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    The time has come to take decisive action in Iraq
    (صوت العراق) - 08-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-06-2007
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    Is there a need to move beyond government-Malki?
    The time has come to take decisive action in Iraq
    The Washington Times» By : James Lyons-Supreme Commander of the American fleet earlier

    One of the basic objectives in the security plan for Baghdad by American General David Berr íos, restore stability and normal civil life of the Iraqi society, and to achieve this objective, it must stop the ethnic cleansing of Iraqis year in western Baghdad's suburbs, insurance and the central region in the capital on the banks of the Tigris River and then starting after the completion of such military targets, some work for the restoration of infrastructure services.
    It seems that this emergency plan Berr íos achieved reasonable success, it says a recent study by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, said that ethnic violence unit retreated, and schools, which were repaired the damage suffered by, and reopened for students, local workers were hired to clean the streets and repair of the drainage network.
    In Anbar, coalition elders year with the American forces against Al Qaeda terrorists.
    The truth is that what is happening in Baghdad and Ramadi could become a good example of application in other places in Iraq.
    However, the continuation of this success now depends on the government of Nuri al-Maliki, all the improvements made in the area of security, infrastructure and economic activity until this moment had been the result of the efforts of the American military, financial, did not participate in the central government whatsoever.
    Therefore, the sons of Ramadi needed now to help their government, they want-after the control of fire-restoration of basic services such as electricity, water, and reopening of schools, and they need money for reconstruction, but it seems that the Iraqi government dominated by Shiites. not interested because of the pressures of sectarianism secure these basic services to the population of Anbar, mostly because of the year.
    This is not unusual in Iraq, where most members of parliament do not believe in the Constitution, which approved it only ink on paper, since it maintains relations sectarian, tribal and clan are affecting the course of events more than work what is best for Iraq.
    Certainly, the new American Ambassador Ryan Crocker and General Berr íos feel frustrated now that realized that the tendency of tribalism, not reconciliation, which will determine Mastphalah Iraqi government and does not do.
    Berr íos General has stressed more than once that the success of the American attempt to secure stability in Iraq can not be achieved through military action, but work in the political arena as well.
    However, the president of the Iraqi government, which must reform his administration and nation-building to ensure a stable political climate, shown so far inability or desire to attention to Iraq instead of Iraq clan and sectarian.
    For this particular matter can no longer wait Maliki more, there is now a need to plan beyond sectarian government, and restore stability to Iraq by enabling Iraqis to do so themselves, and here can be applied Anbar example, any use of Iraqi society to generate the same stability, The first step in this area is to identify the tribal leaders Sunnis and Shiites who have the courage to work with our forces to achieve the common goal of eradicating Al Qaeda in Iraq and restoring security to the people, and act anew to build their shattered.
    If the clan elders showed willingness to cooperate, as did Senate Ramadi, could then securing the funds necessary sources of the American military in order to restore basic services and infrastructure. If this approach proves successful then can be applied in the rest of Iraq.
    But to ensure the success of this process must immediately address the lawless elements inciting sectarian violence and ethnic cleansing.
    Of course, we must eliminate al-Qaeda fighters and to convince the Syrians that their best interest not to allow volunteers to cross from their borders, and this can be achieved using American air power and other technical means.
    It should make a concentrated effort to identify and neutralize elements of sectarian militias that penetrated the Iraqi security forces and police units and the Ministry of Interior, and also to isolate Sadr City and the elimination of the army, such action makes Muqtada al-Sadr personally no value in the political process.
    On the other hand, there is now strong evidence of Iranian involvement in providing cargo exploded extremists Sunnis and Shiites, therefore no longer possible to ignore Iran's declaration of war on the United States continuing, in fact, since November 1979, Our dies as a result of such shipments traps and training, supply provided by Iran of these extremists, It is here to be persuaded that Iran continued to weaken the stability of Iraq would be charged more than can be earned from this.
    The time has come to exercise real pressure on Tehran using multifaceted approach that combines «Canes military tumor», economic sanctions and support for the region of those millions of Iranians who despise the mullahs arbitrary and repressive regime.

