Hi everybody,
I got this from an internet marketer who will be sending this out to his entire database (400k people) tomorrow (June 7.), and they will be placed underneath you, if you join before them (it's a 2x14 forced matrix). You can get the gist of this below.
To sign up click here:

Best regards

"A new internet has launched...
it's going to be enormous and I mean HUGE!
And I want you to be part of it"

Wouldn't it be great to get on board with a ground floor opportunity? An Internet service based company that had a product that everyone could use - family, friends, employees, business associates, vendors and customers? How would you like to have been involved in the beginning with Internet companies like Google, eBay, AOL or Yahoo, which later became Internet giants and helped to make a lot of people very wealthy?

That is exactly what this is all about -- a ground floor opportunity offering a powerful Internet based service. Use it yourself, share it with others and then receive a referral fee as they use the product too. Viral Marketing with a twist, or shall we say "a bonus." No inventory, no billing, no invoices, no returns and no headaches!

This international company is called Kanosis. You can look up their website at www.kanosis.com. A group of highly experienced, successful founders JUST launched this company on May 1, 2006 with the intent of providing cost-effective technology and consumer services over the Internet on a highly protected "secure access network (SAN)" similar to the safe networks run by major corporations. Their vision is to provide viable alternatives to the insecure, costly productivity solutions of Microsoft and other technology/market monopolies while extending the reach of computing to the masses internationally.

Top notch management... this is NOT a "flash in the pan" program

When you get involved with this outstanding ground-floor opportunity, you are definitely in good hands...

Steve Whittington is the CEO/co-founder and former president of Herbalife, a highly successful nutraceutical company which still holds the US record as the fastest growing company over an 18 month period. Alistair Kildey is the marketing VP, co-founder and product/service visionary based in Australia and the principal speaker on the thrice-weekly conferences calls. Steve Van Zutphen is the COO, a Canadian-born intellectual property attorney with extensive US and international business experience, is the leader of the team that created COIL速 and runs the development/operational center. Jim Southworth, the technology evangelist of Kanosis, is a highly recognized worldwide Internet technologist (over 400,000 hits on a Google search) that has been directly involved in the COIL速 development. Jim was rated in the top 20 most influential people on the internet by PC Magazine. Other indicators of the soundness of Kanosis are its US legal counsel (Holland & Knight) and its worldwide outside accountants/auditors (PriceWaterhouseCoopers).

Here is just a sampling of what Kanosis has in store for you

The first Kanosis Application Service Provider (ASP) product called

COIL速 is up as a beta-test version on the website. It's an online alternative to using Outlook速 on your computer, i.e. e-mail, calendar, tasks, scheduling, etc. But it also incorporates Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) local/long distance Internet phone service (like Vonage速), Internet conference calling (like Skype速), time-tracking solutions (for professionals such as lawyers and accountants), language translations of e-mails, secure online banking, secure database storage and other features in a highly secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) approach. An advanced artificial intelligence capability operating within COIL速 facilitates some truly incredible features on all of these integrated COIL速 functions.

Future planned services include music/movie download services (where movie rentals are headed) and other widely useful services.

COIL速 is built for the future... the next generation internet

Wouldn't it be great if you could take some of the greatest features of the following software packages? Now you can!

MS Outlook Salesforce.com Plaxo Linkedln

Skype Google ICQ Netscape

Real Player MySpace AOL IM GoDaddy

TimeSlips MS Project Vonage Napster

Then combine them in a single desktop dashboard that also included:

File management, including file sharing or transfer

Online file storage and backup

Project Management

Voice to text transcription

Foreign language translation

Text messaging

Personal life coaching

Domain name registration and hosting (commissionable products)

How many of the companies above have ever paid you for referring others to their services? The answer is likely, "None".

COIL速 is an integrated personal desktop interface that facilitates all of your:

Communications (Voice, text/SMS, email, videomail etc),

Collaboration (project management, file sharing),

Community - sharing work and life online

File Management

Entertainment (audio, movies)

Business Management (via an integrated MLM toolkit)

Features include:

Permanent email - locate all current POP 3 accounts in one place

Automatic Contact updates; Transfer all Outlook contacts into COIL速

VOIP - computer-based telephone service=>free long distance (computer to computer)

Instant messaging


Music downloads

Movie downloads - compresses 5GB into 120 MB files

Personal organization features ( much like Franklin Covey速 system)

Upgrades include:

Computer to cell phone or landline voice communications

Online virtual seminars (webinars)

COIL速 is the technology that allows Kanosis - a "cyber nation" to protect its borders against malicious attacks from hackers, crackers, viruses, spyware etc. The technical term for this is a Secure Access Network (SAN). Kanosis enjoys a level of security that is roughly equivalent to that protecting the nation's banks, stock exchanges, government and other vital functions.
Kanosians' data is encrypted to protect privacy and stored in mirrored servers located in 4 highly secure, state-of-the-art, data centers at various locations around the world. Their data is accessible globally.

