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    (صوت العراق) - 07-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 07-03-2007
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    من شـــبـكـــــة ميـســــــان الاخــــــبارية المســـــــتقلةNetwork news Maysan Independent


    منتسبو حماية منشآت الكهرباء يتظاهرون للمطالبة بحقوقهمMina protect electricity installations are demonstrating to demand their rights
    العمارة - شبكة ميسان الاخبارية المستقلةArchitecture-independent news network Maysan

    تظاهر منتسبو حماية منشآت وزارة الكهرباء في مدينة العمارة أمام مبنى محافظة ميسان مطالبين الحكومة بمساواتهم مع أقرانهم في وزارتي الداخلية والدفاع وتحسين ظروفهم المعيشية.Mina demonstrated protection facilities of the Ministry of Electricity in the city of Amarah in front of the Maysan Governorate calling for the government of origin and with their peers in the Ministries Interior, Defense and the improvement of their living conditions.

    وقال مساعد مركز شرطة كهرباء ميسان الرائد فوزي جبار فهد العبادي في تصريح صحفي : " تظاهرنا اليوم يأتي للمطالبة بشمولنا بمخصصات الخطورة والإطعام والترقية والترفيع والعلاوات ،ضباطا ومراتب ،التي شملت منتسبي وزارتي الداخلية والدفاع."The assistant police station Electricity Maysan Major Fahd Al Abadi Jabbar in a press statement : "Tzaherna today is the claim Bhmolna allocations dangerous, catering and promotion, advancement, bonuses, officers and rank, which included employees of the ministries of interior and defense."
    وتابع "وأن يكون إرتباطنا بوزارة الداخلية... كون وزارة الكهرباء غير معنية بمثل هذه الأمور."He continued, "and that our Ministry of the Interior ... The fact that the Ministry of Electricity is not concerned with such matters. " وأضاف العبادي "عملنا هو حماية محطات التوزيع والتوليد وشبكات وخطوط نقل الطاقة من منطقة (الهارثة) إلى محافظة واسط ،ومن منطقة (الرفاعي) حتى محطة (البزركان) الغازية شرقي محافظة ميسان."He added Ebadi, "is to protect our stations and generation and distribution networks and power lines from the (Alharthe) to the Wasit governorate, and the (Al) until the station (Albozorkan) invading East Missan governorate. "
    ويبلغ عدد منتسبي حماية منشآت الكهرباء في محافظة ميسان (400) منتسب ،وتميزت تظاهرتهم في مدينة (العمارة) اليوم بحسن التنظيم...The number of employees of protecting electricity installations in the province of Maysan (400) associate, and characterized the demonstrations in the city today (Amarah) good organization ... وإرتدى جميع المتظاهرين بزاتهم العسكرية ،ورفعوا لافتات توضح مطالبهم ..The demonstrators all wore military uniforms, waved banners explain their demands.

    شركتان أجنبيتان تقدمان عروضا لتنفيذ ثمانية مشاريع تنموية في ميسانTwo Ajnbetan offer bids for the implementation of eight development projects in Missan