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    Between Baghdad and Madrid talks Larijani - Solana
    (صوت العراق) - 08-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-06-2007
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    Between Baghdad and Madrid talks Larijani - Solana
    Nuclear file .. Threats

    agreed follow Iranian media for the talks, secretary general of the National Security Ali Larijani, the representative of the foreign policy of the European Union, Javier Solana, in the Spanish capital Madrid on the outcome of these talks with cautious optimism and talking about points of agreement over disagreement.
    Based on the prevailing impression of the Madrid meeting between Larijani and Solana, the Baghdad talks Iranian-American failed to break the ice accumulated over the 28-year estrangement between the two sides. According to some readings that these talks succeeded in converting military threats exchanged into something like 'cold war' between Washington and Tehran. Locally comments accused some newspapers hardline and conservative reform forces exploiting what the government of President Ahmadinejad campaigns with a view to overturning it. And regained those comments and attributes ready for reformists and secularists employment and dependence on foreign trusteeship.

    A National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani during his stay in Madrid that the talks between Iranian and American delegations in Baghdad affected indirectly, in Washington's position toward Iran's nuclear dossier.
    Larijani held talks with the official foreign policy of the European Union, Javier Solana, in the Spanish capital, saying it took place in the context of Iran to give new assurances of the European Union on the nuclear file. Tehran asserts that it has not and will never stop its nuclear activity, and it would not attach any importance to the terms of resolution 1747 issued by the International Security Council, which calls on Iran to the need to halt its nuclear activity, and threatened to impose trade and economic sanctions and widespread.
    Nobody knows exactly how to link Larijani Baghdad talks with the nuclear dossier, while Washington has not changed its position so far of this file, and confirmed American Secretary of State, it would not change its stance on Iran on the nuclear file, and they will continue to put pressure even declined the International Atomic Energy Agency on previous positions regarding this file.
    Tehran in turn invites G (5 +1) to change its policy towards the nuclear file and the replacement of the threatening tone language of dialogue and logic. And on threats by Washington to impose new sanctions, Larijani said that Iran would not be afraid of any new threat, even if the UN Security Council adopted a new resolution demanding Tehran to halt its nuclear, it would not attach any importance to him, will not be subject to threats.
    And on the assurances suggested Tehran on the European Union to participate in the supervision of the activity of all Iranian nuclear sites, particularly that it intends to install three thousand - centrifuge cascade over the next two months in an enterprise (Ntens).
    In the context of relations with the United States in light of the Baghdad talks and the developments of the nuclear file, and Foreign Minister called on Washington to change its policy towards this file for Iran to accept a new talks between them in the coming weeks. Some say that Tehran Altagariralaalammet now require Washington to retreat from the pressure on the nuclear file, but it will not agree to the continuation of the Baghdad talks, especially as they had announced that these talks proved America's need for Iran to save it from the quagmire in which it plunged through the occupation of Iraq.
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    Dubai futures contracts traded first Indian rupees
    (صوت العراق) - 08-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-06-2007
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    Dubai futures contracts traded first Indian rupees in the world

    Dubai (Reuters) - The Stock Exchange of futures transactions in Dubai circulation of the first contracts in the world of Indian rupees on Thursday, without obtaining the approval of the Central Bank of India, which may lose some control over currency convertibility partially.

    She said the Dubai stock exchange gold and commodities they launched a circulation of the rupee inalienable extradition to benefit from the prosperity of India's external trade, particularly with the United Arab Emirates, the third largest trading partner of New Delhi.

    She Stock Exchange and Dubai-based business center of the emirate they discussed the issue of handling contracts with the Indian Reserve Bank, which purchased $ 22 billion in five months until March March to contain the rising rupee.

