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  1. #1701
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    lol, you soon sussed out who the letter writer was Owen.
    Good one.
    We will, of course, not even respond.

  2. #1702
    Investor Owen Platt's Avatar
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    Wasn't difficult! I think Mr. Gilder will soon have some explaining to do to his flock - if not to the authorities!

  3. #1703
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Owen Platt View Post
    Wasn't difficult! I think Mr. Gilder will soon have some explaining to do to his flock - if not to the authorities!
    That sure made it obvious however, for my part and I'm sure many shares with my notion.... albeit Terry or Casper the Ghost to Chicosan ...whoever it may be.

    We are looking at one common team out there headed by this other fella... if its not another sort of SGS (shotgun something or rather)... we'll stick then to Stella, since most are getting her name linked in all exchanges made... or no payouts as was the expectation, promised over & over... like an empty global poem...

    Now... a recent post here below, strikes an even more interesting cord... just read and see how you make the connection and if you think what I'm deriving from all these... is Stella just another identity that also takes the form of a guy as well.... deception on all fronts and on all oceans it gets into.... This is about a chap from Chicago in answer to another from Down under... go figure where lies the facts and deception eventually... and more names like OceanWealth... this OW is another new dubious plan to my ears...hmmm.

    It now makes me wonder... just how tuned-in are those here that openly stands tall with GPP are also involved with these others... one whole BIG camp of deceits... like a virus they may become and pretending with many of their innocent or shall we assume, naive defense postings as to how GPP works...

    [quote date='Sep 7 2008, 02:38 PM' ]

    Do you allow members like "username removed" to post personal attacks?

    If you believe this person is out of line please remove his/her post.
    Otherwise, I shall have to respond with the truth about the Oceanside
    Wealth, Broker Jones and Team Avalanche. I will include facts from
    unbiased folks such as Stella from STP who has this to say about the
    Oceanside Wealth program...

    Begin message from Stella
    This is Stella, one of the owners of SolidTrust Pay.

    The information presented in this post is not accurate and I want to publicly state the situation with OceanSideWealth and SolidTrust Pay.

    1) OceanSideWealth has a fully bank verified account with STPay and have in fact already initiated large amounts of ACH transfers OUT of their account. Their original account, "bigbadboy" is NOT a verified account as the account owner has never added any banking information to their profile so we have nothing to check it against. Our verifications department has asked them to input this information and to date, it has never been done.

    2) The company asked us to create a new account with a different username, as "bigbadboy" was not appropriate. I was told by the company owner directly on a phone conversation that they no longer wished to use that username, and that their programmer would be changing the script so that their API pointed to the new, more appropriate, username.

    3) the owner (whom I have spoken to personally) has my direct, private email and I have not heard from him in over 3 weeks. He also has my direct phone number. We have received NO EMAILS and NO PHONE CALLS from this company!

    4) we have received numerous complaints about this program from people requesting refunds. To date, very few refunds have been issued to STPay members and we have NOT removed ANY funds from either account.

    5) NO funds are frozen in the accounts AT ALL. I personally created the new username account and moved funds from the original one at no charge and with no transfer fee.

    6) I have left phone messages on the personal cell phone of the owner of this program and no calls have been returned to me.

    7) secondary passwords are never lost or misplaced - if the user cannot remember it or has not written it down they do have to contact us for a re-issuance. Our security department has issued 3 new secondary passwords to this company at their request.

    Their mention of lawyers and legal proceedings is just plain silly. Their accounts are NOT frozen, or suspended or anything and, as mentioned, we have had NO contact. All we HAVE had is a host of complaints and refund requests.

    We have NOT removed ANY funds from this account and the admin is not answering my phone calls.

    If this company wishes to use SolidTrust Pay they are certainly welcome to. But if they do not wish to use our services, it is NOT for the many reasons they state below.

    I again invite any forum moderator or the company owner to contact me directly via phone or email. They have my personal email on file.

    Any OceanSideWealth member with comments or questions is welcome to write: [email protected] with any issues or comments.


    end message from Stella

    Note to "username removed"

    You are way out of line and well out of your league.

    I have absolutely nothing to hide. I am proud to use my real name in the forums
    and I have hundreds of folks with whom I have been working closely for many years
    who can vouch for my character. I am an industry leader who understands the meaning
    of the words honesty, ethics, professionalism and responsibilty and I apply these
    qualities in my relationships with others.

    There is absolutely no truth to anything you have posted. I am prepared to disprove
    your allegations and set the record straight. Since you have also attacked Jake's
    character, I will mention that I proud to be associated with Jake Amedee who also
    speaks the truth about Oceanside Wealth. For example, here's a copy of the message
    he sent the moment he learned about the "secret launch" of Oceanside Wealth....

    Gosh, I am still in shock as I write this. You ever been blindsided? Well that happened to me here with OW. I have made a promise to my wife that I will not attack someone's character, even though they attacked me for no reason. I have never seen such a mess before in a launch of a business. I am also most surprised at how people treated other people in this business, stepping on heads to get to the top.