    العمارة - شبكة ميسان الاخبارية المستقلةArchitecture-independent news network Maysan
    قال رئيس لجنة الإعمار والتطوير في مجلس محافظة ميسان إن المجلس تلقى عروضاً من شركتين عالميتين ، إحداهما انكليزية والأخرى ألمانية ، لتنفيذ ثمانية مشاريع تنموية في المحافظة.Committee chairman, reconstruction and development in the Maysan governorate that the council received bids from two world wars, one in English and the other German, for the implementation of eight development projects in the governorate.
    وأوضح المهندس موحان ماهي في تصريح صحفي :" أن المجلس تلقى هذه العروض خلال اجتماعه مع ممثلي الشركتين اليوم في مبنى مجلس المحافظة ، حيث جرى تدارس طبيعة هذه المشاريع ."Al Mohan Mahe in a press statement : "The Board receive these offers during a meeting with representatives of the two companies in today the building of the governorate, where he was examined the nature of these projects. "
    وأضاف أن "المشاريع التي قدمتها الشركتان تمتاز عن غيرها بكونها مشاريع إنتاجية وذات مردود متنام وبكلف مناسبة، فضلا عن أنها تتضمن قطاعات مختلفة."He added that "the projects submitted by the two companies are distinguished from other productive ventures, and, yes, and growing Pklv appropriate, as well as contain various sectors. "
    وأشار إلى إن المجلس طالب ممثلي هاتين الشركتين بتزويده بمعلومات أضافية عن هذه المشاريع من اجل دراسة أمكانية تمويلها من ميزانية (2007) أو من خلال المنح الأجنبية ..He pointed out that the Council asked the representatives of these two companies providing additional information on these projects in order to study the possibility of funding budget (2007) or through foreign grants.
    وذكر أن المشاريع التي قدمت هي " مشروع أنشاء مصفى نفط تسدد تكاليفه على شكل دفعات أو من النفط الخام وبطاقة تصل إلى (70000) ألف برميل يومياً ، ومشروع لإنتاج مضخات ماء تعمل على الطاقة الشمسية يمكن تشغيلها منذ الضياء الأول من الصباح وحتى ساعات من الليل وبقدرة ضخ تغطي (2 ) دونم ."The projects presented is the "project of setting up oil refinery reimbursed in the form of payments or crude oil The capacity to (70000) thousand barrels a day, and the project for the production of water pumps operating on solar energy that can be operated from sundown the first of the morning and even into the night hours and the ability to pump cover (2) dunums. "
    وأضاف أن من المشاريع التي قدمت أيضا مشروع لإنتاج المواد الطبية تتضمن الحقن وعبوات الماء المقطر وبإحجام مختلفة وأنابيب الحقن الوريدي وغيرها ..He added that the project had also introduced for the production of medical devices containing syringes and filtered water and different sizes and injection pipeline intravenous and others.
    مشيرا إلى أن هذا المشروع فيما لو تم تنفيذه في المحافظة فانه "يعد الأول من نوعه ليس في العراق فحسب بل في الدول المجاورة أيضا."He pointed out that if this project was implemented in the province, "it is the first of its kind not only in Iraq but in the neighboring countries as well. "
    وتابع " وهناك مشروع لإنشاء معمل ألواح الخشب المضغوط الذي يعتمد على مواد أولية غير مكلفة مثل العاقول والنباتات المتيبسة وسعف النخيل ونحوها وبكلفة قليلة نسبياً ."He continued : "There is a project for establishing a lab compressed wood, which depends on raw materials such as inexpensive Abakul plants Almtibsh palm fronds and so forth and at relatively low cost. "
    وذكر أن "من المشاريع التي قدمت في قطاع الطاقة الكهربائية مشروع تجهيز مولدات بطاقات مختلفة تتراوح (15ـ20ـ25) ميكا واط ، تعمل على النفط الأسود الذي يتوفر في محافظة ميسان وبكميات كبيرة، على أن تعمل هذه المولدات بترددات تنسجم مع ترددات الشبكة الوطنية."He stated that "of the projects presented in the electric power sector project processing generators ranging different cards (15 20 25) Mika Watt, working on the black oil, which are available in the governorate of Missan and in large quantities, to operate the generators frequencies consistent with the vibration the national grid. "
    وأشار إلى أن الشركتين قدمتا مشروعا آخر في هذا القطاع " هو مشروع لصناعة أجهزة ترشيد للطاقة الكهربائية وهي عبارة عن جهاز يربط في كل منزل وبعد ربطه بفولتية مناسبة سيمنع التجاوز الفائض على الحصة المقررة من الطاقة الكهربائية، مما سيسهم في عدم هدر هذه الطاقة وتوفيرها إلى مناطق بحاجة إليها."He pointed out that the two companies submitted another project in this sector "is a project for the industry bodies to rationalize power words on the links in each house, and after linking Bvolteh occasion will be allowed to waive the quota surplus of electricity, which will this not be wasted energy and provided to the areas of need. "
    وأستطرد " أما في القطاع الصحي فإن العرض المقدم في هذا القطاع هو إنشاء مستشفى للمعاقين مجاناً بسعة (400) سرير وبمواصفات عالمية."His "In the health sector, the presentation in this sector is the establishment of a hospital for disabled persons free of charge capacity (400) beds and with global specifications. "
    وفي قطاع الإسكان قال " إن المشروع الذي قدمته الشركتان هو بناء مجمعات ودور من مادة البلاستك والكونكريت ، وستكون مجهزة بمستلزمات كاملة كالتبريد والتدفئة وغيرها."In the housing sector said, "The project submitted by the two companies is to build complexes and the role of the rule plastic and prefabricated concrete, and it will be fully equipped requirements Kaltbrid and heating, and others. "

    المباشرة بتشييد مدينة ميسان الجامعيةDirect construction of the university city of Missan

    العمارة – شبكة ميسان الاخبارية المستقلةArchitecture-independent news network Maysan
    اعلنت محافظة ميسان عن البدء بتشييد مدينة ميسان الجامعية.The Maysan governorate of Missan to begin construction of the city university. اكد ذلك محافظ ميسان المهندس عادل مهودر راضي واضاف في تصريح صحفي : ان المدينة الجامعية ستشمل عدداً من البنايات الخاصة بكلية الهندسة وكلية الحقوق وكلية الطب وكلية الزراعة إضافة إلى الكليات الموجودة الآن وهي كلية التربية الرياضية وكلية التربية وأشار محافظ ميسان إلى أن تصاميم المدينة الجامعية وضعت من قبل خبراء في وزارة التعليم العالي وستشمل ملحقات للدراسات العملية وكذلك مستشفى تابعاً لكلية الطب لغرض التمرين.That Maysan governor, Adel Mhoder Radi added in a press statement : The university city will include a number of buildings at the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine and the College of Agriculture in addition to the existing colleges now is the College of Education and Sports College of Education and Maysan governor pointed out that the university city designs developed by experts in the Ministry of Higher Education and accessories will include studies of the process as well as the hospital follower of the College of Medicine for the purpose of training. واكد راضي ان محافظة ميسان ستستقطب ملاكات تدريسية مميزة وستوفر الأجواء المناسبة للنهوض بقطاع التعليم الجامعي الذي حرمت منه ميسانRadi stressed that the Maysan Governorate will gather tables distinctive teaching and provide an appropriate atmosphere for the promotion of the education sector university denied it Maysan

    لسنوات طوالٍ.For so many years. ويذكر ان وزارة التعليم العالي قد سمت الدكتور جليل الفياض عميدا لجامعة ميسان المستحدثة.It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Higher Education has nominated Dr. Jalil hospitality dean of the University of Maysan created.

    ناحية سيد احمد الرفاعي في محافظة ميسانSayed Ahmad Rifai hand in the governorate of Missan
    تعاني من نقص في الخدمات الأساسيةSuffer from a lack of basic services

    العمارة - شبكة ميسان الاخبارية المستقلةArchitecture-independent news network Maysan

    تعاني ناحية سيد احمد الرفاعي التي تقع على بعد 50 كم غرب مدينة العمارة من نقص شديد في الخدمات الأساسية.Suffering hand Sayed Ahmed Rifai, situated at a distance of 50 kilometers west of the city of Amarah from a severe shortage of basic services.