    He said the bourse director David Rutledge told reporters in Dubai on Wednesday "did not express their opinion one way or another, which from our point of view is quite satisfactory."

    He added, "the market is not subject to the authority of the Central Bank of India, which imposes restrictions on the circulation of the rupee."

    The rupee-convertible on the current account since 1994, which means it could be converted into hard currencies for specific purposes such as expenses related business processes. But it can not be freely transferable to activities such as the purchase of assets abroad.

    He said Srinivas Sribashiam director circulation of currency in the International Bank of Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman "with the introduction of futures contracts of rupees will enter the Indian Reserve Bank also less effective. Contracts will follow with interest the rupee in Dubai and will be another source of frustration for the Indian Reserve Bank. "

    Meanwhile, the Central Bank, which says it intervenes to alleviate exchange rate fluctuations on the commentary.

    He said no. In the fold is a member of the official Indian examine the possibility of making the calculation Cape Mali-transferable in New Delhi "does not really think that he wants .. I do not think that he (Reserve Bank of India) can do anything about it."

    The Committee for the same Central Bank plan to allow the rupee are making college transfer and greater movement of capital rupees end of the financial year 2010-2011.

    He said Ben Floyd general manager of business development and products on the Dubai stock exchange gold and commodities "a basis for exploring the price of the rupee will, in fact, futures market inalienable extradition making pricing those contracts easier."

    The Indian currency rose by about nine% this year with increased capital flows with the growth in the fourth largest economy in Asia as soon pace in nearly two decades.

    Dubai says it wants to benefit from Indian economic growth of Hong Kong also benefited from the rise of China. In 2005 founded the Dubai bourse to encourage foreign companies, including Indian inclusion in the financial status of the new dollar deals and promoted by that birthday HONG KONG Arab.

    The main circulation rupee held in Dubai on June statute.

    It was on Thursday issued 645 package for decades Indian rupee settlement June 18.

    The Dubai-based dealer said "very good volume and more than everyone expected in the market and perhaps far greater than expected Reserve Bank Indian himself."

    The equivalent rupees each contract is not handing over 2 million Indian rupees (49360 dollars). She said the Dubai stock exchange for gold and commodities will be calculated at a rate fluctuations couple of contract raises for the current month and two months.

    She explained that in the case of an immediate adjustment counted settlement price in accordance with the equivalent in euros.

    By Samar Said

    (Participated in the coverage Ramakrishnan Venkataraman in Mumbai and Leiden matter in Dubai)

    (Dollar equals 40.52 rupees)

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    Director of Housing Fund : call for change is 11 to a new law
    Baghdad, Haider Al-Rubaie

    The Director-General of the Housing Ordinance No. (11) of 2004 is no longer commensurate with the scale of inflation in the country in terms of granting loans to employees and retirees for the construction of the housing units.

    She called quickly change the law so that the amendment ceiling on interest rates and the amount of 6% as well as the size of the loan of 18 million, pointing out that these things are not compatible with the realities of citizens at the present time in terms of actual need for housing projects.

    Added Dr. Akram Abdel Aziz in a meeting with (morning), the International Covenant document with Iraq pointed to a clear need to restructure and support the housing fund, and under this proposal, the restructuring means the reorganization of this fund and expand its functions and trends and new laws enacted to perform multiple functions.

    She explained Abdul Aziz also said that the document stressed the importance of supporting poor families through the help of granting loans and the establishment of housing units, and it has identified the document the number of poor families that must help b (10), thousands of families this segment will be added to the rest of slides that the Fund is lending staff and retirees are.

    Director General of the Housing Fund showed that a number of economists side housing spe******ts identified the need for Iraq for the coming period, including at least 120 billion dollars to ensure the greatest possible from residential units for the needy, noting that the Fund was able to achieve nearly handles old dinars during lending interest to the revenue generated, but that Order No. (11) does not provide the disposition of these benefits and what can be achieved by the Fund's income, so there is no clear line where so provides.

