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  1. #141
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    The statement-the Office of the Prime Minister
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-02-2007
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Mr. Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, who appeared s initiative of national reconciliation has always Bastmrarali R. Disengagement aligned to any component of society Iraq j with full respect for these components, and he was strongly opposed to the policy of marginalization, exclusion and Altmei g for the other and calls everyone to work to create and consolidate Takav e fraternity and tolerance.

    While we remember when these attitudes and of Mr. seh fixed to Mr. Prime Minister, which became known each fair and observer of the Iraqi situation, we refer to deliberate smear campaign through false statements Menzo by the Office of the Prime Minister about Mr. correspondence accuses P sectarian attacks, as biased. These statements suspicious aims to kindle a sedition the sectarian and expose those behind them, and does not want Chi We played a good, and stability.

    The dissemination of such data coincide with preparations for DENIES y plan to impose law, which entered a new phase of stabilization security and stability in our capital dear, It is an attempt to raise doubts and poisoning the atmosphere around Ahad F plan.

    Pretexts that such attempts would not affect the launch Might j determination and the will of the government of national unity in the implementation of the plan fled z law that will be professional and impartial view pw Post civil peace and confront all the outlaws Alcan Wen regardless of their political affiliation and partisan Wa the sectarian.

    We assure our people that this Aziz, the Iraqi statement AT yellow reveal opponents of the bankruptcy experience Aldemker Ater in the new Iraq and that the government did not attach any concerned Or for false statements made or issued by these agencies.

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    Posted by: saleem on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 03:45 PM

    Baghdad blast affects dollar demand in Iraqi auction-trader
    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, Feb 4, (VOI) – Dollar demand was slightly lower on Sunday in the Iraq's central bank daily auction leading traders to blame a Baghdad market blast on Saturday for that decline.
    In Sunday's session, the first trading session this week, dollar demand declined to $78.295 million compared to $86.490 million on Thursday.
    In its daily statement on Sunday the bank said it covered all bids which were $18.595 million in cash and $59.700 million in foreign transfers at an exchange rate of 1,290 dinars per dollar, unchanged from Thursday.
    Sixteen banks participated in Sunday’s auction and offered to sell five million dollars which the central bank bought all at 1,288 dinars per dollar rate.
    Ali al-Yaseri, a trader at the auction, said "the Sadriyah blast that occurred Saturday afternoon in central Baghdad and claimed hundreds casualties has affected the demand for dollar in the auction."
    On Saturday, a truck laden with a ton of explosives was detonated in a major Baghdad's market killing 108 people and wounding 320 others according to Iraqi interior ministry sources.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Mashhadani delays session till further notice
    By Santa Michael
    Baghdad, Feb 4, (VOI) – Iraqi Parliament Speaker Dr. Mahmoud al-Mashhadani delayed Sunday's session till further notice after members of the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition (UIC), the largest bloc with 130 out of a total 275 seats, walked out in protest against Mashhadani's statements.
    Mashhadani had said that Mishaan al-Juburi, the leader of the Sunni Reconciliation & Liberation bloc, which has only three seats in the Iraqi parliament, was part of the Iraqi people.
    The UIC members also protested Mashhadani's reading of a statement by a number of tribal chiefs on the incidents of al-Zarga in Najaf as they deemed the statement as inciting against the Iraqi government led by Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
    Juburi, who was stripped of parliamentary immunity late last year over charges against him and his son Yazan of financial and administrative corruption, is the owner of al-Zawraa satellite channel, recently closed by the government for allegedly fomenting sectarian sedition.
    UIC Member of Parliament Abdul-Kareem al-Aanzi said "It is not acceptable to read statements in parliament sent by anyone," requesting to have the names of "those who sent the statement, which is so clearly inciting against the government."
    Sunday's session has also witnessed a heated debate following statements by Aanzi, in which he called for expelling all non-Iraqi Arabs from Baghdad in order to guarantee the success of the proposed security plan, to be in effect soon.
    Mashhadani, commenting, said Arabs and non-Arabs should be expelled, rejecting, however, statements by some members who spoke of a "Syrian role in nourishing terrorism."
    "It was not Syria alone that exported terror," said Mashhadani, adding "a presidential delegation has visited Syria, where more than half million Iraqis reside, and signed agreements with it."
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Posted by: nakr2004 on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 04:26 PM

