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    I had the feeling that she would return to Iraq with President Talabani. She requested to have that post in April so I am sure she had time to prepare to leave. Only, common sense tells me that she should accompany President Talabani. Maybe, she did not want to miss the big day, just guessing.

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    Default Iraqi Investments

    Worthwhile speech on Iraq to read.

    Speech by Sen. Joe Lieberman on 16 May.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++

    "We gather at a critical time for the future of our country.

    The war in Iraq has now become the defining issue for

    this Congress and for this presidency - although the

    decisions we will make in the weeks and months

    ahead about Iraq will have consequences that reach

    far beyond the terms of anyone now in office. Part of the

    disagreement we face over Iraq comes down to a

    genuine difference of opinion.

    On the one hand, there are those who believe, as I

    do, that the struggle against Islamist extremism really

    is the central challenge of our time, and that, as General

    David Petraeus - our commander in Iraq - recently said,

    Iraq is now the central front of the war against Islamist


    On the other hand, there are those who reject this view

    - who genuinely believe that the threat of Islamist extremism

    is overstated, or that Iraq is a distraction from the "real" war

    on terror, or that the war there is lost, or not worth fighting

    to win.

    It is my deeply held conviction that these people are not

    only wrong, they are disastrously wrong - and that the

    withdrawal they demand would be a moral and security

    catastrophe for the United States, for Iraq, and for the

    entire Middle East, including Israel and our moderate

    Arab allies.

    Let there be no doubt - an American defeat in Iraq would

    be a victory for Al Qaeda and Iran, the two most threatening

    enemies we face in the world today. It would vindicate the

    hope of our enemies that America is weak and that we can

    be driven to retreat by terrorism, and it would confirm the fear

    of our friends - not only in Iraq, but throughout the world - that

    we are unreliable allies who will abandon them in the face

    of danger.

    The fact of the matter is, you cannot claim to be tough on

    terrorism while demanding that our military withdraw from Iraq,

    because it is the terrorists -particularly Al Qaeda - that our

    military is fighting in Iraq.

    You cannot claim to be committed to defeating Al Qaeda,

    while demanding that we abandon the heart of the Middle

    East to Al Qaeda.

    And you cannot claim to be tough on Iran, while demanding

    the very thing that the mullahs want most of all - the retreat of

    the American military from the Middle East in defeat, leaving

    a vacuum that Iran will rush to fill.

    I recognize that this war has been controversial, and there are

    those who oppose it on principle. I respect that.

    But too much of the debate we are having today about withdrawal

    from Iraq has little or nothing to do with principle, or with reality in

    Iraq. It is about politics and partisanship here in Washington.

    For many Democrats, if President Bush is for it, they must be against

    it. If the war is going badly, it is bad for Republicans and it is good for

    Democrats. It is as simple as that, and it is as wrong as that.

    For many Republicans, the unpopularity of this war and this President

    has begun to shake their will. They say that they have no choice

    but to abandon General Petraeus and his strategy because the

    American people tell the pollsters they want out. If previous

    generations of American leaders had allowed their conduct of war

    to be shaped by partisanship or public opinion polls, we would not

    be the strong and free nation we are blessed to be today.

    Republicans in Congress delude themselves if they

    think they will be helping either themselves, their party, or

    their country if they now attempt to wash their hands of Iraq,

    out of a sudden sense of political anxiety.

    Democrats in Congress delude themselves if they

    think they will not be held accountable for the bloody

    consequences of the retreat from Iraq they seek.

    The fact is, a loss to Al Qaeda and Iran in Iraq

    would be devastating to our security. These are fateful

    days and critical decisions we are making about Iraq.

    We must make them with our eye on the safety of America's

    next generation, not the outcome of America's next


    It is to the everlasting credit of President Bush

    that in the war against Islamist extremism he has shown the

    courage and steadfastness to stand against the political

    passions of the moment.

    I have never hesitated to express disagreement with

    the President on any issue when I felt he was wrong - and

    I have criticized his administration many times for the serious

    mistakes I believe it made in prosecuting the war in Iraq.

