Musings and Reflections is what it says it is - so please forgive it being a little disjointed. It is purely my opinion, and I would defend your right to disagree with me. If you do, lets do it in the spirit of debate.

Do you remember when the capture of Osama bin Laden used to be a priority.

That's fizzled out and died. What's happened? Was it too difficult? I believe there was a promise that they would hunt him down till they had got him and bring him to trial. It hasn't happened!

OSAMA HAS GOT AWAY WITH IT. He is laughing at us.

In this day and age when spy satellites can track anything to the point of having the ability of reading a newspaper in a street (or so they claim) it should have been no big deal to track WMD and bin-Laden. But of course before they went in there, they knew there were no WMD and absolutely no intention to capture bin-Laden.

It was theatre. And it isn't oil (or just oil), - it's control. It's terrorism at its finest - It is Bush, Blair and other high profiles terrorising us the ordinary individual (you and me) into insecurity so that we can except state control for our security and willing give our freedom for it. And if you don't like it, it's unpatriotic and you are an enemy of the state.

You only have to look into the Bush family history and their association with the Nazi's in the first half of last century. And compare Nazism with the freedoms that have been destroyed in Patriot 2, and the powers that have been given to the Department of Homeland. (Doesn't that have a Fatherland ring to it). why would a leopard change its spots. (I think not).

The events of 9-11 are bound to be compounded by the London bombings. Security will be increased. Freedoms will be lost. Tony Blair has just said this is an attack on ALL nations.

The war on terrorism is a front. What about the terrorism of the violation human rights and dignity. Trade agreements with China are being sought. The human rights issue of China is shocking. For an example every second born and subsequent child to a family is legally murdered. Wouldn't an agreement that has the care and concern of the people of China be an appropriate war on their terrorism of their people. But No! there is no sign of it. It's all about wealth and control. More the latter.

I believe the reported evidence that the Bush and Bin-Laden camps have a pact. Wherever Bush is, there is a problem.

I have a feeling in my gut that the Bush camp had something to do with the London Bombings. WHY? The G8 and UK government in particular (under pressure) is trying (or at least showing an outward face) to reduce or cancel third world debt. The Blair Administration was instrumental in organising the G8 summit at Gleneagles. The agenda amongst other things was Africa and climate change, with emphasis on 3rd world poverty. It's reported in the news that Bush didn't want that, he wanted it just to be the war on terrorism. He is not a happy man. So in a tantrum and jumping up and down like the spoilt brat he is, and to put a fine point on it and bring it to the front. He instrumented the bombings in London. And without having to say anything, it says "I told you so." (The Alert status in the US has already been put on high alert)

Mr. Bush is an evil man. I consider him probably the most dangerous on the planet. HE is THE terrorist - he terrorises the mind, bringing people down with the power of the suggestion and insecurity. His family history is one of mystery and intrigue. He belongs to certain secret societies hell bent on control. He is NOT a Christian. He is a moron puppet with little intelligence controlled by the power seekers, the ones with money. He is corrupt. If he wasn't in power there would be someone else equally obnoxious. At the time of the elections the US were given the choice of 2 evils. Bush or Kerry. Kerry had similar education, belongs to similar secret organisations and controlled by the same people with money as Bush. It was a heads I win, tails you lose situation. Its not politics any more, or the will of the people. It is the will of those with money who want to control us; who are paranoid that we might bring them down; who want to introduce national ID cards. who will sweep away constitutional guarantees and liberties under the guise of anti-terrorists legislation. I am not anti-USA there are many wonderful people there. I am anti what's happening in the political world. The ones with money are out to control you and me. The very fact that you own a mobile phone means that you can be tracked. The very fact that you have cable television means that there is the possibility that you can be monitored by your own invitation. Who says your set top box is a one way device. Only yesterday in the news was it mentioned that conversations on the telephone can be monitored at will. There is technology that can see through the walls of your house and determine what you are doing. Who says we are living in a free society; we only think we are. The media is owned by people with money and they tell us what they want to tell us. The global Murdock empire has specific instructions on what slant has to be put on news. It has made and overthrown governments. UK is a prime example.

Bush does not give a damn about the constitution, and to all intent and purpose its dead anyway, it means nothing. You only think you have a constitution.Try and defend your right under it and see where it gets you. My bet is - not very far.

Do you honestly think that aids (which is old hat now) and new strains of deadly diseases that encompass the world are really natural. (No way) They are bioengineered diseases. Aids was made to cancel the African debt and reduce the population of what was seen to be a people burdensome to the first world and it's agenda. Have you noticed that these new strains of infection start in places like Africa, India, China and South America. It is no secret that a New World Order administration requires world population to be a small proportion of what it is today. (I say Bush you give your life first as an example). Bioengineered diseases are the perfect way to murder. No-one can point the finger. No-one is responsible for the murder. Every year we are all encouraged to have a flu vaccine. Do you REALLY know what's in it. We are INVITING someone (who probably knows no more than we do) to contaminate our bodies with something we know absolutely nothing about. I haven't had a flu vaccine for over 30 years now. I get flu, I get over it. I guess my body is allot stronger for it than if I had the vaccine. I mentioned this to a nurse at my local clinic, she agreed with me, and also said she doesn't have the vaccine either.

Hang on to your seats folks, enjoy the ride - it's all downhill from here on. The New World Order is coming, and it ain't gonna be pretty.