If you look at today's "Auction" you see that there were 13 banks participating and the volume was eerily low...

Today was basically a "Sale" and not an "Auction" since they announced earlier that they were "Pegging" the Dinar.

Also, we saw that today was formerly a religious holiday, but they decided to rescind the holiday in order to conduct business.

Then the article today about some banks not honoring the smaller denominations, and the rebuttal from the government stating their disapproval of such practices within the banking system.

The Investment Law will take effect in a matter of days, according to previous articles.

The Hydrocarbon Law is all but a done deal and may actually be done for all we know.

The 2007 Budget goes into effect today.

There is a HUGE tanker sitting in port.

The Middle Eastern countries are close to a reval of their currencies.

Kuwait is staving off speculators.

OK, is that enough ammunition to form a very optimistic opinion today?

This bubble is about to burst, the lid's gonna blow off the pressure cooker, the train is pulling into the station.... pick your cliche'

This will be the BIGGEST week in Iraqi History. Mark my words.

Thank you and have a great day!