Annotated Carbon Grey Comics l 498.91 MiB


SISTERS AT WAR - The first volume. Repackaged Lo-Res Digital-TPB with separate notes.

DAUGHTERS OF STONE - The second volume. Repackaged Hi-Res Digital-TPB. Each issue's last page(s) were revised for the TPB; the originals are again included separately.

SHORTS - Seven shorter (4 to 12 pages) stories from the "Origins" issues and TPBs.

SKETCHBOOK - ~30 pages of original artwork, sketches, et cetera. Digital Lo-Res.

2011-03 - Volume I - Sisters at War (Digital-1280) (K6 of Ultron-Empire).cbr 94 MB
2011-03 - Volume I - Sisters at War - Notes (from ''Art of Carbon Grey'') (Digital-1280) (K6 of Ultron-Empire).cbr 97 MB
2011-11 - Origins - Gottfaust (Digital-1280) (Empire).cbr 7 MB
2011-11 - Origins - The Captain (Digital-1280) (Empire).cbr 6 MB
2011-11 - Origins - The Sisters Grey (Digital-1280) (Empire).cbr 12 MB
2011-12 - Sketchbook (from ''Art of Carbon Grey'') (Digital-1280) (Empire).cbr 32 MB
2012-03 - Origins - Gottfaust - Crones of Duraru (Digital-1280) (Empire).cbr 6 MB
2012-03 - Origins - Marshal & Marshall (Digital-1920) (K7 of Ultron-Empire).cbr 25 MB
2012-03 - Origins - The Queen (Digital-1920) (K7 of Ultron-Empire).cbr 28 MB
2012-07 - Volume II - Daughters of Stone (Digital-1920) (K7 of Ultron-Empire).cbr 174 MB
2012-07 - Volume II - Daughters of Stone (Original Endings Only) (Digital-1920) (K6DVR-Empire).cbr 11 MB
2013-09 - The Sisters of War (Digital-1920) (K7 of Ultron-Empire).cbr 8 MB

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