    وقال عضو مجلس الناحية صاحب الياسري في تصريح صحفي بان الناحية تعاني من عدم وجود شبكة اتصالات وهناك نقص في جميع الخدمات الاساسية وسببه التعامل غير الايجابي من قبل دوائر الدولة ذات العلاقة والتي قصرت كثيرا في التزاماتها اتجاه الناحية والتي تعتبر من المناطق المتضررة من قبل النظام السابق.He said board member's terms Yasiri, in a press statement that the point of suffering from lack of a communications network and there is a lack of all basic services and the deal is due to non-positive by the relevant government departments, which often failed in their obligations towards the point , which is one of the areas affected by the previous regime.

    وانتقد الياسري ايضا عمل قوات حراسة وحماية الاثار في منطقة سيد احمد الرفاعي واشار الى ان الحراس لايؤدون واجباتهم بصورة صحيحة في حماية الاثار التاريخية الموجودة في المنطقة ..Yasiri also criticized the work of forces guarding and protection of monuments in the area Sayed Ahmed al-Rifai, pointed out that the guards of their duties Ai'don true to the protection of historical monuments in the region.

    هذا وكانت قوات شرطة ميسان قد احبطت محاولات كثيرة لسرقة وتهريب الاثار التاريخية التي تعود الى حضارة ميسان القديمة .This and the police forces Maysan had thwarted many attempts to steal and smuggle historical monuments dating back to ancient civilization Maysan.
    خطة أمنية لمنع تهريب المحروقات في ميسانA security plan to prevent the smuggling of fuel in Missan

    العمارة – شبكة ميسان الاخبارية المستقلةArchitecture-independent news network Maysan
    أعلن قائد شرطة ميسان أن قوات الشرطة بدأت الاثنين 05/03//2007 تنفيذ خطة أمنية جديدة لتطويق ظاهرة تهريب المحروقات بأنواعها إلى خارج المحافظة.The commander of the police Maysan that police forces began Monday 05 / 03 / / 2007, the implementation of new security plan to contain the phenomenon of smuggling to the kinds of fuels outside the province.
    وأوضح اللواء حسن علي مالي في تصريح صحفي أن" الخطة تعتمد على آليات تعاون مع مدير توزيع المنتوجات النفطية وتوفير دوريات مختصة من مديرية مكافحة الجريمة الاقتصادية ومديرية الاستخبارات الجنائية للعمل على منع عمليات التهريب والتي تؤثر على استقرار واقتصاد البلد بصورة عامة والمحافظة بصورة خاصة."The Major General Hassan Ali Mali in a press statement that "the plan relies on mechanisms for cooperation with the Director of the distribution of oil products, and providing patrols competent from the Directorate for Fighting Economic Crimes and Criminal Intelligence Directorate to act to prevent smuggling operations, which affect the stability and economy the country as a whole and the preservation in particular. "
    واضاف أن" دوريات الشرطة سوف تغطي جميع المناطق والطرق التي تشكل منافذ محتملة لتهريب المشتقات النفطية إلى خارج المحافظة وعدم الاقتصار على نقاط التفتيش الثابتة ."He added that "police patrols will cover all areas and the roads that are potential outlets for the smuggling of oil derivatives to maintain and not outside only fixed checkpoints. "
    من جانبه قال المهندس علي وارد حمود مدير توزيع المنتجات النفطية إن" التعاون المتبادل بين الشرطة ودائرة المنتجات ساهم في انخفاض مستوى عمليات نقل المنتجات النفطية بصورة غير رسمية إلى خارج المحافظة ."For his part, Ali Hammoud, director Ward distribution of oil products that "mutual cooperation between the police and the products contributed to the the decrease in the level of transportation of oil products informally outside the province. "
    يذكر أن شرطة ميسان ضبطت كميات مختلفة من المحروقات المعدة للتهريب خارج المحافظة ، كما تعاني المحافظة من تفاقم أزمة المحروقات من مادتي النفط الأبيض والغاز ، فضلا عن وقود السيارات.It is noteworthy that the police seized Maysan different quantities of fuel intended for smuggling outside the province, also suffer from the aggravation of the crisis to maintain fuels of potatoes kerosene and gas, as well as fuel for cars.

    العثور على كدس عتاد وإحباط محاولة تهريب مواش في ميسانFind accumulates equipment and an abortive attempt to smuggle breeding in Missan

    العمارة - شبكة ميسان الاخبارية المستقلةArchitecture-independent news network Maysan
    أفاد مصدر من مديرية الدفاع المدني في ميسان عن العثور على كدس عتاد جنوب مدينة العمارة ،فيما أبطلت الشرطة محاولة تهريب مواش إلى محافظة البصرة ..A source from the Directorate of Civil Defense in Maysan from the discovery of stockpiled munitions south of the city of Amarah, while police deactivated attempt the smuggling of cattle to the Basra Governorate.
    وقال مصدر من الدفاع المدني " ان مفارز مديرية الدفاع المدني ومديرية مكافحة المتفجرات في محافظة ميسان عثرت على كدس عتاد جنوب العمارة."A source from the civil defense "that the detachments Directorate of Civil Defense and the Directorate of Combat explosives in the province of Maysan found accumulates materiel South Amarah. "
    وأوضح أن الكدس "يضم (25) قذيفة مدفع ثقيل عيار (155 ملم) ،وتم العثور عليه في منطقة أهوار ( أبو خصاف) التابعة إلى قضاء الكحلاء (35 كم) جنوب مدينة العمارة."The Kades "includes (25) mm heavy artillery shells (155 mm), was found in the marshes (Abu Khsaf) affiliated to eliminate Kahla (35 km) south of the city of Amarah. "
    وأشار إلى إن فريق معالجة القنابل والمتفجرات في المديرية قام بإبطال مفعول الذخائر ..He pointed out that the deal bombs and explosives in the Directorate deactivated ammunition.
    على جانب آخر ،ذكر مصدر في شرطة ميسان أن دوريات شرطة قضاء المجر الكبير (45 كم) جنوب العمارة "ضبطت خمس ناقلات محملة بـ (386) رأسا من الماشية عند نقطة تفتيش منطقة ( العدنانية) ،كانت في طريقها للتهريب إلى محافظة البصرة."On the other hand, a source in the police patrol Maysan District Police Hungary large (45 km) south of Amarah, "seized five tankers loaded with (386) head of cattle at a checkpoint area (Adnaniyah), was on its way to smuggle to the Basra Governorate. "
    وقال إنه تم إحالة السيارات وسائقيها إلى مديرية مكافحة الجريمة الإقتصادية في شرطة ميسان "لإتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية ضدهم."He said he had been referred cars and drivers to the Directorate against economic crime police in Maysan "to take legal action against them."