The competition is lagging far behind!

Google and Yahoo are the competitors with the closest match in terms of functionality although they trail COIL速 in several subtle ways. Most notably they are not based on IOS/SAN architecture. Microsoft has essentially conceded victory to the virus propagators and has announced that their future lies with IOS and web services. COIL速 is at least 2 years ahead of Microsoft's announced plans.


You don't have to worry about data losses due to mal-ware, hard disk crashes, power surges or computer changeouts/upgrades

Recent example - company manager had laptop stolen at airport that had personal/financial data for 60,000 employees

Example - 3 hard disk failures in 4 years - total wipeout 1st time; got better after that; never total recovery

Ultra Secure

No more data theft

3rd party encryption software available at no charge

Banks and corporations don't store their data in local computers - they use off board, online storage with unlimited access and guaranteed security. And so can you!

What is the Market Potential of Kanosis?

To appreciate the potential of Kanosis, you must understand:

The incredible power of the Internet both from a website and e-mail perspective;

The incredible power of direct (network) marketing (whether you believe in/like it or not);

The serious issue of data/information security online;

The greatest need for today's internet web surfer is security! This is the area of internet services that is most likely to produce the next super giant of the internet world.

According to the SAN FRANCISCO March 8, 2006 AP story By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Business Writer, Google was quick to try to cover up an inadvertent leak about a project that it is working on called Gdrive. In this leaked internal memo, you can hear the echoes of the competition to the "Coil" by Kanosis.

And YOU have the opportunity to get in on this YEARS ahead of Google and Microsoft!

For more information see this article - Google vs. Kanosis

Is Kanosis the Next Google or Skype?

No one has a crystal ball to see what the next astounding Internet enterprise will be, but in my opinion Kanosis has REAL potential for being the next "one." Skype grew to over 100MM members in the first 18 months. Although Skype is a free download, it represents but one piece of what is being combined in COIL速. Skype members can use Internet teleconferencing today, and a visit to the Skype website will show additional features now like video calls. But none of it is in a secure network that Kanosis provides. And of course, the far-reaching features of COIL速 as an Outlook replacement (e-mail, contacts, calendar, task scheduling, etc.) PLUS Internet VoIP and teleconferencing make the combination of voice and electronic mail very exciting.

Security equals safety!

A constant to keep in mind in this analysis is that downloading software off the Internet is one of the major security hazards in online computing. With COIL速, we sign-in online and go behind their very secure firewalls to use COIL速 without exposing our individual computers to viruses/hacking through downloads.

The Income Opportunity is explosive!

Once a Kanosis member has two people enrolled underneath them in the tree through their own efforts or the efforts of people upline from them, Kanosis will pay a commission on each person in one's tree of 5% on all products subscribed. So for each COIL速 subscription of $22 per month (nothing payable on the $25 administrative fee),

Kanosis will pay $1.10 per month into a secure debit card account set up for each Kanosis member up to 14 levels down in the tree.

At this commission rate the breakeven on the $22 per month COIL速 subscription is at the 4th level, and the income potential beyond that is truly astounding. The "law of large numbers" definitely applies! The founders project 10MM Kanosis members worldwide by the end of 2006. Others think that 1MM by that time is more realistic, but Jim Southworth, a world renown Internet "guru," believes that those projections are conservative given the trends in worldwide computing and compounded growth of the Internet.

And now here's your chance to be at the very top of the pack... if you act now!

Compound earning potential

Kanosis is based on a simple, innovative, 2 by14 forced matrix.

While people can get excited about earning more than $36,000 per month from a full tree, the motivation here should be the mission/vision of Kanosis as a major long-term Internet force, the use of COIL速 online and the commission potential. As additional Kanosis services are launched, members in the tree have the same 5% commission earning potential on those subscriptions as well, making this a compound earning opportunity.

Thank you for reading thus far.

To sign up, click here: