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  1. #311
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    Default The Oil Ministry set a new mechanism for the distribution of oil derivatives

    The Oil Ministry set a new mechanism for the distribution of oil derivatives
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-03-2007 shall - صوت العراق

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the National Center for Media
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Sunday, 3 - 4-2007

    The Oil Ministry set a new mechanism for the distribution of oil derivatives between governorates.

    The Minister of Oil, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani is that the ministry has decided to establish a new mechanism for the distribution of oil derivatives between provinces depend on what availability of these derivatives in warehouses weekly "and the proportion of the population in the province.

    The minister said that he would be reporting each governorate share weekly and are processed by this quota to ensure equitable and non disparity between the governorate and again and the new mechanism to ensure the fair distribution of oil products between provinces, where the quantities distributed assessments of the provinces in accordance with the "available for a week" and accruing from domestic production and imports from neighboring countries to each governorate account population and will be replicated in the following week.

    He Shahrastani that the ministry had used the advance planning for the distribution of products between provinces but because of acts of sabotage and technical failures were get sometimes differences between planned and actual distribution, as the local production of the refineries were not hit as planned because power outages or acts of sabotage on the pipeline to the oil tanker resulting in the failure to achieve the planned production, as well as For the import will be the closure of some border as in the case of the Kuwaiti border and Turkish, and sometimes "the processor or supplier does not meet given its obligations in a week and be compensated in the following week to do so was not in conformity with the planned.

    The minister pointed out that some provinces were insisting on the receipt of amounts to provide products for the population to maintain regardless of whether it is verified and this action causes a decrease "in the processing of some governorates share complete" and the ministry found that contrary "to the division just decided to reconsider the mechanism Yugoslavia and the new mechanism, which depend expense quantities available weekly "and distributed to the provinces in accordance with the" quantities available, the proportion of the population.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  2. #312
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Default Minister of Education : the next three years will witness a big development

    Minister of Education : the next three years will witness a big development
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-03-2007 shall - صوت العراق

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the National Center for Media
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Sunday, 3 - 4-2007

    Minister of Education : the next three years will witness a big development in the educational process

    The Minister of Education, Dr. Khodeir Khazai that the next three years will witness a Kberavi educational process, noting that the budget dedicated to the ministry are good but not sufficient, the problem is still there as we need to double the budget because of the educational needs a very large projects.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  3. #313
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Default Allawi is preparing for the removal of Maliki.

    Allawi is preparing for the removal of Maliki.
    In the meantime, press reports said that former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi began talks with the President in Arbil province Kurdistan Masoud Barzani in the framework of his own to save the country, according to the state since his return to Iraq last week. The network quoted "Iraqna" informed sources as saying that the Kurdish Allawi discussed his plan with Barzani, the presence of the American ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, who arrived in Irbil, accompanied by Allawi, who last week launched an unprecedented attack on the political process and the government of Unity national, led by Nuri al-Maliki •
    In the wake of the attack launched by the sharp Allawi on the government program, which did not keep him one, and the federal law on the uprooting the Baath, the Iraqi List of the Iraqi Parliament, which is led by Allawi and includes 25 deputies of its intention to withdraw from the government, which Iraqi political circles viewed as the start of the large gap between Allawi of the hand and between the government of Nuri al-Maliki on the other hand •
    It is expected to meet Allawi, and also increased in Irbil members of the political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Jalal Talabani, who is buried currently in the Hussein Medical City for treatment, which means that the talks include increased Allawi Bustaneh leaderships to rally support the plan disclosed Allawi about some features of last week, and which has apparently with the acquiescence of the American administration, which explains increased with the presence in his talks with Kurdish leaders in Kurdistan •
    The "Al-Hayat" newspaper, was quoted in a number of unprecedented Ibrahim al-Janabi, spokesman of the Accord Movement led by Allawi, saying, The project put forward by Allawi, in anticipation of the failure of the security plan, was welcomed by a large American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her visit recent Baghdad. He explained that the project was based on a deal with the security, political, economic, and the formation of a cabinet, the Department of National Security Affairs.
    These include the membership of Ministers of the Interior, Defense and National Security and Justice and the Director of Central Intelligence Agency, to be entrusted with such ministries the competent away from sectarian and ethnic affiliations, and the expansion of multinational forces to include regional forces from Arab and Islamic states, with the exception of geographical proximity, working to help Iraq build the security services, accompanied by a gradual withdrawal of the multinational forces.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #314
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    While I agree with most concerning China and Russia. The Iran thing is a
    little different. You can't sit down and talk with people who will strap on a
    bomb and blow you up because you are American or anyone that doesn't
    agree with them. Irans President (dictator) will tell you what you want to
    hear and most American people will belive him as sincere. He's already done
    it to us and will do it again if we don't take care of things. All the while he
    justs keeps on doing what he wants to. Thanks everwiser for those posts

