Quote Originally Posted by im1vestr View Post
Your right on Ialdoboath and I agree 100%. I just hate for all the nubees to have the let down they will have. I been through so many hype and rumors, this does not have the same effect it use to have on me. Guess I am just a wee bit skeptable now.
For RR sake I hope it comes to pass. I am in the management buisness and when personel let you down it reflects on you.
That being said from Vet to all the others... Happy Memorial Day and thanks to who gave the greatest sacrifice.
when i was in bootcamp, they got us bad! They suddenly stopped all scheduled training, took us outside and put us in a mass formation. They then made the announcement that Iran had just chemical attacked US formations in Iraq ( this was in '03 btw) and that bootcamp would be cut short and we would get emergency training for two weeks somewhere else before shipping out to Iraq. Well, a few of the recruits freaked out , some crying and one begging to be sent home. Most took it in stride however. Then! they said they were just messing with our heads in order to build character! Well, again, most took the joke in stride and moved on, but a few again just freaked out.
What is the point of this post? Not much , just thought it was a funny story, and the parallel is ... if RR and Sgs and whoever else is just playing a big joke on us, then just take it in stride. Dont be one of the few who freaks out!
Unless it comes true, then be my guest.