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  1. #1121
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    Sheikh Abo Rishah buried in Ramadi, brother succeeds as council leader

    Ramadi, Sept 14, (VOI) - Hundreds of tribal chiefs, governmental and local officials and clerics took part on Friday in the funeral of Abdul Sattar Abo Rishah, leader of the Anbar Awakening Council, who was killed yesterday in a bomb attack in the western Iraqi city of Ramadi, while his brother Ahmed was named the new leader of the anti-Qaeda council.

    "Mourners representing Anbar tribes, the government and local administration took part today in the funeral of Sheikh Abo Rishah, alongside his brother Ahmed who was named the new leader of the Anbar Awakening Council," an eyewitness told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

  2. #1122
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    No breaks within Shiite coalition -MP

    MP Abbas al-Bayati from the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition denied on Friday any breaks or differences within the largest parliamentary bloc that might impede filling the vacant ministries.

    "The (Shiite) coalition does not suffer any division or breaks and it is coherent, though it shows various views and opinions on a number of issues," Bayati said.

    The legislator added, "Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has made good progress to fill the vacant ministries, due to the withdrawal of some blocs."

    National Security Minister Shirwan al-Waeli unveiled on Thursday that the breaks within the Unified Iraqi Coalition have impeded any imminent ministerial reshuffle because it will be difficult to collect the votes necessary to pass the list in parliament.

    Al-Waeli ruled out an imminent announcement of a ministerial reshuffle due to these differences within al-Maliki's bloc.

    The Iraqi government is facing an aggravated political crisis after the Sunni Iraqi Accordance Front and Iraqi National List announced the withdrawal of their ministers, while the Sadrists quit the cabinet months ago.

    Aswat Aliraq

  3. #1123
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    Iraqi detainees freed for Ramadan

    The US military began releasing Iraqi detainees on Thursday to mark the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, an Iraqi official said.
    The military reached a deal with Sunni Arab Vice President Tareq Al Hashemi last month to conduct "special Ramadan releases". It says it is holding 23,000 Iraqis.

    Omar Al Jubouri, an adviser on human rights to Hashemi, told Reuters that 43 Iraqis were freed from the Camp Cropper detention facility near Baghdad's international airport.

    Between 50 to 80 Iraqis would be freed each day from US prisons in Iraq during the holy month, the military said in a statement. It was not immediately clear why the number released on Thursday was less than the range given by the military.

    Ramadan is expected to begin on Thursday. The lunar month begins at the sighting of the new moon.

    Major-General Douglas Stone, commanding general of US detainee operations, said Sunni Arabs and Shi'ites would be reviewed equally and impartially under the programme.
    "This will be a completely non-sectarian, non-political process," Stone said in the military statement.

    "The detainees being released are only those who MNF-I (Multi National Force-Iraq) has determined no longer need to be detained for imperative reasons of security," he said.

    US forces and Iraq's own security forces have imprisoned tens of thousands of detainees without charge in the more than four years since the fall of President Saddam Hussein.

    Gulfnews: Iraqi detainees freed for Ramadan

  4. #1124
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    Little piece of 'good news' as it's a bit quiet - Stoic in the face of war

    Chic Baghdad restaurant keeps doors open de****e war

    BAGHDAD: Sitting nonchalantly at a table after a heavy meal, diners smoke water pipes as the afternoon drifts by, a bubbling marble fountain helping to drown out the harsher realities of daily life in Baghdad. Waiters dressed in worn-out white shirts and carrying scalding pots of tea move carefully among the mostly empty tables, catering to the whims of the few customers who have turned up for lunch at the chic restaurant in the heart of the Iraqi capital.

    De****e the war and the collapse of Baghdad's once-vibrant cafe culture, the Lattakia restaurant has managed to maintain the soft ambience mixed with Middle Eastern flair that has made it a success since the 1980s.

    "You are the first foreigner we have seen here in a long time," says the surprised proprietor, Hamal, when a reporter turns up at the Lattakia, named after the coastal Syrian city.