    Just Waitin!!!!!!

  5. #315
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    I would say not yet but there are many here who are invested by proxy so if FIL is fully enacted they would alert us to the transfer of direct ownership of the stock. Unitl we hear this I say not yet. Sounds like an iminent reminder though.

    Wardy, they just have some paperwork to fill out on this. Shouldn't take long. The interesting part in all this is the timing. Let's think about this, the FIL was passed back in October. Why would they be announcing their intentions of opening the doors to foreigners and implementing it anytime from now 5 months on!?

    The other big article today was I think posted by Jola and was to do with exchange rates. Gist of it was of the implications an overnight reval would have on the economy. They're talking about it and soon will put it into motion.

    Every day on this ride just gets better and better.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Hope all is well. We do not mention other forums here no more in our post. Thanks for understanding.
    sorry for that. won't happen again. Good to be back
    When there is confidence in any currency, stability and growth are the next to follow..

  7. #317
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    Default still not friends to U.S.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill View Post
    While I agree with most concerning China and Russia. The Iran thing is a
    little different. You can't sit down and talk with people who will strap on a
    bomb and blow you up because you are American or anyone that doesn't
    agree with them. Irans President (dictator) will tell you what you want to
    hear and most American people will belive him as sincere. He's already done
    it to us and will do it again if we don't take care of things. All the while he
    justs keeps on doing what he wants to. Thanks everwiser for those posts


    yes bill good points,however china and russia have yet to be tested and what i mean is they have met little resistance from our government to see haw they would respond,i do think however if we were to put the same pressure on china and russia for thier acts against our country and respond to them in the same manner we respond to iran and other nations of lesser power,then my friend i think we would see the real enemy that lurks behind this false friendship,but as of yet they have no reason to respond outwardly with agression because they have gotten thier way with us by saying we will do so and so and they dont change and we dont put pressure on them to change so it is buisness as usual for them,they know where america is concerned it is empty threats,but if we were to try and back them down as we are iran and put real pressure and real threats then you will see,i believe they are the 2 biggest threats to our country and perhaps we will soon see as china will seek to go throughout asia as it builds up its military in preperation if we dont all come to see the real threat,hopefully before it is to late

  8. #318
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile What is your take on this?

    U.S. Envoy to Iraq Applauds Passage of National Hydrocarbon Law
    Op-ed by Ambassador Khalilzad links management of Iraqi oil, unification
    News Blaze - [04/03/2007]

    Under the national hydrocarbon law approved this week by Iraq's Council of Ministers, oil will serve as a vehicle to unify Iraq and will give all Iraqis a shared stake in their country's future. This is a significant achievement for Iraqis' national reconciliation. It demonstrates that the leaders of Iraq's principal communities can pull together to peacefully resolve difficult issues of national importance.

    Resolving concerns about control of oil is central to overcoming internal divisions in Iraq. The country has the third-largest oil reserves in the world, and more than 90 percent of federal income comes from oil revenue. The effective and equitable management of these resources is critical to economic growth as well as to developing a greater sense of shared purpose among Iraqi communities.

