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  1. #21
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    Default F-R-E-E - Registration Open

    Privacy Alert!!

    We will either create our futures or be controlled by those who are creating them for us!
    Less than Three Minutes from NOW you can know the plans that others have to track your every move!
    "Big Brother Big Business"
    CNBC Two Hour Special 11-01-06
    (First clip- 2:49)
    In less than 15 minutes you can know how we can earn significant income by
    Asserting our Rights . . . Uniting our Voice to stop the invasion of our privacy and the theft of our personal data. . .
    How we can Create Our Futures.
    "Privacy Army Presentation"

    Flash Talk (First Step- 14:30)
    The right moral thing to do is the best economical thing to do! This is Media-Driven Marketing at it best!
    Imagine a business which is promoted by mass media just like the CNBC special, or in Consumer Reports, Time Magazine and in the news every week, all at no cost to members. Now imagine a business with no overhead which can earn you a significant income with passive effort sharing these media news events with others?

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    Default Privacy Protection Issues In The News

    Media Privacy Alerts this week!
    Privacy problems posed by media for which
    Privacy Army has a patent-pending solution
    November 4, 2006

    Big Business, Big Brother documentary

    United Press International
    U.S. gets low ranking on privacy

    ABC Online
    UK Privacy Commissioner issues dire security warning

    Reader's Digest, Nov '06
    ID THIEVES' NEW TARGET: Your Medical Records

  3. #23
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    Default LAUNCH

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
    Privacy Army White Paper…

    From our Chairman & CEO, George Blake:

    The Privacy Army is an amazing enterprise! We believe it will solve one of the greatest problems faced by individuals, which is the erosion and misuse of our privacy rights. We are going to change the nation's economy! Right now there are two basic economies… the business-to-consumer economy and the business-to-business economy, but we are going to create the consumer-to-business economy and everyone reading this can be at the forefront.

    We are going to assert our privacy rights, we are going to opt out of the lists that are offering our names, our addresses, phone numbers, Internet clicks, credit card purchases, and much more to the highest bidder, and we're going to do that because we in The Privacy Army believe that's our money and we want it back!

    We will use the laws that Congress has already passed, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Privacy Act, HIPPA, RICO, The Economic Espionage Act, and more to show Congress that it has already agreed to your privacy rights… so the next steps are inevitable. We will use the first, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, and tenth amendments to the Constitution to show that the right to privacy has existed since the founding fathers…and we are going to take the fight to the thirty thousand businesses that are already selling our private information. We believe it is our private information, so we will take the fight to the media! No institution holds more power to get Congress to act. No legislature fears anything more than losing an election! Any legislator who opposes individual privacy rights risks just that, and we are going to make sure that that risk is mighty. I will be at the forefront of our drive for media support. I have been the editor of three newspapers, I have also been president of The Ohio News Paper Association, Vice President of the Florida Editors, national chairman of a joint editor-publisher action group and I have lots of highly placed friends in the media and plan to use my influence with these people to obtain exposure for our cause once we have a reasonably large group in place.

    We all have a story to tell and lots of money to be made for telling our story as we move forward with The Privacy Army mission. We have elected not to use conventional advertising or expensive paid media campaigns to get the word out to every person in the U.S. Instead we will be using person-to-person contact to tell our story. Our founder and idea creator is Larry Napier. It was his vision that we will be implementing in the next few years. Our goal is to become a household name within the next 5 years and we need your assistance to achieve that goal. Below you will find an explanation of our business model and our unique compensation plan by our founder, Larry Napier.

    From the founder: Larry Napier

    I would like to discuss the greatest opportunity ever in person-to-person marketing. The key to extraordinary success is doing what's never been done before, but in a proven way. With the impending retirement crisis, most of us do not have time for untested theories or another lap around Mount Sinai or video replays of one failed business model after another. We are here to implement the most successful business philosophy in the modern era. Dr. W. Edwards Deming, who is described by Newsweek magazine as responsible for one of the nine major turning points in history, is the famous mathematician, statistician, who changed the word from Japan because America would not listen. The lack of implementation of his philosophy is one of the reasons why Ford and General Motors are laying off people and closing plants all over this country!

    Deming's philosophy makes a very clear declaration… Get this! "The structure of the way the world does business is wrong and the worker is not to blame! What an incredibly powerful concept! We believe that it applies in a very specific way to the world of person-to-person marketing so we are here to declare that the structure of the way marketing companies have operated for the past sixty years is wrong and a 97% failure rate can't be debated!

