I've been away for awhile.... WHAT HAPPEN YESTERDAY??????? I don't understand Marek's post (I'm slow) & Bryan's response. Is Bryan saying b/c he started another program with a different identity he's at risk of losing that program (10x5) and as a direct result PIPs won't come back?????? Can someone explain it to me in laymans terms. PLease!! I would like to update my family & friends w/ something creditable that they (and me) can understand. Where did all of that 2% money go?? I'm not talking about the R.O.I or R.O.L. I'm talking about the millions fronted to Bryan by his investors.

Bryan seemed quite angry in his post. What I don't understand is how can a man in god Conscience leave us hanging when we fronted him so much money. I just want my money back. Can someone please take the time to break it down in simple terms for me & others. Thanks in advance.
