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  1. #651
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatever View Post
    Hey SGS or anyone else who knows this, I have a question: Iraq's currency is not a convertible currency at this time, but does there have to be an RV in order to make it fully convertible? Put another way, can it be convertible at the artificially low rate that it's at presently? Sorry to ask the question but I'm still working on a learning curve here!
    no there doesnt HAVE to be a revalue at all. but considering they would be insane to open it at the current rate i would say rv before full market status entry into wto.

    franny, were almost there!!

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  3. #652
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    Quote Originally Posted by lonelyintexas View Post
    Just wondering is there an article or something that tell's us what Iraq is trying to become with WTO is it: Number 1 or 2

    1. article 8 free-market status

    2. member, non-market status.

    Is sure hope it is Number 1
    i have highlighted numerous times in articles the very words 'free market economy'. this is their goal as non market status wouldnt make any sense economically. this vietnam is finding out right now.

    franny, were almost there!!

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  5. #653
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    Quote Originally Posted by azmia View Post

    IMHO it doesn't hold any facts, considering that BofA and Chase have both been selling Dinars to the general public, not to mention all the other reputable banks around our fair world.
    mr. bunnia wants the most people possible to put all their investment into his bank of course. that would preclude having the actual physical currency. naturally he would state such things, as he has stated in the past that the dinar would not appreciate as has been suggested by the GOI.

    franny, were almost there!!

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  7. #654
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    The Kurdistan Alliance stresses the need to adhere to Article 140

    (صوت العراق) - 17-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 17-05-2007

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    The Kurdistan Alliance stresses the need to adhere to article "140" of the Constitution and implemented as scheduled

    Newspaper (time) in its edition of Wednesday, May 16, 2007, the front page of Mr. Sami quoted military member of the Iraqi parliament on Article (140) and Kirkuk. Articles in a statement that Mr. military information on the "consent of the Kurdistan Alliance somewhat on the postponement of the implementation of article 140 of the normalization of the situation in the city" is inaccurate and untrue. Since the Kurdistan Alliance bloc, stressed the need to adhere to Article (140) of the Constitution, and did not get any approval of a draft to amend the article by the Committee for constitutional amendments.

    With regard to the position of the United Nations, Mr. military's statement, "and stressed that the position of the United Nations, which will be the subject of the referendum itself, which confirmed that it was unable to carry out its work at this time."
    This is not accurate and also contrary to the Constitution is not in Article (58) of the State Administration Law for the transitional stage or in the article (140) of the Constitution, that "the referendum received the task of the United Nations", but this task of the Iraqi government, according to the first paragraph of Article (140), where it says : (by the executive to take the necessary steps to complete implementation of the requirements of Article (58) of the Iraqi State Administration Law for the transitional stage with all its paragraphs).
    It must be noted that the United Nations play an advisory role and does not interfere in the work of the constitutional amendments.
    Once again we stand Kurdistan Alliance unwavering commitment to article (140) of the Constitution and implemented according to the map drawn in the article mentioned in the schedule.

    Fried Rohandzi


    On behalf of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc

    16 /5/ 2007


    The Iraqi

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  9. #655
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    The President stressed the need of joint cooperation between Houses

    (صوت العراق) - 17-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 17-05-2007

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    The President stressed the need of joint cooperation between the Presidency and the House of Ministers

    Union : the presence of His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani, Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi and Tariq al-Hashimi Vice President of the Republic, held the Presidency, yesterday evening, a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. At this joint meeting, which took place in the office of the Special President Talabani has been talking about the current situation and the current political developments and ways of boosting cooperation between the Presidency and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

    Following the meeting, in a joint press statement, His Excellency President Jalal Talabani, speaking on the substance of the meeting, saying : Our meeting was very successful, and we discussed all the issues that concern the country, and agreed on Astamraradh meetings on a regular basis, and preferred Prime Minister, advanced us to discuss all matters relating to auditing and cooperation and integration, All of us have spoken and our views were consistent and, God willing, will sign and a good start for a joint quartet, which views Yabran large blocs, and great hopes that these meetings do, and continue to march successfully.

