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  1. #231
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    Iran lambastes allegations by U.S. commander in Iraq

    TEHRAN (IRNA) -- Foreign Ministry has sent a letter of protest to the Swiss embassy, which looks after U.S. interest in Iran, to officially lodge a complaint against recent irresponsible allegations made by the commander of U.S. troops in central Iraq Major General Rick Lynch.

    ""The Islamic Republic of Iran is voicing its strong objections to the baseless allegations made by Major General Lynch and vehemently refutes them and considers such illogical allegations as putting the blames on others which runs counter to existing relations between Iran and Iraq and called for their explanations to this effect,"" the letter reads.

    Since the Swiss ambassador was not present, the letter was delivered to Swiss charge d'affaires

  2. #232
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    US chopper crash kills 14 as Iraqi PM's role questioned
    BAGHDAD -- Fourteen American soldiers died when their helicopter crashed in northern Iraq Wednesday, shortly before the country's latest deadly suicide bombing claimed another 20 Iraqi lives.

    The new carnage came amid growing signs that the United States has become frustrated with the failure of Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki to bridge the sectarian divide that has paralyzed his beleaguered government.

    The Blackhawk transport chopper was one of a pair conducting an overnight mission for Task Force Lightning, the US command in northern Iraq. It came down before dawn with the loss of four crew and 10 US troops.

    "Initial indications are the aircraft experienced a mechanical malfunction. There were no indications of hostile fire," the task force said, as the number of US troops to have died since the 2003 invasion climbed to 3,719.

    Shortly afterward, a suicide bomber struck in Task Force Lightning's area of reponsibility, ploughing his explosives-laden truck into a police station in the town of Baiji, killing 15 civilians and five policemen.

    Doctor Saad Jasim from the Baiji General Ho****al said 80 more people were wounded, including four children and five women, in the latest in a string of extremely deadly truck bombings in the north of the country.

    US and Iraqi forces are engaged in a massive security operation in a belt of towns around Baghdad, rooting out Sunni insurgents and Shiite militiamen, but extremist bombers appear to have shifted their focus northward.

    A similar bomb killed 140 in the village of Emerli, near Baiji, in July and, last week, four more suicide attacks in northern villages killed 400 civilians in the world's most deadly militant attack since September 11, 2001.

    This new violence has cast a pall over the US military's so-called "surge" strategy of sending reinforcements to the Baghdad region to quell sectarian fighting, and allow Maliki's government space to reconcile rival factions.

    The troops have had some success in reducing attacks by rival Sunni and Shiite factions in the capital, but the bombings continue, and Maliki's own position has, if anything, weakened as his ruling coalition falls apart.

    With US public support for the war effort collapsing, Washington has begun to make less of an effort to hide its mounting frustration with Maliki's performance, further increasing pressure on the embattled Iraqi premier.

    "There's a certain level of frustration with the leadership in general," President George W. Bush said Tuesday, pointedly refusing to give Maliki his endorsement after calls from US lawmakers for him to be replaced.

    Bush's remarks appear to be a new attempt to distance himself from the Iraqi administration, coming on the same day as US ambassador in Baghdad Ryan Crocker described its performance as "extremely disappointing."

    "If the government doesn't respond to the demands of the people, they will replace the government. That's up to the Iraqis to make that decision, not American politicians," Bush said in Montebello, QC, Canada.

    Nevertheless, on his return to the United States, the White House said Bush would make a speech warning that a sudden US military withdrawal would be a catastrophe on a par with America's defeat in Vietnam.

    Maliki is a Shiite Islamist from the Dawa Party, formerly an underground resistance group. He came to power as a compromise candidate, just over a year ago, after months of horse-trading between rival Iraqi parliamentary blocs.

    While, until recently, he enjoyed uncritical support from Washington, Maliki has failed to build a working relationship with the bitter and suspicious Sunni parties in his so-called government of national unity.

    Now, with 17 of 42 ministerial posts unfilled because of walk-outs and boycotts by Sunni, and secular and radical Shiite factions, he clings to power through a wobbly alliance of Shiite Islamists and Kurdish Nationalists.

    His coalition has failed to pass any of the legislation that US officials see as a step toward peace - laws on sharing oil revenues, rehabilitating former members of the banned Baath Party, and holding provincial elections.

    In four weeks' time, Crocker and the US military commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, are to brief an increasingly-restive US Congress on progress on their efforts to secure peace after four years of bloodshed.

    US chopper crash kills 14 as Iraqi PM's role questioned - Region - Middle East Times

  3. #233
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    Iraq president rejects French proposal for peace summit
    PARIS -- Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has rejected a French proposal for a Paris conference to promote dialogue between rival factions, Le Monde reported Wednesday.

    Foreign minister Bernard Kouchner discussed the proposal during a three-day visit to Baghdad, hoping that France could do for Iraq what it did for Lebanon, last month, when it hosted a conference of politicians from all of Lebanon's political parties.

    "I do not believe that a national conference, like the one for Lebanon, is necessary for Iraq," Talabani told the French daily.

