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Results 381 to 390 of 691
  1. #381
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    Thinking about starting a home business?
    Not sure where to begin?
    Start your home business on a rock-solid base! Consider teaming up with us.
    We've helped so many men and women ********* build successful home businesses.
    And we can help you, too!!!

    Check out my site for a new and very effective traffic generator in PRE-LAUNCH to help build any business as well

  2. #382
    Senior Member Troyc's Avatar
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    Welcome Donald Price to my team!
    Welcome Mate Kaszas to my team!

    “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want”

    I love that quote and I do believe it, that’s why when you join GDI under me I will show you how to get over $600 worth of marketing tools Free. You can check it out clicking the Join GDI link in my sig. (I made that page with my GDI site)

    If you are looking for a way to create an online income for life then look no further!
    GDI is making people a fortune as you read this.

    GDI is a rock solid business that has been on the net for 6 years and is going strong.
    For only $10 a month you can create an online income that can become Life Changing.

    Don’t forget to join 3in7 after signing up in GDI, this way if you do not get 3 signed up in 7 Days you can get your first month paid for.

    This is a win/win situation, for less then it costs to go to a movie and get some popcorn you can build a residual income for life, and get some great free tools, join us today.

    “Weather you think you can or you think you can’t, your right.”

  3. #383
    Senior Member marytoad's Avatar
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    Troy, you are really on a ROLL!! Great Job!!

    Welcome to Don, our newest member!!

    Don, I enjoyed your email & getting to know you this evening...I think you'll go far in this business!!

    Welcome aboard!*!*! Just follow Troy as he is a great leader!


  4. #384
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    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Lance Pulliam just joined on level 5 . . . earn3 Sun Jul 29, 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Jason Carpentier just joined on level 4 . . . earn3 Sun Jul 29, 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Alex Wong just joined on level 5 . . . earn3 Fri Jul 27, 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Wang CuiRong just joined on level 4 . . . earn3 Thu Jul 26, 2007

    WS Affiliates Congratulations! Elias Gonzalez just joined on level 5 . earn3 26 July 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Vernon Mitchell just joined on level 4 . . . earn3 Tue Jul 24, 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Bryan McNeil just joined on level 5 . . . earn3 Sat Jul 21, 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Yolanda Canales just joined on level 4 . . . earn3 Sat Jul 21, 2007

    W E L C O M E Lance, Jason, Alex, Wang, Elias, Vernon, Bryan and Yolanda To The Winning Team !

    I'm seeing Doubles in a week ! Woooooooooow ! What a week

    Lee P K kevinchung) got 2 signups -Lance signup under Jason (within 24 hrs) Zukhairah (miradest) got 2 signups - Alex signup under Wang (within 24 hrs)
    Jayson (scorpi0x) got 2 signups - Vernon and Yolanda.
    Roseddie(roscd) got 2 signups - Elias and Bryan !

    C O N G R A L U T I O N S Team good job, keep on going!

    To our success

  5. #385
    Senior Member Troyc's Avatar
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    “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want”

    I love that quote and I do believe it, that’s why when you join GDI under me I will show you how to get over $600 worth of marketing tools Free. You can check it out clicking the Join GDI link in my sig. (I made that page with my GDI site)

    If you are looking for a way to create an online income for life then look no further!
    GDI is making people a fortune as you read this.

    GDI is a rock solid business that has been on the net for 6 years and is going strong.
    For only $10 a month you can create an online income that can become Life Changing.

    Don’t forget to join 3in7 after signing up in GDI, this way if you do not get 3 signed up in 7 Days you can get your first month paid for.

    This is a win/win situation, for less then it costs to go to a movie and get some popcorn you can build a residual income for life, and get some great free tools, join us today.

    “Weather you think you can or you think you can’t, your right.”

  6. #386
    Senior Member marytoad's Avatar
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    This quote was from Kerri May 23rd, 2007 & I thought it was so good I didn't want to let it get buried!

