upswing in agricultural production for the steadfastness of the goods coming in, which would flood the market and the disruption of production and the loss of its ability to compete simple.
    .We should not overlook the results of foreign investments if they are successful it as Matkon factor for the economic development is a process of absorbing its monetary and material that must always seek to renew funding sources and budget estimate future of the oil resources are depleted.
    . Therefore, the process of anticipating and time to seriously develop rules and plans to save face, the Iraqi economy and getting out of the bottleneck and vulnerability facing the lives of subsequent generations and future. Also, the process of activating a broad revival of industrial and agricultural capable of investing tremendous human resources owned by Iraq, and thus can achieve two goals that one and two away from unilateralism in the economy and achieve a decent living for the people performing components that must be saved.
    Translated version of
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #587
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    Quote Originally Posted by yardbird View Post
    I have a question about those who had their accounts frozen or cancelled . One of the requirements some were told to be able to order dinar, they had to have an account. So they open up an account and then it gets frozen or closed down. Without an explanation? That doesn't seem legal. Were any of you given an explanation?
    Had the account been funded.... When I opened my account I had to fund the account within a certain time or it would be cancelled

  8. #588
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    Default Sunday March 25, 2007

    Number of banks 12 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1277 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ----- -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 86.755.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) -----
    Total offers for buying (US $) 86.755.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ----- -----

    Gooooooooooooood Morning RolClub

    "The More They Take, The More We Make"

    1. "0" Dinar rate change today, it was 1277, it is now 1277

    2. A (net) worth of dinars, IQD - 110,786,135,000 pulled out of circulation today 3/25/07.

    3. 16 banks participating today

    4. 108th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 176 days into the CBI's reval plan.

    6. 7,257,642,206,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    7. "0" Dinars back into circulation today

    8. 200 dinar change since Oct 1st (baseline was 1477) 13.540% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan (Approximatly Oct 1st).

    9. 0 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1277 at the end of last week, 1277 so far this week.

    10. 3 point drop in the month of Mar. Ended at 1280 in Feb, now stands at1277
    In January we saw a 2.49% drop in the rate.
    In February we saw a .928% drop in the rate.

  9. #589
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    Had the account been funded.... When I opened my account I had to fund the account within a certain time or it would be cancelled
    Just so I understand Do you mean that you have to deposit money in it periodically, perhaps up to a certain amount?

  10. #590
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    for reference...

    (and it looks like sybill is back posting.)
    Who are you referring to SGS? Besides the Sybil in the movie.

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