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    Default How To Force BNM To Inform Pips Members

    Hi to Everyone,

    Like tons of other Pips members I have been patiently be sitting on the sidelines reading all kinds of speculation messages since BNM froze the Pips program 11 months ago.

    In my humble opinion, I think the time has come to undertake real action. What I mean with real action is not posting any wishfull thinking messages anymore, or posts from which the sources are unreliable or can't be verified.

    We shouldn't rely on Brian alone as his life must have been a hell for the past year and he hasn't got the power or resources left to face the arrogant position of BNM.

    My brother who is a chief inspector at a special research unit from our national police department, adviced me that the best way to get things moving is to hire a top Malaysian attorney, specialised in financial and bank affairs.

    This attorney could via an official way force BNM to reveal the actual results of their investigation and provide us the following info;

    - What are the real charges against Pips
    - What's the actual situation of the investigation (who is doing what)
    - What did BNM do with the funds they have frozen
    - Why aren't they keeping members updated (by now, they should know the identity and e-mail off ALL Pips members)
    - How much longer is the investigation going to take and what can Pips members expect in the future

    I guess lots of members can come up with other questions but the point is that all of us could receive official answers posted in this forum by an attorney hired by US!

    Screenshots of official BNM letters can be posted in this forum so that once and for all wishfull thinking and specualtion messages don't cloak up bandwith and space of this forum anymore.

    I don't know exactly how many Pips members registered with Rolclub, but I guess we must be a couple of thousand.

    If every Pips member's intention is to finally receive REAL INFO and wants to recup one day his investment, what are we waiting for to open a fund where every member puts in $5 or $10 so that we can hire the BEST financial attorney to defend our interests.

    I'm selfemployed, am really needed in my business and can't really afford to loose my time, but my principles tell me that it is not normal that big institutions like BNM are not considering thousands of people who invested their hard earned money, and are leaving them outside in the cold, hoping that all of us forget about this and that they can KEEP ALL OF THE FUNDS!

    I am ready to fly over to Malaysia to locate a top notch financial attorney so that our mutual interest can be defended once and for all by a specialist. I don't speak Malaysian, but 5 other languages. I'm a fighter and believe me, BNM WILL POST VERY SOON THE INFO WE ARE WAITING FOR SINCE THE LAST 11 MONTHS!!!

    Btw, english isn't my mother language at all, but I'm sure that all of you folks know what the point of my post is.

    Your points of view are appreciated as well!

    To Justice!!!

    Last edited by papadoc; 28-07-2006 at 05:33 PM.

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