    For his part, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki need to strengthen cooperation between the Presidency and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, said in this regard : the political process, and baskets need for greater coordination, and have titles President, President Talabani also preferred in matters related to audit, cooperation and integration, said his Excellency : cooperating With requires cooperation and integrate with us as we address one institution of a single and a review of the issues that may need to be reviewed in all a resource political process, stressing the need to create a national front monolithic, and not political sense, but Mutabdon in various locations Itchamlon among themselves to form a working group in order to integrated implementation of the tasks incumbent upon all political blocs in this difficult phase.

    For his part, Dr. Tariq Al-Hashmi need to amend some articles of the Constitution, pointing to grant additional opportunity for the Commission to amend Aldstormanakech and circulation of the core issues in the controversial constitution, stressing the need to respect and implement the agreements signed between the main blocs participating in the government.

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  11. #656
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    Hashemi : we will take a historic if the parties had not fulfilled
    (صوت العراق) - 17-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 17-05-2007
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    Hashemi : we will take a historic if the parties had not fulfilled their obligations political process

    The leaders pledges blocs question about constitutional amendments

    BAGHDAD : Middle East
    Tariq Al-Hashmi warned Vice President Iraqi Islamic Party Leader, the largest Sunni parties, the parties to the political process that Sunni groups would adopt a position politically and historically, if the parties did not abide by its commitments, in relation to review the clauses of the Iraqi Constitution. Hashemi said in a statement. he renews his position and the position of the Islamic Party firm on the issue of amending the Constitution .. The position will have a political and historical, in the absence of implementation of what was agreed on the amendment of the Constitution . The news agency Reuters as saying that Hashemi reaffirmed in a meeting yesterday evening, attended by the Presidency members, including Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a reminder leaders of the political blocs about the obligations of article 142, which provides for the commitment of the House of Representatives set up a committee of its members, mission to report to the House of Representatives, during a period not exceeding four months, which includes a recommendation for the necessary amendments that could be made to the Constitution , and set a deadline of 15 of this month to complete its work.
    The article 142 has been added to the Iraqi Constitution in 2005, after negotiations conducted by the Iraqi Islamic Party with the Shiite and Kurdish parties, which participated significantly in the drafting of the constitution amid Sunni province. And the cradle to reach agreement on this article, the Islamic Party to return to the political process, a step that helped a lot in passing the draft constitution in the referendum was the end of 2005. The participation of the Islamic party then represent only part of the year the Arabs in the political process.

    He said Salim al-Jabouri, a member of Parliament and member of the Committee, which made amendments to the Constitution, the Commission submitted its report on a review of the constitution to the parliament the day before yesterday, although they did not reach a definitive solution to a number of issues.
    He added that the committee members agreed on an initial report and they now consult with their political parties on the proposals. The statement said Hashemi, that the parties agreed to continue meeting those meetings to resolve some outstanding issues and files .The Iraqi Islamic Party, had announced the day before yesterday that no problem in granting the Commission more time to study and consult and finding consensus, so that they can make recommendations appropriate process nationally agreed. The statement said that the party Commission had not completed until today (Tuesday) reviewing several of the key issues of contention and therefore it is expected to extend the period for a week or more.

    And the Republican Party in his key points that are still controversial political parties, which powers relating to the validity and Territories (Law) Department of Oil and Gas and reference and the primacy of the Constitution and federal laws.He said he remembered the political blocs, the Islamic party that participated in last-minute negotiations in August 2005 (August), in addition to agreeing to Article 142 mean ethical and moral commitment ...In contributing in good faith and fairness in the amendment of the constitution amendment real satisfies all of the Iraqi people. He added, if it does not, and proved unserious parties concerned, and the desire for the amendment does not exceed the surface things ..
    And there are some who try to gain and keep the draft amendment, through additions are worthless, the Iraqi Islamic Party ...
    Will not hesitate to say aphorism chapter ... If he felt that entities committed in the amendment have abandoned their commitments .

