SAWA, 23 May 2007
Deputy Kurd shows a U.S. pressure on all parties to complete the oil law

The deputy said the bloc Kurdistan Alliance Mahmoud Othman said that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki met yesterday with the head of government of the Kurdistan Ngervan Barzani and his accompanying delegation in Baghdad to continue negotiations and talks on the oil and gas.

The deputy pointed Othman said in an interview with "Radio Sawa" to the presence of U.S. pressure on all parties to complete the oil, revealing the visit of an American delegation to the Kurdistan region to reach an agreement on the distribution of oil and gas, pointing out that the head of government of the Kurdistan met in Baghdad, American and British delegation before meeting al-Maliki.

Othman explained that negotiations between Maliki and the Barzani in Baghdad continued, pointing out that the issue of funding forces would also s on the table talks.

He reviewed the deputy Mahmoud Othman, the most important points to be considered by the parties on the law of oil and gas, explaining that the discussion would deal with how to deal with resources and how to control, pointing out that there are four oil supplements to the law, regarding the competence of the National Oil Company, and the drilling of new oil wells