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  1. #181
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    Default not sure if this has been mentioned yet

    "Note :
    1.The sale price of remittances dinars (1271) / $. The sale price cash dinars (1283) / $.
    2. The quantity sold, the amount of cash (13.110.000) dollars and the amount of remittances (51.200.000) dollars.
    3. The Iraqi Central Bank announced the adoption of buying and selling rates for the dollar on Thursday, April 12, 2007 until the end of office hours on Sunday, which falls on April 15, 2007. "

    on the arabic side of the CBI they usually have the above message, but this time the rate is left note number 3.....not sure if it means anything but never seen it left out before.......wondering or maybe just hoping it means something.......
    Sometimes, when you one sees your tears.
    Sometimes, when you one sees your pain.
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    But fart just ONE TIME.…

  2. #182
    Senior Member nikki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Llon View Post
    Quoted right out of the Democrat handbook. Madam it you?
    nope, my name is Nikki, not Nancy...i'm the cousin of one of the 3291 U.S. soldiers who died in this sorry war...

    Sgt. Jessica M. Housby | Faces of the Fallen |

    carry on.............
    "The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."
    A wave of service, if it sweeps over the land catches everyone in it's enthusiasm, will be able to wipe off the mounds of hatred, malice and greed that infest the World.
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  3. #183
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikki View Post
    nope, my name is Nikki, not Nancy...i'm the cousin of one of the 3291 U.S. soldiers who died in this sorry war...

    Sgt. Jessica M. Housby | Faces of the Fallen |

    carry on.............

    I am sorry for you loss! I have been fortunate not to have lost a troop from command, but I do wear and bracelet that honors a fallen hero that is from the career field that I have been a part of almost 26 years. It is herobracelets . org. When you purchase something from them they put a percentage into the Intrepid Fund to help the families of the fallen. Just thought you may find it interesting. May God speed your healing.
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  4. #184
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    Iraqi envoy urges Arabs to curb Iranian influence
    By Agence France Presse (AFP)

    Friday, April 13, 2007

    WASHINGTON: An Iraqi government spokesman has called on Iraq's Arab neighbors to help curb Iran's "dangerous" influence in his country and for the United States to reach an "understanding" with Tehran. "We are sharing responsibility with the Arabs. We have to work together in order to limit the Iranian influence in Iraq," Ali al-Dabbagh told reporters late Wednesday during a visit here.

    "It is not only [an] Iraqi responsibility, it is a regional responsibility, he said. "We are urging the United States and Iran to have certain arrangements and understanding. We understand that the influence of Iran is dangerous for us now."

    Several of Iraq's neighbors, including Iran, as well as other world powers, are due to meet in Egypt on May 3-4 for a major conference on the war-torn country. Dabbagh said he hoped the conference would be a step toward stability.

    "Iraqi-Arab relations will be improved and upgraded when the Arab states will show a real ... effort to support the majority of Iraqis and having a federal, democratic, stable state," he said.
    The Daily Star - Lebanon - The Middle East's Leading English Language Newspaper

    The United States has begun sending a "surge" of nearly 30,000 extra troops to Iraq to help secure Baghdad and parts of Anbar Province.

    Dabbagh expressed a wish for US forces to be able to withdraw soon from Iraq, but acknowledged that "the premature withdrawal of the American troops will create a vacuum" for other powers in the country.

    "Iran is not only the danger, Al-Qaeda as well is the danger," he said.

    Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and Bahrain will attend the May conference, plus Turkey, the European Union, the Arab League, the United Nations and the G8 group of indutrialized nations.

    "It's the right time now to look to the relations with Iraq beyond the ideological, sectarian or ethnic vision which prevents the Kurds and the Shiites from integrating in the region," Dabbagh said. - AFP
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  5. #185
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    The Iraqi government is giving out a cash inducement of one million Iraqi dinars (about US $800) to each displaced family in Baghdad willing to return to their original home, the country’s Displacement and Migration Ministry said on Thursday.
    “The cabinet endorsed the decision this week upon a request from the Minister of Displacement and Migration and it is in effect right now,” Sattar Nawroz, the ministry’s spokesman, told IRIN.

    “Only Baghdad families are covered by this in the frame of Baghdad’s new security plan [Operation Imposing Law]. Joint committees with interior and defence ministries have been formed to follow up,” Nawroz said.

