Lets look at this realistically.

I agree we need to look at things positively- but no matter what, we must accept that there will always be that element of negativity due to the following reasons. If we accept this as being true we can better deal with it then wish it were not present at all.

* Some do not understand the difficulties present in starting large companies and see everything being presented by management as a stall tactic.
Others have been burnt in online programs before but dared to take the plunge again. However they now see events happening rather similar to the demise of other companies, not realizing that this is a completely different ball game.

* Management is making moves that defy logic to us the little people. This does not sit well with many. We are often left to speculate after the fact and this speculation is sometimes born out of anger.

* Confusion. We have a company that has not paid out for some months now and yet it is advancing in areas that clearly says the game is not over. We feel something is wrong and yet our logic also tells us this guy could have done a runner and why all the bricks and mortar companies?

* MOST IMPORTANTLY. We have on this forum, members whose only reasons for being here are to be THORNS in the feet of genuine members already limping with concern. These would-be Members wait for any sign of discontent to start uproar. Due to the wd issues these THORNS have the perfect breeding ground to create further bacteria.

* Regrettably we have members who are here only to tattle tale back to the tg forum everything thought of as ammunition. This being the case these so called member’s fuel one another’s hatred… breeding yet more hatred bringing them back here for more.

Why do these persons get off on causing pain? I suspect perhaps, due to wanting to fit in somewhere - and the need to find approval. Perhaps they don’t believe in Pips, and being validated by like-minded people makes them feel wanted. Some may be just plain spiteful. Yet again, others may be ex-members angry because they see the show as over and they have lost feeling powerless to re-coupe their funds and pride.

Folks while ever the human is free to feel and believe, as he will-he will. We can’t eliminate negativity. However we can know its there and yet determine that we shall not be moved from our state of joy no matter what. I understand many have large sums invested, but we are all in this together folks and together lets look forward and not be moved by another’s human frailties.