    But let me tell you this: I believe that each of us should be

    grateful that we have a commander-in-chief who does not

    believe that decisions about war should be driven by poll

    numbers. And each of us should be grateful that we have

    a commander-in-chief who does not confuse what is popular

    with what is right for our security as a nation. The public

    opinion polls may not reflect this today, but I believe history will


    My friends, as Ronald Reagan once said, now is the

    time for choosing.

    If we stand united through the months ahead, if we

    stand firm against the terrorists who want to drive us to retreat,

    the war in Iraq can be won and the lives of millions of people

    can be saved.

    But if we surrender to the barbarism of suicide bombers and

    abandon the heart of the Middle East to fanatics and killers, to

    Al Qaeda and Iran, then all that our men and women in uniform

    have fought, and died for, will be lost, and we will be left a much

    less secure and free nation.

    That is the choice we in Washington will make this

    summer and this fall. It is a choice not just about our

    foreign policy and our national security and our interests

    in the Middle East. It is about what our political leaders

    in both parties are prepared to stand for. It is about our very

    soul as a nation. It is about who we are, and who

    we want to be.

    Will this be the moment in history when America gives up

    - when Al Qaeda breaks our will, when our enemies surge

    forward, when we turn our backs on our friends and begin

    a long retreat from our principles and promise as a nation?

    Or will this be the moment when America steps forward,

    when we pull together, when we hold fast to the courage of our

    convictions, when - with a new strategy, and a new commander

    on the ground - we begin to turn the tide toward victory in this

    long and difficult war?

    I know that we can rise above the anger and smallness of our

    politics. I know we can rise to the greatness that this moment

    demands of us.

    The question is - will we choose to do so?

    I would like to close today by sharing with you a

    story from my last visit to Iraq a few months ago. It

    was in Anbar province in western Iraq - the

    center of the insurgency - a part of the country

    that conventional wisdom last year dismissed as hopeless.

    In fact, on September 11, 2006, the Washington Post

    ran a front-page story reporting that even the chief of Marine

    Corps intelligence in Iraq had concluded that Anbar was "lost,"

    and our position there was "beyond repair."

    I was in Anbar last December, on a forward operating

    base just outside Ramadi, the capital of the province. As one

    of the briefings with our military commanders ended, a colonel

    who had been sitting in the back of the room came up to me.

    He said something that I carry with me to this day -

    something that I hope you will carry with you as well.

    He said: "Sir, I want you to know on behalf of the soldiers in

    my unit and myself that we believe in why we are fighting here,

    we want to finish this fight. And we know we can win it."

    Today, five months later, Anbar has been dramatically transformed.

    Thanks to the bravery, ingenuity, and commitment of our men

    and women in uniform, shops and schools have reopened, Al

    Qaeda is on the run, thousands of Iraqis have joined the local

    police, and - yes - no less than the New York Times reports that

    we have turned the corner there.

    My friends, now is not the time for despair.

    Now is the time for resolve.

    Now is not the time for reflexive partisanship and

    pandering to public opinion.

    Now is the time for the kind of patriotism and

    principle America's voters have always honored.

    I ask you to plead with every member of Congress you

    can in the days and weeks ahead:

    Do not surrender to hopelessness.

    Do not succumb to defeat.

    Do not give in to fear.

    Rise above the political pressures of the moment to

    do what is right for America.

    Believe, like that colonel, in why we are fighting in Iraq, and know,

    as he and his soldiers know, that we can and must win there."


