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  1. #29141
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    Sadri trend will continue suspension of its membership in the parliament and the government

    The deputy said the United Iraqi Alliance (Nasser Al Saeedy) that "there is a delegation from the prime minister to meet Sadri trend to convince him to reverse his opinion of the suspension of its membership." He added (Alsaidi) in a press statement that "Sadri trend will continue in the suspension of its membership in the parliament and the government in the event of non-compliance with the demands." He pointed out that "the demands of Sadri trend include improving the security situation and economic and work seriously on the exit of American forces from Iraq. The powers given to the Prime Minister for his security file. "
    Radio Nawa

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #29142
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    Talabani will meet al-Maliki and inform him of the results of his visit to Iran

    He met with President Jalal Talabani on Friday, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, where he was briefed on the outcome of his recent visit to Iran successful and the content of his talks fruitful with senior Iranian officials. " A statement of the Presidency of the Republic, "Talabani pointed out the importance of the visit and its positive reflection on the Iraqi situation b general form. " The statement added that "al-Maliki reviewed the results of his talks with President George Bush in Jordan and the Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, He pointed out that the two sides expressed the pleasure successful visits and Svaha Balnajehtin and Almthmertin. "
    Radio Nawa

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #29143
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The devaluation of the dollar due to low interest rates
    The devaluation of the dollar due to low interest rates
    Source : Iraqi Media Network southern region - 02 / 12 / 2006

    Iraqi economic expert attributed the recent decline in the value of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the lower interest rate. He said Dr Taha honorary member of the Iraqi Institute for Development and the development of the economy : 'The decline in interest rates is why the President has the slight decline in the dollar In auctions governmental and commercial transactions'. He added : 'This decline is also not demand consumers on imported goods due to the deteriorating security situation, the state pays to finance some deals task '. He pointed to the proud : 'The slight rise or decline of the dollar does not obstruct the growth or value of the dinar is expected to become Iraqi currency is stronger than before with the introduction of the balance of 2007 and the strategic application of the new monetary policy announced by the government last year'. He explained : 'The decline reflected on the value of the precious metals, prices will rise as a result of a fall in the dollar, which gives an opportunity for those who hold commercial transactions, such as automobiles and heavy equipment to invest. He said Fakhri : in some cases linked to the decline in the dollar rate better themselves through the entry and exit of imported goods, including funds.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 02-12-2006 at 07:35 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #29144
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    Iraqi Consul in Kermashan economic activities :

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-12-2006
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    Iraqi Consul in Kermashan : economic activities between Iraq and Iran on the best indicator


    PUKmedia :

    The Iraqi consul in the Iranian city of Riyadh Kermashan Hassun Jawad today, Saturday, 2 / 12 that economic activities between Iran and Iraq مءشر best relations that have long historical roots.

    He Hassun Horse in his speech to the forum and exhibition, the fourth of strategic commodities to the Iraqi market, which was held today, Saturday, in Kermashan that these relations and the problems faced during the various stages, but today is the best of circumstances.

    He explained that the visit of a high-level Iraqi delegation to Iran reflects the importance of relations between the Iranian and Iraqi people and the interest of the two countries relations.

    He emphasized that this meeting had many agreements on the basis of political support for the current government of Iraq.

    He explained that we seek through this forum to achieve the results required at the level of economic and trade relations between the two countries so that the Iraqi traders to take maximum advantage of this opportunity to get their goals.

    He announced the readiness of Iraqi officials to develop relations between the two countries to develop the potential مءكدا conduct traders in the two countries.

    It is held the fourth forum and exhibition markets of Iraq's strategic and operational mechanisms have since starting today and continue until December 6 in the current Kermashan / West / with the participation of officials from the two countries in addition to the large crowd of traders Iranians and Iraqis to develop commercial and economic relations between a for the two countries.

  5. #29145
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    Bush calls for consensus on Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-12-2006
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    WASHINGTON (AFP) - The American President George W. Bush on Saturday to "greater harmony" between the Republicans and Democrats on the Iraqi issue.

    Bush said in his weekly radio "I will work with officials on both sides in order to achieve this objective."

    The group will work for the sake of Iraq to the American President on the 6th of December report on the strategic options for American policy in Iraq.

    Bush said that he wants "to hear advice before making decisions on changes in strategy in Iraq", which will see the escalation in the violence.

    Newspapers said that the American Independent Group, headed by the former American Secretary of State James Baker and former Democratic Senator Lee Hamilton may propose to withdraw an essential part of the American combat troops deployed in Iraq by the beginning of 2008.

    Bush said that "success in Iraq requires that the officials in Washington that the Republicans and Democrats work together and reach the broadest possible consensus on how to accomplish progress." He added : "Together we can help the Iraqi people to build a free and democratic nation in the heart of the Middle East and to strengthen the moderates and reformers in the region who are working for peace and to leave our children and grandchildren a world more secure and full of hope."

    Democrats won elections in half a mandate on the 7th of November a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. The new Congress begins its work at the beginning of January.

  6. #29146
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I found an article last night that I was going to post (got tired and went to bed) but I can't find it now. It was either a CBI, IMF or CPA article? I believe it was dated the early part of '05 but the gest of it was the CBI's concern of all the dinar in spectators hands and whether they could back the dinar when they finally put it on the world market. Their solution was to continue the auctions at a fixed rate for as long as possible and when they felt they could back the r/v they would discontinue them and put it on the world market. But they WERE extremely WORRIED about the spectators! So after this long a period of auctions at a fixed rate...maybe, just maybe they feel they are covered, and away we goooooo!
    I'll continue to search for the was very interesting.