    I read this post by Sheryl in the GDI forum

    Experiencing a slow start? Read below about the Exponential Power Of ONE

    =======an excerpt of post from Sheryl =========

    Pay attention and see how it works. You can do it. You start out by yourself. Then you recruit one person in each month. You share this idea of just recruiting one person per month with them. They see the power of it and they do the same thing....Recruit One Person Per Month.

    Here's how it works: "The Awesome Power Of One"

    =======end of quote from Sheryl's post=========

    $4,096 in 12 months!! Even if you get just 1 sign up every 30 days!
    With 3in7 and our team strategy, you can potentially get sign ups every 7 days

    So quadruple that --

    $4,096 x 4 = $16,384 in 12 months

    Or get paid $4,096 in 3 months

    (Did I mention that this is RECURRING?

    At the end of 3 months you could get paid $4,096 every single month!!)

    Just couldn't let that pass without brining it back to us!! I thought it would be fun and beneficial for the ones who have never heard of this, or just never understood it this way to read!

    Keep on promoting our GDI!!


  7. #387
    Senior Member Troyc's Avatar
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    Hello everyone

    I have noticed recently on traffic exchanges and in ads people saying things like, this will be the next GDI, or this will be bigger than GDI!

    You have to ask why they are using GDI as a comparison. The Reason why is GDI Works and has been working for over 6 years solid.

    If you want to join a proven company and earn a residual income for Life then Join GDI and then Join 3in7 to get your guaranteed 3 sign ups in 7 days or get your first month free.

    I can't remember where I heard this quote:

    "If you help enough people get what they want, You will get what you want"

    But I believe it 100%, in this case we all want the same thing, to create an income online.
    Join my team and lets build a residual income for Life together.

    To help you get the Ball rolling I will show you how to get over $600 worth of Marketing tools absolutely free.

    Click the Join GDI link in my sig to get all the details; don't forget to join 3in7 after you join GDI to get your guarantee.

    You really have nothing to lose in this case, and an income for life to gain, as well as $600+ in free marketing tools, join my team today

  8. #388
    Senior Member marytoad's Avatar
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    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Donald Price just joined on level 4 . . . mamasmoney Sun Jul 29, 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Elias Gonzalez just joined on level 5 . . . mamasmoney Thurs Jul 26, 2007

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Mate Kaszas just joined on level 4 . . . mamasmoney Wed Jul 25, 2007

    WS Affiliates Congratulations! Bryan McNeil just joined on level 5 . . . mamasmoney Sun Jul 21

    Wow, the signups just keep rollin' in!! I was talking to a friend of mine today & I told them they'd be wise to get in...This is exciting!*!*!

    I've been with 3in7 only since April & the signup level is shooting thru the ROOF!! But we still take each one by the hand & guide them until they're flying on their own. It's the only way to SUCCESS! A warm welcome to each of you! Come join us & let's watch *YOUR* signups go thru the ROOF!!


  9. #389
    Senior Member Troyc's Avatar
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    “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want”

    I love that quote and I do believe it, that’s why when you join GDI under me I will show you how to get over $600 worth of marketing tools Free. You can check it out clicking the Join GDI link in my sig. (I made that page with my GDI site)

    If you are looking for a way to create an online income for life then look no further!
    GDI is making people a fortune as you read this.

    GDI is a rock solid business that has been on the net for 6 years and is going strong.
    For only $10 a month you can create an online income that can become Life Changing.

    Don’t forget to join 3in7 after signing up in GDI, this way if you do not get 3 signed up in 7 Days you can get your first month paid for.

    This is a win/win situation, for less then it costs to go to a movie and get some popcorn you can build a residual income for life, and get some great free tools, join us today.

    “Weather you think you can or you think you can’t, your right.”

  10. #390
    Senior Member marytoad's Avatar
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    GDI is a wonderful opportunity that has allowed me to be able to dream again!

    My daughter asked me yesterday "Mom, will we ever be rich"? Thanks to GDI, I was able to honestly say "Yes, I do believe we will. It will just take some time."

    And I DO believe that. It WILL take some time, but I am prepared to put that time in, because, you know what? That time will pass ANYWAY. It will be gone anyway. So why not spend it INVESTING in our future? It will be worth it in the end!

    Join with us & begin to create YOUR FURURE today!


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