Parliament : MP Ezz Eddin told state (morning) : Iraqi people harmonious and harmonious
More parties to the political process
Baghdad Khalid Qattan

MP Azzedine State, the Iraqi Accord Front, said that Iraq continued despite efforts by the government security arena for settling accounts between external forces, and noted in a dialogue with morning to the need for the success of the initiative of national reconciliation

This will inevitably lead to the establishment of firm, solid for the political process aimed at building a new Iraq free.
The following is the text of the interview :
Possibilities State
* Numerous terrorist explosions occurred during the implementation of a plan to impose law How do you explain what is happening?
- Usually whenever the government to accept the new security plan, every terrorist operations, and these operations multiple agendas and identities, and there are operations speaks for itself, and with an experienced can diagnose that this process or those implemented by the bid, there are terrorist operations fatherless, the orphan, born in a very significant way, and there are some operations terrorist needing access to the State, for this I believe that these attacks are acts of sabotage cashed purpose harm the Iraqi people and abort any plan to improve the security of Baghdad.

. � international conflicts
Q : How do you read the political reality of Iraq now?
- If simple statistical relationships between the Iraqi people see that the people more harmonious political leaders. There is hidden political orientations and political detente policy and usually do not come with good results and satisfactory, Iraq has now become an arena of regional and even distant nations, it has become an arena of international conflicts, not political forces alone are driven by the ongoing process in the country, and not political forces and political leaders have taken the initiative, there are many states with interests in the American project to fail, and there are States not to agree with the United States, and countries do not want interest of the Iraqi people, and several regional and international hidden, The whole political process because they stumble outside the political will of the Iraqis, the political working hard to improve the situation but has not taken the initiative, because of the massive intervention which is taking place in Iraqi affairs by these States.

A comprehensive national reconciliation
* Battaghadkam what the government should do to prevent such interference?
- I think that the government and Parliament should start to themselves, reform of us, we encourage the process of national reconciliation and consolidation, we say God's forgiveness for the foregoing, the offender takes punished by the courts and the judiciary, which did not criminalize the right of citizens floor, expanding from Iraq and the consequences of our host, and accept the process of national reconciliation large, then we say on the threshold of success, we must create those requirements to stand at the gates of success.

American interests
* How Tru n American foreign strategic outlook in Iraq and the region?
- Before the American elections and before the Democrats win after win, what happened to the big change in American foreign policy, as evidenced by consistently declared that the Democrats are unwilling forces to remain in Iraq and the overall policy of President Bush and this certainly has an influence on the situation, but Will This impact negatively or positively? the coming days will prove that that is the Americans jumping from their interests and not the interests of the Iraqi people, and I do not know whether that interest will coincide with the interests of our people in the new plan or not?

Acceptance of the proposals
* The fact that you member of the re-drafting of the constitution, is there will be amendments to some articles and paragraphs, which is controversial points?
- The Constitution Drafting Committee at more than once and put through its website and announced to the media that it was ready to accept proposals and studies of the materials from which the proposed constitutional replacement or redrafting. We are now in the process of collecting and preparing these proposals plunging from outside and inside the parliament and political parties and minority groups and civil society organizations in order to be submitted to the competent committees of reformulations.

Under the Constitution revision
* Kirkuk issue has become the focus of debate and controversy since the fall of the Principles, how will resolve this issue?
- This issue is subject to the normalization and the Higher Committee for the application of Article 140 of the residents in Kirkuk to their areas of origin, have to choose between staying or leaving, which is permissive, and wants them to remain not empowered him to leave. Citizens have the right to live anywhere in the country and this truism, Article 140 of the Constitution is not such details, to leave that guy and keep that guy, this article includes three steps, normalization, census, then the referendum, and there is the viewpoint raised by some politicians say that Article 140 is part of the Iraqi Constitution, the Constitution as a whole under revision.

External forces
* The Iraqi Accord Front, an important partner in the political process Battaghadkam Is that the House had functioned effectively, and made what is required?
- No, no ambition and a lot of work but it did not rise up to the level required for inter alia, the unstable security situation, and the intervention of regional powers in the internal affairs and international conflicting wills on the Iraqi arena Parliament is not free hand in the work, as I said to you in Iraq, a major external forces, some of which operate Bajendat and people and pump substantial material assistance to this side or that, all these things together fail the political process and frustrate the work of the government.

Brain Parliament
Q : You as a member of the Legal Committee, what is the nature of the work of this committee?
- Almost Legal Committee brain parliament because all the draft laws submitted to the Legal Committee, for the reformulation of legal terms, and on the application and that it does not interfere with the rest of other legal acts. Legal Committee considers the proposals and draft laws that are passed in Parliament, she reads and examined in greater detail and are modified and presented to the Council. There are bills proposed by the Commission, and there are bills comes from government bodies and organizations of civil society, and every bill before the House of Representatives alone. The degree of effectiveness of the measured through production, and all laws presented to the parliament, passed through the Legal Committee.

جريدة الصباح - النائب عز الدين الدولة لـ ( الصباح ) : الشعب العراقي منسجم و متناغم