    Attiya calls for speeding up security plan
    By Santa Michael
    Baghdad, Feb 4, (VOI) - The first deputy speaker of the Iraqi parliament on Sunday urged the Iraqi government to speed carrying out its security plan and tighten its grip on security affairs, calling meanwhile on the multi-national troops to fulfill its promises of backing Iraqi forces.
    "We demand the political powers to shoulder their responsibility towards the Iraqi people and to cooperate with the government in the efforts to uproot terrorism," Dr. Khaled al-Attiya said in a press conference he held on Sunday in Baghdad.
    He also appealed to neighboring countries to "maintain good neighborliness and prevent infiltrations by terrorists and respect ethical and humanitarian covenants," noting "information available for the Iraqi government hold that a neighboring country is cooperating with terrorist groups, particularly those loyal to (former Iraqi President) Saddam Hussein."
    Attiya held "takfirists and Saddamists" responsible for Saturday's bombing in al-Sadriya area, in which more than 428 people were killed or wounded.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Iraqi military soon announces launch of new security plan

    Iraqi military soon announces launch of new security plan

    BAGHDAD, Feb 4 (KUNA) -- Iraqi government spokesman Ali Al-Dabbagh revealed Sunday that a senior military commander would soon announce the launch of the new Iraq security plan aiming to enforce the rule of law.

    The Commander in charge of the new plan will announce, before the Iraqi Parliament soon, the launch of the plan and the deployment of military divisions, Al-Dabbagh said in a press release which stated " The day is near." Al-Dabbagh did not reveal the actual date for launch of the plan, nor the identity of the senior commander he mentioned, but sources close to the government expected the latter to be Lieut-General Aboud Kanber.

    The Iraqi government spokesman had attended an important meeting on Friday for the Iraqi leadership devoted to putting the final touches on the security plan.

    The meeting gathered Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, his two deputies, and Iraq's National Security Advisor Muwafaq Al-Rubaie with the US Ambassador in Baghdad Zalmay Khalilzad and George Casey, General Commander of the Multi-National Force in Iraq.(end) ah.

    KUNA 041148 Feb 07NNNN
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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  11. #146
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    Default Oil Law

    Iraq Amended Draft Law Sets Out New PSA Model
    by Hassan Hafidh Dow Jones Newswires Tuesday, January 16, 2007

    Jan 16, 2007 (Dow Jones Commodities News)
    An amended copy of a draft Iraq hydrocarbon law sets out a new model for production-sharing agreements, or PSAs, with Western companies, a senior Iraqi oil official said Tuesday.

    Kurdish and Baghdad officials will meet this week to tackle their dispute over the paper, the official said.

    The amended copy of the controversial law dated Dec. 15, seen by Dow Jones Newswires, doesn't refer directly to PSAs, as the first draft did a few months ago.

    "We have changed the text of the law from PSA to development and production contract in order to avoid (media) fuss," said the senior official, who is close to the committee entrusted with drafting the law.
    The new draft law recommends the Iraqi government sign "development and production contracts," or DPCs, along with service or risk production contracts with foreign companies to upgrade the country's war-ravaged oil industry.

    The 38-page document states: "A model contract could be based on service contract, development and production contract or risk contract."

    An older copy of the draft from August stated: "A model contract could be based on service contract, buyback or PSA."

    Iraq's hydrocarbon law is crucial as a basis for international oil companies to begin discussions on investing in the country's under-exploited and run-down oil sector, and to generate much-needed reconstruction revenues.

    U.K. newspaper The Independent reported this month that Iraq's massive oil reserves may be thrown open for large-scale exploitation. Western oil companies "could end up grabbing up to 75% of the beleaguered nation's oil profits under an oil law," the paper reported.

    The Iraqi oil official rejected The Independent's report, saying it is baseless. "The law states that the government should make the utmost returns from our oil and gas resources and that Iraq owns all its (oil and gas) resources," he said.

    Negotiations with Western companies could start immediately after parliament approves the draft law, which could be in "the first quarter of this year," the official said.

    New PSA Model

    The official said the draft law doesn't spell out what kind of PSAs Iraq would sign with Western oil companies, but officials have agreed that the Iraqi government should have its own model of PSA. The new model is based on both PSAs and buyback contracts, he said.

    The official said the new Iraqi PSA model, or DPC, would state the following terms:

    --Companies cannot book crude oil reserves of any given oil field in their own market capitalizations, as is the case with ordinary PSAs.

    --Iraq will pay the costs of the contract in cash, rather than paying back the money through produced crude oil or products, he said.

    --All equipment brought by the company to carry out the contract is the property of Iraq. The company, however, has the right to use this equipment to carry out work in Iraq.

    --Any extension of the contract beyond the original timeframe should be approved by the Iraqi cabinet.

    --Profit received by the company is to be agreed on by both sides, for example, one dollar on each barrel produced for a certain period of time, the official said.

    The official said the Iraqi government wants to sign DPCs to develop undiscovered oil fields, rather than to discovered oil fields.

    The new draft law also recommends signing service and risk production contracts. A risk production contract allows a company to explore and develop a particular location, but doesn't give it the right to claim back expenses from the Iraqi government if it doesn't find oil.

