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  1. #761
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    Statistics criticizing the central bank released inflation indicators

    Criticized the Central Bureau of Statistics and Information Technology Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, Central Bank of Iraq, for issuing inflation indicators every month. The head of the device, Dr. Mahdi Keywords in a statement to the (agency's news) that the central bank by issuing inflation indicators every month has exceeded the right of the Central Bureau of Statistics on considered that the issuance of inflation indicators are a function of device statistics. questioned Keywords in the validity of some indicators of inflation, which is issued by the Central Bank, noting that inflation figures come in sometimes inaccurate view of the lack of dependence on the indicators adopted by the Bureau of Statistics in its work. shall be issued Central Bank of Iraq a monthly bulletin on the level of inflation that exists in Iraq, the issue during the same month the special bulletin of the Central Office of Statistics and private prices of food and the level of inflation in Iraq.

    The appearance of the central bank adviser Saleh has announced a decline in annual inflation in Iraq, after controlling the levels of liquidity and reduce inflationary expectations, pointing at the same time said that Iraq needs, imports from Turkey in Euro

    He attributed the appearance of low inflation, monetary policy of the Central Bank, which succeeded in gaining control of the levels of liquidity and reduce inflationary expectations.

    Saleh said in a press statement: that Iraq is important and imported from Turkey and a strong euro, which will cause the dollar to decline against the cheap and low prices of products entering Iraq.

    And Saleh said the signs are good for low inflation, which fell to the level of one decimal after it was tied, and continued: The central bank is working to preserve the status to one decimal place in order to achieve stability in the introduction to this development and this makes the development of investor comfortable to the lack of fluctuations in price in the price of exchange and the general level of prices. and on the question about the reason for not lending the government $ 5 billion shortfall in the budget of 2011, said Saleh refused to Central Bank for that matter, noting that the bank is not an institution for development projects and bank reserves are to achieve economic stability and because Alastaqraralaguetsadi is the incubator for development.

    He said we are working to lend to the government only in the case of economic disasters or large floods and there are indications we have suggest that we have surpluses sufficient does not require resort to the easy money, but require re-calculation of oil prices by the Ministry of Finance correctly, management and efficiency of resources optimally.

    And the favor of lending to be within the general budget of the State any of the fiscal policy where it will be the port for the financing of development and as a source for the provision of cash and liquidity.


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  3. #762
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    Deputy Sheriff Soliman: Visit of U.S. officials, many of Iraq confirms U.S. to ensure clear security and stability in Iraq

    A member of the House of Representatives of the Alliance of Kurdistan forces Sharif Ali Suleiman said that the U.S. government was keen during the visits of officials of many of Iraq on the continuity of the political process and to maintain security and stability.

    He said Ali told the independent press (Iba) The repeated visits by U.S. officials of the latest visit by U.S. Vice President and the congressional delegation give a clear indication of the importance of political stability in Iraq, which the United States to seek sustainability positively.

    He continued that the current negotiations Almswoliyn Americans are focused on a full U.S. Aalanzhab of Iraq, in addition to the discussion of political leaders on the various files and students with the National Council for strategic policy and others.

    Is scheduled according to the strategic security agreement between Iraq and the United States that the withdrawal of the remaining of the U.S. forces in Iraq at the end of this year.

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  5. #763
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    Messrs. Abdul Mahdi al-Maliki and discuss the general situation in the country
    And emphasize the importance of completing construction of state institutions
    His Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi, in his office on Wednesday night 01/19/2011 Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

    During the meeting they discussed the general situation in the country of its political, security, economic and service, where he Messrs. Abdul-Mahdi and al-Maliki on the importance of moving forward in the way of building state institutions, and consolidate the national reconciliation project, and invest energies and resources of the country in economic development, and provide services to the people.

    At the conclusion of the talks, said the vice president told reporters that his talks with the Prime Minister stressed the consolidation of the positive spirit that is generated after the formation of government, both of the parties, the various Iraqi, or from the surrounding regional and international levels, adding to that by saying "We want to strengthen the spirit of the achievements of significant political, economic and security. " He described the discussions with the Prime Minister Balthreyp and positive.

    The Prime Minister stressed that the talks dealt with the achievements in the political process, and what you need from the need to communicate and install the strides we have made on this road, including the installation of the National Alliance to bear the responsibility, and openness to the components and the other blocs as a partner and contributor.

    "We've accomplished a lot in the agreements that preceded the formation of the government, and we want to keep these agreements and be activated, implemented and adhered to," stressing "that the country has exceeded the stage of sectarian conflict, and returned the situation to normal, and that political reconciliation has been achieved, there is no longer a party Mgosaia or political deportees."

    The Prime Minister said: "We have also deliberated the subject of how to launch a nation-building in various fields, as well as to discuss bilateral relations and activating them with us and our brothers in the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq."

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  7. #764
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    Sadoun's (et al): an ongoing dispute between the Iraqi and Kurdistan to the Legal Committee

    MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs Muhsin al-Sadoun said that the disagreement between his list and the Iraqi List is still continuing on the legal committee has not been resolved so far and left until after the recess.