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    The political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan issued
    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007
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    انيThe political bureau of the Kurdistani National Union, issued a statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the "32" of the founding of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
    ردستانThe anniversary of the "31" for the outbreak of the new revolution of the people of Kurdistan

    :Political Abdralmketb of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the (32) of the founding of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the anniversary of the (31) of the outbreak of the new revolution of the people of Kurdistan in which he stressed the need to implement Article 140 and the completion of the oil makes this wealth for all Iraqis and foil the designs of hostile forces of the people, the terrorists and enemies of the Kurdish cause and unify the attitudes and improve conditions for citizens and the elimination of administrative corruption and attention to humanitarian situations and women's civil and statement reads as follows :
    ايها لاعزاءDear fellow activists, dear compatriots
    يمر .Today is (32) years of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, full of struggle, sacrifice and glory, as well as (31) years of the new outbreak of the revolution of our people, and these Almkrian Almbarktan are permanent presence in the memory of individuals and the masses of the people of Kurdistan Kzkrien filled glories and that we celebrate this year in special circumstances.
    .Find conditions Kurdistan and Iraq and the region and the world itself to the likelihood that substantial changes, some of which have an impact directly and indirectly on the political future of the people and the homeland of Kurdistan.

    وفير صعوبة.In the current situation, situation in Iraq in terms of the security situation, the political process and economic situation, and despite the tireless efforts of the Kurdish political leadership but the goals have not been achieved and the course of events must not be solved in one direction, and obstacles placed in the way of implementation of Article (140) of the Constitution have led to further complicate the situation, and became law oil and the political status of forces Bischmaraka Kurdistan and the democratic process, review the Iraqi constitution, debate and discussion replace legislators and political parties and blocs of political parties and some regional and international parties, what makes the conditions for the people of Kurdistan and Iraq and the whole region more difficult.
    عادل.Coinciding with the anniversary of the founding of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, we reiterate once again the legitimate demands of the people of Kurdistan, especially issues concerning the democratic system and the implementation of Article (140) and the completion and approval of the draft law, including oil makes this natural wealth of Kurdistan and Iraq in the service of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the economic structure because the oil wealth of all Iraqis, The people in the service when it becomes a factor for harmony between the federal government in Baghdad and provincial and district government, and this can be achieved only that the regions have a prominent role and is recognized in all stages of production and distribution of oil imports in accordance with the law and in the draft and just.
    .The political tasks that we have today, especially the implementation of Article (140), could make it a factor in ending the contract and paving solve intractable problems.
    وقبل.Before that, the unification of ranks and positions of political leadership Kurdistan condition for the success of the efforts of a people to achieve their legitimate rights and claims and foil the designs of hostile forces of the people, the terrorists and enemies of the Kurdish cause and the attempts to destabilize the security situation in the province and regions withheld, with the aim of sabotaging the peace process and prevent the political, economic prosperity and reconstruction of the country.
    لذا .Therefore, Wade schemes enemies of the people and humanitarian awareness and readiness, is a sacred duty for the territorial government, parties and the democratic political parties, progressive and all Makhlsi people.
    من .On the other hand, while the living situation and reconstruction process, moving towards better, compared to pre-intifada years, despite the existence of problems and deficiencies led to the annoyance government and citizens be treated as fuel, water and electricity unresolved radically despite major efforts and pay them huge budget, However, it is necessary to demand the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional government plans to set up mechanisms to ensure scientific solution to these problems with clarifying the reasons for delay resolution of citizens in economic, administrative, security, political and accelerate the implementation of decisions concerning accounting violations and to bring to justice those accused of corruption to be punished just as law.

    .The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan as a democratic so******t has always been proactive and bold attention to conditions in the area of human and civil rights of women and to be very concerned by the continuing phenomenon of violence and killings against women in different regions of Kurdistan since the period, with varying degrees and in an unseemly, and apart from being a crime, they left behind serious repercussions and negative consequences for the peaceful coexistence of citizens, therefore, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan strongly rejects this abhorrent phenomenon and is addressed from its core functions.
    وتفعيله.We call upon the Parliament and the territorial government and the judiciary to speed up the unification of the decision of the Presidium Territory / Department of Sulaymaniyah figure (59) of the Act 2/4/2000 Kurdistan Parliament / Department of Irbil figure (41) of the 2002 work, and in this regard, the Kurdistani National Union renews its support for the struggle of women's civil and civil institutions, social and cultural rights, standing against femicide pretext of honor, and further demands that all comrades and informed citizens and faithful sons of our people to support this legitimate struggle and work on expanding and activated.
    يا masses of the people of Kurdistan
    ايها اضلونDear colleagues, and Peshmargas militants
    يا families and the families of the martyrs illustrious
    في .On the anniversary of the (32) of the founding of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (31) and the outbreak of new revolution of our people, we renew our warm greetings to the lives of innocent martyrs, We congratulate all the Peshmargas militants and political prisoners and citizens who have been friends and comrades in the path of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in their struggle for Kurdish issue and paid full of struggle march glories of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan forward and were always loyal and dedicated.
    .Warm greetings to all parties, the Kurdistan Alliance Parliament and the territorial government, and to all Iraqi parties, the Democratic Progressive.
    .Consolidated victory for the struggle of the people of Kurdistan for freedom, democracy and national rights
    .Glory and immortality to the martyrs of liberation through the Kurdish nation.
    .Shame, shame for the people and the enemies of humanity.

