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  1. #661
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    The Ministry of Communications says it does not have the powers to hold m.obile phone companies

    The Ministry of Communications, said nothing to do with the performance of m.obile phone companies and tainted by the poor in most areas of Iraq.

    The adviser of the Minister of Communications Laith Al in a statement to the National Center for information Wednesday that the ministry does not have the powers to hold these companies, explaining that the law enacted by Paul Bremer in 2004 inventory of the ministry of all its powers to the m.obile phone companies.

    He pointed to the lack of coordination between the Ministry and the Commission, explaining that the task is to monitor the m.obile phone companies exclusively, and check their work according to the licenses granted.

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  3. #662
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    Allawi win a majority pay more efforts to form a coalition government with the participation of former Kurdish, Iranian and pay-Maliki threatened to rise up
    Observers believe also noted the report of the IAEA (Reuters) that the victory of the majority Allawi and progress on the list of al-Maliki has paid to return to the Shiite-Kurdish coalition government early in 2006. Iran may have a role in this scenario

    The report, issued yesterday, spoke on the progress of Allawi's list to the list of al-Maliki for the first time the results of the elections in Iraq, which could lead to political bargains that could last many months, creating a dangerous vacuum of power. Where everyone started to question the election results.

    The findings came as the new primary - which the volatility of the progress shown by al-Maliki in the previous results over the past week, raising doubts about how to hold the fragile security situation in Iraq during the talks was likely to be a long and crucial among leading politicians to form a government. Especially after he threatened to supporters of al-Maliki uprising against the others if it did not take the ministry.

    Highlights the progress achieved by Allawi narrowly on the list of al-Maliki in seven provinces from 18 provinces, though the list of al-Maliki had achieved little in the Sunni provinces, which confirms the polarization in Iraq after years of sectarian war.

    And makes the secular Iraqi List headed by Allawi, non-denominational now in five provinces and has attracted support among the Sunnis, who as.pire to regain the influence lost when it ended in 2003 the government of President Saddam Hussein, which lasted a long time.

    While screening 80 percent of voters who are estimated to be about 12 million advance on the list of Allawi al-Maliki about nine thousand votes. This is an indication that the final results may change many previous accounts.

    It may take the announcement of the final results a few weeks. It is likely that any of these allied blocs with the Iraqi National Coalition - a mainly Shiite bloc includes parties had been allied with al-Maliki but rule it out - come in third or through a partnership with the Kurdish parties that control northern Iraq.

    While al-Maliki has a lot of support Allawi, a doctor is criticizing the Shiite religious parties that dominate Iraq since 2003 and is confident Hlvaoh and that the list is developed on the others.

    Taher al-Naqib, a close aide to Allawi said he expected the final results show progress Allawi, Maliki, even though Prime Minister made right now in Baghdad, which has the largest share of seats in the parliament's 68 seats.

    The number of seats in the chamber 325 seats. He added "The results are really close and positive (us) ... How can the owners of that win us?."

    And how will the Government of Iraq may be acceptable to the owners and Allawi, in addition to other competing groups who feel skeptical towards each other will be a crucial way to maintain security, as it looks on Washington to withdraw its troops from Iraq by the end of 2011. If he is satisfied everyone with everyone, they will be out of the scope of the results of the elections to the scope of the consensus outside parliament and re-previous versions of the coalitions in power-sharing. If they do not agree to this approach As for that long conflict, but to reach a compromise. If the long struggle for power too long will create a vacuum in the presence of sufficient authority to increase services to the citizens who are discontented.

    And achieved an alliance between the two main Kurdish parties made progress in the three Kurdish provinces in northern Iraq. Came in the following order directly to Allawi's list in the province of Kirkuk, the oil-producing and which revolves around the bitter conflict between Arabs and Kurds. Allawi now and move on the Kurdish bloc, a very narrow margin of votes. "Said Toby Dodge - an expert in Iraqi affairs, University of London - that Iran's influence may be a factor in the formation of another coalition government between Maliki and the Iraqi National Coalition and the Kurds.