    She explained Abdul Aziz, the diversity of sources of funding, according to the order (No. 11) means not depending entirely on allocations from the government amounts, and this is a positive, any limitations on service and the accumulation of interest rates we would get revenue, When they are amending Order No. (11)

    With respect to the disposition of the revenue would fund a promising future, in particular, we added to the draft amendment to the same thing legally provides (for the right to invest in trading land and physical assets, as well as interest earned on investment banks, The Fund has the right to issue government bonds to provide liquidity that can be reimbursed for the bond guarantee provided), therefore, the process would be multiple funding sources.

    As for the reasons behind the demand for changing Article No. (11), which manages the work of the Housing Fund said Dr. Abdul Aziz :

    There are several reasons for us to change this call, notably the volume of lending is no longer commensurate with the size of inflation since the amount was now not only fills the need for the actual beneficiaries of the establishment of housing units, due to substantial rises in all the materials involved in construction, therefore, must be abolished and the current lending to leave it open to a board of directors and trustees, according to the monetary and price variables and economic development.

    She also added in this regard : that the interest rate in this case will be subject to many of the indicators of social order, and enter the psychological factor and many other factors ..Moreover, the amendment must include grants from the Fund and the validity of charging a cover legal wage disclosure.

    On the nature of the beneficiaries said general manager Housing Fund staff who they periods of not less than seven years of service in addition to retirees, with the necessity of possessing the land plots and to have leave and the road construction window as well as possessing the road stabilization limits and all official archives and books supports deducting his monthly salary from his department, in addition to the document referred to the International Covenant are poor families, but this will be after the amendment of the law.

    Asked about a leaked provides for the integration of the housing fund with the Land Bank Akram said : advocacy came to like-performance, but the housing fund will differ from his functions Estate Bank to amend its current state, and also added : there is no harm in multiple sources that meet the housing need of the citizen, especially since Iraq is now living large housing crisis and large there discriminate among people in the provision of adequate amounts for the establishment of appropriate housing units.

    She : We respect any decision issued by official bodies but we must lend our performance (Kamkhtsen) have been putting this three times, has shown the Committee on Economic Affairs does not agree with the merger, in addition to that there is more than one institution provides relevant service is a cause for competition and upgrade performance.

    Asked the possibility of activating bank lending said general manager Housing Fund : banks shy away from the trend towards long-term lending, fearing liquidity is looking for profitability and substantial profitability, and while that lent money to be eligible citizens will be in areas where long-term ie between 15-20 years.

    The timely and will be an active contributor in meeting the needs of housing, as it would be timely Voadna invest in those banks either governmental or private, will then move the banking sector.


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    Default Government spending

    Government spending

    Imad Principality Most governments committed to a set of economic rules which no alternative but to walk out in the guide tracks public spending in this direction Experts believe that there are two money in this regard, namely the principle of "maximum social benefit" from the government and other principle "economy in the public expenditure,

    The first principle is to maximize social benefit, it may not be directed public expenditure to benefit individually, or to a range of individuals, unless it was in this direction indirectly for the benefit of all members of society, For example, spending on social services and social security schemes or spending on education, and follow this principle involves a delicate balance between public demands for multilateral members of the community, that the ideal of government spending achieved when the public benefits equal to the marginal government spending in each case of public spending,

    It may be difficult to achieve this goal, but it is not difficult to envisage either unwilling if the government continues spending has followed randomly in all directions with the change of circumstances justifying it, and believed ((financial experts)) commitment to this principle must first take into account the priorities in the distribution of government expenditure also includes the principle of good guidance for Ainsb on government spending in the group but is on private spending and the correct orientation of public policy for each facility requires government authorities to identify achieve the goal of spending allotted to it, this objective should be clear and against which also requires government authorities to take the most successful means to achieve it includes government spending is another principle economy and away from wasteful and excessive and pointless in public funds and fighting financial corruption with the necessity of altruism necessary public expenditure on feature and work on the distribution of spending government at various facilities so that benefits equal public spending marginal in every case of public spending ....