    المكتب السياسيThe Political Bureau
    للاتحاد الوطني الكردستانيThe Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Megan Ouselvan the presidential to help the Iraqis achieve
    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007
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    Megan Ouselvan the presidential to help the Iraqis achieve national reconciliation and the distribution of oil

    Personal 4th Add to General and Ambassadors in «Command Green Zone»

    Washington : Talhah Jibril
    Megan will Ouselvan, which the American President George Bush, his mission to Baghdad by the Iraqi government and Iraqi leaders alike, to assist Baghdad in the four key issues, and insisted Washington on the need to expedite its completion, the question of the distribution of oil wealth and reconsider the laws «dismissed», It also means the issue of the year involvement in the political processes and to desist from fleeing towards armed groups or gravitate towards Al-Qaeda, and helping the Iraqis to organize local elections, and the fourth is the issue of amending the constitution to achieve a comprehensive national reconciliation in the country.
    It will Megan title «the presidential».
    He praised Bush, before President Jalal Talabani, warmly Megan Ouselvan capabilities, which were operating before Stephen Hadley Deputy National Security Advisor, which is playing an increasing role in the Iraqi affair, but she resigned since the brief period from her post in the National Security Council. Bush said that Megan Ouselvan will travel there to help the Iraqi Ambassador Ryan Crocker, as well as following up the implementation of the steps agreed to by the White House and Congress (for application in Iraq).
    He added, saying «I want to commend the role played by Megan dedicated to the freedom of Iraq».

    And Bush had last week signed the law that looms possible withdrawal of American forces from Iraq if the Iraqi government failed to achieve progress in the area of political and security reforms.

    Megan will become, which have already served in Iraq, are practically personal fourth American in Iraq, along with each of the General David Berr íos commander of the American forces in Iraq and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Ambassador Timothy Karni charged with the reconstruction of Iraq. These figures are practically controlled by their headquarters in the Green Zone in the vital matters in the country, and Megan were working inside the small team near Bush in the White House in the daily follow-up of the situation in Iraq. Megan and send reports directly to the White House about the progress of the reforms that have been agreed upon between Washington and the government of Nuri al-Maliki, notably reducing sectarian trends in the country, where the Bush administration believes that it is leading to kindle sectarian violence.

    Bush and develop a road map for the work ahead Megan in Baghdad, where he told reporters at the White House, «informed President Talabani, I am committed to fully assist the Iraqi government to achieve its objectives, which we call the road signs, They change the political laws so that the Iraqis that there is a united government is ready to work for the benefit of all the people .. We work very quickly to the new laws for the oil with the Charter for sharing oil wealth to help unite the country, as we are working to organize provincial elections ».
    Bush stressed again that the failure in Iraq would mean granting Al Qaeda safe haven in Iraq, and that means the threat of the Americans in their country.
    Middle East

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    President of the Republic of Iraq to return today

    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007

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    Today return to Iraq

    President discuss with President Bush ways to improve the political process and to achieve security in Iraq

    Russian-PUKmedia : The President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, to continue their efforts to achieve the objectives of the task, particularly those related to national reconciliation, and the law of oil, and the Investment Law, and amendment of the law abolishing the Baath, in addition to other laws is now under discussion and the process of completion and submission to the Parliament. This came during a meeting between President George W. Bush to His Excellency President Talabani at the White House. The two Presidents Bush and Talabani's meeting dealt with bilateral talks on the overall political situation in Iraq and means of improving the political process and security and stability in Iraq.