    He added that about 10,000 individuals had returned to their homes since the US-led security clampdown was launched in Baghdad on 14 February.

    Iraq’s relentless sectarian violence between the country’s two major Muslim sects, Sunnis and Shias, can be traced to 22 February, 2006, when a revered Shia shrine in Samarra, 100km north of Baghdad, was bombed. Sunni extremists were blamed for the act.

    Since then, revenge killings and attacks between Sunnis and Shias have escalated at an alarming rate. In the capital, which has seen the highest levels of violence in the country, families of the respective sects have been driven out, if they were in the minority, of neighbourhoods where they had long lived.

    According to Nawroz, nearly 500,000 individuals have been displaced countrywide since February 2006. Of those, about 180,000 people have fled their homes in the capital, Baghdad.

    “But their return is still linked to the government's guarantee to ensure security for these families and we hope this will work,” he added.

    Streets still not secure

    As part of its security crackdown in conjunction with US forces in Iraq, the government said those who had occupied the homes of displaced families would be given 15 days to return the properties to their original owners or prove they had permission to be there.

    But creating a safe environment for thousands of people to move back to their Baghdad neighborhoods is a monumental task, especially when the streets are still not secure, analysts say. There is little evidence so far of significant numbers of people returning to their rightful homes.

    It is also not clear how many Iraqis trust the government’s assurances that they will be protected against militias and sectarian death squads if they do return to their homes.

    “The government is unable to protect its key offices and almost 90 percent of Baghdad areas, how can it offer protection to thousands of families who have left their houses? It has to put an army or police check point in each street,”said Abbas Nasser al-Ejam, a Baghdad-based political analyst.

    “This will not succeed. The government needs to get to the root of the problem which is not a military one, it’s about bringing this society together again and renouncing all their sectarian differences,” al-Ejam added.

    Akeel Omran Ali, a 34-year-old businessman, left his house in Baghdad's restive western neighbourhood of al-Jamia five months ago and still doubts that the government can protect his family.

    "They are like ghosts [militants]; they disappear when the government forces go through an area and return when they go," said Ali, a Shia father-of-two who now lives in a relative’s house.

    "Government forces can't protect themselves, how can they ensure my safety?”
    IRIN is a UN humanitarian news and information service. Articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations or its agencies.
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  6. #186
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    Invitations to strengthen the Oil Federal Council


    11 April 2007 (Iraq Directory)

    Experts specialized in the oil sector and academics confirmed, at a symposium held in the city of Amarah in southern Iraq, that the bill of oil and gas which is currently being discussed by the parliament for approval “needs a review and adjustments” that are considered “essential”. They pointed out that there is a need “to ensure that the controversial draft law, will include compensations to the governorates producing oil and gas, with Missan at the top, for the environmental damage caused by oil and gas exploration, and for agricultural land use in oil production”.

    The symposium came out with other recommendations demanding not to work by the sharing-production contracts and stick to the risk and service contracts only on condition that any contract cannot be carried out only after gaining the consent of the oil and gas Federal Council. The seminar also proposed adding supplement 3 to supplement 2, and make it from the jurisdictions of the National Oil Company exclusively; also, the contracts with oil companies must ensure the implementation of oil investment projects and give priority to extraction and production from the border fields, especially the ones common with the neighboring countries, giving priority to contracts that ensure marketing.

    Oil expert, Jassim Raheem Al-Ithari, said that “the law should be presented for broad discussion before it is approved”, noting that “articles 111 and 112 of the Constitution did not refer to the other national wealth other than oil and gas. Also the constitutional articles especially article 112, did not refer to the exploited fields that require resolving the controversy about them”.

    The Symposium recommended the adoption of Amman symposium recommendations held recently on the law; the legal expert in the Iraqi Oil Ministry, Jabbar Alsaidi, pointed out to “the importance of enhancing anIraqi oil law, re-establishing the National Oil Company and amend articles 111 and 112 of the Constitution, to pave the way for some of the parties to sign contracts without referring to Baghdad”.

    He explained that the Cabinet “authorized” some bodies described by “regional” to negotiate and sign contracts just like the Ministry of Oil and the National Oil Company.