  2. #222
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    Cool The 10th of March Meeting with or with out Talabani

    Participate in the Baghdad 'is not definite

    (صوت العراق) - 07-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 07-03-2007
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    07/03/2007 عمان ـ أ ف ب ـ أكد رئيس البعثة الطبية المشرفة على علاج الرئيس العراقي جلال الطالباني أمس أن مشاركة الطالباني في مؤتمر بغداد المزمع عقده في العاشر من الشهر الحالي 'ليست أكيدة'.07 / 03 / 2007 Amman AFP the Head of Mission supervising the medical treatment of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said yesterday that Talabani participation in the Baghdad conference to be held on the 10th of this month 'not sure'.
    وقال الملا بخيتار الذي يشغل كذلك منصب عضو الهيئة العامة للمكتب السياسي لحزب الاتحاد الوطني الكردستاني الذي يتزعمه الطالباني في اتصال هاتفي مع وكالة فرانس برس من مدينة الحسين الطبية في عمان 'مشاركة الرئيس الطالباني في مؤتمر بغداد ليست أكيدة 100% لحد الآن'.He said Mullah Bakhitar, who is also a member of the Assembly of the Politburo of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which is led by Talabani in a telephone conversation with Agence France-Presse from Hussein Medical City in Amman 'participation in the President Talabani Baghdad is not definite 100% so far '.
    وأضاف أن 'المسألة لم تعد بيد الطالباني بل بيد الفريق الطبي المشرف على علاجه'.He added that 'the issue is no longer, however, but Talabani, however, the supervisor of the medical treatment'.

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    Cool The Mahdi Army is still in hiding,

    Sadrein silence : the Mahdi Army is still in hiding,

    (صوت العراق) - 07-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 07-03-2007
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    صمت الصــــدريــين: مازال جيش المهدي متواريا عن الأنظار، لكن إلى متى؟Sadrein silence : the Mahdi Army is still in hiding, but for how long?
    بقلم رود نوردلاند ـ (نيوزويك العربية)By Rod Nordland (Newsweek Arabic)

