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    Cool Update.

    RC Team Mod has moved Iranian News here to the Iranian forum. Thanks:

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  3. #2
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    الأمريكيةSource : Financial Management Information System in Iraq unites America Massadraltmoel
    من الهاديBy Hadi Hadi
    )Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    الاكية.He said media source in the U.S. Agency for International Development today, Sunday, that the draft Financial Management Information System, which is being implemented by the Agency in The Iraqi Ministry of Finance is now consolidating many sources of funding agencies America.
    ."The source added News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "Information System project includes the writing of reports of budget implementation, procurement and budget preparation The process of payment of salaries of staff in the Iraqi ministries form automation. "
    ."He explained, "The Financial Management Information System to maintain (102) Unit of expenditure and the exchange of the Iraqi government, which covers (90%) of the budget the Iraqi government. "
    .The source pointed out that financial management information system in Iraq is one of the important components of the follow-up ministerial portfolio for the implementation of the budget considering that this system (FMIS in Iraq) covers all the positions in the Ministry and located in all parts of the country except Anbar province.
    .The source did not mention the reason for the lack of inclusion of Anbar province (110 km) west of Baghdad that system.
    وتابع ."He continued, "until the full implementation of the system will provide the most disciplined and accuracy in writing reports on the traffic work in the implementation of the budget ... in addition to the financial management information system in Iraq develops responsibility and transparency through the internal control mechanism , which provides the information necessary for follow-up efforts to combat corruption

    أمريكا-العراق-ميزانية :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

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    It's easy to get excited and jump up and down and almost pee our pants with anticipation about a possible revaluation. We each have much to gain, but... I keep thinking about what a positive effect a revalution would have on the entire political/economic status of Iraq and all of its citizen.

    Thus also, what a positive effect it could have on the political legacy of the current US administration and how it would speed up the return home of all those battle wary US soldiers, who have done their job but remain because the restructured political/economic gains have not gone into stable effect.

    The revalution is the most positive action that can be taken for all concerned!!!

    So...just do it baby. Make me happy, make you happy, make the Iraqis happy and make those soldiers happy.

    wishing us all success(and spreading a big dose of happiness)


  5. #4
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    Al Maliki gives insurgents ultimatum
    Baghdad, 05 March 2007 (Gulf News)
    Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki gave Iraqi insurgents an ultimatum on Sunday - either accept his peace offer, or face a crack-down the likes of which has not been seen before.
    "We do not need to implement security measures except against those who reject the language of reconciliation and dialogue, those who insist on restoring the past," Al Maliki said, in a reference to Sunni Arab insurgents loyal to Saddam Hussein.
    "We present in our hand a green olive branch, and in the other hand we present the law ... Operation Imposing Law started in Baghdad, it will cover every inch of Iraq."
    In a later news conference, Al Maliki said he will soon reshuffle his government. Al Maliki told reporters he would rearrange the 39 cabinet portfolios within the next two weeks.
    The planned move comes after the Iraqi National List, a secular party representing both Sunnis and Shiites, threatened to pull out of the coalition, accusing Al Maliki of pursuing a sectarian agenda.
    US officials have also been putting pressure on Al Maliki to reform the Iraqi government around a new alliance of “moderates” from both the Shiite and Sunni communities.
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  6. #5
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    'Mafia-like gangs' ready to join interior ministry
    By Basil Adas
    Baghdad, 05 March 2007 (Gulf News)
    In a controversial move more than 132,000 "Installation Guard" police members in Baghdad will finally join the Iraqi Interior Ministry after being under the responsibility of the ministries they are guarding and protecting for four continuous years.
    Mezhir Razaqi, an Iraqi employee in an establishment affiliated to the Iraqi Ministry of Industry, told Gulf News: "The General Director in this bureau fears the guards, therefore his choices are limited."
    Saham, an employee in the same establishment told Gulf News: "Calling the guards 'militias' does not describe all they do. They practice any felonious act, such as abduction, assassination and punching employees at the main entrance, they even impose taxes in forms of money or gifts. They are doing these acts on a large scale."
    There are widespread accusations against guards of forming mafia-like gangs and involvement in criminal acts for the benefit of terrorist militias.
    "More than 40 per cent of Installation Guards are bogus who receive salaries without doing anything. Some of them are involved in terrorist operations, smuggling and looting resources themselves. They are essentially part of the financial and administrative corruption campaign in the country," Hassan Sari, an Iraqi state minister, told Gulf News.
    "I am ready to testify against the guards who burgled a store's contents, valued at 150 million Iraqi dinars, in large vehicles. The warehouse and establishment's guards along with big names in the ministry are responsible for this extensive robbery," Salah, an employee in an enterprise affiliated to the Iraqi Ministry of Trade, revealed to Gulf News.
    It has become imperative for any establishment to hire large numbers of security guards, due to the deterioration of the security situation in Baghdad.
    Despite some measures taken by Nouri Al Maliki's government concerning the guards' violations, American and Iraqi forces have been arresting many of them for having suspected links to terrorist activities or for their involvement in direct assassinations
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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    Default Are U.S. Oil Companies Going to "Win" the Iraq War?