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    the Iraqi Industries Federation
    Baghdad-Abbas Algalbi

    Proposals to move the wheel of industry and activating small enterprises The government recently moved to support small industrial projects in an attempt to solve the unemployment problem through the operation of certain categories of graduates, immigrants and the disabled of the assignee.

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on the tongue and its minister announced the allocation of 730 million dollars for small projects initially, but soon fell to only $ 50 million divided by 30 million dollars to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, 20 million were made available to the Directorate General of Industrial Development under the Ministry of Industry metals and benefit from the projects registered in the industrial development exclusively in Baghdad.

    Hashim Al-Atraqchi Relief President of the Federation of Iraqi Industries counting draws support the government in addressing the small industrial projects partially incomplete,

    pointing out that $ 50 million is not enough for projects registered at the Directorate General for industrial development projects, or even newly registered with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

    Al-Atraqchi felt that the best way to activate these projects lies in the adoption of a package of proposals submitted by the Iraqi Industries Federation to the Supreme Committee for Employment and Vocational Training for the reduction of import policy of indiscriminate goods that prevailed in the Iraqi economic scene following the fall of the previous regime.

    He said proposals include import controls according to the decisions and the principles of the WTO and the granting of leave by the import of the competent ministries in line with the actual need of raw materials as well as the local market demand for imported goods.

    It is noteworthy that the principles of the WTO in this direction to prevent dumping of imported goods and non-competitive industrial production and the national agricultural goods imported as well as identify local market need for the annual import of goods.

    He said Al-Atraqchi : The proposals also include imported goods subject to the terms of the quality control and health and safety and the introduction of such goods through campus Alkamrki or customs areas and update fee Alkamrki according to the customs tariff on the basis of the Brussels Convention and the Convention customs of the Economic Commission of the League of Arab States in addition to the fee Alkamrki decided by a civil administrator Bremer 5% for the reconstruction of Iraq in force.
    He continued :

    The proposals included an estimate of the true value of the goods through customs Almkhmanin Service to estimate the true market price of the goods imported after submitting lists of certified exporters and Iraqi embassies or Arab, as well as meeting the income tax on those goods and the transfer of funds through banks in accordance with the law of the Iraqi Central Bank in order to prevent money funds pointing to the need to inspect the materials imported by the importer, marking manipulation or shortages or contrary to the import certificate lists the customs official documents in order to prevent fraud in the cargo.

    He noted that Al-Atraqchi those proposals received in response and Trade Ministry at the time were silenced by the Ministry of Finance, which enjoyed the support of all members of the Supreme National Committee for Employment and Training.

    It is noteworthy that the Supreme National Committee for Employment and Training, headed by Minister of Labor and Social Affairs and its membership includes representatives from the twelve addition to representatives of the Federation of Industries and the Federation of Trade Unions striking is the we have seen on the ground or no interaction tests by the Ministry of Trade and it is the issue that we see more with the importation of goods for example, they did not propose or legally issued instructions to set controls to regulate the movement of topical import goods and prevent the phenomenon of dumping the commodity in the market of Iraqi Endemicity.

    The Al-Atraqchi that those proposals were circulated as to whether they lead to reactivate the industry in Iraq and do small industrial enterprises and even medium occupy manpower effort to combat unemployment in order to reactivate the Iraqi economy and diversify its sources of income through the activation of other productive sectors such as the industrial sector as well as stimulate private Special in this direction, which is an urgent need to move the process and the durability of the economic system.

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    Ma'sum : points of contention centered on the oil and the fate of Kirkuk


    Head of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the House of Representatives, Dr. Fouad Massoum that the contract controversial from the point of view together around a s budget, and the subject of oil wealth and water resources in addition to the application of Article 140 of the Constitution.