    The Symposium stressed “the need for the parliament to ratify all contracts and the nomination of a supreme body to resolve the arising disputes“, suggesting “their settlement through the Federal Court”.
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    Iraqi trade minister discusses moves on debt cancellation at Arab summit


    11 April 2007 (Iraq Development Program)

    Iraqi Trade Minister Dr Abd-al-Falah Hasan al-Sudani has stressed that the most important achievement at the economic level of the Riyadh summit, which was held in Saudi Arabia last month, was to convene meetings for the cancellation of Iraqi debts to a number of Arab countries.Al-Sudani said : "Saudi Arabia was one of the countries with which there were dialogues about the cancellation of debts." He stressed that Riyadh showed positive response to this issue, and the readiness to convene bilateral negotiations through which solutions based on the interest of Iraq and its people could be reached. Al-Sudani pointed out that the Saudi officials had pledged to invest in industry and trade in the secure zones, and in the regions along the borders between the two countries, such as Al-Samawah, Al-Anbar, and others.

    They had also pledged to increase the volume of trade exchanges, and to participate in developing the economy and restoring the economic structures of its sectors.

    With regard to the debts to Kuwait, Al-Sudani pointed out: "There are several sides conducting continuous negotiations with the Kuwaiti side, and a high level delegation is preparing to visit Kuwait soon for this purpose."

    As for the most important achievements of the Iraqi delegation that participated in the Riyadh conference, Al-Sudani explained: "The Riyadh conference resulted in achieving many points in the interest of Iraq. We agreed with many Arab countries to increase cooperation in all economic, trade, and political fields. Also important resolutions were issued with regard to the Arab free-trade zone, and the measures to facilitate the customs and excise agreements that would achieve the third stage of the Arab economic unity. The conference also discussed the issue of Arab cooperation to support the health and education services, and it was agreed to convene a meeting of the Arab education ministers to study the reality of Arab education and the problems of education in the Arab region. Moreover, the issues of communications and electricity were discussed, and there is a proposal submitted by Kuwait and Egypt to convene an Arab economic summit."

    Among the other economic topics that were subject to discussion was the issue of Arab trade and economic cooperation -especially by the Gulf Cooperation Council through the use of borders, roads, and ports -and urging all the Arab countries to invest in Iraq
    . The minister revealed that he conducted many negotiations with the Gulf countries that focused on revising the bilateral relations, especially those related to the fields of air travel and judicial issues.

    With regard to the aid granted by the ministry to the afflicted Iraqi families, especially the displaced, the minister pointed out, "Recently the ministry introduced a programme to face up to emergency circumstances. The ministry has secured the provision of dry foodstuffs sufficient for a lengthy period, and is updating these foodstuffs continuously. Moreover, the ministry continues to secure all the quotas of the tense governorates through coordinating with the tribes and security authorities. At the same time, our departments secure comprehensive food quotas for the displaced families in all the regions in which they have arrived."

    The minister said that his ministry decided to distribute "food aid to thousands of the poor families and to those displaced from their areas of residence. This is in addition to providing the necessities, and treating the problems caused by the current circumstances.

    The minister pointed out, "The plan to impose the law has resolved some of the problems faced by some agents in the tense regions in conveying the articles of the ration cards to the sons of our people in general. This is particularly true as the ministry has provided the means for good storage for periods that could extend to four or five months in order to cover the shortage in these articles.
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    USAID-sponsored conference focuses on future of Iraqi banking industry


    11 April 2007 (USAID)

    Iraqi banking industry leaders and international banking experts gathered in Amman, Jordan April 4 to 5 for the first Iraqi Banking and Finance Conference, Banking in Iraq: The 21st Century Challenge.

    More than 200 delegates attended the two-day conference, organized by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Izdihar Private Sector Growth and Employment Generation and Economic Governance II projects.

    Conference participants included representatives from the Central Bank of Iraq, Government of Iraq agencies, regulators, Iraq private and state owned banks, regional and international banking groups, non-bank financial institutions, bank training and certification organizations, banking experts and international donors.

    In his opening remarks, USAID/Iraq Deputy Mission Director Mike Harvey said: "Support to the banking sector is a specific priority for USAID and this conference demonstrates our commitment to this important foundation of the Iraqi economy."

    Harvey also mentioned that USAID is proud to be associated with the Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees, which is already achieving its objectives of providing cash-flow based loan guarantees to small and medium enterprises in Iraq.

    Daniel Weygandt, Economic Minister-Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, said: "This event is the first time that Iraqi public and private sector representatives along with regional and international partners have come together to discuss the current status and challenges facing the development of the financial services industry in Iraq."