    "In Lebanon, there are different parties who are unable to talk and sit at the same table. In Iraq, we talk and meet every day.

    "Every community takes part in the dialogue. We will be able to pull together without a conference," said the Iraqi president.

    Kouchner's visit to Baghdad, which ended Tuesday, was the first by a senior French official since Paris led opposition to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    The foreign minister met with Iraqi leaders from across the political spectrum, and said France was ready to play a role to help stabilize the country.

    Iraq president rejects French proposal for peace summit - Region - Middle East Times

  4. #234
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    How Long shall we Stick to Implementation of Article 140

    PUKmedia 2007-08-22 19:09:08
    By: Karwan Ali*
    With time running after the removal of dictatorship and establishing the new Iraqi state, the security and economic situations are increasingly deteriorating. More attempts are made, the financial and technological facilities are provided for the government in order to restore security, but wherever a progress is made, in the mean time the situation worsens in other places, because the terrorists change the direction of their actions.

    Kirkuk and its surroundings, Shangal and other areas in Garmyan are the evidence for that. When the terrorist defeated in Samara, Dyala and other places inside Baghdad, their remnants found their way towards the north and reorganized in the mentioned areas.

    Now, more than before, the terrorists find their way into Kurdistan, specially the disputed areas that till now their fate is suspended between the government in Baghdad and KRG.The Iraqi government is careless and lacking ability in protecting stability in those areas and the KRG also is helpless in addressing all those unjust, terrorism and genocide that are committed against its people. The problem lies in Kurdish authority and its stick to implementing of article 140 of the Iraqi constitution, which until now no any significant part of it has been implemented.

    Sticking to the article 140 for protecting stability and sovereignty in those areas, in the pretext of the commitment of Kurds to law and Iraqi constitution, will make a great damage to the national and strategic objectives of the Kurds.

    Those areas de****e their hope to KRG and their rights, they have no one to sincerely address their need of protection and to provide stability for them, thus Kurdish authority should not wait anymore for implementing of article 140 for taking necessary measures aiming at protecting these Kurdistani areas.

    Kurdistan government must consider extending its support and sympathy to other Kurdish areas as it does to Kurdistan region.

    Translated by: Barzan Wahab
    *Karwan Ali is a regular columnist in Kurdistani Nwe newspaper

    PUKmedia :: English - How Long shall we Stick to Implementation of Article 140

  5. #235
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    Baghdad... Both PUK KDP Politburos Discuss Iraq and Kurdistan Region’s Situations

    Supervised by his Excellency Mr. Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi president, and Mr. Massud Barzani, president of Kurdistan region, meetings of PUK and KDP Politburos continued on Wednesday, August 22nd to discuss the Iraqi and Kurdistan region’s affairs.

    During the meeting, the importance of the Kurdish Alliance List and the need to reinforce it in the Iraqi parliament and government were discussed.

    Both PUK KDP Politburos stressed on the continuity of working for improving the Iraqi political deteriorating situation as well as reinforcing the performance of the Iraqi government, streesing on the importance of enlarging the quadruple political agreement among the Iraqi political parties to include main Sunny blocs ,particularly the Iraqi Islamic party.

    The two politburos also discussed the latest political developments and the hazards face the Iraqi arena and the whole area.

    Concerning the Kurdistan question several local issues were discussed including future of Kurdistan Peshmerga forces, salary of martyrs’ families and the need to pay them retirement salaries, and the issue of Kurdistan retiree in general. They also decided to maintain the meetings on Thursday August the 23rd.

    PUKmedia :: English - Baghdad... Both PUK KDP Politburos Discuss Iraq and Kurdistan Region’s Situations

  6. #236
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    Dr. Barham Heads a Meeting to Discuss Condition of Detainees in Iraqi Prisons

    Today, 21/08/07, Iraqi deputy prime minister Dr. Barham Salih chaired a general meeting attended by national security advisor, Country minister for national security affairs, minister of human rights, deputy ministers of justice, interior, defense ministries, representatives of ministry of public works and social affairs, representatives from the US embassy and multi-national forces, and a number of advisors and general directors.

    The meeting was dedicated to discuss the issue of detainees in the prisons of ministries of defense, interior, and justice. The meeting was also attended by the head of higher jurisdiction board Mr. Midhat Mahmud.

    At the beginning the deputy prime minister emphasized that issue of detainees is one of the most significant and sensitive issues that is closely eyed by the government. He highlighted that it has a humanitarian, social and legal aspects and directly affects the national reconciliation process that must be dealt with professionally and realistically.

    Dr. Barham added “We must acknowledge all difficulties and obstacles that we have to face and exert all efforts to work them out to the minimum which will alleviate our nation miseries and materializes justice and equity along with security stability”.

    During the meeting national security advisor presented a statistics report and detainees committee in deputy ministries level presented their reports. Minister of human rights also presented a report on the condition of detainees and their problems and disruptions.

    The problems were summarized and classified into legal, routine, hygienic, security, and technical problems. The attendants also discussed the issue of some prisons capacity in comparison to number of detainees. It was suggested the necessity to accelerate legal procedures to finalize petitions and release those who have been proven innocent.