    He said in press statements that the formula evolved on Article 111 of the Constitution on the subject of oil and sharing of oil wealth, is that oil and gas are the property of all the Iraqi people.

    The federal government collected oil imports and distribution on all Iraqis equally according to the law of the state budget in a transparent and equitable proportion to the population distribution in the provinces, will also be moved quota set aside in the budget to the provincial and district territory is not linked to as an effective, transparent, as well as allocating a percentage of revenues to maintain productive compensation for the damage, and that a percentage (quota) for a specified period of the areas affected, including the disadvantaged and believes the balanced development of different regions in the country, and to regulate those formulas law.

    He pointed out that many of the contentious points had been agreed around harmony, and the rest of the points being debated around to be resolved in the coming days.
    On the other hand, many political parties desire to expand the powers of the President and development and a dialogue between the blocs to achieve that desire.
    جريدة الأهالي

  8. #648
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    Saudi sentenced for life in Iraq : I kiss the feet of my mother
    Kirbi movement between 4 CAMPS
    And still obsessed with European team
    It seems that many young Saudis who pay their excessive enthusiasm to go to Iraq to participate in fighting coalition forces, and fell in the grip of the authorities there, has become convinced that they mistake him, and perhaps arrested in Iraqi prisons give them a chance to think again by engaging in life again.

    Here is Saudi detainee Kirbi Hamad, who was sentenced to life imprisonment, for the entry of Iraqi territory illegally, show remorse and regret deeply, in letters addressed to his family, to him going to that country, at a time when his family was more need to keep beside them, and help them face the difficulties of life, especially since he hid news about him going to Iraq.

    Three letters he addressed to Kirbi family, which is currently languishing in jail Castle Sousse Kurdistan Iraq, which did not hide Actiagh severe mother, in turn, took care after his father died in life is eight years old.

    I often had to Kirbi, recommended the 6 brothers, and sisters of 5, in his letters, his mother.He said in the first letter sent by his family in February 17 (February) 2005, during his stay in Abu Ghraib prison «God God in Lami, Bataatha you, and I wish now if I have to accept feet Moreover topped».
    Mobility Saudi detainee Kirbi, since the beginning of his arrest, in detention 4, from the Abu Ghraib prisoner in the year 2004, passing through Umm Qasr prison at Camp Alpoca, the British jailed Badush Mosul, before it settles in detention Castle Sousse Kurdistan Iraq.

    Kirbi received Muhammad, the detainee's brother, was contacted by one of his brother when he was detained in the Badush prison in Mosul, told him that his brother was taken from the prison, and no one knows nothing about him, until the newspaper published «Middle East» on April 26 (April) past, an investigation into the Saudi prisoners in Susa Castle prison Kurdistan Iraq, and one brother who was interviewed by the newspaper.

    Mohamed Al-Kirbi : "I was extremely concerned at the fate of my brother, after I have received communication from them, but that the investigation was published« Middle East »Enter tranquility in the hearts of all family members.

    The back story on the absence Kirbi, and then his brother Muhammad told «Middle East» of 2004, when I duping his family that he is going to the city of evils, for Ivajehem after a week of absences that exists in Iraq.

    A Saudi detainee Kirbi, for his family, in the first letter from them after his arrest in Abu Ghraib prison, profound apologies, because he did not tell them that he was going to Iraq, arguing that arrangements for the trip came quickly.
    Stopped at Kirbi detained in the study, when the primary stage, then did not complete his study.
    At that time he joined hands Koran Teaching governorate Dir'iya district, before joining the turn intense Koranic School, Sheikh Abdel Aziz Bin Baz in Riyadh.