    During the plenary sessions participants took stock of global and regional banking developments and their implications for the Iraqi banking industry post April 2003. Topics discussed were:

    -Iraqi monetary policy;

    -Regulation and supervision of the banking industry;
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    A decline in prices of commodities in the market
    After being relatively stable


    10 April 2007 (Iraq Directory)

    Dr. Majid Al-Soori, expert at the Iraqi Central Bank, expected the decrease in prices as a result to the procedure taken by the Central Bank in raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, and the matter requires a period of time estimated at the end of the current year. Al-Soori drew attention that the insistence of traders on current prices is quite normal because the merchant looks back to the first exchange rate which makes him adheres to the current prices but reality will tempt them to lower their prices after the new supply of goods arrive.

    He said: citizen can contribute in this equation through consumer awareness and waiting for the decline of prices and postpone part of his requirements and needs that are not urgent.

    Prices at Baghdad markets are relatively stable for all goods and materials except transport fees despite the recent rise in price of fuel.

    A number of shops owners in Baghdad said that the security plan has contributed greatly to the ease in the arrival of goods to the warehouses from the neighboring countries, despite the high amounts of transport fees, but traders mentioned that it is important for the Secretariat of Baghdad and the concerned authorities to work on the organization of the movement in the main markets in Baghdad, and seek to overcome the obstacles facing them represented in the works of cleaning and lift some barriers that hinder the vehicles transporting materials and goods, in addition to calling for the creation of alternative markets for those in the hot spots and provide security in other markets where terrorist operations continue.

    Hashim Al Saeedy, trader at Alshorjah market, said that there is a good purchase movement these days because of the security plan which facilitated the arrival of people to the market as prices stayed as they are, despite the rise in fuel prices.

    He added: we expect a growing turnout of citizens to purchase household electrical goods after the application of the new salary grading, which is hoped to raise the rates of governmental employees’ salaries.

    On his part, Wisam Alzeidi, foodstuffs trader, at Jameelah market said that there is a growing buying and selling movement since the beginning of Baghdad security plan, which has greatly facilitated the arrival of traders from Iraq's various governorates to buy from Jameelah market, which is a center for the sale of bulk food.

    Alzeidi added: prices are fixed, and there is no increase; and the news which refers to a rise in prices due to high fuel prices is nothing but rumors far away from the truth. In fact, some of the articles witnessed a decrease in their prices for because of the ease of shipment from the border to stores in the markets of Baghdad.

    AlZeidi pointed out to the large movement of sale of materials and foodstuffs entering from Iran, Jordan and Syria, and that the prices of all materials are fixed and stable due to the stability of the dollar, which insures the merchant that there won’t be any coups at the dollar as it was before...

    Abdul-Hasan Thamir, an economic researcher, said that the prices of materials and goods cannot stand any rise due to the stability of the salaries of governmental employees and the dollar’s exchange rates in Baghdad, through the "good" policy of the Central Bank to reduce the impact of inflation .. Therefore, prices remained stable.

    Thamir added: the non-interference by government bodies in the work of merchants and the selling and buying operation increased the selling and buying movement without pressure.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
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    Basra Governorate stopped working on projects for non-compliance
    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-04-2007 shall - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    Basra Governorate stopped working on projects for non-compliance specifications
    Mostafa Kadhim
    Basra - (Voices of Iraq)
    Committee chairman, reconstruction and development in the governorate of Basra today, Thursday, the Council suspended work on some projects for non-compliance specifications, and called on the citizens to monitor the work of companies carrying out reconstruction projects in the governorate.
    The star-Ghali, Chairman of the Joint reconstruction and development in the Basra governorate, that the Council
    "Suspended work on the project through the tiling (Basra-Zubair) length (10 km), the project roads and sidewalks (Al-Rafidayn) the center of the city ... Non-compliance to the specifications agreed upon. "
    The News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent "as Basra Governorate Council issued a statement in which it called for all citizens to broadcast any excesses committed by some local companies in the work of reconstruction in the province."
    He appealed to all contractors Matar and companies bound by the terms and execution of contracts according to the agreement noting that the Commission will stop all acts of non-compliance with specifications.
    The central government earmarked 246 billion dinars, the amount earmarked for the development of regions and accelerate the reconstruction projects in Basra and the government called for the lifting of the local specialties to 400 billion dinars due to the importance of the city of Basra, population density, but the central government did not respond to the request of the local government.
    M-n o p
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