    My take on this. When the currency was introduced in Oct. of '03, by Jan. '04 it was trading in Egypt under 1000 dinar to the dollar. The CBI decided that they didn't want wild fluxuations in the currency and "backed" it off to the very familiar level of around 1475. They under estimated the amount of time it would take to retire the debt (after all who would forgive debt with a rising currency?) and how long it would take to form a the GOI. They may also have under estimated how the economy would grow over the last three years. So now they sit. In a very awkward position. An extremely undervalued currency that needs a "bold adjust" for many reasons. And, do they have the currency reserves, oil money, gold, aggreements with other countries, IMF, world bank and expaning economy that they need in order to adjust the price of the dinar? Not to mention the KURDS are demanding this? We think as part of the reconcilliation with the Sunnis, they are demanding the currency RV, I think the answer is YES to all of the above. Any thoughts of these points? Thank You

  7. #29147
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    Wise Slams Annan call for the convening of an international conference on Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-12-2006
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    Amman (AFP) - Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, criticized the head of the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq, one of the most prominent Shiite leaders in the country Saturday to invite the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, for an international conference on Iraq.

    Hakim said in a press conference in Amman, such as the hours of notification to the United States to meet President George W. Bush, "We believe that the proposal of the Secretary-General (Kofi Annan) is unrealistic and untrue, illegitimate and illegal".

    He added : "There is a political process that produced a parliament and the government is the strongest governments in the Middle East because of the wide popular base, which brought 12 million voters Iraqi government was formed on the basis of partnership and is not reasonable or proper consent of the Iraqi people that their issues and Tsar confined to international conferences."

    He continued Hakim, the leader of the largest parliamentary bloc in Iraq, consisting of 130 deputies, out of 275, "We believe that the solution is in Baghdad and not in conferences outside Iraq." He believed "it would be possible to hold such conferences to support the government or be a substitute for the government, this is unacceptable."

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan called on Tuesday to organize an international peace conference on Iraq, bringing together all Iraqi groups help of the United Nations stressed the importance of adequate preparation for the conference. Annan said to reporters, "I think that it would be useful to hold a conference to bring together all the parties along the lines of what we have done in the former Yugoslavia and other cases."

    He reiterated the Secretary-General, who will leave office at the end of December after ten years at the head of the international organization that must involve Syria and Iran in the search for a solution in Iraq with a view to putting an end to what he described Monday as "semi" civil war in Iraq. He said : "We have indicated that the two countries (Syria and Iran) have a role to play and should be part of the solution and must be Nchrkhma to work with us to resolve the issues and support them bear some responsibilities."

    With regard to his visit to the United States and his meeting with President George Bush, said Hakim, "will be in this visit, which prepared them for a long time, various issues relating to the situation of Iraq and developments in order to assess the situation and then America has a presence inside Iraq is important and therefore should be discussed with them."

    He explained that "many of the issues that need clarification and talk and discussion and decision-making," adding that "a number of ideas that we want to put forward," President Bush.

    On the other hand, Al-Hakim noted that "the problem in Iraq is a political problem, not a religious, sectarian and factional brother, and there is a close link between the Iraqi people living together for hundreds of years of history prove that they did not previously clashed."

    He added that the current violence in Iraq "is not a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites, as they are the brothers, but there are enemies of Iraq who want to foment sectarian sedition." He warned that "a sectarian war that took place to allow God, there would be no winner and no loser Everyone will be the loser."

    He also emphasized the need to preserve the unity of Iraq and said that "the integrity of Iraq a red line and we reject any idea of dividing Iraq."

    He refused Hakim, "measured by the situation in Iraq, with other countries such as Afghanistan or South Africa, where there was a clash in Iraq because of love, brotherhood and partnership by marriage between Sunnis and Shiites over the years."

    He called Hakim neighboring countries to assist Iraq in its efforts to control the situation and achieve national reconciliation process saying that "the majority of the operations taking place in Iraq under the pretext of resistance operations are aimed at the Iraqi people."

    He said, "We call on regional partnership involving all the countries of the region, especially the neighboring countries will be signing agreements include formation of a regional security system for border control, information exchange and the replacement of criminals because of the integral part of regional security." He added, "will be followed by a strategy of economic partnership between those countries on the lines of the European Union."

    On the banner of the "Memorandum of Investigation," published in the right-Sheikh Harith al-Dhari Chairman of the Sunni Muslim Scholars in Iraq, which is considered one of the largest Sunni leaders in Iraq Hakim said, "I do not know that there was a memo issued or not I did not follow the theme and early him."

    He added : "But with regret that some men are men and men sedition stiffening and their men had always played the role of sabotage and hostility of the Iraqi people to see the role of the Iraqi people." He continued : "These must be Rapping all those who helped God and therefore must refer to their natural and stand with the Iraqi people in order to take him out of a strife that has plagued it."

  8. #29148
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    Quote Originally Posted by worf View Post
    No Kidding!!!

    That, although obvious, is awesome news. Thanks for you post Susie!

  9. #29149
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    Quote Originally Posted by jer6925 View Post
    I dont know if anyone has found this info out, but 'when' they are at a 1:1 level do they have a "fractional" denomination like quarters,dimes,nickels,and pennies? Has anyone heard anything?
    They have FILS

  10. #29150
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    Nice one Sus.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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