    Mohamed Al-Kirbi, that he noticed on his brother to any tendency towards violence and fighting, but he said that his brother was very dissatisfied than it solves the Islamic countries in the region.
    The detained Saudi Kirbi, before his religious, kept pictures of his favorite players «Union». The brother that he was very Mehosa Bhamzah Driss and Hassan Yami also, the two players in the first grade team favorite. In ****e of the commitment Kirbi from the religious aspect, but the obsession sport never stopped, even while in Iraqi prisons.

    In a letter dated July 21 (July) 2005, which ended with the victory here Nadia Union Club victory outcome none of the 6, where he was then in a prison camp Boca British.
    Even some of the Saudi detainees to open the doors to new life, it is even a wish to forge his uncle, as he said in one of his letters telling his mother «salami calmed from the bottom of my heart, which has neither, dear dear mother, ask God Doctorate in better health, A. healthier, not Thtmin on, I am relieved and thank God, eating, drinking and sleeping, all of this available, God willing, defeated and we will meet, Tzojini Bint devoid ».

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    PARLIAMENTARIANS ASK parliamentary blocs to support the political process and assert that the coming days will witness important decisions and difficult compromises

    Agencies :

    Dr Abdul al-Jabouri were the Accord Front held several meetings to discuss positions on assessing participation in the political process and remain in or withdraw from the government or at the very least.

    He said : The Committee, which was chaired listened to the views of the deputies, proposals and recommendations on political participation, particularly in light of popular pressure that we have emerged as the opinion of the majority of its members remain in the political process with comments on the need to expand the participation of decision-making and implementation of the budget and the release of political detainees, while the left represents a minority on the withdrawal from the government or the parliament or one opinion but was likely to stay in the political process.
    Between Jubari said return of the Front for the constructive remarks of the government aimed at diverting some negatives to the positives in working for the success of the march of democracy and the participation of everyone.

    For his part, Deputy Abbas Bayati from the coalition that any decision to contribute actively in the political process is the correct decision and contributes Strengthening of the Role of the government and strengthen the domestic front.
    He expressed hope that the political blocs to walk parallel path through the commitment of dealing with the political process and correction of this process from within,

    "There will be a convergence between the political blocs on the basis of broad national base. especially that the coming days will witness important decisions and difficult compromises required of the political blocs more cooperation, openness and flexibility overcome the voice of reason and the voice of emotion,

    "I do not Lira gains to the continued participation in the political process will be of great benefit to the Iraqi people more than the opposition unedifying behind the border, which would not only increase the suffering of the people and distort the true picture of Iraq.

    And that commitment Accord Front political march, with some observations on the evidence accepted sense of patriotism serves the construction of democratic institutions and building a balanced contribute everyone in decisions for the sake of the homeland.

    So MP for the Coalition Puk Mahmoud Othman, it is important to solve the problems of parliamentary blocs in parliament and within the political process and dialogue in Baghdad and lack direction to the neighboring countries.
    He pointed out that "some of the political blocs have some observations that the government must take them seriously and we all parliamentary Bloc to join the political discourse and to create trust between politicians and non-negative trend to explain things. Moussa meets Hashemi, and confirms that the Iraqi issue concerns all Arab countries

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    Ahmed Nazif confirms that the forgiveness of debt owed by Iraq Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Egyptian Prime Minister today to answer rumors about dropping the debt owed by Iraq .. We did not announce debt forgiveness, but we look at the matter because it is not government debt, but debt for the benefit of individuals who were working in Iraq it is difficult to lose their rights .. .He added that Egypt did not call for government debt since most military and government will be taking the appropriate decision yet incalculable. .On the other hand, Tariq Al-Hashmi Iraqi Vice President during his visit to Cairo that the future of Iraq in light of the unrest lies in national identity and not sectarian or ethnic identity and the response to a question about the marginalization of the Sunnis and their role in the political process and that the goal of his talks with the Arab League secretary general is work on the empowerment of the year that there was political benefits should be implemented in Iraq to meet the requirements of the political situation.

    If you look up the word ambiguous, this article would be the definition, LOL
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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