    He said "This will be re-formation of the coalition ruling Iraq is not capable of 2006 to 2010." And commended the Iranian government, which is keen to see someone representing the interests of Shia Iraq is leading to the election. A spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Ramin Mhmanbrst "all international observers confirmed the safety of the Iraqi elections. This is a success congratulate the Iraqis on him."

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  5. #663
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    Iraq to renew oil pipeline accord with Turkey

    Iraq has agreed with Turkey to renew an accord to operate an oil pipeline from Kirkuk to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, a senior Iraqi oil official said on Wednesday.

    Both sides are expected to sign an agreement soon, Iraq's deputy oil minister Ahmed al-Shamma told Reuters, adding an Iraqi delegation is in Turkey now to finalise the deal.

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  7. #664
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    Iraq signed with the World Bank loan agreement worth $ 250 million

    Iraq has signed with the World Bank, on Wednesday, the Convention on the sustainable development policy loan of $ 250 million as a down payment of $ 500 million, while the representative of the International Fund does not require that the loan guarantees to Iraq from the fact that the founders of the World Bank.

    The Iraqi Finance Minister Baqir Jabr al-Zubaidi, told a press conference attended by the ministry building, and "Alsumaria News" on the sidelines of the signing of the agreement, that "loan agreement was signed with the World Bank $ 250 million of the $ 500 million, it was agreed upon in advance," stating that "in case of lack of liquidity forced Iraq to request the remaining 250 million of the loan value."

    This is the third loan, which is lending the Iraqi government by the IMF after Iraq repay a loan in 2007 was worth $ 470 million, to support the country's economic program, the Fund has also granted a second loan the Iraqi government in December 2007 was worth $ 744 million had been repaid in March 2009.

    The al-Zubaidi that "the term of the loan period of 15 years, including four and a half years, a period of grace granted to Iraq, an interest rate not exceeding 1.2% because they may repay the loan deductions semi-annually, during the period of 2014 _ 2024", adding that "the loan will be in cash to Iraq for use in finance the deficit in the general budget for 2010. "

    Parliament passed in the twenty-sixth of January last, the general budget for 2010 amounted to a total volume of 84.7 trillion Iraqi dinars (72.5 billion dollars) and a deficit of $ 22.9 trillion to $ 19.6 billion dinars.

    For his part, the representative of the International Monetary Fund Happy Jean-Michel, during the conference, that "loan does not require collateral, so that Iraq is one of the founders of the World Bank."

    The Wahhabi "The loan comes in support of the budget deficit in Iraq and support the policy of financial reform and the private sector," calling to "strengthen financial management and development in Iraq, and developing solutions for the expansion of basic services and social protection of the citizen."

    The International Fund has expressed appreciation for the economic reforms in Iraq, which included enhancing the Central Bank and the restructuring of major banks for the public sector and the reduction of inflation, which reached more than 50% in 2006, was also considered that the payment of dues to Iraq, which was scheduled in 2009 reflects the success in Baghdad reform of financial policies and the exploitation of the substantial financial resources accruing from higher oil prices.

    The representative of the International Monetary Fund that "Iraq has proved that he sought a serious and vigorous steps to improve its monetary policy during this period."

    The International Fund has asked the Iraqi government liberalization of certain sectors of the economy of state intervention through the withdrawal of the ad hoc support for industrialists and farmers.

    The total reserves of foreign currency at the present time to 42 billion dollars, up from $ 27 billion in 2008, after the rise in oil prices worldwide.;ر.html

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  9. #665
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    Maliki's political bloc challenging the election results after shrinking the gap with Allawi to half seat

    In a surprise announcement would present the results of the elections to a new political earthquake, "said Ali al-Adeeb, a leading figure in the Dawa Party, said the bloc of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki asked the Commission to recount votes, particularly in Baghdad" to reveal the size manipulation was not clear "and following the narrowing gap between bloc and the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, to a value of about half the parliamentary seats so far.