    في وقت مبكر من المحاولة الأمريكية والعراقية الأخيرة لجلب الهدوء إلى بغداد، جعل أحد كبار المسؤولين العراقيين الكبار مقتدى الصدر موضوع دعواته.Early in the American and Iraqi attempt to bring the recent calm to Baghdad, making one senior Iraqi officials adults Muqtada al-Sadr the theme calls. تضرع بعد أن أنهى صلاته قائلا: "اللهم إما أن تهديه أو تبعده".After the difficulty that ended his prayers, saying : "O God, either guided or separate it." ويعتقد المسؤول، الذي تحدث شريطة عدم الكشف عن هويته، بأن دعواته قد أجيبت.It is believed official, who spoke on condition of not reveal his identity, that the invitations had been received. فقد اختفى الصدر تماما عن المشهد العراقي خلال الأسابيع الثلاثة الماضية، وكان جيش المهدي التابع للصدر هادئا بشكل لافت أيضا.Sadr has disappeared completely from the Iraqi scene in the past three weeks, and the Mahdi Army of a quiet way to the remarkable also. وتعزو الحكومة العراقية ذلك إلى خطة أمن بغداد الجديدة، وهي جزء من [عملية] زيادة القوات التي ستؤدي في النهاية إلى قدوم 005,12 جندي أمريكي جديد.The Iraqi government attributes to the new Baghdad security plan, which is part of [the] increase the forces that will ultimately lead to the advent of a new 005,12 American soldier. لكن هذا المسؤول يقول إن ما يجري حقا هو ترويض مقتدى.But this official says that what is happening is truly tamed Moqtada.
    أعلنت القوات الأمريكية عن خطط لإقامة قاعدة داخل مدينة الصدر الشيعية في وقت متأخر من الأسبوع الماضي فقط.The American forces announced plans to establish a base within the Shiite Sadr City late in the last week alone. وما زالت معظم التعزيزات الأمريكية في طريقها إلى العراق.The most American reinforcements on the way to Iraq. لكن وبالرغم من تصاعد التفجيرات الانتحارية من قبل المتطرفين السنة، والتي يستهدف معظمها المدنيين الشيعة، فإن عدد قتلى الانتقام قد هبط بشكل درامي منذ انطلاق الخطة الأمنية في 41 فبراير.However, despite the escalation of suicide bombings by extremists year, which targeted civilians, mostly Shiites, the number of dead had revenge dropped dramatically since the start of the security plan in the 41 February. وقال وزير حقوق الإنسان وجدان سالم الأسبوع الفائت إن "القتل الطائفي قد هبط إلى ربع ما كان عليه [قبل ذلك بأسبوعين]، وهو انخفاض كبير".The Minister of Human Rights and the heart of Salem last week that "sectarian killings has fallen to a quarter of what it was before] two weeks], a substantial decline. " ويعيد المسؤول العراقي الكبير الفضل في ذلك إلى الضغط على الصدر من قبل رعاته السابقين في إيران، إضافة إلى آية الله السيستاني والمرجعية الشيعية في النجف.The Iraqi official, great thanks to the pressure on al-Sadr by former sponsors in Iran, in addition to any Ayatollah Sistani and Shiite authorities in Najaf. ويقول إن إيران تحجب المشورة العسكرية والعون عن الصدريين وغيرهم من العناصر المارقة، وتضغط عليهم لوقف عمليات القتل.He says that Iran obscure military advice and assistance on Sadrein and other rogue elements, and pressure them to stop the killing. ويضيف المسؤول أن "الصدر على قناعة بأنه لا طائل حقيقيا من هذا الكفاح، وأن [عمليات انتقام فرق الموت] قد عادت بنتائج عكسية".The official added that "Sadr is convinced that no real avail of this struggle, and [operations] avenge death squads have returned backfire. "
    وتتخذ واشنطن موقفا أقل تفاؤلا فيما يتعلق بدور إيران في العراق.Washington and take a less optimistic with regard to the role of Iran in Iraq. فقد أعلنت السلطات العسكرية الأمريكية عن سلسلة من عمليات العثور على الأسلحة في الأيام الأخيرة، وكان من بينها مواد لتصنيع "القذائف المتفجرة" المميتة، وهي قنابل يزعم أنها من أصل إيراني يمكنها أن تخترق العربات المدرعة.The American military authorities announced a series of operations to find weapons in recent days, including the materials for manufacturing "explosive missiles" deadly bombs which allegedly of Iranian origin, can penetrate armored vehicles. لكن المسؤولين الإيرانيين أعربوا علنا عن دعمهم لخطة بغداد الأمنية، ووافقوا على الانضمام إلى مؤتمر إقليمي حول مستقبل العراق مع الولايات المتحدة ودول أخرى.But Iranian officials have publicly expressed their support for Baghdad security plan, and agreed to join the regional conference on the future of Iraq with the United States and other countries. ويقول مسؤول استخباراتي إيراني بارز، رفض الكشف عن هويته بسبب طبيعة عمله، إن "استراتيجية إيران تتمثل في تعزيز الحكومة المركزية في العراق [التي يهيمن عليها الشيعة] ودعمها بالطريقة المناسبة وفي الوقت المناسب".He says prominent Iranian intelligence official, who wishes to remain anonymous because of the nature of his work, that "Iran's strategy is to strengthen the central government in Iraq, [which] is dominated by Shiites and support appropriate manner and in a timely manner. "
    من المؤكد أن التهديد الأمريكي بالقيام بعمل ما، كان له أيضا بعض الأثر على صمت الصدر.Certainly the American threats to do something, it had some impact on the silence of the chest. وحتى قبل 41 فبراير، كانت القوات الأمريكية والعراقية قد بدأت باستهداف مسؤولين كبار ومتوسطي المستوى في منظمة الصدر، فاعتقلت عددا من الشخصيات المهمة من بينهم، وقتلت اثنين على الأقل حاولا المقاومة.Even before 41 February, the American and Iraqi forces had started targeting senior officials and middle-level in the chest, arrested a number the important personalities from them, and killed at least two attempted resistance. وربما اكتسب تدخل حكماء الشيعة أهمية أكبر من ذلك.Perhaps gained intervention sages Shiites more important than that. وقد عقد الصدر اجتماعا في الساعة 00:11 مساء مع السيستاني قبل نحو شهر، مدفوعا بالذعر الذي انتابه بسبب الإجراءات الأمريكية الصارمة، وفقا لأحد مساعدي آية الله العظمى، الذي تحدث شرط عدم الكشف عن هويته تماشيا مع قواعد مكتب رجل الدين: "سأل السيد عما ينبغي أن يفعله بشأن الهجمات ضده، فقال له السيستاني إن أمامه خيارين: تحمل العواقب، على نفسك وعلى الشيعة عموما، أو الانسحاب إلى زاوية ما".Sadr has held a meeting in the evening at 0:11 a.m. with Sistani about a month ago, driven by the panic come to America because of the actions strict, according to one of the assistants Ayatollah, who spoke on condition his identity not be revealed, in line with the rules of the Office of the clergyman : "asked about what should be done about attacks against him, and said to him that al-Sistani has two options : , the consequences on yourself and on the Shiites in general, or withdraw to the corner. "
    كانت الزاوية التي اختارها الصدر في مكان ما من إيران على الأرجح.The angle chosen by Sadr somewhere in the Iran likely to be. ويقول مسؤولون أمريكيون وعراقيون إنه توجه إلى إيران قبل أسبوعين.He says American officials and Iraqis that went to Iran two weeks ago. ويقول سامي العسكري، أحد مستشاري رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي: "حسب معرفتي ما زال هناك. إنه رجل يحيط نفسه بالسرية".The military says Sami, an adviser to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki : "as far as I know is still there. He is a man takes the same confidentiality. " تنفي كل من طهران والناطقين باسم الصدر بشدة أنه يختبئ في إيران، لكن اللافت هو أنه غاب عن خطب أيام الجمعة التي اعتاد عليها في مسجد الكوفة منذ ثلاثة أسابيع إلى الآن، ولم يظهر في أي مكان آخر علنا.Tehran denies both Sadr and spokesmen strongly that he is hiding in Iran, the interesting thing is that he was absent from the speeches days Friday had been accustomed to in the mosque of Kufa three weeks ago to now, did not appear anywhere else in public. ويقول أبو حازم، أحد قادة جيش المهدي السابقين في بغداد، إن "الصدر يتبع استراتيجية تدعى »الانحناء في وجه الريح« لأنه خسر شيئا من السيطرة على جيش المهدي. لم يعد الوضع كما كان عام 4002"، حين هددت انتفاضة دعا إليها رجل الدين الشاب بالامتداد إلى كافة أنحاء البلاد.He says Abu Hazim, one of the leaders of the Mahdi Army combatants in Baghdad that "al-Sadr to pursue a strategy called> bend in the face of the wind <it some lost control of the Mahdi Army. the situation is no longer as it was in 4002 ", when threatened uprising called by the man religion young spill over into all parts of the country.
    يخشى بعض المحللين من أن الصدر والمتطرفين الشيعة ينتظرون الفرصة الملائمة.Some analysts feared that al-Sadr and the Shiite extremists waiting appropriate opportunity. لكنه انتظار قد يثبت عدم نجاعته مع وصول القوات الأمريكية خلال الشهرين التاليين.But waiting may not prove its efficiency with the arrival of the American forces during the following two months. وقد انفصلت مجموعة من الصدريين أخيرا في كربلاء، بعد أن ألقى أحدهم باللوم على صدريين آخرين بشأن قتل مدنيين، بمن فيهم شيخ بارز قريب من السيستاني.The group separated from Sadrein Finally, in Karbala, one of them after he threw the blame on Sidriin others on the killing of civilians, including those close to the Grand prominent al-Sistani. وقامت شرطة كربلاء بإلقاء القبض على 05 من أتباع الصدر.The Karbala police arrested 05 followers of al-Sadr. ويقول المسؤول العراقي البارز: "إنهم سيفقدون الاتصال مع جمهورهم حتى ولو لجأوا إلى الهدوء. إن جيشا منظما سيفقد قيادته وسيطرته".And prominent Iraqi official says : "They lose contact with their audiences even resorted to calm. The army organized lose leadership and control. " وتقول المسؤولة السياسية في السفارة الأمريكية مارغريت سكوبي إن الصدريين "قد يجدون فرصهم في استئناف العمل محدودة" بعد انتهاء زيادة القوات الأمريكية.According to the responsible political Margaret American embassy in Skopje that Sadrein "may find opportunities in the limited resumption of work" after the increase the American forces. وفي غضون ذلك، بإمكان السلطات تنفس الصعداء قليلا بوجود صف واحد فقط من المتطرفين في المعركة.In the meantime, authorities could breathe a sigh of relief just parked there and only one of the extremists in the battle.