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  13. #657
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    Thumbs up Credited to darock0116 for this One................

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    140 is kirkuk. that had to be ironed out before the hcl was finalized.

    Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister parliament must issue a HCL and constitutional reform by the end of "this month"


    Washington-file Press

    يرى (هذا الشهر.Finds (Barham Saleh) Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister said that the parliament must issue a petroleum law and the constitutional reforms completed by the end of this month.
    وعدَّ للعراق.These issues promise a significant part of the signs of progress claimed by the officials in the United States, a condition for the continued support of their military and financial support for Iraq.

    .The newspaper quoted the Washington Times reported (Barham Salih), which it described as one of the largest Kurdish officials in the government of (Nuri al-Maliki) saying espite the growing and pessimistic discussions in Washington on the results of the war in Iraq, the Iraqi decision-makers will work in two directions Alassabin (oil law and the constitutional reforms) in the coming days.
    .He (Saleh) to the newspaper that the Iraqis observing the ongoing discussions in Washington and growing concern of the members of Congress from the war. .Pointing out that the failures and progress in the Iraqi situation, carefully monitored among interlocutors of the Republican and Democratic parties in Congress.

    تحليلاته.The Iraqi official to say : "I know that many of my colleagues are also monitored minute of the ongoing discussions here" and explained that the signs of progress in the political process is also monitored by the "Institute of the Woodrow Wilson World Scholars in Washington, which analyzes any position or nuance in attitudes. And sometimes intensifies in the analysis analysis.

    .Visiting Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Washington since the days in an attempt to present the views of the Iraqi government in connection with the threats which can have on the political situation in Iraq if American forces withdrew before the Iraqi security forces in all its different forms capable of handling the security situation and stability in the country.

    .In the meantime, President George W. Bush rejected the efforts of Democrats in Congress to grant funding for the American troops in the war against terrorism, conditional indicators difficult and rapid progress in the political process and security.

    .The Foreign Minister (Kundaliz Rice) and Vice President (Dick Cheney) had been confirmed in the past few days that the Iraqi government should complete the oil and completion of other procedures Chairperson stressed that the American administration to accomplish, except that is essential for the continuation of American troops in Iraq and continue economic support.

    .The signs of progress that Washington is intensifying its efforts to put pressure on the Iraqi government to implement them, the holding of regional elections, and amending the Law on uprooting the Baath to allow the return of some former officials (who worked with the regime of former President Saddam Hussein) to participate in the performance of the Iraqi government.

    .And make Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister his efforts in Washington to offer favorable this subject in Baghdad and -160, compared to the ongoing discussions in Washington. ا.The newspaper said Washington Times : Both officials (Saleh) and National Security Advisor (Mowafaq Al-Rubaie) said in Washington that parliament would limit the summer break and re-scheduling of its work to begin in July, or possibly cancel the entire vacation.

    .The legislators denounced the Americans had enjoyed parliamentarians Batalthem Iraqis at a time when terrorist attacks against exacerbated government security forces and American forces suffered heavy losses in its conflict with the totals for terrorists and insurgents and militias. noting that a lack of any signs of progress in the political process is worrisome and can not be silent about it.

    .The newspaper said that a way to share the proceeds of Iraqi oil between Iraq's entire population is of vital issues to reach political reconciliation satisfy Iraqi Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis. .The Washington Times that one of the points of disagreement between the three parties is the mechanism for financial payments to ensure that each region of fair shares of oil revenues.

    .The newspaper said that Kurds strongly oppose the draft bill Oil issued in February and audited last month. .The Kurdish sources say that the new law puts 90% of the oil fields in Iraq under the control of national oil company central government, and this is concerned foreign companies that contracted with the regional government in Kurdistan to develop oil fields in the northern region enjoyed relative stability for the rest of Iraq. .With many politicians insist Sunnis and Shiites that Iraq's wealth must be under the control of the government and the brand. .At the same time expresses the oil workers union (which is also a source of strength) on the deep suspicion and mistrust for the lack of focus on investment Iraqi oil.