    I found the following article on a blog - it is only an opinion but it is a very interesting read - especially the last few paragraphs. Apologies in advance if it has been posted before - it doesn't paint a pretty picture of the American Government and I'm afraid it is rather long.

    The Blog | Antonia Juhasz: Are U.S. Oil Companies Going to "Win" the Iraq War? | The Huffington Post

    "The U.S. invasion of Iraq was not preemption; it was ... an avaricious, premeditated, unprovoked war against a foe who posed no immediate threat but whose defeat did offer economic advantages." - Michael Scheuer, the CIA's senior expert on al-Qaeda until he quit in disgust with the Bush administration, in Imperial Hubris.
    Remember oil? That resource we didn't go to war for in Iraq?
    Well, you'll have a tough time convincing anyone in Iraq of this particular claim if a new oil law set to go before the Iraqi Parliament within weeks (or even days) becomes the law of the land.

    On Monday, the Bush administration and U.S. oil companies came one step closer to "winning" the war in Iraq when the Iraqi Cabinet passed this new national oil law.

    The brainchild of the Bush administration and its corporate allies, the law is the smoking gun exposing Bush's war for oil.

    The Oil Law

    If passed, the law would transform Iraq's oil system from a nationalized model all-but-closed to U.S. oil companies, to a commercialized model, all-but-fully privatized and opened to U.S. corporate control.

    Before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, U.S. oil companies were shut out of Iraq's oil industry with the exception of limited marketing contracts.
    As a result of the invasion, if the oil law passes, U.S. oil companies will emerge as the corporate front-runners in line for contracts giving them control over the vast majority of Iraq's oil under some of the most corporate-friendly terms in the world for twenty to thirty-five years.
    The law grants the Iraq National Oil Company oversight only over "existing" fields, which is about one-third of Iraq's oil. Exploration and production contracts for the remaining two-thirds of Iraq's oil will be opened to private foreign investment. Neither Iraqi public nor private oil companies will receive any preference in contracting decisions.

    The contracts allow for foreign companies to take ownership of Iraq's oil fields without actually having to get to work for as long as seven years. Thus, the companies can take advantage of the incredibly weak negotiating position of the Iraqi government at a time of foreign occupation and civil war, while simultaneously being able to "ride out" the current "instability" in Iraq.

    Foreign companies do not have to reinvest any of their earnings in the Iraqi economy, hire or train Iraqi workers, transfer useful technology, or partner with Iraqi companies.

    The exact contract model is yet to be determined, but it appears that Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) are yet again on the table. These are the contract-darlings of international oil companies that grant foreign companies greater control, profits, and longer contract terms than the contracts preferred by the majority of the world's oil countries. In fact, PSAs are only used in about 12 percent of the world's oil.