    Could not be reached for comment on Maliki's allies in this regard, but a source close to the government said the "world" that what the writer of the additional manipulation for Allawi "reflects the real concerns within the bloc of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki," as asked Jamal watermelon, a lead candidate Iraqi List said "see who can do manipulation against Maliki, the prime minister has extended its influence on the security forces and all state agencies, and that he has influence within the Commission itself?".

    According to calculations conducted by the agency, "Alsumaria News" results showed 66% of the results of counting and sorting of universal suffrage in all governorates of Iraq coalition made rule of law "by obtaining 1,756,993 votes in all governorates of Iraq, with Iraqi List of 1,734,117 votes, and got the Iraqi National Coalition 1331929 voice."

    This means that the block ahead of Allawi al-Maliki about 20 thousand audio-only, which represents the value of half the seats in parliament compared to the overall rate in Iraq (the value of the seat 28 to 48 thousand votes, "but the numbers are subject to change after the completion of the results later.

    Quoted "Alsumaria News" about the writer as saying yesterday that "coalition (state law) the book written to the Commission requesting a recount of the new, particularly in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad."

    And the writer that "the coalition of the rule of law refers to certain information for manipulation in the counting of votes is in favor of certain political in Baghdad on him."

    Before, and the Iraqi National Coalition and the Iraqi List said the challenge to the voting process, which was organized in the seventh month and voicing fears of a manipulation, but Maliki's political bloc supported the Electoral Commission and the Commission called for giving full confidence, saying that "only losers and challenging in the work of UNHCR."

    Maliki said earlier, "I got manipulation but are limited and do not affect the overall results."

    But the writer is the Deputy Secretary-General of the Islamic Dawa Party, led by al-Maliki, adding that "the information and reached a coalition of law prove that the manipulation of the figures on the outcome of the coalition in Baghdad by some quarters," explaining that "the large population size in Baghdad, allowed for some to think that are not detected in the manipulation of results."

    He pointed out that the "coalition of the rule of law also considers the existence of fraud in the election results in the other provinces," noting that "the size of this manipulation is not clear is the lack of announcement of final results."

    Allawi has emerged as the biggest challenge facing al-Maliki since announcing preliminary results, says the political circles that the prime minister's opponents, outgoing, might have known the candidate secular strong ties with Arab countries, a good alternative for the next period.

    It may mean calling party's request for a recount of the vote in Baghdad and several provinces of UNHCR's work to expose more of the charges, which is some fear could lead to discredit the legitimacy of the elections, especially after the increase in appeals.

    Previously, representatives of the religious authority in Najaf, said the Commission asked to expedite the announcement of the results of careful escalation of appeals and accusations.

    But the candidate for the Iraqi List, the beauty of melon said in a statement for "the world" that the list of "outside the organs of power, and everyone knows who is the party that dominates the UNHCR," denying the possibility of the involvement of this list in any color of manipulation.

    The Iraqi List is also facing accusations of fraud by the Kurdistan Alliance, which came second after in Kirkuk, and Kurdish leaders called on UNHCR to recount votes and the other Arab villages near Kirkuk, a disputed, saying that Allawi's supporters manipulated the results to the benefit of the Iraqi List.

    He says that the reluctance of UNHCR watermelons in declaring the results "raise doubts, and of course the right of all candidates for re-screening," but he believed in the same time that the opportunity for fraud "remains limited, because the censorship was severe, was not able to do any manipulation by the scale, despite earlier fears of the possibility of counterfeiting.

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  11. #666
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    Writer denies progress Allawi's coalition on Maliki's coalition and accused of ballot-rigging points for the Iraqi List

    Junior coalition denied the rule of law on the writer to be the Iraqi List led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi has excelled on the list of coalition rule of law, accused unnamed parties of manipulating the vote for the Iraqi List.

    He said (writer) in the Scientific Conference held by the Faculty of Islamic swim at the University of Karbala this morning "The news broadcast through various media on the progress of the Iraqi National List to the list of state law is valid, and unfounded rumors".