    السيستاني قال لمقتدى: »تحمل العواقب ...Muqtada al-Sistani said :> bear the consequences ... أو انسحب إلى زاوية من الزوايا«Or withdrew to the corner of the angles <
    الوطن الكويتيةKuwaiti homeland

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    Default Controlling investment in Iraq

    Controlling investment in Iraq


    06 March 2007 (Gulf News)

    With considerable fanfare, Iraq's Cabinet last week announced approval of a draft law that would permit foreign investment in the nation's oil industry and provide for distribution of oil revenues among the regions and thus the country's main sectarian blocs. Details of the draft are tricky. Revenues from current oil fields are to be shared according to population. Yet no recent census has been taken. The Kurdish region in the north and the provinces can sign new oil contracts, but these must be reviewed by an independent federal committee, not yet appointed. There is concern that foreign oil companies might try to get better terms by playing the provinces against one another. But some oil experts are sceptical of the significance of the measure. "It will not mean anything on the ground," says A.F. Al Hajji, an oil economist at Ohio Northern University in Ada.

    As long as Iraq suffers from political instability, major oil companies will shy away. "The situation is so bad no one in his right mind wants to go there to be attacked or nationalised a second time." Fearing the consequences, "The oil companies never supported the invasion," Dr Al Hajji adds. Iraq's oil remains important to a world highly reliant on petroleum and its byproducts. Iraq has proven reserves of 115 billion barrels and, according to Iraqi oil economist Mohammad Ali Zainy, another 215 billion to 240 billion barrels not yet proven. Some of that new oil may cost as little as $1 a barrel to extract. By comparison, Saudi Arabia has 264 billion barrels of proven reserves.

    Rush to approve

    Because of sabotage by insurgents, Iraqi oil production has been running at less than 2 million barrels per day, down from 2.8 million barrels before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, says Zainy, now with the Global Centre for Energy Studies in London.

    To Al Hajji, the "rush" to approve the draft law reflects the need of the Iraqi government and the Bush administration to show some success‚ "even if it is as cosmetic as the new oil law." Zalmay Khalilzad, US ambassador in Iraq, stated the draft was the "first time since 2003 that all major Iraqi communities have come together on a defining piece of legislation."

    Iraq's government hopes the nation's 275-member parliament will approve the draft before the end of May. The legislation will be extremely controversial. Opposition is expected from the powerful Oil Workers Union of Basra.

    It staged strikes in 2005 objecting to America's plan to privatise Iraq's oil industry. A reviving Communist Party will oppose it.

    Much of the Iraqi press also objects to aspects of the law. One sensitive provision allows "production sharing agreements" (PSAs) with foreign oil firms. In theory, Iraq would retain ownership and ultimate control of the oil in such a deal.

    A PSA would merely grant the firm or consortium the right to explore, develop, and sell the oil, while getting a share of the oil extracted. History, however, is full of "unequal" PSAs highly favourable to oil companies and less favourable to oil nations. Zainy says that details of an oil contract are more important than whether it is called a PSA, a "production and development contract," or a service contract.

    He fears "corruption, presently rampant in Iraq" could affect contracts, wasting much of the nation's main resource. During the 20th century, oil became the fulcrum of politics in the Middle East, with countries nationalise ing their oil resources and winning better oil deals.