    All attendants reassured the need to consider legal, humanitarian, and security aspects of detainees and their families via coordination of all efforts exerted by all establishments, boards and ministries.

    The attendants valued the role of higher jurisdiction board for their cooperation with competent ministries to accelerate the procedures and finalize detainees’ files.

    Dr. Barham recommended holding another meeting in the few coming days to present suitable solutions, recommendations, and proposals in this regard in order to be ratified and start implementation.

    PUKmedia :: English - Dr. Barham Heads a Meeting to Discuss Condition of Detainees in Iraqi Prisons

  7. #237
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    Iranian Artillery Resumes Heavy Bombing of Kurdistan

    The Iranian artillery resumed heavy bombing of Kurdistan region territories of Razga, Maradu, and Shnawa villages in Pishdar district of Sulaimani governorate. The mayor of Zharawa area Azad Wsu confirmed the news and declared that Kaskan village and Qirnaban area near Qaladiza village received lion share of these heavy bombings and the inhabitants of those areas are now evacuating their homes.

    PUKmedia :: English - Iranian Artillery Resumes Heavy Bombing of Kurdistan

  8. #238
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    Kurdistan Minister of Region of Civil Society Affairs Visits KRG Representative in Washington

    During his visit to the US capital of Washington, Jorge Mansur, Kurdistan Minister of Region of Civil Society Affairs ,Visited KRG Representative in Washington, and was received by Mr. Qubad Talabani, KRG Representative in Washington and staff of KRG representation.After welcoming the KRG minister, Mr. Qubad Talabani talked about the role of KRG representation in stating the policy of KRG to the US administration and the international bodies, expressing his readiness for their cooperation and coordination with Kurdistan regions officials who visit Washington for organising their visits to the US capital to come up with expected results.

    On his part Kurdistan Minister of Region of Civil Society Affairs talked about the agenda of his visit to Washington and his meeting with the US officials, donating establishments, and civil society organizations.

    Then he pointed out the efforts by KRG for improving the performance of civil society organizations in Kurdistan region and the role that KRG representation in Washington supposed to play to urge the donating establishments for supporting civil society organizations in Kurdistan region.

  9. #239
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    President Talabani Urges Iraq Ambassadors to Consolidate Iraq Relationship with All Countries

    Today, 22/08/07, in his private office his Excellency the Iraqi president Mr. Talabani held up a banquet in the honor of Iraq ambassadors who have participated in the second congress of Iraq ambassadors and heads of envoys abroad.

    The banquet was attended by president of Kurdistan region Mr. Massud Barzani, Deputy President of Kurdistan region Mr. Kosrat Rasul, members of political bureaus of PUK and KDP, a number foreign countries ambassador to Iraq, and all Iraq ambassadors. After welcoming them the president wished success and prosperity in their duties to preserve higher national achievements, manifest realities of the new Iraq to the public opinion, and consolidate relationship, cooperation and mutual interest of Iraq with all countries.

    His Excellency reaffirmed the need to develop relationship between Iraq and all countries on all levels. The ambassadors, in return, thanked Mr. Talabani for his ho****ality and valued his efforts and wisdom in leading the government of new Iraq.

    PUKmedia :: English - President Talabani Urges Iraq Ambassadors to Consolidate Iraq Relationship with All Countries

  10. #240
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    Sadr claims credit for imminent British pullout from Basra

    NAJAF, Iraq - Radical Iraqi cleric Moqtada Al Sadr congratulated his supporters on Tuesday for the imminent withdrawal of British forces from the southern city of Basra.

    The troops are due to leave their last base in Basra and move to an airbase outside the city in the coming weeks, after coming under daily mortar and rocket bombardment from local Shiite militias.

    British commanders insist they are not being forced out and will leave the city in the hands of the Iraqi security forces but Sadr, in a statement issued by his office in Najaf, claimed the decision as a victory.

    “We heard and you heard too, of the intention of British troops to withdraw from our beloved southern Iraq. Congratulations are due to us, to you and to the honest resistance,” he said.

    Last August when British troops left their base in the southern town of Amara it was immediately looted by local citizens and Sadr’s Mahdi Army militia held a small-scale victory parade.

    Now, his Shiite militia fighters are among the strongest opponents of US and British forces in Iraq, and have taken the lead in the daily attacks against British bases and convoys in Basra.

    US commanders and many independent observers warn the British withdrawal will leave the city -- the centre of Iraq’s multi-billion-dollar oil industry -- in the hands of warring local gangs.

    Sadr called for unity among Iraqis and demanded foreign forces leave.

    “Finally, I renew our demand for the occupier to get out of Iraq and to set a timetable for that approved by the Iraqi people. No one has the right to extend their stay,” his statement said.

    Britain still has 500 soldiers in central Basra at a palace built for former dictator Saddam Hussein. There are 5,000 more at Basra Airport, which also comes under regular attack and will soon be the sole British base.

    Khaleej Times Online - Sadr claims credit for imminent British pullout from Basra

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