I am surprised that so many members have joined pips and do not know the answer to this question of where Bryan will start from after restructuring...

Bryan has always been very clear wherever he has been and answerred the question of "What happens if the investments go bad" - say in a market meltdown - and we have to start all over again.

Well the answer is simple:

Every member will be allocated funds pro-rata of what is left in total in the account.

This means that no matter how much your account was before the site closed down, the amount that will be put in your account in any new structure that Bryan will put in place will reflect a percentage of what was showing when the site closed down, based on what total funds is available at that point!

So let us say the total funds showing in all members account on 16 August was $100Million and the total funds available after pips/picpay is cleared is cleared of all debts incurred is, say $30 Million... in other words 30% only... then each and every new account in the new structure will show 30% of the amount that was in the account when the site went down...

Obviously, this formula will only depend on if Bryan has the funds to pay for members withdrawals in picpay and he probably will have to take the picpay withdrawal requests into this equation as well...

Remember that money in always has to be equal to money out... and Bryan cannot manufacture funds that do not exist...
For all this setback we have to thank some greedy and unscrupulous merchants and members...

my 2%
