Good Day,

I would just like to say hello to all who find this post, I have been reading many forums lately, and noticing the bickering, and smoke.

Well I must say you are all off target in what you have been told by these rumor posters.

I have been living in France for the last 12 years, I am originally from Los Angeles and have been involved with currency my whole life. My uncle was an assistant to a former (I will leave it at a guess) that shall remain nameless. I will tell you what I know in this post and only this post, the Iraqi government, will not revalue their currency to anywhere near the amounts you are being told, the amount of the revaluation of their currency will be between 133 IQD = 1 USD to .12 = 1 USD.

The timeframe of this occurrence will be between May and July of 2007, I am tired of seeing all of these poor people led astray. I should not have posted this bit of information, but I felt compelled to. The fact remains is the delusions of people to throw out these ludicrous amounts of an Iraqi revaluation is preposterous. People need to know the reality

and possibilities of this investments potential, not to be led astray.

I have read the quotes of over a dollar to multiple dollars, people who know nothing about economics should be warned, this is impossible at this time, yes statements that Iraq has black gold is correct, but even black gold can not but an absurd revaluation because of the simple fact of amount of currency in question is an astronomical amount.

For any person who can sit at home and believe that Iraq can become the wealthiest country in the world overnight, sorry to say, you need your head examined. Also if you think that some of the bigger counties like the USA, Great Britain , Russia, Japan, France, China would allow that, you are mistaken again.

My post is just meant to help my fellow brothers and sisters understand the reality of what is going on, I am sure its not what you all would like to hear, but in a short time we will all call it a true reality.

Thank You