Hey, It's your money. Do what you want.

I think it is funny that you complain about people saying great things about HONEST programs, then you go and totally SPAM your own like THREE TIMES.


Anyways I feel much better promoting a program that has NO RISK, than promoting an obvious scam like SI. Sorry, but they are not legit.

My guess is people are supporting them because they foolishly dumped money into them and are afraid if they DONT show support, they will not get their $$$ back.... Guess what. Your money is gone. Sorry.

If I am wrong, I will be very happy for all of you that took the risk.

People can make a ton of money in this HONEST program and risk NOTHING.

So yeah, I am going to share it with people. Click my name and find it in my profile....Because I am like them and got the big SHAFT when PIPS was shut down. They will come back, but it's gonna be a while.... another story....

So instead of trying to get people to totally throw their money away on HYIP SCAMS.... here is an HONEST, SCAM-FREE ZERO RISK alternative.

BTW I remember some other scams.... that gave loads of updates.... this gave them plenty of time to cover their tracks and go into hiding. So here is hoping they are the 5% of HYIPS that are legit.... I really fo hope they are but I seriously doubt it. Sorry sorry!!