    During the meeting, which was attended by Messrs. Kosert Rasul, the Deputy Head of the Kurdistan region and Ghobad Talabani, the representative of the territorial government in the United States and the Iraqi ambassador in Washington, Samir Sumaida'ie, President Bush restated his support for efforts to achieve security and reconciliation in Iraq, and said that "there is a special law and the distribution of oil revenues and this will help to unify the country. also there is a law abolishing the Baath Party and reformed and we talked about a lot of issues. " In President Bush's words of President Talabani said : I would like to thank you for your vision, Mr. President, and Astaadadk to take the actions necessary to accomplish the mission and work.

    Part of the new President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani, thanked the United States to play in Iraq, saying : I tell you that I am committed as president of Iraq and the tombstones and monuments do everything in our power to make progress in the area of national reconciliation, His Excellency President Talabani, "We also are committed to do our utmost to train the army and Iraqi security forces to replace gradually replace American forces and is responsible for maintaining security in the country."

    The President added, saying that "we, during our meeting President Bush, our commitment and our desire to promote the unity of Iraq and its national government, there should be a collective leadership in Iraq in order to reach a solution to the question of the distribution of oil revenues in Iraq. It was also briefed by President Bush on what has been accomplished and what we have achieved in this regard. "

    He and President of the Republic : The main enemy of the Iraqi people is the rule of terrorists and their collaborators. Pointing at the same time the existence of "armed groups take up arms against the government, and we are negotiating with them to be involved in the political process."

    Criticized President of the Republic, the media in their coverage of events in Iraq, saying "it focuses only on the negative aspects in Iraq, as it does not refer to the great achievements made in the country at the economic level and increase salaries, improve social life."
    However, His Excellency also pointed out some shortcomings in the work of universities and schools and hospitals in Iraq, along with other problems Iraqis trying to overcome, especially in the area of security.

    He also reviewed his Excellency, the successes achieved during the past period on the political level and security, especially in Kurdistan and the southern governorates.

    So, President Talabani expressed his thanks and gratitude to President Bush and Congress and the American people to support the people and government of Iraq. He said : "I am grateful to the Congress for its recent resolution, the resolution adopted in the era of President Bill Clinton on the liberation of Iraq." He added, "Today we live way far better than we were in the past, and now we face a common enemy, namely the al-Qaeda, which is of course not the enemy of Iraq and the United States only, but for the entire world."

    Meanwhile, the American president reiterated his country's commitment in assisting Iraq to achieve the goals of the task at the political level, there should be a unified government work for the benefit of the Iraqi people. Pointed out that he had decided to send Ms. Megan O'Sullivan, one of his top aides in the White House, to Iraq to work with the American Ambassador Crocker to help the Iraqis.

    And President Bush emphasized the need for success in Iraq, and said, "Sir, it is necessary to achieve success, because the failure in Iraq would lead to a threat to Americans and strengthen the enemies of a free Iraq."

    The Bush quoted General David Petraeus on the "Al-Qaeda", which he described as the common enemy number one in Iraq.
    He stressed the need not to allow the terrorist organization to take Iraq as a safe haven to him, expressing his confidence in achieving success.

    In a statement given to the site (PUKmedia) said Ghobad Talabani representative of the government of the territory in the United States : met Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, with the American President George Bush and search together in a postwar Iraq and ways to strengthen bilateral relations and coordination to address the issues raised.

    On the other hand, announced a source from within the delegation accompanying President Talabani, from America, on Friday, His Excellency the President of the Republic will return to the Kurdistan region today, June 2 after the visit to the United States. He accompanied Mr. President Talabani Kosert Rasul, the Deputy Head of the Kurdistan to the United States on 5/20/2007 Sulaymaniyah International Airport.

