Trident Press news letter May 2005 anounced Pips is a scam but they got it totaly wrong in the following. My reply to Lance Spicer.
Hi Lance
I have purchased some of Tridents books and they are great. However in your news letter you wrote about Pips,
it does create the impression that it is too good to be true but until one really understands how it works they will always be sceptical. You made some statements that are totally wrong. 1st Pips members do not receive any commissions for introducing people and they don't receive any on going commissions, full stop. New membership is only by word of mouth. 2nd Pips is not a multilevel network organisation and will never be one, Bryans own admission! There is no downline just members who were told by word of mouth. 3rd When a member comes aboard and loan $450 US or any additional amount they are advised to withdraw there initial loan $450 Plus on the 4th or 5 the month, from this point on there is no risk of loosing your money. From this moment on the profit you made now compounds at 2 % per day but when it is calculate by the 60% Pips loans and the 40% members loan the 2% is only 0.07% in actual fact. also the units expire at 180 days and are put back into the fund. So the only risk is for just 4 or 5 months, seeing you have your money back what if it works ?! Pips does not borrow money to purchase its businesses, they pay cash for every business they own. I hope this information gives you a clearer understanding.
Until December 2004 they did pay a $10 commission for introducing people but networkers got in and started building their own websites and began spamming. In December 2004 Bryan Marsden announced that if any one who spam's will loose their membership and all the money they have invested. In January 2005 Bryan announced that all commissions for introducing would cease and all members personal websites have to be dismantled immediately. That is the way it is now. Regards Tom B.