    American influence

    The draft law "reverses everything that has happened in the Middle East since 1901," charges Rashid Khalidi, director of the Middle East Institute at Columbia University in New York.

    Implying that American occupiers have had much influence on the measure, Khalidi asks: "Does [Vice-President] Cheney think he can stand against history?" Khalidi's latest book, "Resurrecting Empire," spells out the history of foreign exploitation of Iraqi oil, noting that resentment over "insufficient benefits" to Iraqis led to the popularity of the Baath government and nationalisation of the oil industry in 1975.

    Khalidi doubts the draft law will pass parliament. "It is so manifestly against the interests of Iraq," he says. If it does, though, he doesn't expect the law to last. Presumably, an Iraq no longer occupied would seek better terms for any deal reached under the proposed law.

    Al Hajji notes that contracts signed "under duress" are not legally binding. After Iran nationalised its oil industry in the 1950s, British lawyers for the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (now British Petroleum) contested the action in the International Court in the Hague and lost, despite Britain's superpower status then. In the future, Iraqi lawyers could similarly argue that any oil deal signed while Iraq was occupied was done under duress and thus was invalid.

    After reading the draft law in Arabic last week, Al Hajji says, "It is so broad and loose, it has no significance."

    Often, he says, nationalism in oil-rich nations rises during and after occupation by foreigners. That "will cause problems."
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    if this is true then why is exxon mobile there ready to start!
    Sounds like a smokescreen to me!

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    Bush: U.S. making progress in Iraq By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer
    Tue Mar 6, 7:13 PM ET

    WASHINGTON - President Bush said Tuesday his decision to send more troops to Baghdad is yielding "gradual but important" progress in Iraq. He portrayed himself as steadfast while Democrats squabble over strategy.

    War-weary voters put Democrats in charge of Congress, but lawmakers have not decided how or whether to restrict Bush on Iraq through legislation. Bush seized on that divide and cautioned Democrats not to interfere with military missions.

    "Other members of Congress seem to believe that we can have it all: that we can fight al-Qaida, pursue national reconciliation, initiate aggressive diplomacy and deter Iran's ambitions in Iraq — all while withdrawing from Baghdad and reducing our force levels," Bush said in a speech to the American Legion.

    "That sounds good in theory, but doing so at this moment would undermine everything our troops have worked for. There are no shortcuts in Iraq," the president said.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., said Democrats are determined to lead a new direction on Iraq policy. That includes getting troops home and shifting the U.S. mission from combat to training, troop protection and counterterrorism.

    "The war in Iraq is not making our country safer, our military stronger or the region more stable," Pelosi said Tuesday. "In fact, the war in Iraq is the greatest ethical challenge facing our nation."

    The war is deeply unpopular. The White House also has been rocked by revelations of shoddy care for wounded soldiers at a premier Army hospital in Washington, angering lawmakers in both parties.

    Bush said Democrats have a right to express their opinions. Then he methodically criticized several of their ideas: adding unrelated items to a war spending bill; narrowing the mission in Iraq; or placing conditions on money for the war.

    The House has approved a symbolic measure disapproving of Bush's troop buildup. The proposal has stalled in the Senate. The White House is preparing for what it sees as the real political fight — the upcoming vote on a $100 billion war spending bill.

    Bush said Congress should approve the war money without strings or delay. Military commanders, he said, should have "the flexibility to carry out their missions without undue interference from politicians in Washington."

    Meanwhile, Bush said a security crackdown in Baghdad is showing "encouraging signs." The White House sees stability in the Iraqi capital as the centerpiece of a political, military and diplomatic plan to winning the war.

    "Iraqi and U.S. forces are making gradual but important progress almost every day," Bush said. "We will remain steadfast until our objectives are achieved."

    Iraq's government has kept its pledge to deploy three additional Iraqi army brigades to Baghdad and has lifted restrictions that prevented coalition and Iraqi forces from going into certain areas, the president said.

    Yet bursts of violence continue as insurgents move elsewhere.

    Two suicide bombers blew themselves up Tuesday in a crowd of Shiite pilgrims streaming toward the holy city of Karbala. The blasts killed 93 people in one of several attacks targeting the faithful ahead of a weekend holiday.

    The attack came a day after U.S. forces suffered their deadliest day in nearly a month — nine American soldiers were killed in explosions north of Baghdad, the military said.

    Bush announced in January he was sending an additional 21,500 U.S. troops to Iraq despite widespread opposition to the war and opposition to his plan in the Democratic-controlled Congress.

    In the fight for public opinion, the White House has characterized Democrats as being against the troop increase without clearly articulating what they support

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    Bush sees 'test' for Iran, Syria, on Iraq by Olivier Knox
    Tue Mar 6, 3:45 PM ET

    WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush challenged Iran and Syria Tuesday to prove at a pair of upcoming international conferences on Iraq that they are serious about helping to quell deadly violence there.


    "These meetings will be an important test. They'll be a test of whether Iran and Syria are truly interested in being constructive forces in Iraq," he said in a speech to the American Legion US veterans organization.

    The two conferences will also "will be a test for the international community to express its support for this young democracy, to support a nation that will be at peace with its neighbors," said the president.

    Bush was referring to Iraq's call for a March 10 conference in Baghdad grouping officials from Iraq's neighbors as well as the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States -- and the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

    The US president also noted that there would be a subsequent meeting in April of foreign ministers from around the world, including US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, to discuss Iraq's future.

    Tehran said on Monday it was "not hostile" to joining its arch enemy Washington and other permanent UN Security Council members at the March 10 talks.