    "Years ago dozens of Westerners and diplomats would come here every day," explains the cheery restaurateur, who is in his 50s with a graying moustache. "Our main clientele however were well-to-do Iraqis, mainly families."

    Hamal's establishment is the last still open on the main street in the up-market Arasat al-Hindiya neighborhood, known before the US invasion in 2003 as the Champs Elysees of Baghdad.

    Under the regime of Saddam Hussein, people would throng the area day and night to frequent the luxury shops and eat at the fancy restaurants.

    Now the area is almost deserted, with only the occasional car driving through empty streets in front of row after row of shuttered, dusty stores.

    "Most of the wealthy families in the neighborhood have fled abroad," says one resident.

    Under the control of the Badr Brigade, Arasat has for the past three years become better known for kidnappings and bomb attacks.

    On January 1, 2004, a car bomb outside the Nabil, another restaurant favored by foreigners, killed five people and wounded 24.

    Still, none of the Lattakia's staff of 34 has been killed, wounded or kidnapped.

    Though he declines to comment on the current political and security situation in the war-torn capital, Hamal readily denounces the US invasion and the international blockade of Iraq that preceded it, between 1990 and 2003.

    "We really suffered under those sanctions, and now we are living under the boot of the occupiers," he says.

    Open each day until 6 p.m., the Lattakia has seen a drastic decline in customers and these days very few families turn up.

    While the curfew only begins at 11 p.m., the streets of the capital empty quickly when the sun goes down and the city becomes more dangerous.

    But the menu is up to its same high standards, with qoozi, a traditional mutton dish, still the favorite. For enthusiasts of international cuisine, the "celebrated steak tornado" is recommended, says Hamal.

    The decor comprises large wooden chairs with the tables covered in orange cloths, the room lit by cheap gilded lights.

    A meal costs around $20, beyond the reach of the average Iraqi. "The prices of basic foodstuffs have skyrocketed and then there are the wages of the employees," explains Hamal, justifying the high prices.

    "De****e the hard times, I have not laid off anyone. I have a moral responsibility toward them because they have remained with me through these difficult days."

    In its more than 30 years of existence, the Lattakia has never closed its doors, "not even when the US tanks were at the end of the street," says Hamal.

    "No one can predict the future," he adds philosophically. "And even if I did know it, I would only close the restaurant two days before my death."

    The Daily Star - Arts & Culture - Chic Baghdad restaurant keeps doors open de****e war

  5. #1125
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    This is a really long article in October's Edition of Vanity Fair for your interest.

    A $9B game of hide (not too much) seek

    The article is about the $9 billion shipped from the U.S. Federal Reserve to Baghdad that is not accounted for. Where did the money come from? Some of it was U.S. tax pay; most was Iraq’s own oil revenue.

    Billions over Baghdad: Politics & Power:

  6. #1126
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    Iraq hopes to resolve the controversy about the law of oil soon

    Source: statement UAE-14/09/2007

    He said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Maliki that he hopes to get the green light to pass an oil and gas law during the current legislative period of the House of Representatives after a long wait for this opens a new era in the history of the oil industry through the opening of doors to foreign companies to find contracts for investment and increased rates of crude oil production.

    Speaking of law and the new Iraqi who witnessed considerable controversy on the enormous oil wealth Recalling studies oil that Iraq possesses oil reserves amounting to 115 billion undeclared barrels and the other in the process of exploration is estimated at about 214 billion barrels spread over southern, central and north of the country with geological studies indicate that the western region a promising area is in the production of crude oil and natural gas, especially after the discovery of a field «Acas» for natural gas production in the eighties of the last century.

    Iraq had been far in the past century condemned all foreign oil companies which were operating on its territory since the extraction of crude oil for the first time in the 1700s of the last century, one of the fields in the city of Kirkuk after the announcement of the nationalization of the oil companies, including American, British, Dutch and many other nationalities.