    The draft law recommends setting up model, or prototype, contracts after the approval of the law.

    It also recommends the establishment of an Iraqi National Oil Company, and a Federal Oil and Gas Council. The latter would approve oil contracts and set the country's petroleum policies, and would include ministers of oil, finance, and planning, plus the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank and a representative from each region or province.

    Disputed Points

    Officials from Kurdistan Regional Government, or KRG, and the federal government in Baghdad are to meet this week to discuss disputed points in the law, the Iraqi oil official said.

    Under the draft law, the Iraqi cabinet would have the final say on contracts signed with companies, he said. "The Kurds want to change that and propose that the law should state instead: 'The Iraqi cabinet can review signed contracts.'"

    The other point the Kurdish government disagrees with is that the draft calls for reviewing existing contracts, including some signed by the KRG with Western companies, to bring them in line with the new law.

    "The Kurds want to review the contract they have signed themselves, and not a federal council set up by the Iraqi government," the official said.

    However, he said he believes these are minor issues and can be settled easily.

    The draft law recommends that all contracts signed by the KRG are "valid provide that they are reviewed and made in accordance with the provision of this (oil) law."

    The Kurdish authority has already signed agreements with several small oil and gas companies, including U.S.-based Calibre Energy Inc. (CBRE), Canada's Addax Petroleum Corp. (AXC.T), Norway's Det Norske Oljeselskap (DNO.OS) and Turkey's Petoil.

    The draft law recommends that all contracts signed under Saddam Hussein's regime should be reviewed and re-negotiated.

    They include the $1.2 billion contract signed with China's National Petroleum Corp. in 1997 to develop al-Ahdab oil field in southern Iraq, and a $3 billion contract signed with Russia's OAO Lukoil Holdings (LKOH.RS) to develop the giant Majnoon oil field in the south.

    "In order to make it valid, any contract related to exploration and oil production signed in the past should be reviewed, rewritten and renegotiated in a manner that should be in line with the provision of the new Iraqi constitution and this law," the draft says.

    Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

    RIGZONE - Iraq Amended Draft Law Sets Out New PSA Model

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    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    Mashhadani delays session till further notice
    By Santa Michael
    Baghdad, Feb 4, (VOI) – Iraqi Parliament Speaker Dr. Mahmoud al-Mashhadani delayed Sunday's session till further notice after members of the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition (UIC), the largest bloc with 130 out of a total 275 seats, walked out in protest against Mashhadani's statements.
    Mashhadani had said that Mishaan al-Juburi, the leader of the Sunni Reconciliation & Liberation bloc, which has only three seats in the Iraqi parliament, was part of the Iraqi people.
    The UIC members also protested Mashhadani's reading of a statement by a number of tribal chiefs on the incidents of al-Zarga in Najaf as they deemed the statement as inciting against the Iraqi government led by Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
    Juburi, who was stripped of parliamentary immunity late last year over charges against him and his son Yazan of financial and administrative corruption, is the owner of al-Zawraa satellite channel, recently closed by the government for allegedly fomenting sectarian sedition.
    UIC Member of Parliament Abdul-Kareem al-Aanzi said "It is not acceptable to read statements in parliament sent by anyone," requesting to have the names of "those who sent the statement, which is so clearly inciting against the government."
    Sunday's session has also witnessed a heated debate following statements by Aanzi, in which he called for expelling all non-Iraqi Arabs from Baghdad in order to guarantee the success of the proposed security plan, to be in effect soon.
    Mashhadani, commenting, said Arabs and non-Arabs should be expelled, rejecting, however, statements by some members who spoke of a "Syrian role in nourishing terrorism."
    "It was not Syria alone that exported terror," said Mashhadani, adding "a presidential delegation has visited Syria, where more than half million Iraqis reside, and signed agreements with it."
    Well this doesn't sound promising...I wonder how long this is going to continue.....

    Oh yeah, hi gert....

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  15. #148
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    Whatever happen to the rumor that if they (GOI) doesn't get off the pot then CPA would be reinstated?

