Quote Originally Posted by laurenr View Post
Capri looks great and REASSURINGLY EXPENSIVE.

I can hardly wait to see it in person...

Lauren, it is expensive, but like I said I am treating, no worries, I pomise you this,
It's a place you will never forget, they don't even allow building on the island anymore, to preserve the beauty, by the way if you don't want to stay at my aunts hotel, in AnaCapri, which is on the very top of Capri Island, my aunt has a Villa at the very end of Anna Capri, just before you start to head back down the other side of the mountain towards the Grotte Azzura, which consists of her villa and on her property she has 6 bungalo's, if you would rather have some privacy, many tourists know where all the big spots are on the islands, but the locals know places that will amaze you, like the white Grotta and the Crystal Grotta, also there is a place down by the Faro, where legend tells you about mermaids singing, it's quite freaky, because if you go there always around 10pm -1 am you can actually hear like a musical hum coming from the ocean, I can't explain it , you have to experience it to understand.