I have two basic questions; 1. From what source did the November 17, 2005 court date come from? Was the source reliable, were they honest, why is a court apperance mandated. BN is conducting the investigation not the legal system. 2. What happens to the monies in the now closed PICPAY platform. There is hundreds but most likely thousands of withdrawals (withdrawals is not money just setting in PICPAY) I'm asking about (known clean money)withdrawals that the owner has actually indicate the type and method funds were to be paid out be it check are wire transfer. As everyone knows once you reach that point a transaction ID was assigned to your requested withdrawal method.

What Happens to those funds?

Somewhere in all this it appears to me there is a serious disconnect from the actual facts (which non of us knows) and possible (mis-information) which is highly possible. Oh what the heck I may as well make it 3 questions; does any one acutally know what is happen in Malaysia right now?

There were two to three posting in this forum (at least what I saw)from someone claiming to be Bryan, (I honestly beleive it was Bryan) anyway did it strike anyone odd that he may already have some inside information on the outcome of the investigation in order for him to be posting tidbits on the restructure. I'm asking anyone who has read this far to please reread his posting theres answers there. By nature I'm very skeptical, I deal with cold hard facts, I see some answers there, to many question asked. Oh! well I have been known to be wrong.