    We are here to change that structure. The Deming method requires a complete change in our most fundamental beliefs and practices with a single goal… that's restoring the power of the individuals who have been crushed by structures, in fact, Deming would say "in the morning when you awake if you are not excited about being awake, you have been crushed by a structure", and so many of us can say that's true of me!

    Deming uses profound knowledge to release the dormant power that's in the heart of every single person. His influence over Japanese business practices gave them a completely different view and the average Japanese worker had the power to shut down the entire assembly line if something was not right… completely different than the view in America. Think about it this way… we are simply saying that the structure of compensation and the structural issues that determine a 97% failure rate in a 60-year-old industry is wrong and we need to change it!

    I would like to ask this question… If you were to design a company with profound knowledge, that's Deming's key phrase, you would be forced to ask some hard questions and accept some hard answers. So here are some examples of the questions we had to face:

    • <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Is your product totally unique… and is it protected? <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Is your product or service overpriced or is it priced as low as possible for easy sales by non-professional marketers? <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">How big is your real market… do you really have hundreds of millions of potential customers or is it just rhetoric? <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Does the lion's share of the money go to the marketing force or does the majority go to the company? <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Does your offer meet deeply felt needs that will enflame the hearts of marketers and customers alike?
    • Does your compensation structure solve the flaws in compensation that have plagued the person-to-person marketing world for 60 years?

    We are here to address those issues and as George Blake stated above, how much help are you going to get educating and selling your product or service from the national and daily news media? Is your service or product something that is in the news every day or is it dying out? Is the news about our product or service dying out or is it just about to burst on the scene? Now, I am here to declare that the next singular issue over the next several years is going to be "Privacy." It's huge and once you become aware of the many privacy issues that are in the news daily you will become aware that it is just starting to come forth and we will play a dominate role in making sure that the news about privacy issues are highlighted to get the position we want … we won't utilize our clout for a little while because we want to have a sizeable army in place so we can explode once George Blake taps his many media sources.

    The Privacy Army is addressing these critical privacy issues. Other companies are making billions of dollars from the sale of our private information… companies like, ChoicePoint, Experian, Acxiom, and Equifax, just to name a few. We believe that's our money and we want it back! One hundred seven million Americans have signed the "Do not call list" that's an overwhelming vote against the unconstitutional invasion of our privacy rights!

    We need to get our hands together with those one hundred million people and say to Congress "We want this changed, we want these assaults on our private property stopped, and we want the money, not everybody else making money off of our private property!

    Now, is being assembled to assert our individual ownership rights and give us the legal precedent to prove those rights against everybody that has been illegally selling our personal private data. Alone, we are powerless in this legal battle! We have no clout individually, but we can take the weapons of the law and the Internet and our collective voice to defend our Constitutional Rights on three different fronts.

    The first is economic. Thousands of companies are earning billions of dollars selling our personal private property and we are not being compensated for it! The Bill of Rights says you cannot take our private property, you cannot take it without my consent and permission, you cannot take it without us being compensated. The Bill of Rights was written to protect individual citizens, not corporations. Simply put, those billions of dollars are our money, and we want it back, and we have developed a legal strategy to get it back and secure it forever. Anyone who violates our Privacy Rights will be sued, plain and simple, and when we win, which we will, we will all share in this class action pool fund. Anyone familiar with the tobacco and drug company class actions will realize this could involve hundreds of millions in awards for Privacy Army and our members.

    The second front in our identity rights battle is focused on our credit reports, new threats to our medical data, our tax records, and what about your car… that BLACK BOX in your car, the one that records over 300 data points, that can replay the last minutes from the last time you drove your car…what about that new tracking device in your cell phones over the past several years?

    Last but not least, what about the new fast advancing RFID technology? RFID technology has the capacity to track our every move and to totally destroy our privacy without our knowledge. Try an Internet search on RFID technology and see what you find. Privacy issues are being dismissed with disinformation on tracking capabilities of only 30 feet, but this is not true, the technology will allow tracking through repeaters, similar to how cell phones and the new WI-FI operates, so don't be fooled, this technology has advanced far more than we are being told.

    Now, that is an overview of what we are all about, however if you are a retiree who would like to increase your income, or if you would just like to develop a second source of additional income let me tell you about how you can substantially increase your income by joining with us at and helping us get the word out to everyone in the US within the next 5 years who is fed up with the loss of privacy and power to stop this illegal violation of our rights. Do you think a few people you know would be interested?