    If the new law passed, Iraq's oil system would be utterly unique in the Middle East and in virtually any oil rich nation. For example, Kuwait, Iran and Saudi Arabia all maintain nationalized oil systems and have outlawed foreign control over oil development. They all hire foreign oil companies as contractors to provide specific services, as needed, for a limited duration, without giving the foreign company any direct interest in the oil produced. Iraq, freed from the pressure of a foreign occupation, would likely do the same.

    The Propaganda

    Contrary to the Bush administration's claims, Iraq does not need foreign oil corporations in order reap the benefits of its oil. Prior to the U.S. invasion, Iraq produced an average of 2.5 million barrels of oil a day. Since the invasion, the Iraqis have averaged approximately 2.2 million barrels of oil a day. This amount has dropped recently due to the surge in violence to about 1.7 million barrels a day. Because Iraq's oil is the cheapest in the world to produce, only about sixty cents a barrel, and oil is selling today at $61 per barrel - the return on any investment is enormous. At its current low rate of production, Iraq is expected to generate more than $30 billion from its oil this year alone - more than enough to keep the industry running and the economy stable.

    The administration has been selling the law as a way to bring increased equality and stability to Iraq. It is correct on one point. The law does introduce a very equitable distribution of Iraq's oil revenues from the central government based on population. However, the benefits of this new provision are dramatically reduced if the majority of Iraq's revenues are going overseas.

    The law is likely to bring far more instability to Iraq. In fact, many Iraqi oil experts are already referring to the draft law as the "Split Iraq Fund," arguing that it facilitates plans for splitting Iraq into three ethnic/religious regions. The experts believe the law undermines the central government and shifts important decision-making and responsibilities to the regional entities. This shift could serve as the foundation for establishing three new independent states, which is the goal of a number of separatist leaders.

    The law opens the possibility of the regions taking control of Iraq's oil, but it also maintains the possibility of the central government retaining control. In fact, the law was written in a vague manner to help ensure passage, a ploy reminiscent of the passage of the Iraqi constitution. There is a significant conflict between the Bush administration and others in Iraq who would like ultimate authority for Iraq's oil to rest with the central government and those who would like to see the nation split in three. Both groups are powerful in Iraq. Both groups have been mollified, for now, to ensure the law's passage.

    But two very different outcomes are possible. If the central government remains the ultimate decision-making authority in Iraq, then the newly established Iraq Federal Oil and Gas Council will exercise power over the regions. And if the regions emerge as the strongest power in Iraq, then the Council could simply become a silent rubber stamp, enforcing the will of the regions. The same lack of clarity exists in Iraq's constitution.

    What is clear, however, is that the foreign oil corporations do have their rights clearly established. They have the right to explore, produce, control, and have guaranteed revenue from the second largest oil reserves in the world.
    Of course, we would expect very little in increased stability to follow from a U.S. corporate oil-grab of Iraq. The American who will pay the heaviest price are likely to be U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq.

    Pre-War Planning

    We all know that the Bush administration began planning for the Iraq war well before the September 11 terrorist attacks. In fact, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil has explained that by February 2001, the administration was well passed debating whether or not to attack Iraq, but rather discussing the logistics of how to invade.

    Few people know that just month later, in March 2001; Cheney's Energy Task Force was working on a series of maps and lists outlining Iraq's entire oil productive capacity and the foreign companies lined-up to cash-in.

    The task force included representatives from all of the major U.S. oil and energy service companies, including Halliburton, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips. In addition to maps, they compiled two lists entitled "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts as of 5 March 2001" that listed all the companies - none of them American - that were in negotiations with, or had already signed, oil contracts with Saddam Hussein.

    Because of the sanctions against Iraq, however, none of the contracts were actually in force. But the writing was on the wall. Global public opinion had turned against the sanctions. If the sanctions were removed while Saddam Hussein was in power, oil companies from China, Russia, France, and elsewhere would get their hands on Iraq's oil, while U.S. companies would be left out.

    The U.S. State Department's Oil and Energy Working Group began meeting in December 2002. By April 2003, the group recommended that Iraq "should be opened to international oil companies as quickly as possible after the war," using PSAs.
    Since then, the Bush administration has invaded Iraq, ousted Saddam Hussein, put the pre-existing oil contracts on hold, and has nearly succeeded in a four-year long venture to restructure the Iraqi oil industry for itself and its corporate allies.

    Iraqis Shut-Out

    Most Iraqis, including, until very recently Iraqi Parliamentarians, have remained in the dark about the new oil law. Iraq's oil workers had to travel to Jordan to learn details of the law from the London-based research organization Platform. As a result, in September 2006, the nation's five trade union federations--between them representing hundreds of thousands of workers--released a public statement rejecting "the handing of control over oil to foreign companies, whose aim is to make big profits at the expense of the Iraqi people, and to rob the national wealth, according to long-term, unfair contracts, that undermine the sovereignty of the state and the dignity of the Iraqi people." They demanded a delay in consideration of any law until all Iraqis could be included in the discussion.

    It's simple: the Bush administration and Big Oil are trying to get the best deal and the most oil possible out of a war-ravaged and desperate people. They are holding 25 million Iraqis - and 150,000 American troops -- hostage to their oil agenda.

    There is time, if we shine enough sunlight, to expose the oil agenda driving the war and support Iraqis who believe that now is not the time for their government to rush into contracts that will lock in the fate of their most valuable resource for a generation.

    Oil Change International, Global Exchange, and others organizations and communities across the United States and around the world are coming together in protest events on March 17-19, to mark the 4-year anniversary of the Iraq war.

    They are urging environmentalists, climate justice, and peace activists to join together in protests at the headquarters and gas stations of the oil companies leading the charge in Iraq: Chevron, ExxonMobil, Marathon, ConocoPhillips, Shell and BP. Learn more at Oil Change.

    In the Bay Area, activists are planning a Rally, Protest, and Nonviolent Direct Action at Chevron's World Headquarters on March 19 from 7:00-11:00am in San Ramon. Visit for details.
    An international network of groups is organizing protests under the heading "Hands Off Iraq's Oil!" Visit their website

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    I found the following article on a blog - it is only an opinion but it is a very interesting read - especially the last few paragraphs. Apologies in advance if it has been posted before - it doesn't paint a pretty picture of the American Government and I'm afraid it is rather long.

    The Blog | Antonia Juhasz: Are U.S. Oil Companies Going to "Win" the Iraq War? | The Huffington Post

    "The U.S. invasion of Iraq was not preemption; it was ... an avaricious, premeditated, unprovoked war against a foe who posed no immediate threat but whose defeat did offer economic advantages." - Michael Scheuer, the CIA's senior expert on al-Qaeda until he quit in disgust with the Bush administration, in Imperial Hubris.
    Remember oil? That resource we didn't go to war for in Iraq?
    Well, you'll have a tough time convincing anyone in Iraq of this particular claim if a new oil law set to go before the Iraqi Parliament within weeks (or even days) becomes the law of the land.

    On Monday, the Bush administration and U.S. oil companies came one step closer to "winning" the war in Iraq when the Iraqi Cabinet passed this new national oil law.

    The brainchild of the Bush administration and its corporate allies, the law is the smoking gun exposing Bush's war for oil.

    The Oil Law

    If passed, the law would transform Iraq's oil system from a nationalized model all-but-closed to U.S. oil companies, to a commercialized model, all-but-fully privatized and opened to U.S. corporate control.

    Before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, U.S. oil companies were shut out of Iraq's oil industry with the exception of limited marketing contracts.
    As a result of the invasion, if the oil law passes, U.S. oil companies will emerge as the corporate front-runners in line for contracts giving them control over the vast majority of Iraq's oil under some of the most corporate-friendly terms in the world for twenty to thirty-five years.
    The law grants the Iraq National Oil Company oversight only over "existing" fields, which is about one-third of Iraq's oil. Exploration and production contracts for the remaining two-thirds of Iraq's oil will be opened to private foreign investment. Neither Iraqi public nor private oil companies will receive any preference in contracting decisions.

    The contracts allow for foreign companies to take ownership of Iraq's oil fields without actually having to get to work for as long as seven years. Thus, the companies can take advantage of the incredibly weak negotiating position of the Iraqi government at a time of foreign occupation and civil war, while simultaneously being able to "ride out" the current "instability" in Iraq.

    Foreign companies do not have to reinvest any of their earnings in the Iraqi economy, hire or train Iraqi workers, transfer useful technology, or partner with Iraqi companies.

    The exact contract model is yet to be determined, but it appears that Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) are yet again on the table. These are the contract-darlings of international oil companies that grant foreign companies greater control, profits, and longer contract terms than the contracts preferred by the majority of the world's oil countries. In fact, PSAs are only used in about 12 percent of the world's oil.

    If the new law passed, Iraq's oil system would be utterly unique in the Middle East and in virtually any oil rich nation. For example, Kuwait, Iran and Saudi Arabia all maintain nationalized oil systems and have outlawed foreign control over oil development. They all hire foreign oil companies as contractors to provide specific services, as needed, for a limited duration, without giving the foreign company any direct interest in the oil produced. Iraq, freed from the pressure of a foreign occupation, would likely do the same.

    The Propaganda

    Contrary to the Bush administration's claims, Iraq does not need foreign oil corporations in order reap the benefits of its oil. Prior to the U.S. invasion, Iraq produced an average of 2.5 million barrels of oil a day. Since the invasion, the Iraqis have averaged approximately 2.2 million barrels of oil a day. This amount has dropped recently due to the surge in violence to about 1.7 million barrels a day. Because Iraq's oil is the cheapest in the world to produce, only about sixty cents a barrel, and oil is selling today at $61 per barrel - the return on any investment is enormous. At its current low rate of production, Iraq is expected to generate more than $30 billion from its oil this year alone - more than enough to keep the industry running and the economy stable.

    The administration has been selling the law as a way to bring increased equality and stability to Iraq. It is correct on one point. The law does introduce a very equitable distribution of Iraq's oil revenues from the central government based on population. However, the benefits of this new provision are dramatically reduced if the majority of Iraq's revenues are going overseas.

    The law is likely to bring far more instability to Iraq. In fact, many Iraqi oil experts are already referring to the draft law as the "Split Iraq Fund," arguing that it facilitates plans for splitting Iraq into three ethnic/religious regions. The experts believe the law undermines the central government and shifts important decision-making and responsibilities to the regional entities. This shift could serve as the foundation for establishing three new independent states, which is the goal of a number of separatist leaders.

    The law opens the possibility of the regions taking control of Iraq's oil, but it also maintains the possibility of the central government retaining control. In fact, the law was written in a vague manner to help ensure passage, a ploy reminiscent of the passage of the Iraqi constitution. There is a significant conflict between the Bush administration and others in Iraq who would like ultimate authority for Iraq's oil to rest with the central government and those who would like to see the nation split in three. Both groups are powerful in Iraq. Both groups have been mollified, for now, to ensure the law's passage.

    But two very different outcomes are possible. If the central government remains the ultimate decision-making authority in Iraq, then the newly established Iraq Federal Oil and Gas Council will exercise power over the regions. And if the regions emerge as the strongest power in Iraq, then the Council could simply become a silent rubber stamp, enforcing the will of the regions. The same lack of clarity exists in Iraq's constitution.

    What is clear, however, is that the foreign oil corporations do have their rights clearly established. They have the right to explore, produce, control, and have guaranteed revenue from the second largest oil reserves in the world.
    Of course, we would expect very little in increased stability to follow from a U.S. corporate oil-grab of Iraq. The American who will pay the heaviest price are likely to be U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq.