    He said in a statement summed up for the correspondent who attended the conference N "were not there any comments thereon by the Information Office of the Independent Electoral this time, describing what he published in the media today Bamufajip of Iraqi public opinion and follower of the elections in Iraq".

    In a related development, accused the writer did not identify points of rigging votes in the state of law and taking them to be given to the Iraqi List, adding we have given an objection with the Commission an official letter for the delivery of priorities to compare numbers declared by the Commission on the grounds that this would upset the balances of political manipulation ", as described.

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  13. #667
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    Maliki send representatives to Tehran to discuss support for a second term

    Dispatched Prime Minister outgoing Mr. Nuri al-Maliki and the delegation to Tehran to hold talks with Iranian officials on his support for a second term
    The move comes after the convergence of results between the list of the rule of law and the Iraqi List, according to preliminary results announced by the Commission.

    The Elaph electronic newspaper that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Turkey are not welcome to take over al-Maliki for a second term, and the Syrian-Iranian relationship will be affected if Iran supported al-Maliki

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    Member of the Kurdistan Alliance Ismail Messenger: The Constitution allows the government to issue decisions, despite the dissolution of parliament

    A member of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Ismail thanked the messenger "was supposed to find a legal formula to prevent a presidential declaration of the end of the last legislative session with the Constitution as it ends on the same day repeating the oath."

    The Messenger in a telephone conversation It was possible to extend the legislative session for a month or two to follow the work of the government, denied that generates the dissolution of parliament unconstitutional because vacuum Constitution provides for the government to keep a routine and can make the decisions and resolutions shall be as valid until a new parliament could reconsider the decision at the second meeting of the new parliament will either approve or reject.

    Adding that the measures undertaken by the government now is without any control organ, because parliament has been dissolved by decision of the Presidency and it was better to Aitakdhu of such a decision and keep the parliament effectively because God forbid if you get any incident requiring a meeting of the Parliament not to fall into these problems

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  17. #669
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    Foreign Minister: Iraq has fulfilled its obligations regarding the remaining oil for food program

    Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari that "the Iraqi government will be a message before the end of this month to the Security Council to confirm Iraq's fulfillment of its obligations over the remaining oil for food program after the end of the issue of contracts remaining to this controversial program."

    And the transfer of a Foreign Ministry statement received by the independent press (Iba) and a copy of it during a meeting with Zebari told the Russian ambassador in Baghdad Valeran Xu faen "he discussed the growing bilateral relations between Iraq and Russia were also discussed Iraq strenuous diplomatic efforts to get Iraq out of the provisions of Chapter VII of the review and scored, tangible progress in the field of disarmament and weapons of mass destruction and praised the International Atomic Energy Agency Iraq's cooperation as a prelude to his release from the provisions of this item

    The statement said "The ambassador expressed Russia's support for the democratic experience in ELPLA D and congratulations of his government successfully introduced general election."

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  19. #670
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    Electoral Commission: You can challenge the adoption of the final results of elections within three days of its declaration

    Member of the Board of Commissioners said the judge denominator bonded to the Commission will issue a decree to ratify the final results of the elections after the decision on complaints and appeals made to him, pointing out that he could appeal the decision of the Commission within three days of the declaration.

    Aboudi said in a press statement after the completion of the audit fully in all the results by the Commission and decide on complaints, the Board of Commissioners issued its decision to ratify the final results of parliamentary elections.

    The slave that the decision would be subject to appeal by political entities, and conscientious objectors during the three days beginning on the last day for publication in three newspapers in both Arabic and Kurdish.

    The slave "After the end of the period granted to the appeal will be sent to the judicial body that will consider these appeals in a maximum of 10 days from the date of receipt of answers by the Board of Commissioners."

    "After the end of the judiciary to decide on the appeals, the results are sent to the Federal Supreme Court in accordance with the provisions of Article 93 of the Constitution of Iraq, ratified by the Federal Supreme Court and became final."

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