Visualizing Environmental Science 2nd Ed l 115.6 MiB

This book follows a unique approach by placing a greater emphasis on visual learning
as a means for environmental scientists to understand and connect with the central issues
of environmental science. It vividly illustrates the overarching role that humans play in
our planet's environmental problems and successes. In each chapter, What a Scientist Sees
features are presented to highlight a concept or phenomenon from the perspective of a
professional in the field. Process diagrams are also used to depict complex processes.
Environmental scientists will be able to reinforce their understanding of the field and
gain new insights with this second edition.

New To This Edition:

The visuals have been refined and expanded using insights from research on student learning.
New key theme, "From Global to Local/Local to Global" is integrated throughout the second
edition to reinforce the integrated theme that environmental science covers issues from the
local to the global scale. An icon highlights key content within the text, as well as
end-of-chapter Critical Thinking Questions.

Visualizing Environmental Science 2e is organized around the premise that humans created the
world's environmental dilemmas and now must address these issues as we use Earth's resources
and seek to avoid the future disasters so often predicted in the media.

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