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  1. #151
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    Bro. Paye
    I apologize for offending you. Not exactly sure what you meant by me glorifying myself. That's the last thing on my mind. God gets all the glory for EVERYTHING in my life. Nonetheless, I didn't mean to offend. Please forgive me.
    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronbo View Post
    Not really sure where anyone asked for an explanation on anything. I told him what I thought and he did the same.
    Good morning Ronbo, the word "explanation" wasn't the correct word to use in my post, I was in a hurry and had to leave for work. Actually, I beleive I was referring to myself. DocDave (in my mind) was explaining the scriptures (as he sees it) to me. I appreciated both of your posts, because I used to beleive the same as you. Didn't mean anything else by my post.

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    We are new creations in Christ, the old is gone away. No one who has taken the step to allow Jesus in their live is a sorry son of a ..... No matter what you have done or will do, when God looks at you he sees Jesus, no ifs ands or buts. It is all because of the cross. Blessings

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredgwest1999 View Post

    Just wanted to say thanks very much for all that you have shared. Looking back over the past several weeks of your postings, I have observed that you have touched/inspired many of us to come to a better understanding of how we were all drawn thru some fluk to this investment and to your testiments of the wonders of your faith.
    The other thing that I have noticed is the vast number of people who are not here as a traditional investment and once you weed out those who are after quick wealth; you find a large number who felt the need to invest not for the sake of wealth but as to rather to steward this new found wealth to assist their children, their community, friends and neighbors; to give to total strangers in make a be free of worry and rededicate their lives to worthy causes...establish scholarships for poor children, to assist the poor children in Iraq...there was one man who I saw was going to give a $1millon to assist these Iraqi children...
    Maybe strange or maybe its part of the same purpose and cause that led us to find each other collectively...or maybe just luck...but, I don't believe in luck as I believe that every path we take was scripted for us.
    This Dinar thing is a God Send for so many average, common people that it must have some greater purpose.

    If I can help...please let me know...

    Bro. Fred,

    Thank you, you and all the others who have posted words of faith have already helped more you’ll ever know, until you get to Heaven.

    You’re right, God does favor good men and women. Proverbs 12:2 A good man obtains favor from the LORD, but the LORD condemns a crafty man.

    Some people wonder if God has anything to do with a dinar reval. Well, I’m no Bible scholar but I do know this, God knows everything from the end to the beginning. Before He formed this world, He already knew what every nation, every man, woman and child was going to say and do on their journey through life.

    Yeah, He knew the dinar reval date before the beginning of time and I believe that He drew many good men and women to this water to refresh and bless them… for their sake and the sake of all the others that they would bless.

    I guess you can say that God is guilty of insider trading, lol, but I prefer to call it a Holy Ghost set up.

    God is a good, loving and caring Father that delights in giving good gifts to His children.

    Deuteronomy 8:18 But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.

    Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous. (That sounds pretty blessed to me, enough to leave your children and grandchildren an inheritance)

    Our Heavenly Father wants to give us the best gifts. Doesn’t everyone like to give good gifts to their children to enjoy?

    But like a good earthly father, God does expect us to love Him more than the gifts. Who would want to give their child the keys to a new car and that child take the keys and just leaves in the car without showing any gratitude? They love the car so much they are gone in it all the time. They don’t want to spend any time with you at all, don’t want to waste any time talking to you or listening to anything you try to say.

    God expects His children to have discipline just like we expect our own children to have discipline. Who enjoys a spoiled rotten and unappreciative child that won’t even acknowledge that you gave them a good gift? Who enjoys a greedy, stingy child that won’t share with others? How about an unloving, indifferent child that could care less about you?

    God won’t have it either, He will chastise His children because He loves us to much too let us live in folly. Some of God’s children listen to reprove and get back in line and some will rebel and run out the door and never look back. Just like our own children.

    Oh, but the good child that is respectful, loving and obedient, don’t we all love them and can we ever give them enough or do enough for them?

    Likewise you Heavenly Father delights in a good child and desires to give you the best that He has.

    When I first posted my testimony I though the Lord just wanted to encourage the hearts of the faithful, but I’m beginning to see now that He has a much bigger plan.

    As people gather around to see if I really did hear from the Lord about April 8th, I believe that the Lord wants to show Himself strong. I believe He want to show that He still rules and reigns over the earth. I believe He wants to save every lost sinner that reads or hears the words that He inspired me to write. I believe He wants to rekindle the passion of His sons and daughters and turn them back to their first love. And I believe He wants His people to know that He is no respecter of persons. You don’t have to be a part of the five fold ministry (Eps. 4:11 apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher) to have an intimate relationship with Him, for I am none of the above and I am truly the least among you all.

    To God be all glory,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

  5. #155
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    Default Gotta Believe.

    And let everyone say AMEN!
    The time for RV is.....

  6. #156
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    Exclamation Amen!!!

    AMEN!!! again
    I lost 36lbs in 30 days without breaking a sweat or starving. Try a 30day program like I did. Info of my friends/fam at:
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    Think positive and create a positive world!

  7. #157
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    Wonderful!! AMEN!!!

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottpaye View Post
    With all respect, I believe we differ here. I am blessed to have a personal relationship with my Lord. I am also blessed with an awareness that his greatness is so past me that I can only gawk and wonder. I am not AWESOME IN HIS SIGHT, I am PATHETIC IN HIS SIGHT. I am a sorry son of a ****** in his sight. A sorry son of a b***** that He for His reasons decided to save, for His entertainment, perhaps.

    I find it a bit rude, that you so glorify yourself, if not injudicious. Please do not lose your humility.

    Scott Paye
    Oh Honey. My heart hurts for you, to feel that way. Oddly, my church solo this Sunday is one called "Doth not Wisdom Cry", and the text comes from proverbs 8. My take on it anyway, is that we have been with God since before the earth, before the heavens, and have been his delight. Not in our human stupidities, cruelties, in our stubborn refusals to wake from the mortal Adam dream. But our true selves, the divine spark within us all. In this immortal "personality", we are worthiness itself, we are lovely, we are one eternally with the infinite divine. How could you possibly be separate? Now you stop that "pathetic" business, it's an insult to the perfection that created you. That old fire and brimstone crap, original sin, just a way for the church politic to keep the masses cowed. Look to the light in your own heart, bless it, listen to it, rise up. Be beautiful. God bless you.

  9. #159
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  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    Oh Honey. My heart hurts for you, to feel that way. Oddly, my church solo this Sunday is one called "Doth not Wisdom Cry", and the text comes from proverbs 8. My take on it anyway, is that we have been with God since before the earth, before the heavens, and have been his delight. Not in our human stupidities, cruelties, in our stubborn refusals to wake from the mortal Adam dream. But our true selves, the divine spark within us all. In this immortal "personality", we are worthiness itself, we are lovely, we are one eternally with the infinite divine. How could you possibly be separate? Now you stop that "pathetic" business, it's an insult to the perfection that created you. That old fire and brimstone crap, original sin, just a way for the church politic to keep the masses cowed. Look to the light in your own heart, bless it, listen to it, rise up. Be beautiful. God bless you.
    Hi Kristin,

    You kinda lost me on that one. You do believe we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, we need a Savior and His name is Jesus, don’t you?

    God bless,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

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