Please check out Instant-C

I just put $200 on the "INSTANT-C MASTER" Plan.
These guys are growing really fast, but I think it is always better with HYIPs to get in now and get out. I think they are pretty stable because AlienTrust put an announcement on their site calling Instant-C the site of the week and saying they have invested $12,000 into them…

25% Daily For 5 Days
INSTANT-C BASIC $5 - $6,000 25.00% ROI (Per Day)

150% After 5 Days
INSTANT-C PRO $10 - $6,000 150.00% ROI (Total)

400% After 10 Days
INSTANT-C MASTER $10 - $6,000 400.00% ROI (Total)

700% After 15 Days
INSTANT-C V.I.P $100 - $6,000 700.00% ROI (Total)

I have been looking for a good HYIP, I wanted one that was new, had a well made site and accepted StormPay and e-gold.

This place was my pick…

Post here after you see how it goes!