    بر‡… صا„* Šعد أعضاء ا„ƒˆ†غرس بإ†‡اء …†ا‚شات ‚ا†ˆ† ا„†فط ˆا„دستˆر ‡ذا ا„ش‡ر

  14. #658
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    actually, in order to be a member they must have a convertible currency which presently they do not. so, the revalue would need to occur previous to the ascension i believe.
    Your wrong...the iraqi dinar is right now a convertable just has some restrictions on it. I forget what article needs to be passed to lift the restrictions i believe its article IV..not sure though....but i do know as of now it is labled as a fully convertable currency....I will go and find a link that says so. Tank
    Use common sense...the world may just start look different....its always fun to dream...and you never know they may come true ONE DAY

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  16. #659
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    Iraq completed the requirements to join WTO
    17 / 05 / 2007

    Lucky) - Italian News said the Iraqi Ministry of Trade that it completed all the mechanisms and laws and legislations that allow it to join the World Trade Organization.

    Quoted in a statement distributed today, Wednesday, to the media, the Iraqi Trade Minister Abdel Sudanese farmers say that several sessions of negotiations with the aforementioned organization will be held in Switzerland during the month of May to discuss the current preparations and the required mechanisms created by the ministry to complete accession to the WTO, including the answer to questions sent to Iraq earlier.

    He explained the operations update laws and legislations that rose to the Cabinet to be supportive of Iraq's participation in these negotiations. The Sudanese, in a press statement, that "the Iraqi government issued several laws that serve the Iraqi economy, the liberalization process and facilitate coordination with the global economy him, especially after the investment law which will have positive benefits for future economic movement in all governorates."

    The Sudanese "importance of the presence in Iraq of such international organizations after several years away" and expressed his wishes for "the benefit to serve Iraq and the economy", and then determine the feasibility of such a presence in international organizations, according to the statement. The World Trade Organization had declared the end of last year, Iraq's acceptance as an observer in preparation for giving full membership after completing some shortcomings in its economic development.

  17. #660
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    Thumbs up I know it is already Posted. Just a Exciting Piece...

    Quantum leap to shares after adopting the electronic trading on the Stock Exchange

    16 May 2007 (Iraq Directory)

    Investors on the Stock Exchange expect that the "Iraqi market for securities
    will say good-bye to the manual circulation, which has been adopted since its establishment for nearly 15 years, during the coming period after the arrival of equipments, hardware and electronic systems, which was contracted on with the Swedish specialized company "O.M.X" that had already undertaken similar projects in more than thirty Arab and international bourse.

    Head of the Trustees Board of the Stock Exchange, Talib Al-Tabatabai, said that the transition from manual trading system to electronic trading is a quantum leap in the distinct performance of the "Iraq market for securities", and he expected that the next stage will witness the activation of investment activity as consistent with the desire and aspiration of more than one million citizens who are active in the shares' sector.

    He added that the introduction of electronic circulation coincides with the decision of the "Securities Body"that allows non-Iraqis to circulate in the Iraqi Stock Exchange, starting on the first of next June, and according to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 which everyone looks forward to activate it, which helps to overcome all obstacles that prevent expansion of the Arab and foreign investment in Iraq. He pointed out that the circulation of non-Iraqis in equities and bonds in the Iraqi bourse is, "a step in the right direction to achieve a rise in stock prices, after the significant slump in their value last year".

    He explained that increasing the number of circulation sessions from two in the week, to ten in the morning and afternoon, in addition to doubling the volume of circulation, will have a large return for the investment sector in Iraq. Al-Tabatabai expected that the outcome of this qualitative leap of shares in the bourse, will have a big economic value differs from the previous phases, as in other countries.

    The American Company "IBM" for Computer under the supervision of the Swedish company "O.M.X", has trained Iraqi engineers and all staff of Iraqi stockbrokers in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on electronic trading and the central depository, in addition to the completion of the internal linkage with the offices of those intermediaries, and also equipped the special hall of electronic circulation in the bourse according to the latest global designs.

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