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Started: 13.06.2016

Program Description:
Who we are
BitcoinParadise role is to offer each person the chance to attain maximum gains from investing with bitcoins.
BitcoinParadise is similar to an investment club, popularized by investors who have little to intermediate investment experience but still want to grow their portfolios like the professionals. The complicated trading and mining of crypto currencies made easy.

Since the advent of Bitcoin and the first attempts to turn cryptocurrency into payment method our company is closely watching for the slightest changes in the field of digital money. The best technical and computer experts are involved in the solution of many problems, which make closer a new era of financial relationships and blur the physical boundaries between us. Like millions of people around the world, we sincerely believe that in the near future cryptocurrency will become a worthy replacement for not only conventional money, but also the world's electronic payment systems.
BitcoinParadise spends a lot of time studying the phenomenon of cryptocurrency and looking for different ways to get Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. In addition, we are ready to share our knowledge and experience, use our skills for earnings and to promote the idea of switching to cryptocurrency in all sectors of the financial life of people. That is why we are launching our investment project and invite everyone who shares our ideas and is ready to grow with BitcoinParadise.

- 2% hourly for 100 hours
- 230% after 100 hours

* Payment Processors: Bitcoin.
* Minimum Deposit: 0.01 BTC and more
* Referral program: standard - 13%, for representatives - 25%
* SSL encrypted: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA - Valid from June 9, 2016 to June 10, 2017
* Withdrawal: automatic

a30129b6498756d5586722ff61ff3cd101380257a5e9fa49dc 172291a0c16811
2016-06-13 13:50:29
0.14301 BTC/$ 100.00