    Pre-War Planning

    We all know that the Bush administration began planning for the Iraq war well before the September 11 terrorist attacks. In fact, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil has explained that by February 2001, the administration was well passed debating whether or not to attack Iraq, but rather discussing the logistics of how to invade.

    Few people know that just month later, in March 2001; Cheney's Energy Task Force was working on a series of maps and lists outlining Iraq's entire oil productive capacity and the foreign companies lined-up to cash-in.

    The task force included representatives from all of the major U.S. oil and energy service companies, including Halliburton, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips. In addition to maps, they compiled two lists entitled "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts as of 5 March 2001" that listed all the companies - none of them American - that were in negotiations with, or had already signed, oil contracts with Saddam Hussein.

    Because of the sanctions against Iraq, however, none of the contracts were actually in force. But the writing was on the wall. Global public opinion had turned against the sanctions. If the sanctions were removed while Saddam Hussein was in power, oil companies from China, Russia, France, and elsewhere would get their hands on Iraq's oil, while U.S. companies would be left out.

    The U.S. State Department's Oil and Energy Working Group began meeting in December 2002. By April 2003, the group recommended that Iraq "should be opened to international oil companies as quickly as possible after the war," using PSAs.
    Since then, the Bush administration has invaded Iraq, ousted Saddam Hussein, put the pre-existing oil contracts on hold, and has nearly succeeded in a four-year long venture to restructure the Iraqi oil industry for itself and its corporate allies.

    Iraqis Shut-Out

    Most Iraqis, including, until very recently Iraqi Parliamentarians, have remained in the dark about the new oil law. Iraq's oil workers had to travel to Jordan to learn details of the law from the London-based research organization Platform. As a result, in September 2006, the nation's five trade union federations--between them representing hundreds of thousands of workers--released a public statement rejecting "the handing of control over oil to foreign companies, whose aim is to make big profits at the expense of the Iraqi people, and to rob the national wealth, according to long-term, unfair contracts, that undermine the sovereignty of the state and the dignity of the Iraqi people." They demanded a delay in consideration of any law until all Iraqis could be included in the discussion.

    It's simple: the Bush administration and Big Oil are trying to get the best deal and the most oil possible out of a war-ravaged and desperate people. They are holding 25 million Iraqis - and 150,000 American troops -- hostage to their oil agenda.

    There is time, if we shine enough sunlight, to expose the oil agenda driving the war and support Iraqis who believe that now is not the time for their government to rush into contracts that will lock in the fate of their most valuable resource for a generation.

    Oil Change International, Global Exchange, and others organizations and communities across the United States and around the world are coming together in protest events on March 17-19, to mark the 4-year anniversary of the Iraq war.

    They are urging environmentalists, climate justice, and peace activists to join together in protests at the headquarters and gas stations of the oil companies leading the charge in Iraq: Chevron, ExxonMobil, Marathon, ConocoPhillips, Shell and BP. Learn more at Oil Change.

    In the Bay Area, activists are planning a Rally, Protest, and Nonviolent Direct Action at Chevron's World Headquarters on March 19 from 7:00-11:00am in San Ramon. Visit for details.
    An international network of groups is organizing protests under the heading "Hands Off Iraq's Oil!" Visit their website
    In my opinion, this article has more holes than swiss cheese. (no offense seaview)

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    Quote Originally Posted by bambiebdgrl View Post
    In my opinion, this article has more holes than swiss cheese. (no offense seaview)

    No offense taken. That's alot tamer than some of the responses I've received from elsewhere. Maybe somewhat controversial - but still a good read.

  10. #9
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    Default Test post

    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    No offense taken. That's alot tamer than some of the responses I've received from elsewhere. Maybe somewhat controversial - but still a good read.

    Test Post
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

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    Default What if?

    What if the majority of the House is malitia and terrorist supporters? Couldnt they just deny the plan to Reshuffle?

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