    In Iraq today, dozens of oil fields with large reserves discovered and resident awaiting investment highlighted fields west Qurnah giant and crazy and Alafaih and Ingot and rivers Omar and the Rafidain and Allais, Artawi and Rumaila fields and east of Baghdad and Nasiriyah, Humpback and many other fields and added to the production rates Iraq might make jumps to the production of 10 million barrels per today.

    In addition to this wealth of natural gas fields are stationed in the south and north of the country. Estimates of the Iraqi Oil Ministry, Iraq needs 30 billion dollars for the rehabilitation of the oil sector in particular joints, and many installations and refineries and pipelines and MRA valid export had been destroyed during the devastating wars fought by Iraq since the eighties of the last century as well as the limitations and the large number of production units among refineries.

    The present law the government seeks a pass through parliament with strong opposition by a number of deputies and special Accord Front and the Iraqi List Sadrien who «feel that the time is inappropriate for endorsement» bloc coalition is working with Iraqi «Shiite» with the vast majority in the parliament in addition to the Kurdistan Alliance « passage of the law »to allow the government to begin the implementation of reconstruction projects.

    Attorney says Osama Alenjevi member of the Iraqi List in the House that the law on oil and gas «of the most serious law and very bad not compatible with the current development of the country under occupation is supposed postponed to another time and speeding up the formation of the National Oil Company to assume the management and increase crude oil production rates».

    He added, «there is no definitive version of the House bill on oil and gas, there are substantial differences copies and radical do not know any copy of the Parliament could be discussed». He said «there are objections from the Kurdistan Alliance on the version provided by the government months ago to Parliament for debate and the Iraqi government are currently negotiating with the Kurds on oil law recently passed in the Kurdistan region because it differs from the version approved law expected in Baghdad».

    He added, «if insistence on discussing during the current legislative debate, I believe that will require months of Andhajeh because there parliamentary blocs rejecting the formula of the draft law, as well as that there are debates within the Legal Committee and the Committee on Oil and Gas as presented in a meeting of the Council».

    He said Alenjevi «I think that passing the law is not guaranteed because of the widening circle of rejectionists for approval». The deputy said on behalf of Sheriff member bloc Islamic Virtue Party «We with the enactment of a law to regulate the production of oil and gas but so far stuck in the House, where there is a final version could be discussed informally and opinion which unequivocally and final There are several versions, some free supplements».

    He added «I think there is considerable controversy unlike within the political blocs around this law because it broad powers to the regions and there ends left loose, as well as differences on the formulas contracting with foreign companies Will according to formulas contracts participate in the production or service contracts».

    He said Sheriff «I believe that the speedy enactment of this law comes to American pressure, we believe that careful discussion of the bill and discuss technical, political and remove all the impurities to the approval must be formed National Oil Company I. Hence start discussing the law».

    He added that the speedy enactment of this law will create «problems in the struggle for power in the provinces, particularly in the oil-rich southern cities crude». He asked the State Attorney Azzedine member Accord Front «Why urgency in the discussion of this law in the current phase».

    He said «there confuse clear in the case of oil and gas project that so far has not provided a final version of the discussion and rolling within the corridors of the House of Representatives and several copies of this lack of fueling the idea discussed in the current stage».

    He added: «A guide to many of the political blocs to deal with this project and I think in the case of start delivering the final version to the Council there would be a long time to discuss the presence of spe******ts in the field of oil and gas». The deputy said the coalition Iraqi Abbas graph «I expect that the Parliament will discuss the draft law in the coming weeks».

    He added graph «there is one copy of the law to the Parliament nor the health of the presence of more than one copy». He said «there are disagreements from some lumps, particularly the Kurdistan Alliance and the Iraqi Accord Front and reservations can be absorbed through extensive debate». He added graph «We in the coalition have some observations on the draft law but this does not preclude that we are working to expedite the passage of this law, passed before the end of this year».

  7. #1127
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    An American company has businesses in Kurdistan

    Source: Voices of Iraq - 14/09/2007

    The Minister of Trade in the government of the Kurdistan region, Thursday, a preliminary agreement with an American company for a group of industrial and commercial projects in the region, including airlines and insurance.