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  17. #149
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    From last Sunday:

    Voices of Iraq: Baghdad-Parliament
    Posted by: nakr2004 on Saturday, January 27, 2007 - 02:51 PM

    Controversy over budget ends parliamentary session
    By Santa Michael
    Baghdad, Jan 27, (VOI) - Heated debates and controversy over the presidency's allocations in Iraq's long-awaited 2007 budget ended an extraordinary parliamentary session for one hour.
    Saturday's session saw strong arguments between the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition (UIC), the largest bloc in parliament with 130 seats out of a total of 275 seats, and the Kurdistan Coalition over allocations for the three leading institutions in the country - the presidency, the cabinet and parliament.
    Parliament Speaker Dr. Mahmoud al-Mashhadani proposed concluding the session "pending an end to the bloc and sectarian arguments." The proposal, however, did not obtain the approval of the parliament as members of the Kurdistan Coalition, the Iraqi parliament's second largest bloc with 55 seats, walked out of the session.
    The motion to keep financial appropriations for the presidency, cabinet and parliament as they were did not win the approval of members as only 74 deputies voted for it.
    Fouad Maasoum, leader of the Kurdistan Coalition bloc in palriament, protested what he believed discrimination in the debates about appropriations.
    "Why focus is lent to the presidential approprations while the cabinet's remained intact?" Maasoum asked during a stormy session.
    Hassan al-Sanid of the UIC criticized the heated debates between Shiites and Kurds in parliament.
    "The brothers in the Kurdistan Coalition have been defending the president (Kurdish Jalal Talabani) while the brothers in the UIC have been defending the prime minister (Shiite Nouri al-Maliki), which is entirely wrong because the president is one for all Iraqis and so is the prime minister," said al-Sanid.
    Shaza al-Abbousi of the UIC said Saturday's session was concluded for one hour to reach an entente cordiale among all the parliamentary blocs.
    She considered the Kurds' withdrawal from the session as an attempt to upset the quorum, adding "most of the members have voted against keeping appropriations as they were."
    Members of the Kurdistan Coalition declined to give any statements to the press.
    Mashhadani had said in the beginning of this session that passing the 2007 budget as scheduled on Saturday would be a great achievement expected by the Iraqi people.
    Kurdistan Coalition member Nawzad Saleh told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) earlier on Saturday "if the quorum is observed in today's session, the draft budget will be read and offered for voting by the members, and if not, the session will be postponed until after Muharram 10th in the hegira calendar," the day marking the major Shiite celebrations of Ashuraa.
    UIC member Abbas al-Bayyati told VOI "the draft budget has gone a long way in agreement among the blocs as the meeting of leaders of the blocs on Thursday helped a great deal bridging points of differences."
    Parliamentary sessions had been postponed more than once last month due to incompletion of the quorum (more than half the total members, prompting parliament to hold only consultative sessions, which also stopped for the Eid al-Adha holidays and the absence of several members out of the country to perform the Muslim duty of hajj (pilgrimage).
    Meanwhile, Kurdistan Coalition member Abdul-Bari Zibari said his bloc's objection and withdrawal was due to the failure to set realistic and acceptable rates for reducing appropriations in this year's budget.
    Zibari told VOI "there was a proposal to cut the presidency's appropriations by about 80% and the premiership's by 40%."
    The draft budget is allocating 120.9 billion Iraqi dinars (roughly 94 million U.S. dollars) for the presidency and 762.8 billion Iraqi dinars (roughly 591 million U.S. dollars) for the cabinet.
    And today:

    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    Mashhadani delays session till further notice
    By Santa Michael
    Baghdad, Feb 4, (VOI) – Iraqi Parliament Speaker Dr. Mahmoud al-Mashhadani delayed Sunday's session till further notice after members of the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition (UIC), the largest bloc with 130 out of a total 275 seats, walked out in protest against Mashhadani's statements.
    Mashhadani had said that Mishaan al-Juburi, the leader of the Sunni Reconciliation & Liberation bloc, which has only three seats in the Iraqi parliament, was part of the Iraqi people.
    The UIC members also protested Mashhadani's reading of a statement by a number of tribal chiefs on the incidents of al-Zarga in Najaf as they deemed the statement as inciting against the Iraqi government led by Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
    Juburi, who was stripped of parliamentary immunity late last year over charges against him and his son Yazan of financial and administrative corruption, is the owner of al-Zawraa satellite channel, recently closed by the government for allegedly fomenting sectarian sedition.
    UIC Member of Parliament Abdul-Kareem al-Aanzi said "It is not acceptable to read statements in parliament sent by anyone," requesting to have the names of "those who sent the statement, which is so clearly inciting against the government."
    Sunday's session has also witnessed a heated debate following statements by Aanzi, in which he called for expelling all non-Iraqi Arabs from Baghdad in order to guarantee the success of the proposed security plan, to be in effect soon.
    Mashhadani, commenting, said Arabs and non-Arabs should be expelled, rejecting, however, statements by some members who spoke of a "Syrian role in nourishing terrorism."
    "It was not Syria alone that exported terror," said Mashhadani, adding "a presidential delegation has visited Syria, where more than half million Iraqis reside, and signed agreements with it."

    Maybe if they quit walking out, they could get something done. Stop trying to make political statements and get the damn thing hammered out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    So basicly no budget?

    It look like it.

    it is time for a new government and ASAP....

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