    And Saadoun told singled out by the correspondent of the Agency for News News (et): that Iraq be required to have security and defense committee instead of the Legal Committee. Saying "I can not ascribe to the Iraqi legal committee because House Speaker from the same menu." Noting that there is an agreement between the political blocs that the Committee would be contrary to the ministry handled by a specific block.

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  9. #765
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    Iraq: Connecting the independent bodies of the Cabinet directly coup against the Constitution

    The listing Iraq, on Thursday, the Federal Court decision to link independent bodies in the country, the Council of Ministers directly and not the House of Representatives a coup against the Constitution, a claim the presidency of the Council of Representatives and leaders of political blocs to take a firm stand to protect democracy in Iraq.

    A spokesman for the Iraqi List, Haider Mulla said in an interview with "Alsumaria News", that "the Federal Court decision to link independent bodies in the country, the Council of Ministers directly and not the House of Representatives, according to article 102 of the Constitution is considered a coup against the Constitution," adding that "these attempts put blocks in front of a group of political responsibilities. "

    Al Mulla said, "The time has come to rebuild Iraq's judicial institution, namely the Federal Court on the basis of the Constitution," noting that "all political blocs to learn that democracy in the country is at stake and in danger."

    The spokesman called the Iraqi List, Presidency of the Council of Representatives and leaders of political blocs to "take a firm stand to protect democracy in Iraq."

    The Federal Supreme Court issued a decision in January 18 of this attachment provides independent bodies referred to in the Iraqi constitution, prime minister directly, not under the chairmanship of the House of Representatives.

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  11. #766
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    Iraqi Turkmen tell U.S. ambassador to stop meddling in domestic affairs

    Iraqi ethnic Turks, known locally as Turkmen, have asked U.S. ambassador to Iraq, James F. Jeffrey, to stop meddling in Iraqi internal affairs.

    A statement by the Turkmen Front, a political umbrella for ethnic Turks in Iraq, accused Jeffrey of heightening ethnic and sectarian tensions in the disputed oil-rich province of Kirkuk.

    Kirkuk is a mixed province where Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen all claim it to themselves. But the Kurds have deployed their militias in the city and currently hold joint patrols with U.S. invasion troops there.

    “We call on the U.S. ambassador to put an end to his meddling in internal issues. We do not want him to become a factor deepening Kirkuk’s problems,” the statement, a copy of which was faxed to the newspaper, said.

    The statement was particularly critical of Jeffrey’s call for the implementation of a paragraph in the constitution which if translated into action may lead to full Kurdish control of the province with its massive oil riches.

    Both Turkmen and Arabs, who together form the majority in both the provincial capital and the province at large, dispute the paragraph and call for its amendment, describing it as part of ‘an agenda’ to help Kurds wrest control of Kirkuk.

    “The continuation of meddling by certain parties in (the country’s) internal affairs is a continuation of instability,” the statement said.\kurd.htm

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  13. #767
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    Barzani describes Kurdistan delegation's talks in Baghdad as "fruitful."

    North Iraq Kurdistan Region's President, Massoud Barzani, has described the results of talks of the Kurdistan delegation in Baghdad as "good and fruitful," as statement by the Kurdistan Presidency said on Thursday.

    Barzani expressing hope that the suspended problems between both sides be solved according to the Iraqi Constitution and through dialogue, according to the statement.

    The statement pointed out that Barzani had expressed his viewpoint in a meeting in north Arabil's Salahaddin Resort in a meeting on Wednesday with the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative, Ad Melkert, who expressed UN's support for the new Iraqi government and different Iraqi parties to settle Iraq's internal problems and achieve further stability in the country.

    "Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, has discussed with Melkert the current situation in Iraq, including the security ministries that were not settled yet, along with the role of the National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP) and necessity to grant it its legal framework, as well as the settlement of the Oil & Gas Law and measures related to Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution," the statement said.

    It added that both sides also discussed the future missions of the UN International Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), the planned general census in the country, as well as the return of the Ninewa Fraternal List to Northern Iraq's Ninewa Province's Council and the issue of the Iraqi Christians who moved to Kurdistan Region, due to recent attacks by terrorist groups.

    The statement quoted the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative, Ad Melkert, as having "highly assessing Kurdistan President Barzani's role in the formation of Iraq's national-partnership government, pointing out that "all world states look with high appreciation to the outstanding role played by Barzani in this respect."

    It also quoted Melkert as saying that "Barzani's support for the issue of the Iraqi Christians had been a clear evidence for his positions towards the future of Iraq."

    As regards to the future challenges facing Iraq, the statement quoted Melkert as "having expressed the UN's support for the new Iraqi government and all political forces in the country to settle their local problems," reiterating necessity "to settle those problems in such a way that helps Iraq to achieve further stability and progress, and enable the Iraqi people to live in an atmosphere of security and prosperity."

    "Barzani has reconfirmed that the major accords, agreed upon between the Kurdistan Delegation and the Baghdad government, had been reached to settle the suspended issues between both sides," reiterating that "Baghdad meetings had achieved good and fruitful results," expressing hope that "other problems would be settled according to the Constitution and through dialogue, and having highly assessed the efforts, exerted by Ad Melkert in Iraq towards the political process and to settle the suspended problems between both sides.