    "username removed" and I were partners on this project and we set out to do our business with intergrity. Furthermore we have seen teams pointing fingers at other teams for the 1st launch delay. This program could never handle an official launch because the servers were inadequate.

    Then the secret launch. That was the final straw for me. There were a few select teams that got their entire downlines signed up hours before the public was able to join. This was a very unprofessional launch. They said thet would launch Sunday. As Mrs.Vee always says "If you tell someone you are going to do something, you do it".

    I am declining further involvement in OW. For those of you who think I am in it for the money you are wrong as you see me giving up a $30K + per month position due to my conscience. I wish everyone in OW the best of luck with your endeavors.

    Here is my warning to anyone who is considering the Oceanside Wealth program.

    Words cannot described the deception and total lack of ethics that were displayed when this program was
    launched. Do not, for one minute, believe the hype that you are seeing about this program. Most of the cheerleaders here are members of the Broker Jones gang. He is the one who conspired with the OW admin to conduct a "secret launch" in the middle of the night at which time they alienated about 80% of the folks who were prepared to join. You do not have to believe me. However, if you seek the truth, as you should before you join any program, you really need to review the information at the forums.

    OW has received so many refund requests that they can't handle them efficiently. The following is a quote
    from Stella at STP with regard to OW members who are requesting refunds...

    "we are now being flooded with refund requests."

    The following post from another member is typical of hundreds that I received right after the "secret launch"..

    ...What the heck is this all about? I absolutely REFUSE to get caught
    up in this...This is just WRONG and I don't think it is going to be
    very well received by the public who were left out in the cold.

    This is quickly turning into a complete JOKE. I could have signed up already
    because believe me If you have a team email chances are i am already on
    your list so I knew about this the moment it happened...But I REFUSE to
    sign up!!! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!

    WOW a secret Launch..I am just
    shakeing my head trying to figure out how Oceanside figured this was
    the way to go..This just absolutely smacks of preferential treatment
    and back office deal cutting..For lack of a better word the whole thing
    just seems DIRTY.

    When Oceanside first came on the scene
    it really appeared to me that this would be a great oportunity for alot
    of people..but looks like greed and back office politics got in the way
    of that. I just can't endorse a program that does not provide a level
    playing field for ALL.

    I have my principles and I have my business ethics and they are not for
    sale even for a top level matrix position.

    How anyone with an ounce of ethics or professionalism can continue to
    support this program is beyond me. As far as I am concerned, Oceanside
    Wealth is history! There are much better projects to focus on.

  4. #1704
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    I was shocked at the discussions you were doing. :: Quality Cpanel Host Provider

  5. #1705
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pranith View Post
    I was shocked at the discussions you were doing.
    Were you shocked by a Taser or simply at the person or should you center your focus on the issue itself? There is nothing to be shocking unless you have a poor ailing heart and at worst, then you should stay away from the betting forums as gambling is a bigger shock both personally and to those beloved surrounding you in family....

    But you didn't post on that I trust? I hope you are focused more on the culprits and their deceptive involvement which carries a far serious involvement than those addressing it to curb the likes of such crooks swindling the Net around the globe... so, WHAT or HOW are you shocked by it?

    Pls don't use the phrase and term about personal attacks, this is an adult Forum and you take it as it comes unlike some cry babies that lose or ran short of credible arguments by falling on reasoning supporting their retorts in being rifled with personal attacks blah, blah... which is far from true nor have relevance to the subject addressed.

    Please and I reiterate, "PLEASE".... what are you actually or honestly shocked about?

  6. #1706
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    There is an old cowboy saying, that when your horse dies, dismount. Well, this horse is on life support (you can still buy more policies), and it is time to either shoot it, or pull the plug to put it out of its misery (the members).

  7. #1707
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    We shall see when the time comes, ok?

  8. #1708
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    Quote Originally Posted by LynnRE View Post
    There is an old cowboy saying, that when your horse dies, dismount. Well, this horse is on life support (you can still buy more policies), and it is time to either shoot it, or pull the plug to put it out of its misery (the members).
    I wouldn't be too sure yet. YOU may be the horse that needs to be shot.

  9. #1709
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    Chicosan, you need to go find refuge and humble yrself with a good time off in consoling yrself... take a good unlimited time off... it will help both by your absence here and your presence elsewhere befitting your personality where you need a new stoning crowd for recognizing your tricks & con trade you are now best known for... nothing more is needed from you to be proven here in ROLClub Forum where you will be further subjected to mocks that you certainly won't appreciate. Farewell and if any of your cronies that are scattered here with occasional retorts spelling out as your voicebox, they will be allowed to leave as well by their obvious request.... Have fun at your other new forum fortress for friends of GPP and whatever you are linked with. - YB.
    Last edited by YogiBrood; 09-09-2008 at 08:35 PM. Reason: TOS violation with deliberate disrespect.

  10. #1710
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    Darn Yogi, you took away all my fun of reading chico/Lennie's response. I am sure he took the high road in responding as he would never use foul language or name-calling on anyone. But it is sure fun letting him talk himself into delusion that GPP is going to pay out. The Titanic has a better chance of completing its maiden voyage than this paying out.

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