This distribution by the Iraqi Government to every Iraqi of a measly 10,000 IQD debit card continues to puzzle me. It really bugs me that the debit card is worth slightly less than $7 USD. This is completely ridiculous and a slap in the face of the Iraqis. Now if you imagine a 1:1 re-val and say there are 15 million adults receiving the card that would be 15,000,000 times $10,000 USD. That’s a total of $150,000,000,000 ($150 BILLION) USD to Iraqis. That’s not even counting the IQD most Iraqis already have plus the Billions sold outside the country of Iraq. So, what could or would be a more realistic value? We can look 6 years into the past and the tax cuts our US Government gave to us. True those with higher incomes got big bucks (and it’s a good thing cause I’d rather they have that money to invest rather than the Government to waste). But a lot of the everyday folks got $300 to $1,000 in tax breaks. Yet it made a HUGE impact on our overall economy. So let’s see what the potential re-vals could be to make the hand out worth something to the average Iraqi plus maybe make an impact on the Iraqi economy:

1:1 Each adult Iraqi gets 10,000 IQD worth $10,000
1 IQD to .50 USD Each Iraqi gets 10,000 IQD worth $5,000
1 IQD to .30 USD Each Iraqi gets 10,000 IQD worth $3,000
1 IQD to .10 USD Each Iraqi gets 10,000 IQD worth $1,000
1 IQD to .06 USD Each Iraqi gets 10,000 IQD worth $600
1 IQD to .01 USD Each Iraqi gets 10,000 IQD worth $100

So, even though a re-val to a .06 level is around an 8,000% increase if you look at it from the standpoint of an average Iraqi actually feeling like he “got something” .05 to .10 is not a totally unrealistic start to our adventure…….