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  15. #768
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    Oil Minister for Nun: we prepare for a fourth round of ad hoc exploration and our priority will be filtered to Karbala

    Oil minister said that his ministry is preparing for a fourth round dedicated to exploration and refinery in Karbala would have priority in the work.

    He said Abdul Karim Laibi reporter site N. breaking news during his visit to holy city of Karbala "must add new reserves of oil and gas because the mass production depletes inventories, so preparing the Oil Ministry for a fourth round dedicated to exploration, he said, adding" I began to increase and clear in production and will be visible and known, and this country witnessing an unprecedented revival in the whole world in terms of workload and share where we have more than 18 companies in the oil industry, one of the largest companies in the world and entered in the competition in the long road to develop these fields and increase capacity."

    The mention of coffee "will be filtered Karbala priority and we are in the process of completing the studies and designs its own," adding, "It will be us next month, a seminar for companies that have expressed their willingness to build refinery in Karbala, including the well-known companies and solid and we'll send them the final steps of the assignment."

    He assured the coffee "that the processing of petroleum products continuously for the provinces of Karbala and Najaf and the provinces covered by the visit of forty days," expected to be the size of the visit this year, bigger than previous years so you need big preparations.

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  17. #769
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    Talabani urges Leaders to attend Iraq Summit

    Iraq President Jalal Talabani made use of his presence in the 2nd Arab Economic, Development and Social Summit held in Sharm El Sheikh, in order to urge Arab kings and Presidents to attend Baghdad Summit to be held next March. The Iraqi President stressed that it will be an occasion to search for solutions for all the problems in the region.

    On the economic level, Talabani stressed that Iraq is stepping towards huge projects such as taking part in Arab gas pipeline in addition to establishing a railway connecting the Gulf countries to Europe via Turkey thru what they call the dry canal project.

    To that Tunisia incidents which have an economic background were present in the summit. In fact, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stressed on labor issue and job opportunities as being one of the hardest challenges to face in the region.

    It is to be noted that the first version of this summit was hosted by Kuwait in 2009 in order to activate economic projects in the framework of an Arab association. However, Sharm El Sheikh Summit is held in the middle of Arab Economic crises and none of these projects loom in the horizon.

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  19. #770
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    Iraqi Airways to conclude a contract for the purchase of 15 civilian aircraft

    The Iraqi Ministry of Transport, on Thursday, has signed a contract with a German company to buy 15 civilian aircraft to be hoped that received by Iraq by 2013, indicating that it plans to contract with international airlines to operate flights to the country condition that is truncated about 45% of the profits of those trips for the benefit of Iraqi Airways.

    The Director of Information Iraqi Airways Akram and coffee for the Kurdistan News Agency (Rn) that "Iraq has signed a contract with the company Bionk German import 15 aircraft is hoped that up in 2013 after the solution has been reached between Iraq and Kuwait on the compensation the airline."

    He said the coffee that the "Iraqi Airways has decided during the contract with the airlines civil prevent the use of older aircraft which are less than year industry for the year 2008 to upgrade the services of Iraqi Airways." He said, "We plan to open all the airlines with the surrounding countries through the conclusion of temporary contracts and extended limited with the international airlines that are subject to deduction of 45% of the profits of those trips for the benefit of Iraqi Airways. "

    Between coffee and that "discussions with the Kuwaiti side and reached an advanced stage and a lot of legal obstacles that afflict the Iraqi Airways has been fully resolved, which will contribute to the establishment of an air fleet of Iraq with all countries of the world."

    The Ministry of Transport has declared in a January 17 / Enyergari, announced the opening of three major air lines.

    And replaced the former Iraqi government in June last Iraqi Airways because of differences with the Kuwaiti side, which demands that Iraq pay $ 1.2 billion takeover of the former regime because of the 10 aircraft during the Kuwait invasion of Kuwait in August of 1990.

    The Iraqi government has the financial compensation to Kuwait increased by $ 150 million, but that Kuwait is demanding one billion and 300 million dollars, claiming that they accrued interest.

    The lines of air navigation in Iraq, one of the oldest lines in the Middle East and is a member of the Arab Union for Air Transport. The Iraqi Airways was founded in 1937 by the Aeronautical Society of Iraq and now known as Club Firnas air and was used at the beginning of its inception the British planes and Soviet-made. In the seventies allowed the United States to Iraqi Airways planes using the John F. Kennedy Airport in New York.

    In 2008, the Iraqi government has contracted with the Boeing Company of America to buy 40 new aircraft from 737 and 787 Dreamliners with purchase rights for an additional 15 aircraft to be delivered during 2013 and a total value of the contract amounted to $ 5.5 billion. As the Iraqi government signed a contract Bompagdi least with the Canadian company to buy 10 aircraft CRJ900 medium-sized or regional levels with the right to buy 10 other aircraft in the future. Has begun delivery of the first aircraft CRJ900 Bompagdier coming from Zurich to the city of Erbil in October 2008.

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