Quote Originally Posted by miclobo View Post
Hi Thelema, I see you chastising Chin-lee for his behavior, but Off Shore wealth is doing the same to him, but I don't see you reacting to him the same way. Why?

Just curious,


And who is this newbie we have here? You come in here and tell people that they are liars and to shut up and you will be treated the same way I answered Chin Lee, with respect, so who are you to question anyone on how we should answer people. Are you suggesting I did not use respect, I could have just as easily banned him, for what he posted was against TOS, he called me a liar. So you are condoning such when Thelema merely suggested the same as I did, DO NOT CALL NAMES.

Chin Lee is who he is, nothing will change him, even though he hides behind a dozen names on forum, as you do, so what, I am not banning anyone even if they do call me a liar and tell me to shut up, he knows he was wrong, he just doen't know how to accept the truth, so he lashes out like a child with a temper. IP's are already be checked as you appear to want to side with name callers like Chin Lee, so I suspect your visit here will be a short one.

Good luck to all, Mike