    If you look at compensation plan, here is what you are going to discover. First, you can join our cause for Free. We have a $195.00 one-time license fee and Legal Strategy Kit that addresses ownership rights for you and your entire immediate family. We pay out $155.00 of the $195.00 that is 79% to the marketing group. There are no monthly costs for all of our marketing tools, which include your very own secure web site, plus one-on-one mentoring from the person who sponsors you as a member of The Privacy Army. Just like Deming said, "Give more, keep less and the world will beat a path to your door." If you want to have a personalized link to the marketing video's you will need to open an account with FlashTalk. The FlashTalk account is FREE for the first 30 days and you can extend it for $3.95 per month or $29.95 annually.

    Click Here to sign up for FlashTalk FREE for 30 days. No credit card needed!

    If you would like more information about our income opportunity and how our hybrid
    3-D compensation plan works, please visit our web site to learn more. You may reach me by email at the address listed below. If you will email the time most convenient for you I will be happy to answer all your questions. I have been working with the founders for a year and I'm excited about our upcoming official launch of this powerful brand new and exclusive business model. Now is the time to register for FREE.

  4. #24
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    Default Identify Theft Must Be Stopped.................find Out How?

    UPDATE............................................ ...................................
    Identity theft is the fastest-growing white-collar crime in America. It has hit ordinary citizens and celebrities alike. The crime of the twenty-first century is profitable, nearly unpreventable, and hardly ever prosecuted. Some estimates say that nearly ten million Americans each year become victims—and the crime shows no sign of letting up.

    Your Evil Twin: Behind the Identity Theft Epidemic covers this exploding crime from every possible angle. Filled with real-world identity theft horror stories (from both the criminal's and victim's perspective) as well as practical advice that can help you protect yourself, this book examines the institutions, industries, and individuals that have allowed identity theft to spread, and probes the tepid solutions now being cobbled together by the industry and government to curb this crime.

    Author and identity theft expert Bob Sullivan agrees that criminals should, without a doubt, be blamed for this crisis, but he also notes that so should those entrusted with our identities.

    Sullivan digs deep to reveal how institutions designed to protect our identities have let us down, while corporate America—in choosing profits over privacy—has shirked much of its responsibility for the problem.

    You'll receive an up-close look at some of the most troubling issues associated with the identity theft epidemic, including:
    • How criminal, domestic, child, and elder identity theft is perpetrated
    • Why government agencies have been so slow to react to this problem and how our nation's identification systems—birth certificates, driver's licenses, and Social Security cards—are so easily replicated
    • How credit card companies who, in their rush to push the "miracle of instant credit," have created some of the systematic flaws that allow identity theft to be profitable in the first place
    • Why law enforcement officers refuse to take reports of these types of crime or prosecute criminals
    • How the Internet and new technology has made identity theft easier for both criminals and terrorists

    But there are solutions to the identity theft problem and this book examines some of them—from individual heroic efforts being made privately to public companies whose forward-looking projects may stem the epidemic.

    Identity theft is much more than a paperwork headache for victims. The crime has been blamed for everything from divorce to suicide to murder. It threatens happy retirements as well as college student loans. In its very worst form, it can even land innocent people in jail. Your Evil Twin will show you why identity theft has become so common and examine how you can prevent or prepare for the day someone tries to steal yours.

    You can hear two of America's leading privacy advocates discuss a patent-pending legal and marketplace solution to the problem of Your Evil Twin on a national teleconference call and online TONIGHT...
    • Tu/Nov 7 - 9:20pm EST, 8:20pm CST, 7:20pm MST, 6:20pm PST
    • Call number - (712) 338-8115
    • Access code - 988055#

  5. #25
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    Listen in on ONE CALL and learn not to burn..............................

    You can hear two of America's leading privacy advocates discuss a patent-pending legal and marketplace solution to the problem of Your Evil Twin on a national teleconference call and online TONIGHT...
    • Tu/Nov 7 - 9:20pm EST, 8:20pm CST, 7:20pm MST, 6:20pm PST
    • Call number - (712) 338-8115
    • Access code - 988055#

  6. #26
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    Default Privacy Rights Act for your Personal Private Protection

    Senate approves electronic ID card bill

    By Declan McCullagh

    Story last modified Wed May 11 04:18:59 PDT 2005

    Last-minute attempts by online activists to halt an electronic ID card failed Tuesday when the U.S. Senate unanimously voted to impose a sweeping set of identification requirements on Americans.

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    Default Your Cell Phone Is Eavesdropping On Your Privacy

    UPDATE............................................ .......



    FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool

    Agency used novel surveillance technique on alleged Mafioso: activating his cell phone's microphone and then just listening.
    By Declan McCullagh and Anne Broache
    Staff Writer, CNET

    Published: December 1, 2006, 2:20 PM PST Last modified: December 1, 2006, 6:35 PM PST

    The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations. The technique is called a "roving bug," and was approved by top U.S. Department of Justice officials for use against members of a New York organized crime family who were wary of conventional surveillance techniques such as tailing a suspect or wiretapping him.
    High Impact

    What's new:

    The FBI is apparently using a novel surveillance technique on alleged Mafioso: activating his cell phone's microphone and then just listening.
    Bottom line:

    While it appears this is the first use of the "roving bug" technique, it has been discussed in security circles for years.

    Nextel cell phones owned by two alleged mobsters, John Ardito and his attorney Peter Peluso, were used by the FBI to listen in on nearby conversations. The FBI views Ardito as one of the most powerful men in the Genovese family, a major part of the national Mafia.
    The surveillance technique came to light in an opinion published this week by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan. He ruled that the "roving bug" was legal because federal wiretapping law is broad enough to permit eavesdropping even of conversations that take place near a suspect's cell phone.
    Kaplan's opinion said that the eavesdropping technique "functioned whether the phone was powered on or off." Some handsets can't be fully powered down without removing the battery; for instance, some Nokia models will wake up when turned off if an alarm is set.
    While the Genovese crime family prosecution appears to be the first time a remote-eavesdropping mechanism has been used in a criminal case, the technique has been discussed in security circles for years.
    The U.S. Commerce Department's security office warns that "a cellular telephone can be turned into a microphone and transmitter for the purpose of listening to conversations in the vicinity of the phone." An article in the Financial Times last year said mobile providers can "remotely install a piece of software on to any handset, without the owner's knowledge, which will activate the microphone even when its owner is not making a call."
    Nextel and Samsung handsets and the Motorola Razr are especially vulnerable to software downloads that activate their microphones, said James Atkinson, a counter-surveillance consultant who has worked closely with government agencies. "They can be remotely accessed and made to transmit room audio all the time," he said. "You can do that without having physical access to the phone."
    Because modern handsets are miniature computers, downloaded software could modify the usual interface that always displays when a call is in progress. The spyware could then place a call to the FBI and activate the microphone--all without the owner knowing it happened. (The FBI declined to comment on Friday.)
    "If a phone has in fact been modified to act as a bug, the only way to counteract that is to either have a bugsweeper follow you around 24-7, which is not practical, or to peel the battery off the phone," Atkinson said. Security-conscious corporate executives routinely remove the batteries from their cell phones, he added.
    FBI's physical bugs discovered
    The FBI's Joint Organized Crime Task Force, which includes members of the New York police department, had little luck with conventional surveillance of the Genovese family. They did have a confidential source who reported the suspects met at restaurants including Brunello Trattoria in New Rochelle, N.Y., which the FBI then bugged.
    But in July 2003, Ardito and his crew discovered bugs in three restaurants, and the FBI quietly removed the rest. Conversations recounted in FBI affidavits show the men were also highly suspicious of being tailed by police and avoided conversations on cell phones whenever possible.
    That led the FBI to resort to "roving bugs," first of Ardito's Nextel handset and then of Peluso's. U.S. District Judge Barbara Jones approved them in a series of orders in 2003 and 2004, and said she expected to "be advised of the locations" of the suspects when their conversations were recorded.
    Details of how the Nextel bugs worked are sketchy. Court documents, including an affidavit (p1) and (p2) prepared by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Kolodner in September 2003, refer to them as a "listening device placed in the cellular telephone." That phrase could refer to software or hardware.
    One private investigator interviewed by CNET, Skipp Porteous of Sherlock Investigations in New York, said he believed the FBI planted a physical bug somewhere in the Nextel handset and did not remotely activate the microphone.
    "They had to have physical possession of the phone to do it," Porteous said. "There are several ways that they could have gotten physical possession. Then they monitored the bug from fairly near by."
    But other experts thought microphone activation is the more likely scenario, mostly because the battery in a tiny bug would not have lasted a year and because court documents say the bug works anywhere "within the United States"--in other words, outside the range of a nearby FBI agent armed with a radio receiver.
    In addition, a paranoid Mafioso likely would be suspicious of any ploy to get him to hand over a cell phone so a bug could be planted. And Kolodner's affidavit seeking a court order lists Ardito's phone number, his 15-digit International Mobile Subscriber Identifier, and lists Nextel Communications as the service provider, all of which would be unnecessary if a physical bug were being planted.
    A BBC article from 2004 reported that intelligence agencies routinely employ the remote-activiation method. "A mobile sitting on the desk of a politician or businessman can act as a powerful, undetectable bug," the article said, "enabling them to be activated at a later date to pick up sounds even when the receiver is down."
    For its part, Nextel said through spokesman Travis Sowders: "We're not aware of this investigation, and we weren't asked to participate."
    Other mobile providers were reluctant to talk about this kind of surveillance. Verizon Wireless said only that it "works closely with law enforcement and public safety officials. When presented with legally authorized orders, we assist law enforcement in every way possible."
    A Motorola representative said that "your best source in this case would be the FBI itself." Cingular, T-Mobile, and the CTIA trade association did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
    Mobsters: The surveillance vanguard
    This isn't the first time the federal government has pushed at the limits of electronic surveillance when investigating reputed mobsters.
    In one case involving Nicodemo S. Scarfo, the alleged mastermind of a loan shark operation in New Jersey, the FBI found itself thwarted when Scarfo used Pretty Good Privacy software (PGP) to encode confidential business data.
    So with a judge's approval, FBI agents repeatedly snuck into Scarfo's business to plant a keystroke logger and monitor its output.
    Like Ardito's lawyers, Scarfo's defense attorneys argued that the then-novel technique was not legal and that the information gleaned through it could not be used. Also like Ardito, Scarfo's lawyers lost when a judge ruled in January 2002 that the evidence was admissible.
    This week, Judge Kaplan in the southern district of New York concluded that the "roving bugs" were legally permitted to capture hundreds of hours of conversations because the FBI had obtained a court order and alternatives probably wouldn't work.
    The FBI's "applications made a sufficient case for electronic surveillance," Kaplan wrote. "They indicated that alternative methods of investigation either had failed or were unlikely to produce results, in part because the subjects deliberately avoided government surveillance."
    #textCarousel { width: 140px; border-color: #360; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding: 10px; float: right; margin: 15px 0 15px 15px; background-image: url(/i/ne05/fmwk/greyfadeback.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: -150px top; } #textCarousel li { font-size: 95%; line-height: 1em; margin-bottom: 10px; } #textCarousel h4 { margin: 0 0 5px 0; font-size: 110%; }Bill Stollhans, president of the Private Investigators Association of Virginia, said such a technique would be legally reserved for police armed with court orders, not private investigators.
    There is "no law that would allow me as a private investigator to use that type of technique," he said. "That is exclusively for law enforcement. It is not allowable or not legal in the private sector. No client of mine can ask me to overhear telephone or strictly oral conversations."
    Surreptitious activation of built-in microphones by the FBI has been done before. A 2003 lawsuit revealed that the FBI was able to surreptitiously turn on the built-in microphones in automotive systems like General Motors' OnStar to snoop on passengers' conversations.
    When FBI agents remotely activated the system and were listening in, passengers in the vehicle could not tell that their conversations were being monitored.
    Malicious hackers have followed suit. A report last year said Spanish authorities had detained a man who write a Trojan horse that secretly activated a computer's video camera and forwarded him the recordings.