    The goal of Iraq's leaders was to draft a law that ensured that all Iraqis could be confident they would receive their fair share of the benefits of developing the country's resources, that the revenue from oil and gas would enable a decentralization of power while maintaining national unity, and that Iraq would adopt the best international practices for the development and management of its mineral wealth. By these standards, the hydrocarbon law is a great success. It:

    Reaffirms that oil and gas resources are owned by all the people of Iraq and contains a firm commitment to revenue-sharing among regions and provinces on the basis of population.

    Establishes a predictable framework and processes for federal-regional cooperation that demonstrate the government's commitment to democracy and federalism.

    Creates a principal policymaking body for energy - the Federal Council on Oil and Gas - that will have representatives from all of Iraq's regions and oil-producing provinces.

    Ensures that all revenue from oil sales will go into a single national account and that provinces will receive direct shares of revenue, thereby significantly increasing local control of financial resources.

    Establishes international standards for transparency and mandates public disclosure of contracts and associated revenue and payments. This is essential to build confidence in the new political order and to counter corruption.

    The law defines a role for the Oil Ministry that is primarily regulatory, which is the modern standard and which will also harness the market to achieve the optimal development of Iraq's resources. It provides the legal framework to enable international investment in Iraq's oil and gas sectors, a break from the statist and overcentralized practices of the past. It also requires best practices in environmental protection and field management and development, ensuring that the environment is not damaged and that hydrocarbon assets are not wasted by poor practices of the past.

    While the draft law will need to be enacted by the Iraqi Council of Representatives when it returns from recess, the prospects for passage are excellent because all the major parliamentary blocs are represented in the cabinet. Companion legislation will be required in several areas, and Iraqi leaders hope to complete the entire package of hydrocarbon legislation by the end of May.

    Arriving at this agreement was not easy. It has taken other countries years to complete such legislation. While negotiating this law presented special challenges for the federal government, the Kurdistan regional government and the leaders of key political blocs, the approval of the draft by the Council of Ministers sets a precedent for problem-solving and cooperation that is critical to the stabilization and development of Iraq.

    This is the first time since 2003 that all major Iraqi communities have come together on a defining piece of legislation. A national reconciliation that stabilizes Iraq can be achieved if similar compromises are made on the future of de-Baathification and on amending the constitution. The agreement on the oil law should give us confidence that Iraqis are willing and able to take the steps needed for Iraq's success.

    Well I hope they RV before the end of May but if not May is not to far off. But at least they seem to be working as a government.

    What is your take on this?

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  9. #319
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    Cool Update.

    RC Team Mod has moved Iranian News here to the Iranian forum. Thanks:

  10. #320
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    الأمريكيةSource : Financial Management Information System in Iraq unites America Massadraltmoel
    من الهاديBy Hadi Hadi
    )Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    الاكية.He said media source in the U.S. Agency for International Development today, Sunday, that the draft Financial Management Information System, which is being implemented by the Agency in The Iraqi Ministry of Finance is now consolidating many sources of funding agencies America.
    ."The source added News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "Information System project includes the writing of reports of budget implementation, procurement and budget preparation The process of payment of salaries of staff in the Iraqi ministries form automation. "
    ."He explained, "The Financial Management Information System to maintain (102) Unit of expenditure and the exchange of the Iraqi government, which covers (90%) of the budget the Iraqi government. "
    .The source pointed out that financial management information system in Iraq is one of the important components of the follow-up ministerial portfolio for the implementation of the budget considering that this system (FMIS in Iraq) covers all the positions in the Ministry and located in all parts of the country except Anbar province.
    .The source did not mention the reason for the lack of inclusion of Anbar province (110 km) west of Baghdad that system.
    وتابع ."He continued, "until the full implementation of the system will provide the most disciplined and accuracy in writing reports on the traffic work in the implementation of the budget ... in addition to the financial management information system in Iraq develops responsibility and transparency through the internal control mechanism , which provides the information necessary for follow-up efforts to combat corruption

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