With respect, in reference to your posting


Your edict of people's accounts being deleted because they talk about
what Warren and Gary say is just sheer stupid and NOT the way to go.
Although this is your fourm and you can act accordingly to how you feel
it still does not make it correct or even ethical. It is more like censorship
and anything that does not go your way will be deleted. You compare
to TG. Well, not true, I see no name calling here, I see no "Lets get Bryan" messages for the sake that it is Pips. Now, that is not to say that there
isn't reason for this now but each member has the right to form his or
her own opinion. People have the right to support or argue that opinion
as along as it doesn't go down to simple petty name calling.

Also, you are worried that the members are getting into a frenzy. As they
should be. There is a lot of things going on that you wouldn't normally
accept. Would you accept this behaviour at a bank. Hmm.. going to
a bank maching, entering your pin and the machine refusing to give you
your money. No, you would go into the bank and complain. Well this is
the same thing. There is NO information from the PIPS administration... none.. nothing is being said. People are relying on their own associations (Pips-USA, DBR or AusPIPS) to get that information.

So, don't go with your ADMIN brush and try to sweep it under the carpet. If you set up a fourm to truly discuss PIPS you have to be prepared for the good and the BAD.