    He said Mohammed Rauf and Trade Minister in the government of the Kurdistan region, "the talks held with the company (Intra Ssoulishn) America, which reached the agreement to pay the company, setting up a number of industrial projects in the province."

    He explained Rauf, in a joint press conference held with the Executive Director of the company Intra Ssoulishn American Steven De Angeles, "we expect the signing of Mr. Barzani Nigervan Prime Minister in the government of the province, the agreement entered into by the ministry, to start implementing the projects."

    Rauf added that the projects include airlines, insurance and dairy plants, fertilizers and chemical Ghablouat Akerbaiah and factories for recycling tires and waste.

    Meanwhile, the detective de Angeles Executive Director of the company Intra Ssoulishns that "this is the first step .. If achieve success there will be other American projects in the region."

  8. #1128
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    Iraq presents a new auction for the sale of five million barrels of Kirkuk crude

    Source: Reuters-14/09/2007

    Documents showed briefed by Reuters on Thursday that Iraq was a new auction for the sale of five million barrels of Kirkuk crude from the northern fields product in the second operation of its kind within two weeks.

    Under the terms of the auction, which closes the door to participate on Friday September 21 to September loading oil shipments ranged between 1 million and 2 million barrels until the fifth of October October.

    Last Monday Iraq has sold five million barrels of Kirkuk crude for download from 10 to September 24.

    This is the fourth time since the beginning of the year is displayed Iraq sell Kirkuk crude.

    The repeated sabotage attacks on the pipeline linking the northern fields of Kirkuk and the Turkish port of Ceyhan port on the Mediterranean caused disabling most of the time since the invasion of Iraq in March in March 2003.

    Iraq adopted primarily in recent years on the export of oil from the southern port of Basra.

  9. #1129
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    Airport project forward on the verge of completion

    Organizing the first trip within a few months

    Source: Bock Media-14/09/2007

    The director of the media center of Najaf governorate that Murahla very big task and carried out of the draft Imam Ali International Airport within the past few days. He added Ahmed Abdul Hussein Deibel Mediratre media Najaf governorate in our modern "We the sons of Najaf governorate and district near the Imam Ali International Airport is nearing completion of all work and the first departure aircraft from within the next few months."

    Deibel and pointed out that "one of the actions that are currently underway in Najaf international airport and the long period of achievement because of some constraints that said the work had been referred toll airstrip helicopters and installations addition thereto were the direct work for a period of 150 days and completion cost of 250 thousand dollars by the company Iraqi and direct supervision of the engineering and technical section in Najaf International Airport. "

    He added: "It was also referred toll plaza and aircraft parking million cost for a complete 180 days on Iraqi companies under Section engineering and technical at the airport."

    He noted "the completion of the internal roads first stage and second airport, as well as completed all the infrastructure of water and sewage as well."

    The director of the media center of Najaf governorate, "There are bids by foreign companies under study Introduction to work in the rehabilitation of the airport runway.

  10. #1130
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    No breaks within Shiite coalition -MP

    Baghdad - Voices of Iraq
    Friday , 14 /09 /2007

    Baghdad, Sept 14, (VOI)- MP Abbas al-Bayati from the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition denied on Friday any breaks or differences within the largest parliamentary bloc that might impede filling the vacant ministries.

    "The (Shiite) coalition does not suffer any division or breaks and it is coherent, though it shows various views and opinions on a number of issues," Bayati said.

    The legislator added, "Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has made good progress to fill the vacant ministries, due to the withdrawal of some blocs."

    National Security Minister Shirwan al-Waeli unveiled on Thursday that the breaks within the Unified Iraqi Coalition have impeded any imminent ministerial reshuffle because it will be difficult to collect the votes necessary to pass the list in parliament.

    Al-Waeli ruled out an imminent announcement of a ministerial reshuffle due to these differences within al-Maliki's bloc.

    The Iraqi government is facing an aggravated political crisis after the Sunni Iraqi Accordance Front and Iraqi National List announced the withdrawal of their ministers, while the Sadrists quit the cabinet months ago.

    Aswat Aliraq

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