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    Bush appointed advisor to government control Maliki
    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007
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    Bush appointed advisor to control Maliki government ...
    BAGHDAD : U.S. support for «Islamic Army» against «Qaeda»
    Baghdad life-02/06/07

    Apply fragile truce in the Amiriyah neighborhood in Baghdad after five days of tension, and 48 hours of violent clashes between gunmen from «Islamic Army» and others affiliated l »Islamic State of Iraq» at the time eyewitnesses «The dead bodies covering the streets but no one dares to transfer».

    And surrounded by Iraqi forces and American neighborhood and prevent entry after the clashes, which began bombing the house of a local leader told »Islamic Army» who responded to kill the commander organization «Qaeda» in the Amiriyah Haji Hamid and arrested 45 others. The army said the American who tried to take advantage of the fighting, he helped the local population in fighting against the hard-liners «Qaeda», who were armed with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades.

    Colonel Del Kuehl Alkatih first commander of the Fifth Corps Cavalry told «Reuters» : «The matter was a popular uprising ..Local residents who are tired of violence that brought the bottom neighborhood ». He added, in his first comment on the American army fighting forces «helped people who Hazarem Qaeda extremists from heavily armed inside a mosque».

    Do not hide clan fighting «Qaeda» in the governorates of Anbar, Diyala, concern from owning regulation prohibited weapons may be used at critical moments in confrontations with armed groups and clans. Said Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu brush, the president of the Save Anbar, told «life» that «military operations led by clans Anbar against Al Qaeda for more than seven months have revealed large-Qaida potential armament match arming Iraqi security forces and even surpasses».

    The organization announced video tape in the founding of new battalion dubbed «battalion thermal» mission mechanisms foreign military attack with hand grenades flares capable of penetrating armored vehicles, pointing to obtain Russian weapons operate thermal hot melt method.

    Quoting «France Presse» Sheikh Hamid Alhays leader «the rescue Anbar» that «been sent fifty men from the secret police of Anbar residents to Amiriyah neighborhood in Baghdad, and started beating Al Qaeda, and we were able to kill many of them».

    Observers said in Baghdad that the battle for control of Amiriyah may determine the future Sunni areas similar identity will be the year in any future negotiations. Trying «Islamic Army», which includes a galaxy of former officers loyal to Saddam Hussein. Dhaher Amiriyah neighborhood for a long time as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods of the capital, but that the entry of the police which involves risks. The «Islamic Army», another armed group announced earlier last month that they form a united front under the name of «Front Jihad and reform».

    In Washington, President George Bush declared the day before yesterday, sending his Adviser on Iraq Megan Sullivan to Baghdad to monitor the work of the Iraqi government and to assist the American ambassador in Baghdad, Ryan Crocker to push the political process and support the Iraqi government in the implementation of its conditions.

    Baghdad yesterday saw no major military operations or car bombs but police declared the night that ten people were killed and 30 wounded Palmurter wounded in the attack on a Shiite neighborhood of southwest Baghdad in the evening.

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    Maliki discuss outstanding issues with Barzani in Irbil
    (صوت العراق) - 02-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-06-2007
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    The most prominent law and the issue of Kirkuk oil ... Maliki discuss outstanding issues with Barzani in Irbil
    Baghdad-Salhi leadership life-02/06/07 / /

    The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and head of the Kurdistan Massoud Barzani talks yesterday for the second consecutive day in Erbil to find solutions to a number of the outstanding issues between the two parties, including the oil and gas and the distribution of financial returns and Article 140 of the Constitution regarding Kirkuk, which had not yet agreed to clarify its borders.

    The Al-Maliki, who arrived in Irbil, at the head of a government delegation included Hoshyar Zebari, the Foreign Minister and a number of members of the Iraqi parliament, told reporters that the presence of Barzani «talks between us and the leadership of the Kurdistan continues, Iraq needs to be more talks and consultations at the political level to find appropriate solutions to the problems facing our country».