    NOW YOU CAN FIGHT BACK......................JOIN FREE

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    Default Privacy Rights Act Against Identity Fraud

    Media Privacy Alerts this week!
    Privacy problems posed by media for which
    Privacy Army has a patent-pending solution
    November 4, 2006

    Big Business, Big Brother documentary

    United Press International
    U.S. gets low ranking on privacy

    ABC Online
    UK Privacy Commissioner issues dire security warning

    Reader's Digest, Nov '06
    ID THIEVES' NEW TARGET: Your Medical Records

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    Top Ten Stories You Missed in 2006.

    10. Hackable Passports

    In October, the U.S. State Department began issuing biometric “ePassports” that contain a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag under the back cover. The tiny chip holds the usual passport data, including a digital photo. The motive behind adding the chips is ostensibly good: to combat counterfeiting and illegal immigration.

    But a German hacker quickly found a vulnerability. With a laptop and a chip reader he bought for $200, he was able to steal data from an encrypted RFID tag, potentially allowing him to clone an ePassport. And it’s not just Americans who are at risk. Twenty-seven countries (mostly in Europe) that participate in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program are required by U.S. law to issue the new electronic passports to their citizens. The Dutch and British media have already reported major security flaws in the new IDs.

    So, what’s a security conscious citizen to do? Again, the answer may come out of Germany. A group of hackers there recommends that people microwave the new passports to destroy the chips. The State Department may want to go back to relying on a paper trail.

    FIGHT BACK.......................

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