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  1. #381
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Countrygirl70 View Post
    The Word says to hold out until the End. The end is not here yet. You were bold enough to tell us about your Faith. What you did is not about "just money", it is also about spreading the Word. It's about bringing folks back/closer to the Lord. Healing took place because of this thread. Love began to grow, friendships were made. Your Boldness allow some to say who they really are and not be afraid to do so. Tempers that would flare off at spits throw are now fewer and when there's a flare it does not erupt into volcano action. The Word got out to thousands and if but one read and decided to find our more, if but one heart was renewed, if but one the Lord is Pleased. I believe you know the magnitude of your boldness. I thank you because it did my heart good to read the many good posts. Just understand that I did not jump on your wagon because I wanted it to happen as you said, I did it to increase the number that believe with you. Now I know that the Lord don't need help, but I know my heart can always use a "renewing". Enjoy this day.

    Love to all,
    Outstanding post, the more I get from this thread the more I want! Thank you!
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  2. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by notazbad2000 View Post
    Outstanding post, the more I get from this thread the more I want! Thank you!
    I thank you for taking the time to comment. You know notazbad, at the end of the day, before bed time I read this thread and it always, and I do mean always, makes me smile and look forward to the "joy that cometh in the morning".
    Have a Blessed Day.
    The time for RV is.....

  3. #383
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    Smile Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill View Post
    Dave your testimony is worth more than tens of millions of dollars. I wasn't upset or doubting, the Lord works on his time. It may very well be done just not advertised. As I said before if you only reach one person through this thread then it was worth it. I am humbled to share this with you and every body that has posted. It's not over yet. Please Dave don't be shaken. Have the faith that you have shown us and rise above this small set back and continue what you started here. The Lord knows your heart and I think he will show you soon. I am praying for you my friend.

    God Bless and happy Easter Bill
    The time for RV is.....

  4. #384
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Countrygirl70 View Post
    I thank you for taking the time to comment. You know notazbad, at the end of the day, before bed time I read this thread and it always, and I do mean always, makes me smile and look forward to the "joy that cometh in the morning".
    Have a Blessed Day.
    Likewise Countrygirl...very soothing!
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  5. #385
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    This has become my favorite thread also. Love to read it first AND last during my day. Doc I have not given up on you or the Lord. He is always on time and I rejoice in all the posts that have been posted and just think of the numerous people that have benefited from this thread!

  6. #386
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    Dave, it has been a long time since I have felt the stirrings in my heart to seek a strong relationship with God again. I know you are a true man of God because every time I read your words, I am convicted of my need for Him. I believe God sent you to us so that many of us can reexamine our lives and our priorities and get them straight with Him before this enormous blessing--and burden--comes our way. If your words and the example of your life have touched others the way they have me, I can only fathom how much more of this coming wealth that the Lord has revealed to you, will be directed toward building His Kingdom.

    My vision now of what I want to do with this gift is very different from the one I had before my life intersected with your testimony. I pray that God will grow many of usl to the point in our hearts and spirits where we seek His Will with all that He has given us, and let our desires for our own comfort and abundance take a back seat to the bigger picture--the eternal picture--that He alone can see clearly. What an awesome responsibility to be stewards of such potential resources that can be used to spread hope, joy, and the Word of God throughout the world.

    God bless you, Dave. And thank you for your awesome example of how the Lord can take one willing and faithful vessel and use you to touch the lives of so many in such a powerful way. Tricia

  7. #387
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Happy Easter all.

    Matthew 6:24

    You cannot serve both God and Money.

  8. #388
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    Cool From the President of Iraq, to all Christians.

    President Jalal Talabani, congratulates Christians celebrate Passover

    (صوت العراق) - 07-04-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 07-04-2007
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    جمهورية العراق | ديوان الرئاسة | المكتب الصحفيThe Republic of Iraq shall Office of the President shall Press Office

    اخبار: رئيس الجمهورية جلال طالباني يهنئ المسيحيين بعيد الفصح المجيدNews : President Jalal Talabani, congratulates Christians celebrate Passover Majid

    هنأ رئيس الجمهورية جلال طالباني المسيحيين في العالم, و في العراق بشكل خاص, بمناسبة عيد الفصح المجيد.Here President Jalal Talabani Christians in the world, and in Iraq in particular, on the occasion of Easter Majid. و تمنى الرئيس طالباني أن يكون هذا العيد مناسبة لتجديد أواصر الإخوة و المحبة.President Talabani and hoped that this anniversary occasion to renew the bonds of brotherhood and love.

    و في ما يلي نص التهنئة:And in the following text : congratulations
    "في عيد الفصح المجيد يسعدني أن أتقدم بأصدق التبريكات وأسمى التهاني للمسيحيين في العالم، و أخص المسيحيين العراقيين، شركاءنا في الوطن، الذين يتمتعون بحقوق المواطنة كاملة أسوة بسائر أبناء الديانات و المذاهب الأخرى في وطننا العراق."Passover Majid I am pleased to extend my sincere congratulations and my compliments to the Christians in the world, and especially the Iraqi Christians, partners in the homeland, who enjoy full citizenship rights as other children of other religions and sects in Iraq and our nation.
    و أتمنى أن يكون هذا العيد مناسبة لتجديد و تمتين أواصر الأخوة و المحبة بين أبناء الوطن الواحد الذي نعمل معا لتثبيت دعائم الأمن والاستقرار في ربوعه، و اسأل الله أن يعيده على الجميع باليمن و البركة ..And I hope that this anniversary occasion to renew and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and love among the sons of the nation who are working together to consolidate security and stability, and ask God to bless everyone in Yemen and blessings .. و كل عام و انتم بخير."And every year you well. "

    جلال طالبانيJalal Talabani
    رئيس جمهورية العراقPresident of the Republic of Iraq

  9. #389
    Senior Investor cooldolphins's Avatar
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    Remember, we are to Praise God reguardless of what happens. Praise Him for who He is, not just for what He will do for us. Dave, I came across a scripture today, and I will share it in a moment. Praise Him for His faithfulness. We serve a BIG God, he stopped the Jordan when it was at FLOOD stage for the Israelites to cross over. He is always on time, and never late. Begin to worship Him and Praise Him. you are not alone here, and it is not over yet. Be Blessed, and please post later.
    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

  10. #390
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    Default An encouraging Word (I hope) for Dave

    This morning in church, I ran across this scripture and felt it might encourage you. Psalms 145:13-14 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.

    I pray for you to find comfort today from Him. Do not lose heart. It is not over. He will perform His word.
    Be blessed.
    In His Love,
    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

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