    Iran's foreign ministry had stressed on Sunday that no direct talks were planned between Iran and the United States at the Baghdad conference, while the US ambassador in Baghdad said no decision had been made on the matter.

    Iran and the United States have not had normal diplomatic relations since Washington severed ties in 1980 in the wake of the seizure of its embassy in Tehran by Islamist students.

    Any direct contacts between the two sides would mark a major break in the frozen relations, which have been marked by mutual recriminations and enmity over almost three decades.

    Washington has repeatedly accused Tehran of fomenting the violence in Iraq and arming Shiite extremists who have carried out deadly attacks on Iraqis and US troops. Iran vehemently denies the charges.

    In his speech, Bush also took aim at opposition Democrats now in control of the US Congress over their efforts to curb the war in Iraq and even in some cases threaten to cut off funds for US military operations there.

    Bush said lawmakers have "a responsibility" to pay for the war and warned against "undue interference from politicians in Washington" in the way US military commanders in Iraq "carry out their missions."

    And he assailed lawmakers calling for a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

    They "seem to believe that we can have it all: That we can fight Al-Qaeda, pursue national reconciliation, initiate aggressive diplomacy, and deter Iran's ambitions in Iraq -- all while withdrawing from Baghdad and reducing our force levels," he said.

    "That sounds good in theory, but doing so at this moment would undermine everything our troops have worked for," he charged.

    Bush said it was "too early to judge" the impact of the US-led crackdown in Baghdad and the increase in US troops it required and warned of future "spectacular attacks" as extremists try to derail the strategy.

    "Yet even at this early hour, there are some encouraging signs," he said, pointing to Iraqi military deployments in Baghdad, a loosening of restrictions on US military action there, the discovery of weapons caches and capture of extremists

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    Integrity asks companies to release Iraq's profits


    Baghdad, 06 March 2007 (Al-Sabaah)
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    The State Integrity Commission has asked to release Iraq's share from the profits of Arab companies, Iraq has participated in their capital.

    In statement, as-Sabah had received a copy of it; the commission said that the integrity commission is following up the Iraqi funds invested in the Arab companies.

    The commission added that the commission demanded the Jordan-based Arab Mining Company, which Iraq participated in it with ration rises for 20% from the company shares, through releasing 2002 Iraq's profits share, that had been frozen at the Frozen Deposits Management Fund, Central Jordanian Bank.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    I found this one liner

    Iraq succeed cancel $ 28 billion of debt

    Translated version of

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Monetary policy to enhance the liquidity of Iraqi banks

    (صوت العراق) - 07-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 07-03-2007
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    بغداد - عادل مهدي الحياة - 07/03/07//Baghdad-Adel Mahdi life-07 / 03 / 07 / /

    أكد «البنك المركزي العراقي» ان السياسة النقدية الجديدة، ستعزز قدرة المصارف على إدارة السيولة ذات الآجال القصيرة الأمد.The <Iraqi Central Bank> that the new monetary policy, will enhance the ability of banks to manage liquidity of the short-term.

    وأوضح بيان للمصرف «ان هذه السياسة ستوجه وفقاً لمتغيرات وسطية متنوعة، بينها مقدار النمو في العروض النقدية، والقدرة على إدارة السيولة وأدوات السياسة النقدية المتبناة من قبله».The statement of the bank <that this policy will be in accordance with a variety of variables and determined, including the amount of growth in the offers of cash, and the ability to manage liquidity and monetary policy instruments Abide by him>. وأضاف ان الآلية الجديدة «تتضمن العمل مع أسواق النقد والأوراق المالية، لإيجاد نظام تسديد فاعل يمنح المصارف الثقة في تلبية التزامات الدفع لديها وبكلفة معقولة، مشيراً إلى ان الأكثر كلفة في توفير السيولة، هو استخدام احتياطات إضافية كالنقد في الخزائن، والأرصدة الزائدة عن حاجة متطلبات الاحتياط القانوني».He added that the new mechanism <include working with the currency markets and securities, to find an effective payment system gives banks the confidence to meet payment obligations to it and at a reasonable cost, he said, pointing out that the most costly in the provision of liquidity, is the use of additional precautions such as money in the coffers, The stocks in excess of the legal reserve requirements need>.

    وأشار البيان إلى ان «هوامش الفرق بين أسعار الفائدة على الودائع والقروض، يمكن ان تُقلص بالسماح للمصارف بتقليل حيازتها عوائد ناجمة عن احتياطات زائدة لا تحمل الفائدة» موضحاً ان «قدرة المصارف تعتمد على خفض الاحتياطات الزائدة، بإيجاد وسائط يُعول عليـها في إدارة الســيولة».The statement pointed out that <margins of the difference between interest rates on deposits and loans, can be reduced by allowing the banks to reduce the acquisition proceeds precautions resulting from the excess does not carry interest> explaining that <depend on the ability of banks to reduce excess reserves, and finding reliable media in the management of liquidity>.

    ويأتي بيان «المركزي» وسط تزايد دعوات المعنيين بالقطاع المصرفي، الى فسح المجال أمام المصارف لتساهم في الإصلاح الاقتصادي الشامل، الذي برزت معالمه في العديد من التدابير والإجراءات شملت قطاعات مهمة، أبرزها الإصلاحات المالية والنقدية، التي استطاعت ان تؤدي دورها من خلال تحريك جوانب كثيرة في عجلة الاقتصاد، من خلال تعبئة المدخرات، وتوفير مصادر للتمويل.The statement <Central> amid increasing calls on the banking sector, to make way for banks to contribute to the comprehensive economic reform, which features emerged in many of the measures and actions, including important sectors, most notably financial and monetary reforms, which were able to play its role of moving through many aspects in the development of the economy, through savings mobilization, and providing sources of funding.
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