    He added that «the goal of our visit is to find solutions to outstanding issues related to the management of the country and the political process that built democratic federal Iraq Consolidated». He pointed out that Iraq is passing through a difficult phase and facing great difficulties including terrorism and regional intervention in the internal affairs of what needs to unify positions at the level of leaders, and to find suitable solutions, especially between us and the political leadership in Kurdistan ».

    He denounced the «conditions generally require talks, we will discuss all issues and matters and discuss points of the constitution after he returned President of the government of the Kurdistan Nigervan Barzani two days before Baghdad was able to address the majority of issues and obstacles, and there are several others were likely to be addressed during this visit».

    The one member of the Committee to amend the Constitution, preferring not to reveal his name, told «life» that «Maliki government obliged to address all outstanding issues during a specified period of time». Pointing out that there are a number of files that have not yet been resolved with the Kurds, especially the oil and gas and the distribution of the proceeds of natural wealth and Article 140 of the Constitution, Judge normalization of the situation in Kirkuk.

    He explained that the oil was still unresolved did not pass because of the Kurds as well as constitutional amendments. He pointed out that a number of issues have been resolved between the Commission amend the Constitution and the Nigervan Barzani in Baghdad days before »- he (Barzani) demanded consultation with the leader of the province in the number of points since he did not have the power to decide by».

    The source said that «Kurds posed more demand on the Commission to amend the constitution without getting any answers» pushed them to escalate the ceiling of their demands to stop all other constitutional amendments ». He stressed that the constitutional negotiators concluded talks with the Kurds and the Maliki and Barzani find appropriate mechanisms and satisfactory to all parties to resolve the points of difference ».

    He explained that the Kurds Margeon fully in the article 140, they can not extend or postponed because of material contained in the Constitution, which identified how this article. They (the Kurds) were surprised to find a point of alert previously was that the Constitution stipulated that the administrative boundaries of the disputed provinces are presented to solve the issue of Kirkuk».

    He added that the interim State Administration Law talked about Kirkuk without giving any Kirkuk mean pointing to the existence of Kirkuk Center, the judiciary, the Kirkuk governorate, which is talking about the Kurds, and those known formally as Tamim means that Kirkuk, which the Kurds want non-existent. It also saw administrative changes and significant demographic means that the Kurds to determine exactly the administrative borders of Kirkuk Is Limits 1968 or before.

    He concluded member of the Committee on the amendment of the constitution, article 58 of the State Administration Law, the interim underlying article 140 of the Permanent Constitution requires the appointment of the administrative boundaries of the disputed provinces of Karbala and Anbar, Mosul, Diyala, Salahaddin and Kirkuk.

    For his part, Mahmoud Othman, a deputy leader of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc «life» that «talks between the two parties are still continuing not nominated by anything so far». He pointed out that both parties will be proclaimed the outcome of the talks in the next two days.

    On the other hand, returned Mr. Aziz Hakim, leader bloc «united Iraqi coalition» President of the Supreme Islamic Council in Iraq to Baghdad from Tehran after completion of the first phase of treatment for his lung cancer, to be completed treatment in future trips under the guidance of the medical team supervising his treatment. The reception in Wise in the Baghdad International Airport, a number of government officials and leaders «coalition» and others.

    Meanwhile, the Iraqi Accord Front denied receiving an invitation from the American Congress to attend to him and the attitude of the front of the government. The MP said Salim Abdullah Jabouri, spokesman of the Front for «life» «not received any invitation Front and there may be personal invitations to a number of Member». He pointed out that in front of a special committee to study the positions of the issues and prospects, options and policies of the state government and then submit recommendations on the matter to the Shura Council within the front to take the appropriate decision.
    He stressed that al-Jabouri «any member is not entitled to take decisions on behalf of the front, including its Chairman or one of its leaders».

    Translated version of

  9. #8
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitive1 View Post
    I had the feeling that she would return to Iraq with President Talabani. She requested to have that post in April so I am sure she had time to prepare to leave. Only, common sense tells me that she should accompany President Talabani. Maybe, she did not want to miss the big day, just guessing.

    franny, were almost there!!

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